
WRITTEN QUESTION No. 847/98 by Nikitas KAKLAMANIS to the Commission. Recognition of the sign language used by the deaf-and-dumb in the EU

Official Journal C 323 , 21/10/1998 P. 0083

WRITTEN QUESTION E-0847/98 by Nikitas Kaklamanis (UPE) to the Commission (26 March 1998)

Subject: Recognition of the sign language used by the deaf-and-dumb in the EU

Almost ten years have passed since the European Parliament adopted a resolution on 17 June 1988 ((OJ C 187, 18.7.1988, p. 236. )) calling for the official recognition of the national sign languages used by the deaf-and-dumb in the Member States of the EU. Such a step is considered absolutely indispensable to ensure that deaf people have access to education and to reassure them that they are not excluded from public life in the Member States in which they live.

Will the Commission say which EU Member States have accorded official recognition to the sign language used by the deaf-and-dumb and how it intends to intervene to promote this form of communication which is so important for them?

Answer given by Mr Flynn on behalf of the Commission (20 April 1998)

The Commission would refer the Honourable Member to its answer to written question P-137/98 by Mrs Graenitz ((OJ C 304, 2.10.1998, p. 37. )).