
WRITTEN QUESTION No. 732/98 by Hiltrud BREYER to the Commission. EU funds for Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland since January 1995

Official Journal C 304 , 02/10/1998 P. 0151

WRITTEN QUESTION P-0732/98 by Hiltrud Breyer (V) to the Commission (2 March 1998)

Subject: EU funds for Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland since January 1995

What projects and Funds have provided Community resources for Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland since January 1995? Who were the beneficiaries and what sums were involved:-

1. for job promotion and combating long-term unemployment? From the European Regional Development Fund? The European Social Fund. The EAGGF and other EU funds?

2. to promote research and development? In the universities and colleges? In the private sector?

3. to promote relations and trade with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe?

4. from the youth programmes?

5. from the education and training programmes?

6. for women's projects?

7. for cultural projects?

8. What is the EU's assessment of the success of the measures?

9. How many jobs was it possible to create and for which occupational groups?

10. Are these jobs temporary or long term?

Answer given by Mr Santer on behalf of the Commission (19 March 1998)

The Commission is collecting the information it needs to answer the question. It will communicate its findings as soon as possible.