
WRITTEN QUESTION No. 1270/98 by Freddy BLAK to the Commission. Prostitution in Ukraine

Official Journal C 323 , 21/10/1998 P. 0122

WRITTEN QUESTION E-1270/98 by Freddy Blak (PSE) to the Commission (29 April 1998)

Subject: Prostitution in Ukraine

Does the Commission have an overall view of how widespread the problem of prostitution is in Ukraine?

Answer given by Mr Van den Broek on behalf of the Commission (20 May 1998)

The Commission is aware of the problem of organised prostitution in Ukraine. It welcomed the Ukrainian Parliament's adoption on 13 April 1998 of a law prohibiting prostitution networks of Ukrainian women in Europe and the Middle East.

There is also an EU-US joint programme covering Ukraine and Poland which fights prostitution. The programme is implemented by the International Migration Organisation. Initial results are expected in mid-1998.