

Official Journal of the European Union

C 27/55

Order of the General Court of 27 November 2015 — Italy v Commission

(Case T-636/14) (1)

((Language regime - Vacancy notice for a post of director of the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union - Language requirements in the module for the online submission of applications - Alleged divergence with the vacancy notice published in the Official Journal - Action manifestly lacking any foundation in law))

(2016/C 027/71)

Language of the case: Italian


Applicant: Italian Republic (represented by: G. Palmieri, acting as Agent, assisted by P. Gentili, avvocato dello Stato)

Defendant: European Commission (represented by: J. Currall and G. Gattinara, acting as Agents)

Intervener in support of the applicant: Republic of Lithuania (represented by: D. Kriaučiūnas, V. Čepaitė and R. Krasuckaitė, acting as Agents)


Application for annulment of Vacancy Notice COM/2014/10356 for a post of director of the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (OJ 2014, C 185 A, p. 1).

Operative part of the order


The action is dismissed.


The Italian Republic is ordered to bear its own costs and to pay those incurred by the European Commission.


The Republic of Lithuania is ordered to bear its own costs relating to its intervention.

(1)  OJ C 388, 3.11.2014.