

Official Journal of the European Union

C 34/52

Action brought on 17 November 2014 — ZZ v European Parliament

(Case F-132/14)

(2015/C 034/64)

Language of the case: French


Applicant: ZZ (represented by: L. Levi, lawyer)

Defendant: European Parliament

Subject-matter and description of the proceedings

Annulment of the decisions taken by the European Parliament to implement the judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal of 12 December 2013 in Case F-129/12 CH v Parliament, refusing to open an administrative inquiry on the applicant’s complaint alleging harassment, to pay the applicant additional financial compensation and to grant the applicant all the benefits and ancillary benefits linked to the existence of his contract as an accredited parliamentary assistant, the termination of which was annulled by the Tribunal in its aforementioned judgment, and an application for damages in respect of the material and non-material loss allegedly incurred.

Form of order sought

The applicant claims that the Tribunal should:

annul the decision of the European Parliament of 3 March 2014, in so far as it refused to open an administrative inquiry relating to the applicant’s complaint alleging harassment, and the Parliament’s decision of 2 April 2014, in so far as it refused to pay the applicant the sum of EUR 5  686, those decisions showing the measures taken by the institution intended, according to that institution, to implement the judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal of 12 December 2013, in Case F-129/12, CH v European Parliament;

annul the decision of the European Parliament dated 4 August 2014, received on 7 August 2014, rejecting the applicant’s complaint of 16 April 2014, in so for as it refused to pay the applicant the sum of EUR 5  686, to compensate him for the loss incurred as a result of the delay in obtaining an ACA badge, a professional email address and access to the European Parliament’s intranet, to open an administrative inquiry on his complaint of harassment and to compensate the applicant for the non-material harm incurred as a result of that latter refusal;

order the defendant to pay damages, fixed at EUR 1 44  000, to compensate the applicant for the material loss incurred;

order the defendant to pay damages, fixed on equitable principles at EUR 60  000, to compensate the applicant for the non-material loss incurred;

order the defendant to pay interest, fixed at the European Central Bank rate, increased by 2 points, on the aforementioned sums of EUR 5  686 and EUR 1 44  000;

order the defendant to pay all the costs.