
WRITTEN QUESTION No. 3051/98 by Marie-Paule KESTELIJN- SIERENS to the Commission. Interaction among the disabled

Official Journal C 182 , 28/06/1999 P. 0041


by Marie-Paule Kestelijn-Sierens (ELDR) to the Commission

(2 October 1998)

Subject: Interaction among the disabled

The organisation "Mental Health Europe" has been receiving a European subsidy to coordinate mental health at European level for more than 10 years.

This year, for the first time, the organisation was refused this subsidy. As a result, it no longer has the necessary funds to continue its work.

1. Why is the Commission no longer willing to provide financial support for the work of Mental Health Europe?

2. Does not the Commission fear that the network of patients' organisations, associations of relatives and professional carers which the organisation has built up over all these years may be jeopardised if a different organisation takes over its work?

Answer given by Mr Flynn on behalf of the Commission

(29 October 1998)

These subsidies are designed to provide support for the co-ordination of European non-governmental associations (NGOs) active in the field of promotion of equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Mental Health Europe applied for a subsidy in the framework of the 1998 call for proposals but did not receive the full amount requested for the following reasons.

In accordance with the suggestions put forward by many NGOs following the 1997 call for proposals, the Commission decided to increase the maximum amount of subsidy from ECU 80 000 in 1997 to ECU 120 000 and the maximum co-financing rate from 50 % to 70 %. Given that the global co-ordination budget available remained unchanged, only 13 NGOs could receive Community funding to support their activities in 1998, as opposed to 26 in 1997. Consequently, the assessment for awarding subsidies under this framework has become more stringent. The two major criteria in this respect focused on the extent of the co-ordination amongst the fellow national members and the active involvement of people with disabilities in the running and co-ordination of such activities. In that context, the application submitted by Mental Health Europe ranked lower than other proposals received by the Commission.

However, the Commission is keen to ensure that where possible the valuable work carried out so far by Mental Health Europe for the promotion of mental health in Community policies should continue. In the framework of the promotion of public health, Mental Health Europe is currently benefiting from a substantial subsidy to undertake a 24-month Europe-wide project on mental health promotion for children up to 6 years of age. Moreover, Mental Health Europe has in the context of actions against social exclusion been contacted by the Commission to explore its possible contribution towards a more inclusive society.