

Official Journal of the European Union

C 150/57

Publication of an application for amendment of a specification for a name in the wine sector referred to in Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council

(2022/C 150/07)

This publication confers the right to oppose the application pursuant to Article 98 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1) within two months from the date of this publication.




Date of application: 4.7.2017

1.   Rules applicable to the amendment

Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 – Non-minor modification

2.   Description and reasons for amendment

2.1.   Description of the wines


As regards the types already covered by the specification, the following versions are also to be produced:

Bianco with the terms Passito, Superiore and Riserva;

Rosso with the term Passito;

Inzolia with the terms Vendemmia Tardiva [late harvest], Superiore and Riserva;

Grillo with the terms Vendemmia Tardiva, Passito, Superiore and Riserva and Grillo Spumante;

Chardonnay with the terms Vendemmia Tardiva, Passito, Superiore and Riserva and Chardonnay Spumante;

Catarratto with the terms Vendemmia Tardiva, Passito, Superiore and Riserva and Catarratto Spumante;

Carricante Spumante;

Fiano with the term Riserva;

Viognier with the term Riserva;

Sauvignon with the term Riserva;

Pinot Grigio Spumante;

Nero d’Avola with the terms Vendemmia Tardiva, Passito and Riserva, Nero d’Avola Rosato and Nero d’Avola Spumante;

Perricone with the term Vendemmia Tardiva and Perricone Rosato;

Frappato Rosato and Frappato Spumante;

Nerello Mascalese Rosato and Nerello Mascalese Spumante;

Cabernet Franc Rosato;

Merlot with the term Riserva and Merlot Rosato;

Cabernet Sauvignon with the term Riserva and Cabernet Sauvignon Rosato;

Syrah with the terms Vendemmia Tardiva, Passito and Riserva and Syrah Rosato;

Pinot Nero with the term Riserva, Pinot Nero Rosato and Pinot Nero Spumante.


New types are included with indication of the grape varieties Moscato, Vermentino, Zibibbo, Petit Verdot and Sangiovese, and in various versions:

Moscato Bianco including with the terms Vendemmia Tardiva and Passito and Moscato Bianco Spumante;


Zibibbo including Zibibbo Spumante;

Petit Verdot including with the term Riserva;

Sangiovese including Sangiovese Rosato.


New types are included with indication of two grape varieties of the same colour from those already used in the single-variety types, excluding aromatic varieties.

The ‘Sicilia’ DOC represents the region’s entire winegrowing area and the aim is to give importance to all wine production, especially native grape varieties, starting with the native Zibibbo, as well as those of national interest that are already widely grown such as Moscato varieties, which are already being used as main grape varieties in the combination of varieties for the Spumante Bianco, either alone or in combination with other varieties up to 50 %. In addition, types with the new variety indications Vermentino, Petit Verdot and Sangiovese, which are of great productive and commercial interest, are covered. This decision follows intensive testing over the years involving the wide range of grape varieties made suitable for cultivation in the region of Sicily. Thanks to the level of quality achieved by these wines, the skills of the operators and the renewal of technologies, those varieties have been given further value in the ‘Sicilia’ DOC, allowing a wide range of products to be offered to the market within the various categories covered.

This amendment concerns section 1.4 of the single document and Articles 1, 2 and 6 of the product specification.

2.2.   Description of the wines


The description of the wines has been made more concise and simple and they have been organised by category of wine rather than by group/type of wine. The description of the wines has also been made more detailed and a general statement has been added specifying that where the relevant sections do not indicate any figures, the values are by definition in line with the limits laid down in the relevant legislation.

By describing the characteristics of the newly introduced wines, changing the descriptive parameters for a number of the types already covered and reorganising the text by wine categories, it is possible to simplify the single document and provide a clearer and more concise description of the characteristics of ‘Sicilia’ DOC wines.

This amendment concerns section 1.4 of the single document.


Article 6(3) of the product specification on the Ministry’s power to issue a decree amending the total acidity and the minimum sugar-free extract has been deleted.

This amendment is necessary as the provision no longer complies with the EU rules on amendments to specifications.

This amendment does not concern the single document.

2.3.   Bi-varietal wines

The list of bi-varietal wine types with the various combinations of grape varieties has been deleted.

In its place, it has been specified that the ‘Sicilia’ controlled designation of origin may also be used for wines with indication of two grape varieties of the same colour from those already indicated in Article (1) of the specification (where the grape varieties used for the single-variety types are listed).

It was considered advisable to reword the text to make it more concise and avoid listing all the possible types deriving from the multitude of wine grape variety combinations, referring instead to the possibility of combining the grape varieties allowed for single-variety types.

This amendment concerns Articles 1 and 2 of the product specification but does not concern the single document.

2.4.   Varietal base for Bianco [white], Rosso [red], Rosato [rosé] and Spumante Bianco [sparkling white] wines

The following grape varieties have been added to the combination of grape varieties that must make up 50 % of the wine:

Chardonnay for the Bianco types;

Syrah for the Rosso and Rosato types;

Nerello Mascalese for the Spumante Bianco type.

Following lengthy testing, the main combination of varieties has been completed for the types mentioned, with the inclusion of the above three varieties, which are widely grown throughout the region (more than 11 000 hectares) and already used in the production of single-variety wines.

This amendment concerns Article 2 of the product specification but does not concern the single document.

2.5.   Main wine grape varieties

The new grape varieties Petit Verdot, Vermentino and Sangiovese are included in the main wine grape varieties.

The inclusion of these grape varieties follows intensive testing over the years involving the wide range of grape varieties made suitable for cultivation in the region of Sicily and which could already be used in the combination of grape varieties, as part of the 50 % varietal base, for basic white, red and rosé wines without indication of the grape variety. The intention is therefore to raise the profile of these varieties also in single-variety and bi-varietal wines.

The amendment concerns section 1.7 of the single document.

2.6.   Winegrowing standards


The maximum yields and the alcoholic strengths of the newly added types referred to in Article 1 have been added to the table in Article 4(5) of the specification.

The table has been adjusted to take into account the amendments to Article 1.

This amendment concerns section 1.5.2 of the single document (maximum yields).


The table referred to in point a) has been amended to reflect the increase in yields of the ‘Sicilia’ Grillo type (from 13 to 14 tonnes per hectare), the ‘Sicilia’ Nero d’Avola type (from 12 to 14 tonnes per hectare) and the Nero d’Avola Spumante type (from 13 to 14 tonnes per hectare).

The increase in the yields per hectare, although less than 10 %, is necessary in order to adapt production to actual capacity at existing vineyards. It takes into account the yields that have been obtained in the area, on the basis of the results of the testing performed in relation to growing techniques and variations in the weather conditions, and ensures the level of quality remains the same.

This amendment concerns section 1.5.2 of the single document (maximum yields).


It has been specified in Article 4(5) of the specification that, as regards the maximum production per hectare and the minimum natural alcoholic strength by volume of the grapes for the Bianco, Rosso, Rosato and Spumante wines of the ‘Sicilia’ DOC, reference must be made to the limits laid down in the specification for each variety used.

It is necessary to add the paragraph after the table to make it easier to interpret the product specification.

This amendment does not concern the single document.


Four paragraphs have been inserted providing that the Region, at the request of the protection association and having consulted the professional organisations, may: establish production management measures with regard to the different uses/purposes of the grapes; adjust the maximum limit of grapes per hectare to be used; reduce the permitted grape and wine yields; and increase, by a maximum of 20 %, the maximum yield per hectare that can be set aside for the harvest reserve.

The measures relating to production management come under annual management measures for production in the context of weather and market conditions, in compliance with the national legislation in force (Articles 35 and 39 of Law No 238/2016).The aim of this amendment is not a definitive increase in the yield of grapes and wine per hectare. Rather, in years with favourable weather, any surplus yield in grapes/hectare up to a maximum surplus of 20 % is to be used to produce wines bearing the designation (as already allowed by the specification in force), subject to an application from the producers concerned and a decision by the Region following an examination of the weather conditions, technical/production conditions and grape quality conditions. In any case, in accordance with the aforementioned national legislation, this production (max. 20 %) must be considered as a ‘harvest reserve’ to be used in later years depending on market demand.

This amendment does not concern the single document.

2.7.   Wine-making standards - Drying the grapes and yields


The methods of drying the grapes have been described for the types with the traditional terms ‘Passito’ and ‘Vendemmia Tardiva’. In particular, dehumidification systems involving the use of heat have been excluded.

The method of drying the grapes for the Passito and Vendemmia Tardiva types has been regulated to give clarity to operators.

This amendment concerns Article 5 of the product specification and section 1.5 of the single document.


The table showing the yields has been supplemented and the maximum wine yield (hl/ha) has been increased for the following types: Grillo including Riserva, Grillo Spumante, Nero d’Avola including Riserva, Nero d’Avola Rosato and Nero d’Avola Spumante.

The table has been adjusted to take into account the amendments to Article 1. The maximum wine yield per hectare for the Grillo and Nero d’Avola grape varieties is linked to the increased yield per hectare of those varieties.

This amendment concerns Article 5 of the product specification.

2.8.   Wine-making practices - Processing into sparkling wine

Methods for processing the Spumante type have been added. It has been specified that this type must be obtained exclusively via natural fermentation using the Charmat process or the traditional method of secondary fermentation in the bottle, the latter method concerning only the Bianco and Rosato [rosé] types.

As this is a registered designation of origin wine, the aim is to stress the quality of the product by specifying the method of production.

The reference to these specific oenological practices concerns section 1.5 of the single document.

2.9.   Bottling within the demarcated geographical area

The requirement for bottling to take place in the production area, which corresponds to the entire administrative area of the region of Sicily, has been added.

The reason for this provision, in accordance with European Union legislation, is to safeguard the quality and image of ‘Sicilia’ DOC wines, guarantee their origin and ensure the effectiveness and timeliness of the relevant checks. These conditions are better ensured if bottling takes place within the area, as the application of and compliance with all the technical rules concerning transport and bottling are entrusted to holdings in the production area. In addition, the inspection system operated by the competent body, to which the operators are subjected at all stages of production, is more effective in the demarcated area.

However, in accordance with the same EU legislation and specific national legislation, in order to safeguard established rights, individual authorisations may be granted to individuals or companies that have traditionally bottled the wines outside the demarcated production area, while ensuring a limited number of bottling firms located outside the area, enabling the competent body to plan its inspections efficiently, including in cooperation with the inspection authorities of other countries, in accordance with the EU rules in force.

This amendment concerns Article 5 of the product specification and section 1.9 of the single document.

2.10.   Labelling and presentation


The national reference legislation has been updated with regard to the use of additional place names to indicate the ‘Vigne’ [vineyards];

This is a formal amendment resulting from the adoption of new national legislation on the subject (Law No 238 of 12 December 2016 laying down rules on vine-growing and production and trading of wine).


A paragraph has been added concerning the prohibition on using synonyms of the grape variety Zibibbo for ‘Sicilia’ Zibibbo and ‘Sicilia’ Zibibbo Spumante wines.

The aim is to give more protection to the name Zibibbo than to that of its synonyms such as Moscato.

This amendment concerns section 1.9 of the single document.

2.11.   Packaging

Food grade containers with volumes between 2 and 6 litres may be used, except in the case of the Riserva, Vendemmia Tardiva, Superiore, Passito, Vigna and Spumante types.

To allow producers greater freedom in the use of containers and sealing methods, including innovative ones, to provide more options for responding to consumers’ needs, and thus to enhance the opportunities for marketing and placing DOC products on the different markets both within the EU and internationally.

This amendment concerns section 1.9 of the single document.

2.12.   Link with the geographical area

The link with the geographical area, in accordance with the EU legislation in force, has been reformulated to take account of the product categories covered.

This amendment concerns section 1.8 of the single document.

2.13.   References to the inspection body

Formal amendment. The national reference legislation relating to monitoring and the name of the control body have been updated; the certified e-mail address of the control body has been added.

The update is necessary because of the change in the name of the control body and the new national legislation on vine-growing and production and trading of wine.


1.   Name of product


2.   Geographical indication type

PDO - Protected Designation of Origin

3.   Categories of grapevine products




Sparkling wine


Quality sparkling wine


Quality aromatic sparkling wine


Wine from raisined grapes


Wine of overripe grapes

4.   Description of the wine(s)

Category Wine (1) - ‘Sicilia’ Bianco and with indication of a white grape variety

The white wines of the ‘Sicilia’ PDO, including Passito, Vendemmia Tardiva, Superiore and Riserva, are produced from the most representative varieties of the production area, such as Inzolia, Catarratto, Grillo, Grecanico and Chardonnay, either on their own or in combination and accounting for at least 50 % of the total. In order to obtain the most value from this production, these grape varieties, plus the varietal types Carricante, Grecanico, Fiano, Damaschino, Viognier, Müller Thurgau, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio, Moscato Bianco, Vermentino and Zibibbo, are used for the production of single-variety and bi-varietal types and represent the wide range of grape varieties that grow on the island of Sicily.

The colour of these wines ranges from straw yellow to golden of varying intensity, possibly with hints of pale green. In the case of Pinot Grigio, it can sometimes also be pink of varying intensity or copper. The aroma is generally fine, elegant, pleasant, intense, distinctive, fruity and long-lasting, sometimes with a slight floral or aromatic scent.

In terms of taste, they are balanced, distinctive, flavourful, harmonious, full and pleasant, with sugar content from dry to medium dry.

The minimum total alcoholic strength by volume ranges from 11,50 % for the basic types to 12 % for the Superiore wines, up to 12,50 % for the Riserva wines, whereas the minimum is 13 % for the Passito and Vendemmia Tardiva wines.

Any analytical parameters not shown in the table below comply with the limits laid down in national and EU legislation.

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

4,5 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


Category: Wine (1) - ‘Sicilia’ Rosso including with indication of a black grape variety

The red wines of the ‘Sicilia’ PDO, including Passito, Vendemmia Tardiva, Superiore and Riserva, and the rosé wines are produced from the most representative varieties of the production area, such as Nero d’Avola, Frappato, Nerello Mascalese, Perricone and Syrah, either on their own or in combination and accounting for at least 50 % of the total. In order to obtain the most value from this production, these grape varieties, plus the varietal types Nerello Cappuccio, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Pinot Nero, Nocera, Mondeuse, Carignano, Alicante, Petit Verdot and Sangiovese, are used for the production of single-variety and bi-varietal types and represent the wealth of grape varieties that grow on the island of Sicily.

The colour of the wines ranges from red to ruby red, tending to garnet if aged as is the case for the Riserva version, to pink of varying intensity, sometimes with shades of copper in the rosé wines.

The aroma is typical of the grape varieties used. The taste is dry to medium dry and can be sweet for Passito and Vendemmia Tardiva wines.

The minimum total alcoholic strength by volume ranges from 12 % for the basic red and rosé types and those with indication of the grape variety to 13 % for some of the Riserva wines such as the Nero d’Avola, and a minimum of 13 % for the Passito and Vendemmia Tardiva wines. Minimum extracts range from 22 g/l for the red wine to 24 g/l for Nero d’Avola.

Any analytical parameters not shown in the table below comply with the limits laid down in national and EU legislation.

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

4,5 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


Categories: Sparkling wine (4), Quality sparkling wine (5) and Quality aromatic sparkling wine (6)

The sparkling wines produced in the various categories have a straw yellow colour of varying intensity in the whites, a pink colour of varying intensity in the rosés, fine bubbles, floral or fruity notes and freshness. They are aromatic in particular if obtained from grape varieties such as Zibibbo and Moscato. The grape varieties used include both native and international white grape varieties or black grape varieties that are made into white or rosé wines through fermentation off skins. The Charmat process is used, as well as, for the basic white and rosé types, also the traditional method.

The grape varieties used are the most representative ones of the production area, such as Grillo, Chardonnay, Catarratto, Carricante, Grecanico, Pinot Grigio, Moscato, Zibibbo, Nero d’Avola, Frappato, Nerello Mascalese and Pinot Nero, used either in combination with each other or as single-variety wines, in order to obtain the most value from the production of these varieties by indicating them on the label. The aroma is typical of the grape varieties used. The taste varies from brut nature to extra dry to sweet in the case of Moscato and Zibibbo Spumante. Minimum total alcoholic strength by volume: 10,50 % for Moscato and Zibibbo Spumante, 11,50 % for all other types, except types produced using the traditional method, which must have a minimum of 12 %. Minimum sugar-free extract: 15 g/l

Any analytical parameters not shown in the table below comply with the limits laid down in national and EU legislation.

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

5 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


Categories: Wine from raisined grapes (15) and Wine of overripe grapes (16)

Wines in these categories have a taste ranging from dry to sweet and a colour ranging from straw yellow to golden or, if they are produced from black grapes, ruby red, tending to garnet if aged. They have a lasting but delicate aroma, in particular when obtained from aromatic varieties such as Moscato and Zibibbo, with a good balance between acidity and sweetness, and fruity or floral notes depending on the grape varieties used. The grapes are dried after harvesting on mats, screens, crates or special containers placed in suitable environments or they are left to ripen on the vines. This leads to an excellent accumulation of sugars and the concentration of extracts, with the wines produced having minimum values of 28 g/l for the Passito Bianco and 32 g/l for the Passito Rosso. The minimum total alcoholic strength by volume is 16 % for the Passito Bianco, of which 11 % actual alcohol, while it is 17 % for the Passito Rosso, of which 12 % actual alcohol.

Any analytical parameters not shown in the table below comply with the limits laid down in national and EU legislation.

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

4 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


5.   Wine making practices

a.   Essential oenological practices

Methods of processing into sparkling wine

Specific oenological practice

The Spumante type must be obtained exclusively via natural fermentation using the Charmat process or the traditional method of secondary fermentation in the bottle, the latter method concerning only the Bianco and Rosato/Rosé types.

Drying the grapes

Specific oenological practice

The Vendemmia Tardiva and Passito types must be produced by leaving the grapes to dry on the plant or, after harvesting, placing them on mats, screens, crates or special containers in suitable environments. This may be done with the help of environmental conditioning systems, provided that they operate at temperatures similar to those found in traditional grape-drying processes, with the exception of any dehumidification systems that operate using heat.

b.   Maximum yields

‘Sicilia’ Bianco including Riserva and ‘Sicilia’ with indication of a white grape variety including Riserva

13 000 kg of grapes per hectare

‘Sicilia’ Spumante Bianco including with indication of a white grape variety

13 000 kg of grapes per hectare

‘Sicilia’ Grillo including Spumante and Riserva and ‘Sicilia’ Nero d’Avola including Riserva, Rosato and Spumante

14 000 kg of grapes per hectare

‘Sicilia’ Spumante with indication of the grape varieties Frappato, Nerello Mascalese and Pinot Nero

13 000 kg of grapes per hectare

‘Sicilia’ Bianco Superiore and with indication of a white grape variety with the term Superiore

10 000 kg of grapes per hectare

‘Sicilia’ Rosso, Rosato and Riserva including with indication of a black grape variety

12 000 kg of grapes per hectare

‘Sicilia’ Bianco and Rosso with the term Passito or Vendemmia Tardiva including with indication of a white or black grape variety

8 000 kg of grapes per hectare

6.   Demarcated geographical area

The production area of the grapes intended for the production of wines with the ‘Sicilia’ controlled designation of origin comprises the entire administrative territory of the Sicily Region.

7.   Main wine grapes variety(ies)


Vermentino B.


Zibibbo B.


Alicante N.


Frappato N.


Müller Thurgau B.


Nerello Cappuccio N.


Perricone N.


Pinot Nero N.


Sangiovese N.


Sauvignon B.


Syrah N.


Viognier B.


Cabernet Franc N. - Cabernet


Cabernet Sauvignon N. - Cabernet


Calabrese N. - Nero d’Avola N.


Carignano N.


Carricante B.


Ansonica B. - Inzolia


Petit Verdot N


Merlot N.


Mondeuse N.


Moscato Bianco B. - Moscato


Nerello Mascalese N.


Nocera N.


Grecanico Dorato B. - Grecanico


Grillo B.


Catarratto Bianco Comune B. - Catarratto


Catarratto Bianco Lucido B. - Catarratto


Chardonnay B.


Damaschino B.


Fiano B.


Pinot Grigio - Pinot

8.   Description of the link(s)

Link with the environment

The demarcated geographical area comprises the entire administrative territory of the region of Sicily.

Sicily is a region with one of the oldest winegrowing traditions in the world, as evidenced by archaeological finds and by the many Greek and Latin literary sources that refer to the renowned Sicilian wines. Trade in oil and wine dating as far back as the time of the Phoenicians (9th - 4th century BC) is proven by the presence of amphorae used for transport and other types of ceramics. The great splendour of the vineyards could be seen during the time of Greek settlement in the area (8th - 3rd century BC), with the Greeks introducing a number of grape varieties such as Grecanico, which is still grown today. The existence of Sicilian wine is confirmed in Roman times (3rd century BC - 5th century AD), particularly at the time of Caesar in Gaul.

Although drinking alcohol was prohibited by the Koran, table grapes were grown during Muslim rule (827-1061) and the ‘Zebib’ grape variety (now Zibibbo or Moscato di Alessandria) was introduced on the island of Pantelleria, having been brought over from Africa’s Cape Zebib, which faces Pantelleria.

The link between the demarcated geographical area and the ‘Sicilia’ DOC is based on the specific soil, climate and landscape features in the area.

The northern part is predominantly mountainous and the central, southern and south-western parts are hilly. The south-eastern part of the area is a typical plateau and eastern Sicily is volcanic. The lowland areas are mainly concentrated along the coast.

However, most vineyards are found in hilly areas that, in terms of exposure and location, are particularly suitable for growing vines, i.e. very sunny environments with sufficient wind, which provide the plants with optimal growing conditions, ensuring the health of the grapes and allowing high-quality wines to be produced. Thus, the Mediterranean climate, which is sunny, with hot, dry summers, yet breezy, allows the grapes to ripen very well and favours the accumulation of sugars and concentration of extracts, while the varying temperature ranges and the rich mineral quality of the soils lend notes of freshness and acidity. All these factors lead to the production of wines which, in the various categories, are always intense but balanced and harmonious.

The vine training methods are mainly the traditional ones, which are not very expansive and which vary in the different winegrowing areas of the island - from the traditional ‘alberello’ [bush-trained] method still in use in the coastal areas of the province of Trapani, to the more common low espalier method using permanent or renewable cordons - or expansive methods in a number of fertile valleys of the interior.

The large territory of the ‘Sicilia’ DOC allows wines to be produced from both native and non-native or international grape varieties, meaning that a wide range of products can be offered in the different categories of wine covered.

Category: Wine (1)

This category covers a wide range of wine types:

Reds, rosés and whites, including Passito, Vendemmia Tardiva and Riserva wines. The grape varieties used include both highly prized native varieties, such as Inzolia, Catarratto and Grillo, this latter being the result of a cross between the Catarratto and Zibibbo varieties, and non-native varieties, such as Chardonnay, Müller Thurgau and Sauvignon. In the production of red wines too, wine production in Sicily is one of the most renowned with wines obtained from native grape varieties, in particular Nero d’Avola, together with Frappato and Nerello Mascalese, and the non-native varieties Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Syrah. The undisputed protagonist of this new direction is Nero d’Avola, which, even in a blend with other varieties, is able to characterise and bring out the originality of Sicilian wine, not only because of its colour, but also because it gives the wine a typical character deriving from the aromas and tastes of the Mediterranean.

In terms of analytical and organoleptic characteristics, all these types of wine have balanced chemical and physical properties that contribute to their balanced taste. All of the types have pleasant, harmonious, distinctive and elegant aromas, sometimes with fruity, floral and vegetal notes, typical of the grape varieties used to produce them.

The colour of the white wines is straw yellow of varying intensity or deep yellow, while the red wines are ruby red of varying intensity, with possible hints of purple and tending to garnet with age. They are all balanced wines, with good structure and alcohol content. The age-old history of winegrowing in this region, to which numerous documents attest, is general and basic proof of the close connection and interaction between human factors and the quality and special characteristics of ‘Sicilia’ DOC wines. In this particular area, people have passed down, over the centuries, the traditional vine cultivation and oenological techniques, which have been improved upon and refined in modern times thanks to undisputed advances in science and technology. This has allowed the ‘Sicilia’ PDO wines to earn their reputation.

Sparkling wine (4), Quality sparkling wine (5) and Quality aromatic sparkling wine (6)

The sparkling wines produced have a straw yellow colour of varying intensity in the whites, a pink colour of varying intensity in the rosés, also with hints of copper in the Pinot Grigio, fine bubbles, floral and fruity notes and freshness, due to the rich mineral quality of the soils, the Mediterranean climate and the varying temperature ranges. They are aromatic in particular if obtained from grape varieties such as Zibibbo and Moscato. The grape varieties used include both native and international varieties. The Charmat process is used where the grape variety is indicated on the label, whereas the traditional method of secondary fermentation in the bottle may also be used for the Bianco and Rosato types.

Categories: Wine from raisined grapes (15) and Wine of overripe grapes (16)

The Mediterranean climate, which is sunny, with hot, dry summers, yet breezy, with varying temperature ranges, allows the grapes to ripen very well and stay healthy. The grapes are dried after harvesting on mats, screens, crates or special containers placed in suitable environments or they are left to ripen on the vines. This leads to an excellent accumulation of sugars and the concentration of extracts. The wines are fragrant, in particular when obtained from the Moscato and Zibibbo varieties. They have a taste from dry to sweet, a colour from straw yellow to golden, sometimes with amber tones, and persistent but delicate aromas, with a good balance between acidity and sweetness, and fruity or floral notes depending on the grape varieties used.

9.   Essential further conditions

Bottling within the demarcated geographical area

Legal framework:

In national legislation

Type of further condition:

Bottling within the demarcated geographical area

Description of the condition:

Bottling must take place within the administrative territory of the region of Sicily.

The reason for this provision, in accordance with European Union legislation, is to safeguard the quality and image of ‘Sicilia’ DOC wines, guarantee their origin and ensure the effectiveness and timeliness of the relevant checks. These conditions are better ensured if bottling takes place within the area, as the application of and compliance with all the technical rules concerning transport and bottling are entrusted to holdings in the production area.

In addition, the inspection system operated by the competent body, to which the operators are subjected at all stages of production, is more effective in the demarcated area.

However, in accordance with the same EU legislation and specific national legislation, in order to safeguard established rights, individual authorisations may be granted to individuals or companies that have traditionally bottled the wines outside the demarcated production area, while ensuring a limited number of bottling firms located outside the area, enabling the competent body to plan its inspections efficiently, including in cooperation with the control authorities of other countries, in accordance with the EU rules in force.

Labelling - indication of grape variety

Legal framework:

In national legislation

Type of further condition:

Additional provisions relating to labelling

Description of the condition:

In the labelling and presentation of the ‘Sicilia’ Zibibbo and ‘Sicilia’ Zibibbo Spumante wine types, the use of the officially recognised synonyms of the Zibibbo grape variety is prohibited.


Legal framework:

In national legislation

Type of further condition:

Additional provisions relating to labelling

Description of the condition:

The wines of the ‘Sicilia’ controlled designation of origin must be released for consumption in glass containers with a maximum nominal volume of 3 litres. This restriction excludes traditional Bordeaux, Burgundy and hock bottles, which can reach a maximum capacity of 18 litres.

Furthermore, food grade containers with a capacity of no less than 2 and no more than 6 litres may be used, except in the case of the Riserva, Vendemmia Tardiva, Superiore, Passito, Vigna and Spumante types.

Bottle sealing methods authorised by EU and national legislation may be used, with the exception of crown caps.

Link to the product specification


(1)  OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 671.