

Official Journal of the European Union

C 219/17

Order of the President of the General Court of 10 June 2011 — Companhia Previdente v Commission

(Case T-414/10 R)

(Interim measures - Competition - Commission decision imposing a fine - Bank guarantee - Application to suspend the operation of a measure - Financial loss - Lack of exceptional circumstances - Lack of urgency)

2011/C 219/25

Language of the case: Portuguese


Applicant: Companhia Previdente — Sociedade de Controle de Participações Financeiras S.A. (Lisbon, Portugal) (represented by: D. Proença de Carvalho and J. Caimoto Duarte, lawyers)

Defendant: European Commission (represented by: F. Castillo de la Torre. V. Bottka and P. Costa de Olivera, Agents, assisted by M. J. Marques Mendes, lawyer)


Application to suspend the operation of Commission Decision C(2010) 4387 final of 30 June 2010 relating to a proceeding under Article 101 TFEU and Article 53 of the EEA Agreement (Case COMP/38.344 — Pre-stressing steel) and to dispense the applicant from the obligation to establish a bank guarantee so as to avoid immediate recovery of the fine imposed under Article 2 of that decision.

Operative part of the order


The application for interim measures is dismissed.


Costs are reserved.