

Official Journal of the European Union

C 85/12

Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal do Trabalho de Lisboa (Portugal) lodged on 16 December 2013 — Sindicato Nacional dos Profissionais de Seguros e Afins v Via Directa — Companhia de Seguros SA

(Case C-665/13)

2014/C 85/21

Language of the case: Portuguese

Referring court

Tribunal do Trabalho de Lisboa

Parties to the main proceedings

Applicant: Sindicato Nacional dos Profissionais de Seguros e Afins

Defendant: Via Directa — Companhia de Seguros SA

Questions referred


Must the principle of equal treatment, from which the prohibition of discrimination is derived, be interpreted as applying to public sector employees?


Does the fact that the State imposed a unilateral suspension of the payment of those items of remuneration and applied this only to a specific category of workers — those in the public sector — constitute discrimination having regard to the nature of the employment relationship?