
WRITTEN QUESTION No. 504/97 by Lucio MANISCO to the Council. The Troika in Cuba

Official Journal C 319 , 18/10/1997 P. 0093

WRITTEN QUESTION E-0504/97 by Lucio Manisco (GUE/NGL) to the Council (19 February 1997)

Subject: The Troika in Cuba

According to an IRELA document of 13 December 1996, it would appear that a Troika delegation is to visit Havana during the Dutch presidency.

1. Is it true that the Dutch Presidency is planning a visit to Cuba by the Troika?

2. What is the purpose of the visit?

3. Will the Council provide Parliament with information on the visit?

Answer (20 May 1997)

At the present time, the Presidency is not planning a visit to Cuba by the Troïka.