
WRITTEN QUESTION No. 981/98 by Hugh McMAHON to the Commission. Implementation of the Parental Directive in the UK

Official Journal C 323 , 21/10/1998 P. 0102

WRITTEN QUESTION P-0981/98 by Hugh McMahon (PSE) to the Commission (23 March 1998)

Subject: Implementation of the Parental Directive in the UK

Can the Commission inform Parliament of the precise date by which the UK is required to implement the 1996 Directive on Parental Leave?

Answer given by Mr Flynn on behalf of the Commission (16 April 1998)

Directive 96/34/EC on the framework agreement on parental leave concluded by the Union of industrial and employers' confederation of Europe (UNICE), Centre européen de l'économie publique (CEEP) and the European trade union confederation (ETUC) ((OJ L 145, 19.6.1996. )) was adopted under the social protocol and did not apply to the United Kingdom. The other Member States must transpose the provisions of this Directive by 3 June 1998, this being two years from adoption, although they can ask for an extension of one year, if this is necessary to take account of special difficulties or implementation by a collective agreement (Article 2/2).

Directive 97/75/EC ((OJ L 10, 16.1.1998. )) extends to the United Kingdom Directive 96/34/EC, and the United Kingdom must transpose its provisions by 15 December 1999, this being two years from adoption, as for the other Member States. The United Kingdom could also avail itself of the possibility of a one year extension, on the same basis as above.