
WRITTEN QUESTION P-1846/99 by Jacques Poos (PSE) to the Commission. Transfer of officials from Luxembourg to Brussels.

Official Journal 203 E , 18/07/2000 P. 0065 - 0065


by Jacques Poos (PSE) to the Commission

(11 October 1999)

Subject: Transfer of officials from Luxembourg to Brussels

The trade unions representing Commission staff in Luxembourg have informed me of their deep concern regarding the Commission's reorganisation plans.

According to the trade unions, some 100 to 140 officials and their families are threatened with forced transfer to Brussels and some 50 agency staff and service providers face losing their jobs.

The trade unions (FFPE, SE and US) stress that the Commission seems unaware that Luxembourg is one of the seats of the European Union and that it is issuing instructions and taking decisions on over hasty transfers to Brussels without having informed and consulted the staff representatives in Luxembourg.

Can the Commission state whether:

- the claims made by the trade union representatives are correct?

- if so, it has duly informed and consulted the staff representatives?

- it has launched the consultation procedure with the Luxembourg authorities in accordance with the framework agreement?

Only a clear and unequivocal answer and strict compliance with the relevant procedures would serve to clear the new Commission of the accusation of carrying out a reorganisation without prior consultation and in complete disregard of the transparency rules which it has formally laid down.

Answer given by Mr Kinnock on behalf of the Commission

(19 November 1999)

The Commission notes the concern expressed by the Honourable Member on the basis of reports made to him by trade unions representing Commission staff working in Luxembourg.

The Commission confirms the statement made by Vice-President Kinnock directly to large meetings of members of Commission staff, including trade union representatives, in Luxembourg on 6th October, and subsequently given to newspapers for publication, that:

The Staff regulations require the Commission to inform the Central Staff Committee on major administrative changes. This was observed by the Commission services before the adoption of the restructuring package. The package of proposals was sent to the Central Staff Committee on 24 September 1999; the Commission adopted the package on 29 September 1999.

The restructuring (of the Commission) does not require any movements of staff from Luxembourg to Brussels and vice versa. Whilst, as in any Administration, some very limited movements between the different places of work might occur over time, no decisions to this effect have been taken by the College. In any event, the net effect of any such movements would be very small and any transfers would take place through the advertisement of vacancies. There will be no forced transfers of staff.

In addition, the Commission emphasises that all requirements for consultation with Luxembourg authorities will continue to be fulfilled.

These activities demonstrate that the Commission is clearly and actively aware of the significance of Luxembourg as one of the seats of the institutions, and does not take decisions on transfers without staff consultation following proper procedures.