Order of the General Court (Third Chamber) of 13 May 2015 —

Goldsteig Käsereien Bayerwald v OHIM — Vieweg (goldstück)

(Case T‑47/13 DEP)

‛Procedure — Taxation of costs — Manifest inadmissibility’

Judicial proceedings — Costs — Dispute over recoverable costs (Rules of Procedure of the General Court, Art. 92(1)) (see paras 11-12)


Application for taxation of costs following the judgment of 29 January 2014, Goldsteig Käsereien Bayerwald v OHIM — Vieweg (goldstück) (T‑47/13, EU:T:2014:37).

Operative part


The action is dismissed as manifestly inadmissible.


Goldsteig Käsereien Bayerwald GmbH and Christin Vieweg are ordered to pay their own costs.