

Official Journal of the European Union

C 84/57

Summary information communicated by Member States on State aid granted in conformity with Commission Regulation (EC) 736/2008 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production, processing and marketing of fisheries products

2013/C 84/08

State aid No: SA.35752 (12/XF)

Member State: Latvia

Region/Authority granting the aid: Latvia

Title of aid scheme / Name of company receiving ad hoc aid: Over-commitments for the measure ‧Processing and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products‧

Legal basis: Ministru kabineta 2008.gada 1.aprīļa noteikumi Nr.241 „Kārtība, kādā piešķir valsts un Eiropas Savienības atbalstu zivsaimniecības attīstībai atklātu projektu iesniegumu konkursu veidā pasākumam „Zvejas un akvakultūras produktu apstrāde” [Cabinet Regulation No 241 of 1 April 2008 laying down the procedure for granting state and European Union aid for fisheries development by means of an open call for tenders for the measure ‧Processing of fisheries and aquaculture products‧]

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or amount of ad hoc aid granted:


public funding for 2007-2013: LVL 25.470.254


over-commitments: LVL 2.828.196 (11,1 %)

Maximum aid intensity: 60 %

Date of entry into force:

Duration of the scheme or individual aid award (not later than 30 June 2014); indicate::

in the case of a scheme: the date until which aid may be granted;

30 June 2014

in the case of ad-hoc aid: the expected date of the last instalment to be paid.

Objective of aid: Aid for undertakings engaged in the processing of fishery and aquaculture products to implement projects under the measure ‧Investment in aquaculture undertakings‧.

Indicate which of Articles 8 to 24 is used: Article 16 of Commission Regulation (EC) 736/2008

Activity concerned: The public funding available for the measure ‧Processing and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products‧ of Priority Axis 2 ‧Aquaculture, inland fishing, processing and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products‧ of the Operational Programme for the deployment of aid from the European Fisheries Fund in Latvia (2007-13) is LVL 25.470.254. Over-commitments equating to 11.1 % of the public funding available for the measure, i.e. LVL 2.828.196, will be assumed.

The objective of the measure ‧Processing and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products‧ is to increase the value added to fishery and aquaculture products, improve occupational safety and productivity, reduce the negative impact on the environment, ensure product quality, including by reducing the amount of harmful substances in fish products, and manufacture new products and use by-products and waste from fish processing.

Under the measure ‧Processing and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products‧, aid from over-commitments will be provided solely to small and medium-sized enterprises. The maximum eligible costs for a single project are EUR 2 million. The maximum eligible costs for a single beneficiary are EUR 1 million per year.

Name and address of the granting authority:

Lauku atbalsta dienests [Rural Support Service]

Republikas laukums 2, Riga, LV-1981

Web address where the full text of the scheme or the criteria and conditions under which ad hoc aid is granted outside of an aid scheme can be found: http://www.zm.gov.lv/?sadala=2231

Motivation: Indicate why a State aid scheme has been established instead of assistance under the European Fisheries Fund: The state aid scheme has been established so that, when assuming over-commitments at the end of the European Fisheries Fund implementation period, all of the public funding is absorbed, including the public funding reserved for unimplemented projects.