
WRITTEN QUESTION No. 469/99 by Riccardo NENCINI to the Commission. Marche regional law discriminating against Freemasons

Official Journal C 297 , 15/10/1999 P. 0158


by Riccardo Nencini (PSE) to the Commission

(5 March 1999)

Subject: Marche regional law discriminating against Freemasons

Article 5(e) of Regional Law No 341/1996 adopted by the Marche Regional Council, on the rules governing nominations and appointments coming within the Regional Council's sphere of competence, stipulates that all applications must be accompanied by a report including a declaration to the effect that the applicant does not belong to a masonic lodge.

Italian law does not consider Freemasons to belong to a secret association and places no bars on membership.

The aforementioned Article 5 is in clear violation of the right to privacy and discriminates between Freemasons and members of other associations by obliging the former, and not the latter, to declare their membership.

Does the Commission intend to take action to put an end to the flagrant discrimination inherent in the above law, which also violates the right to privacy and the right of association enshrined in national law and in the fundamental principles of the European Treaties?

Answer given by Mr Santer on behalf of the Commission

(1 April 1999)

The matter to which reference is made does not fall within the jurisdiction of the Community.