

Official Journal of the European Union

C 191/30

Order of the President of the General Court of 7 April 2016 — ADR Center v Commission

(Case T-644/14 R)

((Application for interim measures - Arbitration clause - Agreements concluded for the purpose of carrying out projects subsidised by the European Union within the framework of the ‘Civil Justice’ programme - Enforceable decision of the Commission to recover the sums paid - Application for suspension of operation of a measure - Lack of urgency))

(2016/C 191/39)

Language of the case: English


Applicant: ADR Center Srl (Rome, Italy) (represented by: L. Tantalo, lawyer)

Defendant: European Commission (represented by: L. Cappelletti and J. Estrada de Solà, acting as Agents)


Application to suspend the enforcement of Commission Decision C(2014) 4485 final of 27 June 2014 concerning the recovery of the sum of EUR 194 275,34, plus interest, owed by ADR Center Srl with reference to debit notes Nos 3241311168, 3241311170 and 3241311175 relating to EUR 62 649,47, EUR 78 991,12 and EUR 52 634,75 respectively.

Operative part of the order


The application for interim measures is dismissed.


The order of 22 January 2016 is cancelled in so far as it relates to Case T-644/14 R.


The costs are reserved.