

Official Journal of the European Union

C 65/34

Order of the General Court of 13 December 2018 — Scandlines Danmark and Scandlines Deutschland v Commission

(Case T-890/16) (1)

((Action for annulment - State aid - Public financing of the Fehmarn Belt fixed rail-road link - Individual aid - Act not open to challenge - Purely confirmatory measure - Preparatory act - Inadmissibility))

(2019/C 65/43)

Language of the case: English


Applicants: Scandlines Danmark ApS (Copenhagen, Denmark) and Scandlines Deutschland GmbH (Hamburg, Germany) (represented by: L. Sandberg-Mørch, lawyer)

Defendant: European Commission (represented by: L. Armati and by S. Noë, acting as Agents)

Intervener in support of the defendant: Kingdom of Denmark (represented initially by: C. Thorning, and subsequently by J. Nymann-Lindegren, acting as Agents, and by R. Holdgaard, lawyer)


Application pursuant to Article 263 TFEU for annulment of the Commission’s letter of 30 September 2016 concerning State aid implemented by Denmark for the financing of the Fehmarn Belt fixed rail-road link.

Operative part of the order


The action is dismissed as inadmissible;


Scandlines Danmark ApS and Scandlines Deutschland GmbH are to bear their own costs and to pay the costs incurred by the European Commission;


The Kingdom of Denmark is to bear its own costs.

(1)  OJ C 63, 27.2.2017.