

Official Journal of the European Union

C 82/56

Action brought on 26 January 2007 — Chassagne v Commission

(Case F-8/07)

(2007/C 82/118)

Language of the case: French


Applicant: Olivier Chassagne (Brussels, Belgium) (represented by: Y. Minatchy, lawyer)

Defendant: Commission of the European Communities

Form of order sought

The applicant claims that the Tribunal should:

Annul the Commission's decisions dated 23 June 2006 and 27 October 2006 and adopt the measures arising from such annulment for the applicant;

Order every measure necessary to safeguard the applicant's rights and interests;

Order the defendant to pay damages of EUR 1;

Order the defendant to pay the costs.

Pleas in law and main arguments

By the contested decisions, the Commission transferred the applicant, an official in DG TREN with the status, at that time, of half-time secondment for trade union activities, from that DG's list to the ‘A*10 list in Annex IV ’under the 2006 promotion procedure.

In support of his action, the applicant claims, in particular, that the decisions: (i) infringe the principle of the obligation to state reasons; (ii) are devoid of legal basis, and (iii) misapply Article 6(3)(b) of the General provisions for implementing Article 43 of the Staff Regulations.