
WRITTEN QUESTION E-1603/01 by Konstantinos Hatzidakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission. Advance payment by the Greek Government of Community funds under the third Community Support Framework in the form of government bonds.

Official Journal 040 E , 14/02/2002 P. 0061 - 0061


by Konstantinos Hatzidakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission

(1 June 2001)

Subject: Advance payment by the Greek Government of Community funds under the third Community Support Framework in the form of government bonds

The Greek Government is planning to make advance payments of Community funds to contractors responsible for CSF-financed projects in the form of bonds to be issued by the Ministry of Finance, which are guaranteed on the basis of revenue from Community funds over the next few years.

Will the Commission say whether this procedure is consistent with Council Regulation (EC) 1260/1999(1) laying down general provisions on the Structural Funds?

(1) OJ L 161, 26.6.1999, p. 1.

Answer given by Mr Barnier on behalf of the Commission

(3 September 2001)

The Commission has seen press reports commenting on financial arrangements being considered or entered into by the Greek government, which may have implications for the operation of European structural policies in Greece. The Commission is seeking further information from the greek authorities with a view to adopting a position.