

Official Journal of the European Union

C 71/21

Order of the General Court of 13 January 2014 — Investigación y Desarollo en Soluciones y Servicios IT v Commission

(Case T-134/12) (1)

(Action for annulment and damages - Contracts concerning financial assistance from the European Union for research and development projects - Plea of inadmissibility - Failure to reclassify forms of order sought - In admissible)

(2014/C 71/38)

Language of the case: Spanish


Applicant: Investigación y Desarollo en Soluciones y Servicios IT S.A. (Alicante, Spain) (represented by: M. Jiménez Perona, lawyer)

Defendant: European Commission (represented by: R. Lyal and B. Conte, Agents, and J. Rivas Andrés and X. García García, lawyers)


Application, first, for annulment of the decision in the Commission’s letter of 13 January 2012 concerning the reimbursement of the sums mentioned in the debit notes corresponding to the financial audit to which the applicant was subject and, second, a claim for non-contractual liability seeking an order for the Commission to pay damages and interest of EUR 732 768.

Operative part of the order


The action is dismissed.


Investigación y Desarollo en Soluciones y Servicios IT S.A. is ordered to bear its own costs and to pay those incurred by the European Commission, including those relating to the proceedings for interim measures.

(1)  OJ C 157, 2.6.2012.