Order of the General Court (Seventh Chamber) of 2 December 2021 –

(Case T‑303/21) ( 1 )

(Action for annulment – Civil Service – Temporary staff – Disciplinary proceedings – Applications for suspension – Summons to attend a hearing before the Disciplinary Board – Postponement of the date of the hearing – No act adversely affecting the applicant – Premature action – Manifest inadmissibility)


Actions brought by officials – Act adversely affecting an official – Concept – Email from the chair of the disciplinary board summoning the applicant to attend a hearing before that board – Email not containing the administration’s definitive position in respect of the applicant’s individual situation – Not included

(Staff Regulations of Officials, Arts 90(2) and 91(1))

(see paras 32-36)


Actions brought by officials – Prior administrative complaint – Compulsory – Action brought before rejection of the claim – Inadmissibility

(Staff Regulations of Officials, Art. 91(2))

(see paras 38-40)

Operative part


The action is dismissed as manifestly inadmissible.


FC shall pay her own costs and those incurred by the European Asylum Support Office (EASO).

( 1 ) OJ C 289, 19.7.2021.