

Official Journal of the European Union

C 322/4

Notice from the Government of the Republic of Poland concerning Directive 94/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the conditions for granting and using authorisations for the prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the ‘Anna’ area

(2015/C 322/05)

This procedure concerns the granting of a concession for the prospection or exploration of coal-bed methane in the ‘Anna’ area of Śląskie province:


2000 coordinate system




5 541 593,09

6 529 826,33

5 541 616,30

6 528 058,14

5 542 439,36

6 528 167,79

5 545 400,94

6 529 132,85

5 545 238,45

6 529 554,46

5 545 178,53

6 529 990,02

5 545 327,78

6 530 629,40

5 545 627,31

6 531 542,86

5 545 132,83

6 531 518,62

5 545 089,82

6 530 922,15

5 543 168,20

6 530 181,79

5 542 696,62

6 530 130,33

5 541 593,09

6 529 826,33

Applications must cover the same area.

Concession applications must be submitted to the central office of the Ministry of the Environment no later than 12:00 noon (CET/CEST) on the last day of the 91-day period commencing on the day following the date of publication of this notice in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Applications received will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria:


the technology proposed for the work (40 %);


the technical and financial capacities of the applicant (50 %);


the fee proposed for the establishment of mining usufruct rights (10 %).

The minimum fee for the establishment of mining usufruct rights for the ‘Anna’ area is:


for the prospection of coal-bed methane:

—   during a three-year base period: PLN 2 000,00 per year;

—   for the fourth and fifth years of validity of a mining usufruct contract: PLN 2 000,00 per year;

—   for the sixth and subsequent years of validity of a mining usufruct contract: PLN 2 000,00 per year;


for the exploration of coal-bed methane:

—   during a three-year base period: PLN 4 000,00 per year;

—   for the fourth and fifth years of validity of a mining usufruct contract: PLN 4 000,00 per year;

—   for the sixth and subsequent years of validity of a mining usufruct contract: PLN 4 000,00 per year;


for the prospection and exploration of coal-bed methane:

—   during a five-year base period: PLN 6 000,00 per year;

—   for the sixth, seventh and eighth years of validity of a mining usufruct contract: PLN 6 000,00 per year;

—   for the ninth and subsequent years of validity of a mining usufruct contract: PLN 6 000,00 per year.

The application evaluation procedure will be completed within a period of six months from the deadline for submitting applications. Applicants will receive written notification of the outcome of the procedure.

Applications must be drawn up in Polish.

The licensing authority will grant concessions for the prospection and/or exploration of coal-bed methane to the successful applicant after taking account of the opinion of the relevant authorities, and will conclude a mining usufruct contract with it.

In order to be able to carry out activity involving the prospection or exploration of coal-bed methane in Poland, an operator must hold both mining usufruct rights and a concession.

Applications should be sent to the following address:

Ministry of the Environment

Departament Geologii i Koncesji Geologicznych [Geology and Geological Concessions Department]

Wawelska 52/54

00-922 Warszawa


Information may be obtained from:

the website of the Ministry of the Environment: www.mos.gov.pl

Geology and Geological Concessions Department

Ministry of the Environment

Wawelska 52/54

00-922 Warszawa


Tel. 48 223692449

Fax 48 223692460

Email: dgikg@mos.gov.pl

Approved by:


Chief State Geologist