

Official Journal of the European Union

C 230/202

Publication of a communication of approval of a standard amendment to a product specification for a name in the wine sector referred to in Article 17(2) and (3) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/33

(2023/C 230/16)

This communication is published in accordance with Article 17(5) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/33 (1).




Date of communication: 31 March 2023


1.   Official geographic code

The list of municipalities making up the geographical area and the area in immediate proximity has been updated to take account of the 2022 official geographic code.

This is a purely editorial change and does not alter the geographical area.

Points 6 and 9 of the single document have been amended in line with this change.

2.   Introduction of varieties for adaptation purposes

The varieties Arinarnoa N, Castets N, Marselan N and Touriga Nacional N have been added to the specification. These are late varieties, which can be an advantage in the context of global warming. Moreover, they are not very susceptible to rot, powdery mildew or downy mildew. All four varieties are suitable for producing intensely coloured, complex, full-bodied and structured wines, in line with the characteristics typical of ‘Listrac Médoc’ red wines.

These varieties are limited to 5 % of the varieties grown and 10 % of the blend.

The single document has not been amended.

3.   Spacing

The minimum spacing between plants in the same row has been reduced from 0,80 m to 0,70 m.

This enables planting density to be increased, producing greater competition between the vines and better-quality grapes.

Point 5 of the single document has been amended.

4.   Pruning

The pruning rules have been adapted for vines that are spaced between 0,70 m and 0,80 m apart.

Point 5 of the single document has been amended.

5.   Agri-environmental provisions

Various environmental provisions have been added:

Dead vines must be removed from the parcels. No dead vines may be kept on the parcels.

Before planting any new vines, winegrowers must carry out a physico-chemical soil analysis of the parcel in order to obtain all the information necessary to understand the wine-growing location and its potential.

In order to preserve the characteristics of the physical and biological environment, which is a fundamental part of the terroir:

Chemical weed control is prohibited on headlands.

Full chemical weed control is prohibited on parcels.

Operators must calculate and record their treatment frequency index (TFI).

These amendments are intended to take better account of the environment and of general demands for less use of plant protection products.

The single document has not been amended.

6.   Analytical standards

A number of analytical standards in the specification have been amended:

the maximum malic acid content has been increased from 0,20 grams to 0,30 grams per litre;

the sugar content of the wines has been reduced from 3 grams to 2 grams per litre;

the volatile acid content has been increased from 12,25 grams to 13,26 grams per litre;

the total maximum alcoholic strength by volume after enrichment has been increased from 13 % to 13,5 %,

The purpose of these amendments is to harmonise the analytical standards for all designations pertaining to municipalities in the Médoc area (Margaux, Pauillac, Saint-Julien, Moulis and Saint-Estèphe) to facilitate checks for operators with multiple designations.

Points 4 and 5 of the single document have been amended.

7.   Maturing the wines

The minimum maturing date has been brought forward from 31 August following the harvest to 1 June following the harvest.

Allowing a shorter maturing period makes it possible to produce fruitier wines and to have different ranges, with some wines that are easy to drink and some more sophisticated wines that are suitable for ageing.

This also affects the date of release for sale to the consumer.

The single document has not been amended.

8.   Circulation between authorised warehouses

Point IX(5)(b) of Chapter I, on the date of entry into circulation of the wines between authorised warehouses, has been deleted.

The single document has not been amended.

9.   Transitional measures

Transitional measures no longer in force have been deleted.

The single document has not been amended.

10.   Main points for checking

The individual additional volume has been added to the main points to be checked.

The single document has not been amended.

11.   Reference to the inspection body

The reference to the inspection body has been reworded to align it with the wording used in other product specifications. This is a purely editorial amendment.

The single document has not been amended.


1.   Name(s)


2.   Geographical indication type

PDO — Protected designation of origin

3.   Categories of grapevine products



4.   Description of the wine(s)


The wines have a minimum natural alcoholic strength by volume of 11 %. The wines’ total alcoholic strength by volume after enrichment must not exceed 13,5 %. Each batch of wine sold in bulk or packaged has a malic acid content of 0,30 g/l or less. Each batch of wine sold in bulk or packaged has a fermentable sugar content (glucose + fructose) of 2 g/l or less. Each batch of wine sold in bulk or packaged before 1 October in the year following the year of harvest has a volatile acidity content of 13,26 meq/l or less (0,65 g/l expressed as H2SO4). After that date, the maximum volatile acidity content is set at 16,33 meq/l (0,98 g/l expressed as H2SO4). Each batch of wine sold in bulk has a total sulphur dioxide content of 140 mg/l or less. The wines are still, tannic wines of a deep red colour, most often made from blends of Merlot N – as the main variety – and Cabernet-Sauvignon N. Other varieties sometimes present in the blend are Petit Verdot N and Cabernet Franc N and, less commonly, Cot N and Carmenère N. These wines, which are suited to ageing, are characterised by tannic power combined with roundness in the mouth, linked to the predominance of the Merlot N variety – a remarkable feature of the vineyards of the Médoc peninsula.

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

in milliequivalents per litre

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


5.   Wine-making practices

5.1.   Specific oenological practices

1.   Density and distance

Growing method

The planting density is at least 7 000 plants per hectare.

The spacing between the rows is 1,50 metres or less.

The spacing between plants in the same row is at least 0,70 metres.

2.   Pruning rules

Growing method

Pruning is mandatory. It is carried out at the unfolded leaves stage (Lorenz stage 9) at the latest.

Vines planted more than 0,80 m apart in a row are pruned using the following methods:

two-cane pruning, double Guyot or Médoc, with a maximum of five buds per cane;

simple Guyot or mixed Guyot, with a maximum of seven buds per vine;

spur pruning, fan pruning to four arms or two cordons, with a maximum of 12 buds per vine, or to one cordon, with a maximum of seven buds per vine.

For vines planted between 0,70 m and 0,80 m apart in a row, only pruning to one cordon, fan pruning to a maximum of four arms and simple Guyot pruning are permitted. In addition, there must be no more than seven buds per vine.

3.   Enrichment

Specific oenological practice

Subtractive enrichment techniques are permitted up to a concentration rate of 15 %.

After enrichment, the wines’ total alcoholic strength by volume must not exceed 13,5 %.

5.2.   Maximum yields

63 hectolitres per hectare

6.   Demarcated geographical area

The grapes are harvested and the wines made, developed and matured on the territory of the following municipality in the department of Gironde, on the basis of the official geographic code in force on 1 January 2022: Listrac-Médoc.

7.   Wine grape varieties


Cabernet Franc N


Cabernet Sauvignon N


Carmenère N


Merlot N


Petit Verdot N

8.   Description of the link(s)

Generations of winegrowers have expertly exploited Listrac-Médoc’s wine-growing land. The accumulation of cultivation practices has significantly altered the soil composition of the cultivation area, contributing to its balance and specific agronomic behaviour and optimising its drainage potential. Progress in plant health and the mechanisation of vineyards have not altered the essence of the growing methods, which aim to produce well-established red wines suited for aging.

In accordance with the practices already set out in the Decree of 8 June 1957 defining the ‘Listrac’ controlled designation of origin, the demarcated parcel area excludes hydromorphic soils, rich deep soils with a strong reserve of useful water and soils made up of humous black sand where there is no gradient and which often lie on a layer of hardened iron concretions known locally as ‘alios’. Other areas excluded from the parcel area designated for production include the bottoms of thalwegs, the lower parts of hollow parcels and areas bordering streams liable to gather cold air in spring, which leads to the risk of frost and late ripening.

The uniqueness of ‘Listrac-Médoc’ only became apparent as its characteristics evolved, primarily through the choice of vine varieties and the cultivation methods used. Today, the Merlot N variety, which is very expressive in clay-limestone soils, dominates the variety mix. On predominantly gravelly soils, it is combined with the Cabernet-Sauvignon N variety and occasionally with the Petit Verdot N variety and Cabernet Franc N. These original vine varieties have largely contributed to the identity of the wines covered by the controlled designation of origin.

This diversity requires selective vineyard management. The maximum number of buds left when pruning depending on the method chosen is limited, as is the maximum average crop load per parcel. In the winery, the pressing of these concentrated grapes must be carried out gently, which means that continuous presses with a worm gear drive are prohibited.

As with the other controlled designations of origin in the Médoc peninsula, the ‘crus’ from the municipality of Listrac-Médoc have been recognised in the various classifications of estates drawn up since the 17th and 18th centuries.

The 1932 classification of ‘crus bourgeois’ wines rewards 28 ‘Listrac-Médoc’ properties, including eight ‘Crus Bourgeois Supérieurs’. After the periods of crisis and vineyard restructuring in the 1950s and 1960s, ‘Listrac-Médoc’ wines seem to have withstood the tests well.

Undoubtedly, the creation of the controlled designation of origin ‘Listrac-Médoc’ has made it possible to preserve an elite which has strengthened the reputation and appeal of this ‘municipal’ designation, as evidenced by the purchases of vineyards in the 1970s by investors passionate about great wines.

9.   Essential further conditions (packaging, labelling, other requirements)

Area in immediate proximity (1)

Legal framework


National legislation

Type of further condition


Derogation concerning production in the demarcated geographical area

Description of the condition


The area in immediate proximity, defined by derogation for the making of the wines, comprises the territory of the following municipalities of the department of Gironde, based on the official geographic code in force on 1 January 2022: Arcins, Arsac, Avensan, Blanquefort, Castelnau-de-Médoc, Cissac-Médoc, Cussac-Fort-Médoc, Labarde, Lamarque, Ludon-Médoc, Macau, Margaux-Cantenac, Moulis-en-Médoc, Parempuyre, Pauillac, Le Pian-Médoc, Saint-Estèphe, Saint-Julien-Beychevelle, Saint-Laurent-Médoc, Saint-Sauveur, Saint-Seurin-de-Cadourne, Soussans, Le Taillan-Médoc and Vertheuil.

Area in immediate proximity (2)

Legal framework


National legislation

Type of further condition


Derogation concerning production in the demarcated geographical area

Description of the condition


The area in immediate proximity, defined by derogation for the development and maturing of the wines, comprises the territory of the following municipalities in the department of Gironde, in line with the official geographic code in force on 1 January 2022: Abzac, Aillas, Ambarès-et-Lagrave, Ambès, Anglade, Arbanats, Arcins, Arsac, Les Artigues-de-Lussac, Artigues-près-Bordeaux, Arveyres, Asques, Aubiac, Auriolles, Auros, Avensan, Ayguemorte-les-Graves, Bagas, Baigneaux, Barie, Baron, Barsac, Bassanne, Bassens, Baurech, Bayas, Bayonsur-Gironde, Bazas, Beautiran, Bégadan, Bègles, Béguey, Bellebat, Bellefond, Belvès-de-Castillon, Bernos-Beaulac, Berson, Berthez, Beychac-et-Caillau, Bieujac, Les Billaux, Birac, Blaignac, Blaignan-Prignac, Blanquefort, Blasimon, Blaye, Blésignac, Bommes, Bonnetan, Bonzac, Bordeaux, Bossugan, Bouliac, Bourdelles, Bourg, Le Bouscat, Branne, Brannens, Braud-et-Saint-Louis, La Brède, Brouqueyran, Bruges, Budos, Cabanac-et-Villagrains, Cabara, Cadarsac, Cadaujac, Cadillac, Cadillac-en-Fronsadais, Camarsac, Cambes, Camblanes-et-Meynac, Camiac-et-Saint-Denis, Camiran, Camps-sur-l’Isle, Campugnan, Canéjan, Capian, Caplong, Carbon-Blanc, Cardan, Carignan-de-Bordeaux, Cars, Cartelègue, Casseuil, Castelmoron-d’Albret, Castelnau-de-Médoc, Castelviel, Castets et Castillon, Castillon-la-Bataille, Castres-Gironde, Caudrot, Caumont, Cauvignac, Cavignac, Cazats, Cazaugitat, Cénac, Cenon, Cérons, Cessac, Cestas, Cézac, Chamadelle, Cissac-Médoc, Civrac-de-Blaye, Civrac-de-Dordogne, Civrac-en-Médoc, Cleyrac, Coimères, Coirac, Comps, Coubeyrac, Couquèques, Courpiac, Cours-de-Monségur, Cours-les-Bains, Coutras, Coutures, Créon, Croignon, Cubnezais, Cubzac-les-Ponts, Cudos, Cursan, Cussac-Fort-Médoc, Daignac, Dardenac, Daubèze, Dieulivol, Donnezac, Donzac, Doulezon, Les Eglisottes-et-Chalaures, Escoussans, Espiet, Les Esseintes, Etauliers, Eynesse, Eyrans, Eysines, Faleyras, Fargues, Fargues-Saint-Hilaire, Le Fieu, Flaujagues, Floirac, Floudès, Fontet, Fossés-et-Baleyssac, Fours, Francs, Fronsac, Frontenac, Gabarnac, Gaillan-en-Médoc, Gajac, Galgon, Gans, Gardegan-et-Tourtirac, Gauriac, Gauriaguet, Générac, Génissac, Gensac, Gironde-sur-Dropt, Gornac, Gours, Gradignan, Grayan-et-l’Hôpital, Grézillac, Grignols, Guillac, Guillos, Guîtres, Le Haillan, Haux, Hure, Illats, Isle-Saint-Georges, Izon, Jau-Dignac-et-Loirac, Jugazan, Juillac, La Sauve, Labarde, Labescau, Ladaux, Lados, Lagorce, Lalande-de-Pomerol, Lamarque, Lamothe-Landerron, La Lande-de-Fronsac, Landerrouat, Landerrouet-sur-Ségur, Landiras, Langoiran, Langon, Lansac, Lapouyade, Laroque, Laruscade, Latresne, Lavazan, Léogeats, Léognan, Lesparre-Médoc, Lestiac-sur-Garonne, Les Lèves-et-Thoumeyragues, Libourne, Lignan-de-Bazas, Lignan-de-Bordeaux, Ligueux, Listrac-de-Durèze, Lormont, Loubens, Loupes, Loupiac, Loupiac-de-la-Réole, Ludon-Médoc, Lugaignac, Lugasson, Lugon-et-l’Ile-du-Carnay, Lussac, Macau, Madirac, Maransin, Marcenais, Margaux-Cantenac, Margueron, Marimbault, Marions, Marsas, Martignas-sur-Jalle, Martillac, Martres, Masseilles, Massugas, Mauriac, Mazères, Mazion, Mérignac, Mérignas, Mesterrieux, Mombrier, Mongauzy, Monprimblanc, Monségur, Montagne, Montagoudin, Montignac, Montussan, Morizès, Mouillac, Mouliets-et-Villemartin, Moulis-en-Médoc,

Area in immediate proximity (3)

Legal framework


National legislation

Type of further condition


Derogation concerning production in the demarcated geographical area

Description of the condition


Moulon, Mourens, Naujac-sur-Mer, Naujan-et-Postiac, Néac, Nérigean, Neuffons, Le Nizan, Noaillac, Noaillan, Omet, Ordonnac, Paillet, Parempuyre, Pauillac, Les Peintures, Pellegrue, Périssac, Pessac, Pessac-sur-Dordogne, Petit-Palais-et-Cornemps, Peujard, Le Pian-Médoc, Le Pian-sur-Garonne, Pineuilh, Plassac, Pleine-Selve, Podensac, Pomerol, Pompéjac, Pompignac, Pondaurat, Porchères, Porte-de-Benauge, Portets, Le Pout, Préchac, Preignac, Prignac-et-Marcamps, Pugnac, Puisseguin, Pujols, Pujols-sur-Ciron, Le Puy, Puybarban, Puynormand, Queyrac, Quinsac, Rauzan, Reignac, La Réole, Rimons, Riocaud, Rions, La Rivière, Roaillan, Romagne, Roquebrune, La Roquille, Ruch, Sablons, Sadirac, Saillans, Saint-Aignan, Saint-André-de-Cubzac, Saint-André-du-Bois, Saint-André-et-Appelles, Saint-Androny, Saint-Antoine-du-Queyret, Saint-Antoine-sur-l’Isle, Saint-Aubin-de-Blaye, Saint-Aubin-de-Branne, Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc, Saint-Avit-de-Soulège, Saint-Avit-Saint-Nazaire, Saint-Brice, Saint-Caprais-de-Bordeaux, Saint-Christoly-de-Blaye, Saint-Christoly-Médoc, Saint-Christophe-de-Double, Saint-Christophe-des-Bardes, Saint-Cibard, Saint-Ciers-d’Abzac, Saint-Ciers-de-Canesse, Saint-Cierssur-Gironde, Saint-Côme, Saint-Denis-de-Pile, Saint-Emilion, Saint-Estèphe, Saint-Etienne-de-Lisse, Saint-Exupéry, Saint-Félix-de-Foncaude, Saint-Ferme, Saint-Genès-de-Blaye, Saint-Genès-de-Castillon, Saint-Genèsde-Fronsac, Saint-Genès-de-Lombaud, Saint-Genis-du-Bois, Saint-Germain-de-Grave, Saint-Germain-de-la-Rivière, Saint-Germain-d’Esteuil, Saint-Germain-du-Puch, Saint-Gervais, Saint-Girons-d’Aiguevives, Saint-Hilaire-de-la-Noaille, Saint-Hilaire-du-Bois, Saint-Hippolyte, Saint-Jean-de-Blaignac, Saint-Jean-d’Illac, Saint-Julien-Beychevelle, Saint-Laurent-d’Arce, Saint-Laurent-des-Combes, Saint-Laurent-du-Bois, Saint-Laurentdu-Plan, Saint-Laurent-Médoc, Saint-Léon, Saint-Loubert, Saint-Loubès, Saint-Louis-de-Montferrand, Saint-Macaire,

Area in immediate proximity (4)

Legal framework


National legislation

Type of further condition


Derogation concerning production in the demarcated geographical area

Description of the condition


Saint-Magne-de-Castillon, Saint-Maixant, Saint-Mariens, Saint-Martial, Saint-Martin-de-Laye, Saint-Martin-de-Lerm, Saint-Martin-de-Sescas, Saint-Martin-du-Bois, Saint-Martin-du-Puy, Saint-Martin-Lacaussade, Saint-Médard-de-Guizières, Saint-Médard-d’Eyrans, Saint-Médard-en-Jalles, Saint-Michel-de-Fronsac, Saint-Michel-de-Lapujade, Saint-Michel-de-Rieufret, Saint-Morillon, Saint-Palais, Saint-Pardon-de-Conques, Saint-Paul, Saint-Pey-d’Armens, Saint-Pey-de-Castets, Saint-Philippe-d’Aiguille, Saint-Philippe-du-Seignal, Saint-Pierre-d’Aurillac, Saint-Pierre-de-Bat, Saint-Pierre-de-Mons, Saint-Quentin-de-Baron, Saint-Quentin-de-Caplong, Saint-Romain-la-Virvée, Saint-Sauveur, Saint-Sauveur-de-Puynormand, Saint-Savin, Saint-Selve, Saint-Seurin-de-Bourg, Saint-Seurin-de-Cadourne, Saint-Seurin-de-Cursac, Saint-Seurin-sur-l’Isle, Saint-Sève, Saint-Sulpice-de-Faleyrens, Saint-Sulpice-de-Guilleragues, Saint-Sulpice-de-Pommiers, Saint-Sulpice-et-Cameyrac, Sainte-Terre, Saint-Trojan, Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, Saint-Vincent-de-Pertignas, Saint-Vivien-de-Blaye, Saint-Vivien-de-Médoc, Saint-Vivien-de-Monségur, Saint-Yzan-de-Soudiac, Saint-Yzans-de-Médoc, Sainte-Colombe, Sainte-Croix-du-Mont, Sainte-Eulalie, Sainte-Florence, Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, Sainte-Foy-la-Longue, Sainte-Gemme, Sainte-Hélène, Sainte-Radegonde, Salaunes, Salleboeuf, Les Salles-de-Castillon, Samonac, Saucats, Saugon, Sauternes, Sauveterre-de-Guyenne, Sauviac, Savignac, Savignac-de-l’Isle, Semens, Sendets, Sigalens, Sillas, Soulac-sur-Mer, Soulignac, Soussac, Soussans, Tabanac, Le Taillan-Médoc, Taillecavat, Talais, Talence, Targon, Tarnès, Tauriac, Tayac, Teuillac, Tizac-de-Curton, Tizac-de-Lapouyade, Toulenne, Le Tourne, Tresses, Uzeste, Valeyrac, Val-de-Livenne, Val de Virvée, Vayres, Vendays-Montalivet, Vensac, Vérac, Verdelais, Le Verdon-sur-Mer, Vertheuil, Vignonet, Villandraut, Villegouge, Villenave-de-Rions, Villenave-d’Ornon, Villeneuve, Virelade, Virsac and Yvrac.

Broader geographical unit

Legal framework


National legislation

Type of further condition


Additional provisions relating to labelling

Description of the condition


The broader geographical unit ‘Vin de Bordeaux – Médoc’ or ‘Grand Vin de Bordeaux – Médoc’ may be specified on the label.


The size of the letters used must not be larger, either in height or in width, than two thirds of the size of the letters denoting the name of the controlled designation of origin.

Link to the product specification


(1)  OJ L 9, 11.1.2019, p. 2.