

Official Journal of the European Union

C 34/21

Judgment of the General Court of 9 December 2014 — Leali and Acciaierie e Ferrieere Leali Luigi v Commission

(Cases T-489/09, T-490/09 and T-56/10) (1)

((Competition - Agreements, decisions and concerted practices - Market for concrete reinforcing bars in bars or coils - Decision finding an infringement of Article 65 CS after the expiry of the ECSC Treaty on the basis of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 - Fixing of prices and payment terms - Limiting or controlling output or sales - Infringement of essential procedural requirements - Legal basis - Misuse of powers and abuse of procedure - Fines - Duration of the infringement - Proportionality - Limitation period - Action for annulment - Amending decision - Inadmissibility))

(2015/C 034/22)

Language of the case: Italian


Applicants: Leali SpA (Odolo, Italy) (Cases T-489/09 and T-56/10); and Acciaierie e Ferriere Leali Luigi SpA (Brescia, Italy) (Cases T-490/09 and T-56/10) (represented by: G. Belotti, lawyer)

Defendant: European Commission (represented, in Cases T-489/09 and T-490/09, initially by R. Sauer and V. Di Bucci, subsequently by R. Sauer and B. Gencarelli, and finally by R. Sauer and R. Striani, and, in Case T-56/10, initially by R. Sauer and B. Gencarelli, and subsequently by R. Sauer and R. Striani, acting as Agents, assisted by M. Moretto, lawyer)


In Cases T-489/09 and T-490/09, applications for annulment of Commission Decision C(2009) 7492 final of 30 September 2009 relating to a proceeding under Article 65 CS (Case COMP/37.956 — Reinforcing bars, readoption), and in the alternative, applications for a reduction in the amount of the fine imposed on the applicants, and in Case T-56/10, application for annulment of Commission Decision C(2009) 9912 final of 8 December 2009, amending Decision C(2009) 7492 final.

Operative part of the judgment

The Court:


Orders that Cases T-489/09, T-490/09 et T-56/10 be joined for the purposes of the present judgment;


Dismisses the actions;


In Case T-489/09, orders Leali SpA to pay the costs;


In Case T-490/09, orders Acciaierie e Ferriere Leali Luigi SpA to pay the costs;


In Case T-56/10, orders Leali and Acciaierie e Ferriere Leali Luigi to pay the costs.

(1)  OJ C 37, 13.2.2010.