
WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2019/97 by Iñigo MÉNDEZ DE VIGO to the Council. Europol Convention

Official Journal C 082 , 17/03/1998 P. 0011

WRITTEN QUESTION E-2019/97 by Iñigo Méndez de Vigo (PPE) to the Council (18 June 1997)

Subject: Europol Convention

Mrs Gradin, the Commissioner responsible for internal affairs and justice, has made a number of statements calling on the Member States to ratify the Europol Convention as soon as possible.

Can the Council say whether ratification is being envisaged in the future?

Joint answer to Written Questions E-1592/97 and E-2019/97 (16 October 1997)

Member States have committed themselves to endeavour to have the Convention ratified before the end of 1997. So far the United Kingdom has ratified the Convention. Several other ratifications are imminent. The K4 Committee within the Council will regularly review the state of ratification.

The Council notes that the enlarged mandate of the European Drugs Unit allows already action by this body with regard to the fights against trafficking in human beings.