

Official Journal of the European Union

C 83/21


EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Vocational Training

ATLANTIS Programme

(Actions for Transatlantic Links and Academic Networks in Training and Integrated Studies)

Notice of publication of a call for proposals on the Internet

(2007/C 83/03)

1.   Objectives and Description

The general objective of the call for proposals is to promote better understanding and interaction between the peoples of the EU Member States and of the US, including a broader knowledge of their languages, cultures and institutions, and to improve the quality of higher education and vocational education and training in the EU and in US. There three types of action under this call:

Transatlantic Degree Consortia Projects

This Action provides support for consortia of EU and U.S. higher education institutions (hereafter called ‘consortium’) to implement dual/double or joint degree programmes referred to in the present document as ‘Transatlantic Degrees. ’Support may include mobility grants for students and faculty.

Excellence Mobility Projects

This Action provides funding for international curriculum development projects that involve short term transatlantic mobility not directly related to award of a joint or dual/double degree. Consortia applying for such a project must be able to demonstrate a proven track record in transatlantic cooperation and exchanges including those funded under preceding EU-U.S. agreements. Support includes mobility stipends for students and faculty..

Policy-oriented Measures

This Action provides support to multilateral EU-US projects and activities designed to enhance collaboration in the higher education and vocational training field.

2.   Eligible applicants

Submission of grant requests under this call is open to higher education institutions and to vocational education and training institutions. For Policy Oriented Measures, the call is also open to other organisations such as accreditation agencies, education agencies or organisations, private companies, industry and business groups, non-governmental organisations, research institutes and professional bodies. Eligible applicants must be established in one of the countries of the European Union.

3.   Budget and project duration

The budget available for the co-financing of projects is estimated at 4 million Euros the majority of which will be devoted to Transatlantic Degree Consortia Projects.

It is anticipated that six to eight Transatlantic Degree projects, three to five Excellence Mobility and three to five Policy-Oriented Measures projects will be funded in 2007.

The maximum amount of funding on the EU side will be EUR 408 000 for a 4-year Transatlantic Degree consortia project, EUR 180 000 for a 4-year Excellence Mobility Project, and EUR 50 000 for a 2-year Policy Oriented Measure. Projects activities are planned to start in November 2007. The duration for Transatlantic Degree Consortia Projects and for Excellence Mobility Projects is 48 months and for Policy Oriented Measures 24 months.

4.   Deadline

Applications must be sent to the Commission no later than 31 May 2007.

5.   Further information

The full text of the call for proposals and the application forms are available on the following websites:



For more information, you may write to EACEA-EU-US@ec.europa.eu