
WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2318/97 by Leonie van BLADEL to the Council. The humanitarian situation of prisoners in Morocco

Official Journal C 102 , 03/04/1998 P. 0025

WRITTEN QUESTION E-2318/97 by Leonie van Bladel (UPE) to the Council (18 July 1997)

Subject: The humanitarian situation of prisoners in Morocco

1. Is the Netherlands Presidency of the Council aware of the degrading humanitarian conditions in which prisoners are kept in Morocco?

2. Has the Netherlands Presidency considered holding consultations with the Moroccan Government with a view to improving humanitarian conditions for prisoners in Moroccan prisons?

3. Is the Presidency aware of the bilateral agreements between the Spanish and Moroccan Governments whereby Spanish citizens convicted in Moroccan courts may serve their sentences in Spain, and is the Presidency considering likewise concluding bilateral agreements with Morocco to enable Netherlands citizens who are convicted by Moroccan courts to serve their sentences in the Netherlands?

4. Does the Presidency consider it wise, in view of the large number of Netherlands citizens held in the Salé prison in Morocco, to close the Netherlands consulate in Tangier as of 1 September 1997, bearing in mind, inter alia, that on 15 April 1997 a consular EU delegation visiting Tangier ascertained the miserable humanitarian conditions in which Dutch prisoners, among others, live in the 'Prison Civile'?

Answer (13 November 1997)

The Council has no information on the situation of prisoners in Morocco.

As regards the other questions put by the Honourable Member, the Presidency of the Council has no competence in the matter; this relates to the competence of a Member State of the Union.

However, the Council would emphasize the special importance it attaches to the protection and promotion of human rights. The question is an essential feature of the Agreement between the European Communities and the Kingdom of Morocco and should inform the internal and international policies of both parties. Moreover, the Euro-Mediterranean partnership in which Morocco plays a full part is particularly useful forum for strengthening political dialogue, for the promotion of human rights and for the rule of law and democracy.