

Official Journal of the European Union

C 63/22

Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Cour constitutionnelle (Belgium) lodged on 3 December 2010 — Inter-Environnement Bruxelles ASBL, Pétitions-Patrimoine ASBL, Atelier de Recherche et d’Action Urbaines ASBL v Government of the Brussels-Capital Region

(Case C-567/10)

2011/C 63/39

Language of the case: French

Referring court

Cour constitutionnelle

Parties to the main proceedings

Applicants: Inter-Environnement Bruxelles ASBL, Pétitions-Patrimoine ASBL, Atelier de Recherche et d’Action Urbaines ASBL

Defendant: Government of the Brussels-Capital Region

Questions referred


Must the definition of ‘plans and programmes’ in Article 2(a) of Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 June 2001 on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment (1) be interpreted as excluding from the scope of that directive a procedure for the total or partial repeal of a plan such as that applicable to a ‘plan particulier d’affectation du sol’ (specific land-use plan), provided for in Articles 58 to 63 of the Code bruxellois de l’Aménagement du Territoire (Brussels Town and Country Planning Code)?


Must the word ‘required’ in Article 2(a) of that directive be understood as excluding from the definition of ‘plans and programmes’ plans which are provided for by legislative provisions but the adoption of which is not compulsory, such as the specific land-use plans referred to in Article 40 of the Brussels Town and Country Planning Code?

(1)  OJ 2001 L 197, p. 30