
WRITTEN QUESTION No. 227/98 by Helena TORRES MARQUES to the Commission. Projects funded by the Thermie Programme

Official Journal C 310 , 09/10/1998 P. 0042

WRITTEN QUESTION E-0227/98 by Helena Torres Marques (PSE) to the Commission (13 February 1998)

Subject: Projects funded by the Thermie Programme

According to the 'Agence Europe' issue of 12 January 1998, the Commission has funded 134 projects in the framework of the Thermie Programme.

Will the Commission state what Portuguese projects were funded in this way, and how much funding was provided for each of them?

Answer given by Mr Papoutsis on behalf of the Commission (3 April 1998)

In 1997 the Commission granted Community funding under the Thermie programme to 13 demonstration projects involving 22 Portuguese contractors. Total Community support for these projects came to ECU 16.4 million, of which ECU 2.7 million for the Portuguese participants.

To give a full picture of Portuguese involvement, the Commission is sending a list of the 13 projects directly to the Honourable Member and to Parliament's Secretariat, indicating project titles and descriptions, the overall support, the Portuguese participants and the individual amount contributed to each project.