

Official Journal of the European Union

C 92/29

Order of the President of the Court of First Instance of 13 February 2008 — Buczek Automotive v Commission

(Case T-1/08 R)

(Interim measures - Application for suspension of operation - Article 105(2) of the Rules of Procedure)

(2008/C 92/60)

Language of the case: Polish


Applicant: Buczek Automotive sp, z o.o. (Sosnowiec, Poland) (represented by: T. Gackowski, lawyer)

Defendant: Commission of the European Communities


Application for suspension of the operation of Commission Decision C(2007) 5087 final of 23 October 2007 concerning State aid No C 23/2006 (ex NN 35/2006) granted by Poland to the steel producer Grupa Technologie Buczek

Operative part of the order

The Court:


Suspends, until the adoption of the order concluding the present application for interim measures, the operation of Commission Decision C(2007) 5087 final of 23 October 2007 concerning State aid No C 23/2006 (ex NN 35/2006) granted by Poland to the steel producer Grupa Technologie Buczek, insofar as that decision concerns Buczek Automotive sp, z o.o.


Reserves the costs.