
Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova on the protection of geographical indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs /* COM/2012/0138 final - 2012/0069 (NLE) */



Both Parties, the European Union and the Republic of Moldova, aim at the mutual protection of geographical indications (GIs) in order to improve the conditions of bilateral trade as well as to promote the quality in the food chain and stimulate the value for sustainable rural development.

The negotiations proceeded smoothly. For the EU, these negotiations had two objectives: on one hand expansion of the protection and use of the geographical indications system (the Republic of Moldova will protect the full list of EU GIs), on the other hand intervention at the source of potential misuses of EU GIs. Reciprocally, the Republic of Moldova has an interest to develop and protect their current geographical indications in the EU territory and strengthen its relation with the EU.

The present proposal is the result of bilateral negotiations concluded on the 18th of April 2011. The agreement provides for a mutual protection of geographical indications (PDOs and PGIs) protected in the respective Parties.


No implications.

2012/0069 (NLE)

Proposal for a


on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova on the protection of geographical indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular the first subparagraph of 207(4) first subparagraph, in conjunction with Article 218(6)(a)(v) and Article 218(7) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,

Having regard to the consent of the European Parliament[1]


(1)       The Commission has negotiated, on behalf of the Union, an Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova on the protection of geographical indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"),

(2)       The Agreement will allow the reciprocal protection of the geographical indications of the respective Parties as well as it will contribute to the approximation of legislation among the EU neighbouring countries,

(3)       In accordance with Council Decision 2010/xxx of […], the Agreement was signed on […], subject to its conclusion at a later date,

(4)       Certain tasks for implementation have been attributed to the Joint Committee established by the Agreement, including the power to amend certain technical aspects of the Agreement as well as certain Annexes thereto,

(5)       The internal procedure for establishing the Union’s position on matters relating to the Agreement should likewise be defined.

(6)       The Agreement should be concluded on behalf of the Union,


Article 1

The Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova on the protection of geographical indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs (hereinafter called the "Agreement") is hereby approved on behalf of the Union.

The text of the Agreement to be concluded is attached to this Decision.

Article 2

The Commission shall represent the Union in the Joint Committee referred to in Article 11 of the Agreement.

Modifications through decisions of the Joint Committee as referred to in Article 11 of the Agreement shall be approved by the Commission on behalf of the Union.

Where interested parties cannot reach a common position following objections relating to a Geographical Indication, the Commission shall adopt such a position on the basis of the procedure laid down in Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission’s exercise of implementing powers[2]. The Commission shall be assisted by the Standing Committee on Protected Geographical Indications and Protected Designations of Origin established by Council Regulation (EC) No 510/2006 of 20 March 2006 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs[3] or by the Management Committee for the Common Organisation of Agricultural Markets established by Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October 2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products (Single CMO Regulation)[4] or by the Committee for Spirit Drinks established byRegulation (EC) No. 110/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 January 2008 on the definition, description, presentation, labelling and the protection of spirit drinks[5].

Article 3

The President of the Council shall designate the person(s) empowered to deposit, on behalf of the Union, the instrument of approval provided for in Article 14 of the Agreement in order to express the consent of the European Union to be bound by the Agreement.

Article 4

This Decision shall enter into force on the day of its adoption.

Done at Brussels,

                                                                       For the Council

                                                                       The President



on THE

protection of geographical indications


agricultural products and foodstuffs

The Government of the Republic of Moldova, of the one part,


the European Union, of the other part,

Hereinafter referred to as the "Contracting Parties",

Having in mind the objectives of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement and the corresponding Action Plan to ensure a level of protection for intellectual property rights similar to that in the EU, including effective means of enforcement,

Having in mind the objectives of the Association Agreement, particularly under the provisions of the possible future Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, to ensure a level of protection for intellectual property rights similar to that in the EU, including effective means of enforcement,

Considering that the Contracting Parties agree to promote between them a harmonious development of the geographical indications as defined in Article 22(1) of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and to foster the trade of the agricultural products and foodstuff originating in the territories of the Contracting Parties,

Have decided to conclude this Agreement:

Article 1


1.           This Agreement applies to the recognition and protection of geographical indications which are originating in the territories of the Contracting Parties.

2.           In order for a geographical indication of a Contracting Party to be protected by the other Contracting Party, it shall cover products within the scope of the legislation of that Contracting Party referred to in Article 2.

3.           “Geographical indication” shall mean an indication as defined in Article 22(1) of the WTO-TRIPs Agreement, which also includes “designations of origin”.

Article 2

Established Geographical Indications

1.           Having examined the legislation of the Republic of Moldova on the protection of geographical indications, listed in Annex I Part A, the European Union concludes that that legislation meets the elements laid down in Annex I Part C.

2.           Having examined the legislation of the European Union on the protection of geographical indications, listed in Annex I Part B, the Government of the Republic of Moldova concludes that that legislation meets the elements laid down in Annex I Part C.

3.           Having completed an objection procedure in accordance with the criteria set out in Annex II, having examined the geographical indications of the European Union listed in Annex III and the wines, aromatised wines and spirit drinks corresponding to the geographical indications of the European Union listed in Annex IV, which have been registered by the European Union under the legislation referred to in paragraph 2, the Government of the Republic of Moldova shall protect those geographical indications according to the level of protection laid down in this Agreement.

4.           Having completed an objection procedure in accordance with the criteria set out in Annex II, having examined the agricultural products and foodstuffs corresponding to the geographical indications of Moldova listed in Annex III and the wines, aromatised wines and spirit drinks corresponding to the geographical indications of the Republic of Moldova listed in Annex IV which have been registered by the Republic of Moldova under the legislation referred to in paragraph 1, the European Union shall protect those geographical indications according to the level of protection laid down in this Agreement.

Article 3

Addition of new geographical indications

1.           The Contracting Parties agree on the possibility to add new geographical indications to be protected in Annexes III and IV in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 11 (3) after having completed the objection procedure and after having examined the geographical indications as referred to in Article 2(3) and 2(4) to the satisfaction of both Contracting Parties.

2.           A Contracting Party shall not be required to protect as a geographical indication a name that conflicts with the name of a plant variety, including a wine grape variety, or an animal breed and as a result is likely to mislead the consumer as to the true origin of the product.

Article 4

Scope of protection of geographical indications

1.           The geographical indications listed in Annexes III and IV, as well as those added pursuant to Article 3, shall be protected against:

(a)     any direct or indirect commercial use of a protected name:

– for comparable products not compliant with the product specification of the protected name, or

– in so far as such use exploits the reputation of a geographical indication;

(b)     any misuse, imitation or evocation[6], even if the true origin of the product is indicated or if the protected name is translated, transcripted, transliterated, or accompanied by an expression such as ‘style’, ‘type’, ‘method’, ‘as produced in’, ‘imitation’, ‘flavour’, ‘like’ or similar;

(c)     any other false or misleading indication as to the provenance, origin, nature or essential qualities of the product, on the inner or outer packaging, advertising material or documents relating to the product concerned, and the packing of the product in a container liable to convey a false impression as to its origin;

(d)     any other practice liable to mislead the consumer as to the true origin of the product.

2.           If geographical indications are wholly or partially homonymous, protection shall be granted to each indication provided that it has been used in good faith and with due regard for local and traditional usage and the actual risk of confusion. Without prejudice to Article 23 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), the Contracting Parties shall mutually decide the practical conditions of use under which the homonymous geographical indications will be differentiated from each other, taking into account the need to ensure equitable treatment of the producers concerned and that consumers are not misled. A homonymous name which misleads the consumer into believing that products come from another territory shall not be registered even if the name is accurate as far as the actual territory, region or place of origin of the product in question is concerned.

3.           Where a Contracting Party, in the context of negotiations with a third country, proposes to protect a geographical indication of that third country, and the name is homonymous with a geographical indication of the other Contracting Party the latter shall be consulted and be given the opportunity to comment before the name is protected.

4.           Nothing in this Agreement shall oblige a Contracting Party to protect a geographical indication of the other Contracting Party which is not or ceases to be protected in its country of origin. The Contracting Parties shall notify each other if a geographical indication ceases to be protected in its country of origin.

5.           The provisions of this Agreement shall in no way prejudice the right of any person to use, in the course of trade, that person’s name or the name of that person’s predecessor in business, except where such name is used in such a manner as to mislead consumers.

Article 5

Right of use of geographical indications

1.           A name protected under this Agreement may be used by any operator marketing, producing, processing or preparing agricultural products, foodstuffs, wines, aromatised wines or spirit drinks which conform to the corresponding product specification.

2.           Once a geographical indication is protected under this Agreement, the use of such protected name shall not be subject to any registration of users or further charges.

Article 6

Enforcement of protection

The Contracting Parties shall enforce the protection provided for in Articles 2 to 7 by appropriate administrative actions or legal proceedings, as appropriate, including at the customs border (export and import), in order to prevent and stop any unlawful use of the protected geographical indications. They shall also enforce such protection at the request of an interested party.

Article 7

Specific provision

Without prejudice to the Republic of Moldova's previous commitments to grant protection for the EU geographical indications derived from international agreements on the protection of geographical indications and the enforcement thereof, including the commitments undertaken in the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration, and in accordance with Article 6, the Republic of Moldova shall benefit from a transitional period of 5 years from the date of entry into force of this Agreement to put in place all complementary actions necessary to stop any unlawful use of the protected geographical indications, in particular the measures at the custom border.

Article 8

Relationship with trade marks

1.           The Contracting Parties shall refuse to register or shall invalidate, ex officio or at the request of any interested party in conformity with the legislation of each Party, a trade mark that corresponds to any of the situations referred to in Article 4(1) in relation to a protected geographical indication for like products, provided an application to register the trade mark is submitted after the date of application for protection of the geographical indication in the territory concerned.

2.           For geographical indications referred to in Article 2, the date of application for protection shall be the date of entry into force of this Agreement.

3.           For geographical indications referred to in Article 3, the date of application for protection shall be the date of the transmission of a request to the other Contracting Party to protect a geographical indication.

4.           For geographical indications referred to in Article 3, the Contracting Parties shall have no obligation to protect a geographical indication where, in the light of a reputed or well-known trade mark, protection is liable to mislead consumers as to the true identity of the product.

5.           Without prejudice to paragraph 4, the Contracting Parties shall protect geographical indications also where a prior trade mark exists. A prior trade mark shall mean a trade mark the use of which corresponds to one of the situations referred to in Article 4(1), which has been applied for, registered or established by use, if that possibility is provided for by the legislation concerned, in the territory of one of the Contracting Party before the date on which the application for protection of the geographical indication is submitted by the other Contracting Party under this Agreement. Such trade mark may continue to be used and renewed notwithstanding the protection of the geographical indication, provided that no grounds for the trade mark’s invalidity or revocation exist in the legislation on trade marks of the Contracting Parties.

Article 9

General rules

1.           This Agreement shall apply without prejudice to the rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties under the WTO Agreement, namely the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization done on 15 April 1994.

2.           Notwithstanding Article 7, importation, export and marketing of any product referred to in Articles 2 and 3 shall be conducted in compliance with the laws and regulations applying in the territory of the importing Contracting Party.

3.           Any matter arising from technical specifications of registered names shall be dealt with in the Committee established in Article 11.

4.           Geographical indications protected under this Agreement may only be cancelled by the Contracting Party in which the product originates.

5.           A product specification referred to in this Agreement shall be that approved, including any amendments also approved, by the authorities of the Contracting Party in the territory of which the product originates.

Article 10

Cooperation and Transparency

1.           The Contracting Parties shall, either directly or through the Joint Committee established pursuant to Article 11, maintain contact on all matters relating to the implementation and the functioning of this Agreement, in particular, a Contracting Party may request from the other Contracting Party information relating to products specifications and their modification, and contact points for control provisions.

2.           Each Contracting Party may make publicly available the product specifications or a summary thereof and contact points for control provisions corresponding to geographical indications of the other Contracting Party protected pursuant to this Agreement.

Article 11

Joint Committee

1.           Both Contracting Parties agree to set up a Joint Committee consisting of representatives of the Contracting Parties with the purpose of monitoring the development of this Agreement and of intensifying their co-operation and dialogue on geographical indications.

2.           The Joint Committee adopts its decisions by consensus. It shall determine its own rules of procedure. It shall meet at least once a year and at the request of either of the Contracting Parties, alternatively in the European Union and in the Republic of Moldova, at a time and a place and in a manner (which may include by videoconference) mutually determined by the Contracting Parties, but no later than 90 days after the request.

3.           The Joint Committee shall also see to the proper functioning of this Agreement and may consider any matter related to its implementation and operation. In particular, it shall be responsible for:

(a)     amending Annex I Part A and Part B of this Agreement, as regards the references to the law applicable in the Contracting Parties,

(b)     modifying Annex III and IV as regards geographical indications,

(c)     exchanging information on legislative and policy developments on geographical indications and any other matter of mutual interest in the area of geographical indications,

(d)     exchanging information on geographical indications for the purpose of considering their protection in accordance with this Agreement,

(e)     monitoring the latest developments regarding the enforcement of the protection of the geographical indications listed in Annex III and Annex IV.

Article 12

Territorial scope

This Agreement shall apply, on the one hand, to the territories in which the Treaty on European Union is applied and under the conditions laid down in that Treaty and, on the other hand, to the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

Article 13

Authentic languages

1.           This Agreement is drawn up in duplicate in the official languages of both Contracting Parties.

2.           In the event of inconsistencies of interpretation, the English text shall be determinative.

Article 14

Final provisions

1.           This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date on which the Contracting Parties have notified each other in writing that their respective procedures for the entry into force of this Agreement have been completed.

2.           Either Contracting Party may terminate this Agreement by giving one year’s written notice to the other Contracting Party.



Legislation as referred to in Article 2(1)

Law on the Protection of Geographical Indications, Designations of Origin and Traditional Specialties Guaranteed, No. 66-XVI of 27.03.2008 and its implementing rules, for the procedure of filing, examination and registration of geographical indications, designations of origin and traditional specialties guaranteed in the Republic of Moldova.


Legislation as referred to in Article 2(2)

1.           Council Regulation (EC) No 510/2006, of 20 March 2006 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs, with its implementing rules, for the registration, control, and the protection of geographical indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs in the European Union,

2.           Part II, Title II, Chapter I, Section 1a of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of the Council of 22 October 2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products (Single CMO Regulation), with its implementing rules,

3.           Regulation (EC) No 110/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 January 2008 on the definition, description, presentation, labelling and the protection of geographical indications of spirit drinks, with its implementing rules,

4.           Council Regulation (EEC) No 1601/91 of 10 June 1991 laying down general rules on the definition, description and presentation of aromatized wines, aromatized wine- based drinks and aromatized wine-product cocktails, with its implementing rules


Elements for registration and control of geographical indications as referred to in Article 2(1) and 2(2)

1.           A register listing geographical indications protected in the territory;

2.           An administrative process verifying that geographical indications identify a good as originating in a territory, region or locality of one or more states, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin;

3.           A requirement that a registered name shall correspond to a specific product or products for which a product specification is laid down, which can only be amended by due administrative process;

4.           Control provisions applying to production;

5.           An objection procedure that allows the legitimate interests of prior users of names, whether those names are protected as a form of intellectual property or not, to be taken into account;

6.           A rule that protected names may not become generic;

7.           Provisions concerning the registration, which may include refusal of registration, of terms homonymous or partly homonymous with registered terms, terms customary in common language as the common name for goods, terms comprising or including the names of plant varieties and animal breeds. Such provisions shall take into account the legitimate interests of all parties concerned.


Criteria to be included in the objection procedure as referred to in Article 2(3) and (4)

a.            List of name(s) with, where applicable, the corresponding transcription into Latin characters;

b.           Information about the product class;

c.            Invitation to any Member State, in the case of the European Union, or third country or any natural or legal persons having a legitimate interest, established or resident in a Member State in the case of the European Union, in the Republic of Moldova or in a third country to submit objections to such protection by lodging a duly substantiated statement;

d.           Statements of objection must reach the European Commission or the Moldovan Government within 2 months from the date of the publication of the information notice;

e.            Statements of objection shall be admissible only if they are received within the time-limit set out in point (d) and if they show that the protection of the name proposed would:

– conflict with the name of a plant variety, including a wine grape variety or an animal breed and as a result is likely to mislead the consumer as to the true origin of the product;

– conflict with a homonymous name which would mislead the consumer into believing that products come from another territory;

– in the light of a trade mark's reputation and renown and the length of time it has been used, be liable to mislead the consumer as to the true identity of the product;

– jeopardise the existence of an entirely or partly identical name or of a trade mark or the existence of products which have been legally on the market for at least five years preceding the date of the publication of the information notice;

– conflict with a name that is considered generic;

f.            The criteria referred to in point (e) shall be evaluated in relation to the territory of the European Union, which in the case of intellectual property rights refers only to the territory or territories where the rights are protected, or the territory of the Republic of Moldova.


Geographical indications of products as referred to in Article 2(3) and (4)

Agricultural products and foodstuffs others than wines, spirits and aromatised wines of the European Union to be protected in the Republic of Moldova

EU Member State || Name to be protected || Type of product || Latin Equivalent

AT || Gailtaler Speck || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

AT || Tiroler Speck || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

AT || Gailtaler Almkäse || Cheeses ||

AT || Tiroler Almkäse ; Tiroler Alpkäse || Cheeses ||

AT || Tiroler Bergkäse || Cheeses ||

AT || Tiroler Graukäse || Cheeses ||

AT || Vorarlberger Alpkäse || Cheeses ||

AT || Vorarlberger Bergkäse || Cheeses ||

AT || Steirisches Kübiskernöl || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

AT || Marchfeldspargel || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

AT || Steirischer Kren || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

AT || Wachauer Marille || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

AT || Waldviertler Graumohn || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

BE || Jambon d'Ardenne || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

BE || Fromage de Herve || Cheeses ||

BE || Beurre d'Ardenne || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

BE || Brussels grondwitloof || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

BE || Vlaams - Brabantse Tafeldruif || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

BE || Pâté gaumais || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

BE || Geraardsbergse Mattentaart || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

BE || Gentse azalea || Flowers and ornamental plants ||

CY || Λουκούμι Γεροσκήπου || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares || Loukoumi Geroskipou

CZ || Nošovické kysané zelí || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

CZ || Všestarská cibule || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

CZ || Pohořelický kapr || Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them ||

CZ || Třeboňský kapr || Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them ||

CZ || Český kmín || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

CZ || Chamomilla bohemica || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

CZ || Žatecký chmel || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

CZ || Brněnské pivo ; Starobrněnské pivo || Beers ||

CZ || Březnický Ležák[7] || Beers ||

CZ || Budějovické pivo || Beers ||

CZ || Budějovický měšťanský var || Beers ||

CZ || České pivo || Beers ||

CZ || Černá Hora[8] || Beers ||

CZ || Českobudějovické pivo || Beers ||

CZ || Chodské pivo || Beers ||

CZ || Znojemské pivo || Beers ||

CZ || Hořické trubičky || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

CZ || Karlovarský suchar || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

CZ || Lomnické suchary || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

CZ || Mariánskolázeňské oplatky || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

CZ || Pardubický perník || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

CZ || Štramberské uši || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

CZ || Jihočeská Niva || Cheeses ||

CZ || Jihočeská Zlatá Niva || Cheeses ||

DE || Diepholzer Moorschnucke || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

DE || Lüneburger Heidschnucke || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

DE || Schwäbisch-Hällisches Qualitätsschweinefleisch || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

DE || Ammerländer Dielenrauchschinken ; Ammerländer Katenschinken || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

DE || Ammerländer Schinken ; Ammerländer Knochenschinken || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

DE || Greußener Salami || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

DE || Nürnberger Bratwürste ; Nürnberger Rostbratwürste || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

DE || Schwarzwälder Schinken || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

DE || Thüringer Leberwurst || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

DE || Thüringer Rostbratwurst || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

DE || Thüringer Rotwurst || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

DE || Allgäuer Bergkäse || Cheeses ||

DE || Allgäuer Emmentaler || Cheeses ||

DE || Altenburger Ziegenkäse || Cheeses ||

DE || Odenwälder Frühstückskäse || Cheeses ||

DE || Lausitzer Leinöl || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

DE || Bayerischer Meerrettich ; Bayerischer Kren || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

DE || Feldsalate von der Insel Reichenau || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

DE || Gurken von der Insel Reichenau || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

DE || Salate von der Insel Reichenau || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

DE || Spreewälder Gurken || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

DE || Spreewälder Meerrettich || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

DE || Tomaten von der Insel Reichenau || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

DE || Holsteiner Karpfen || Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them ||

DE || Oberpfälzer Karpfen || Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them ||

DE || Schwarzwaldforelle || Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them ||

DE || Bayerisches Bier || Beers ||

DE || Bremer Bier || Beers ||

DE || Dortmunder Bier || Beers ||

DE || Hofer Bier || Beers ||

DE || Kölsch || Beers ||

DE || Kulmbacher Bier || Beers ||

DE || Mainfranken Bier || Beers ||

DE || Münchener Bier || Beers ||

DE || Reuther Bier || Beers ||

DE || Wernesgrüner Bier || Beers ||

DE || Aachener Printen || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

DE || Lübecker Marzipan || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

DE || Meißner Fummel || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

DE || Nürnberger Lebkuchen || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

DE || Schwäbische Maultaschen ; Schwäbische Suppenmaultaschen || Pasta ||

DE || Hopfen aus der Hallertau || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

DK || Danablu || Cheeses ||

DK || Esrom || Cheeses ||

DK || Lammefjordsgulerod || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

EL || Ανεβατό || Cheeses || Anevato

EL || Γαλοτύρι || Cheeses || Galotyri

EL || Γραβιέρα Αγράφων || Cheeses || Graviera Agrafon

EL || Γραβιέρα Κρήτης || Cheeses || Graviera Kritis

EL || Γραβιέρα Νάξου || Cheeses || Graviera Naxou

EL || Καλαθάκι Λήμνου || Cheeses || Kalathaki Limnou

EL || Κασέρι || Cheeses || Kasseri

EL || Κατίκι Δομοκού || Cheeses || Katiki Domokou

EL || Κεφαλογραβιέρα || Cheeses || Kefalograviera

EL || Κοπανιστή || Cheeses || Kopanisti

EL || Λαδοτύρι Μυτιλήνης || Cheeses || Ladotyri Mytilinis

EL || Μανούρι || Cheeses || Manouri

EL || Μετσοβόνε || Cheeses || Metsovone

EL || Μπάτζος || Cheeses || Batzos

EL || Ξυνομυζήθρα Κρήτης || Cheeses || Xynomyzithra Kritis

EL || Πηχτόγαλο Χανίων || Cheeses || Pichtogalo Chanion

EL || Σαν Μιχάλη || Cheeses || San Michali

EL || Σφέλα || Cheeses || Sfela

EL || Φέτα || Cheeses || Feta

EL || Φορμαέλλα Αράχωβας Παρνασσού || Cheeses || Formaella Arachovas Parnassou

EL || Άγιος Ματθαίος Κέρκυρας || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Agios Mattheos Kerkyras

EL || Αποκορώνας Χανίων Κρήτης || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Apokoronas Chanion Kritis

EL || Αρχάνες Ηρακλείου Κρήτης || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Arxanes Irakliou Kritis

EL || Βιάννος Ηρακλείου Κρήτης || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Viannos Irakliou Kritis

EL || Βόρειος Μυλοπόταμος Ρεθύμνης Κρήτης || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Vorios Mylopotamos Rethymnis Kritis

EL || Εξαιρετικό παρθένο ελαιόλαδο "Τροιζηνία" || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Exeretiko partheno eleolado “Trizinia”

EL || Εξαιρετικό παρθένο ελαιόλαδο Θραψανό || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Exeretiko partheno eleolado Thrapsano

EL || Ζάκυνθος || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Zakynthos

EL || Θάσος || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Thassos

EL || Καλαμάτα || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Kalamata

EL || Κεφαλονιά || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Kefalonia

EL || Κολυμβάρι Χανίων Κρήτης || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Kolymvari Chanion Kritis

EL || Κρανίδι Αργολίδας || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Kranidi Argolidas

EL || Κροκεές Λακωνίας || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Krokees Lakonias

EL || Λακωνία || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Lakonia

EL || Λέσβος ; Mυτιλήνη || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Lesvos ; Mytilini

EL || Λυγουριό Ασκληπιείου || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Lygourio Asklipiiou

EL || Ολυμπία || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Olympia

EL || Πεζά Ηρακλείου Κρήτης || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Peza Irakliou Kritis

EL || Πέτρινα Λακωνίας || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Petrina Lakonias

EL || Πρέβεζα || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Preveza

EL || Ρόδος || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Rodos

EL || Σάμος || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Samos

EL || Σητεία Λασιθίου Κρήτης || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Sitia Lasithiou Kritis

EL || Φοινικι Λακωνιασ || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Finiki Lakonias

EL || Χανιά Κρήτης || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) || Chania Kritis

EL || Ακτινίδιο Πιερίας || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Aktinidio Pierias

EL || Ακτινίδιο Σπερχειού || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Aktinidio Sperchiou

EL || Ελιά Καλαμάτας || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Elia Kalamatas

EL || Θρούμπα Αμπαδιάς Ρεθύμνης Κρήτης || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Throumpa Ampadias Rethymnis Kritis

EL || Θρούμπα Θάσου || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Throumpa Thassou

EL || Θρούμπα Χίου || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Throumpa Chiou

EL || Κελυφωτό φυστίκι Φθιώτιδας || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Kelifoto fystiki Fthiotidas

EL || Κεράσια τραγανά Ροδοχωρίου || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Kerassia Tragana Rodochoriou

EL || Κονσερβολιά Αμφίσσης || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Konservolia Amfissis

EL || Κονσερβολιά Άρτας || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Konservolia Artas

EL || Κονσερβολιά Αταλάντης || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Konservolia Atalantis

EL || Κονσερβολιά Πηλίου Βόλου || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Konservolia Piliou Volou

EL || Κονσερβολιά Ροβίων || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Konservolia Rovion

EL || Κονσερβολιά Στυλίδας || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Konservolia Stylidas

EL || Κορινθιακή Σταφίδα Βοστίτσα || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Korinthiaki Stafida Vostitsa

EL || Κουμ Κουάτ Κέρκυρας || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Koum kouat Kerkyras

EL || Μήλα Ζαγοράς Πηλίου || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Mila Zagoras Piliou

EL || Μήλα Ντελίσιους ΠιλαÔά Τριπόλεως || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Mila Delicious Pilafa Tripoleos

EL || Μήλο Καστοριάς || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Milo Kastorias

EL || Ξερά σύκα Κύμης || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Xera syka Kymis

EL || Πατάτα Κάτω Νευροκοπίου || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Patata Kato Nevrokopiou

EL || Πορτοκάλια Μάλεμε Χανίων Κρήτης || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Portokalia Maleme Chanion Kritis

EL || Ροδάκινα Νάουσας || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Rodakina Naoussas

EL || Σταφίδα Ζακύνθου || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Stafida Zakynthou

EL || Σύκα Βραβρώνας Μαρκοπούλου Μεσογείων || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Syka Vavronas Markopoulou Messongion

EL || Τσακώνικη μελιτζάνα Λεωνιδίου || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Tsakoniki Melitzana Leonidiou

EL || Φασόλια (Γίγαντες Ελέφαντες) Πρεσπών Φλώρινας || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Fassolia Gigantes Elefantes Prespon Florinas

EL || Φασόλια (πλακέ μεγαλόσπερμα) Πρεσπών Φλώρινας || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Fassolia (plake megalosperma) Prespon Florinas

EL || ΦΑΣΟΛΙΑ ΓΙΓΑΝΤΕΣ — ΕΛΕΦΑΝΤΕΣ ΚΑΣΤΟΡΙΑΣ || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Fassolia Gigantes-Elefantes Kastorias

EL || Φασόλια γίγαντες ελέφαντες Κάτω Νευροκοπίου || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Fassolia Gigantes Elefantes Kato Nevrokopiou

EL || Φασόλια κοινά μεσόσπερμα Κάτω Νευροκοπίοu || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Fassolia kina Messosperma Kato Nevrokopiou

EL || Φυστίκι Αίγινας || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Fystiki Eginas

EL || Φυστίκι Μεγάρων || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed || Fystiki Megaron

EL || Αυγοτάραχο Μεσολογγίου || Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them || Avgotaracho Messolongiou

EL || Κρόκος Κοζάνης || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) || Krokos Kozanis

EL || Μέλι Ελάτης Μαινάλου Βανίλια || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) || Meli Elatis Menalou Vanilia

EL || Κρητικό παξιμάδι || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares || Kritiko paximadi

EL || Μαστίχα Χίου || Natural gums and resines || Masticha Chiou

EL || Τσίχλα Χίου || Natural gums and resines || Tsikla Chiou

EL || Μαστιχέλαιο Χίου || Essential oils || Mastichelaio Chiou

ES || Arzùa-Ulloa || Cheeses ||

ES || Carne de Ávila || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

ES || Carne de Cantabria || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

ES || Carne de la Sierra de Guadarrama || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

ES || Carne de Morucha de Salamanca || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

ES || Carne de Vacuno del País Vasco ; Euskal Okela || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

ES || Cordero de Navarra ; Nafarroako Arkumea || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

ES || Cordero Manchego || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

ES || Lacón Gallego || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

ES || Lechazo de Castilla y León || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

ES || Pollo y Capón del Prat || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

ES || Ternasco de Aragón || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

ES || Ternera Asturiana || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

ES || Ternera de Extremadura || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

ES || Ternera de Navarra; Nafarroako Aratxea || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

ES || Ternera Gallega || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

ES || Botillo del Bierzo || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

ES || Cecina de León || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

ES || Chorizo Riojano || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

ES || Dehesa de Extremadura || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

ES || Guijuelo || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

ES || Jamón de Huelva || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

ES || Jamón de Teruel || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

ES || Jamón de Trevélez || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

ES || Salchichón de Vic ; Llonganissa de Vic || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

ES || Sobrasada de Mallorca || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

ES || Afuega'l Pitu || Cheeses ||

ES || Cabrales || Cheeses ||

ES || Cebreiro || Cheeses ||

ES || Gamoneu ; Gamonedo || Cheeses ||

ES || Idiazábal || Cheeses ||

ES || Mahón-Menorca || Cheeses ||

ES || Picón Bejes-Tresviso || Cheeses ||

ES || Queso de La Serena || Cheeses ||

ES || Queso de l'Alt Urgell y la Cerdanya || Cheeses ||

ES || Queso de Murcia || Cheeses ||

ES || Queso de Murcia al vino || Cheeses ||

ES || Queso de Valdeón || Cheeses ||

ES || Queso Ibores || Cheeses ||

ES || Queso Majorero || Cheeses ||

ES || Queso Manchego || Cheeses ||

ES || Queso Nata de Cantabria || Cheeses ||

ES || Queso Palmero ; Queso de la Palma || Cheeses ||

ES || Queso Tetilla || Cheeses ||

ES || Queso Zamorano || Cheeses ||

ES || Quesucos de Liébana || Cheeses ||

ES || Roncal || Cheeses ||

ES || San Simón da Costa || Cheeses ||

ES || Torta del Casar || Cheeses ||

ES || Miel de Galicia ; Mel de Galicia || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

ES || Miel de Granada || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

ES || Miel de La Alcarria || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

ES || Aceite de La Alcarria || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Aceite de la Rioja || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Aceite de Mallorca ; Aceite mallorquín ; Oli de Mallorca ; Oli mallorquí || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Aceite de Terra Alta ; Oli de Terra Alta || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Aceite del Baix Ebre-Montsià ; Oli del Baix Ebre-Montsià || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Aceite del Bajo Aragón || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Aceite Monterrubio || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Antequera || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Baena || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Gata-Hurdes || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Les Garrigues || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Mantequilla de l'Alt Urgell y la Cerdanya ; Mantega de l'Alt Urgell i la Cerdanya || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Mantequilla de Soria || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Montes de Granada || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Montes de Toledo || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Poniente de Granada || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Priego de Córdoba || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Sierra de Cadiz || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Sierra de Cazorla || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Sierra de Segura || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Sierra Mágina || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Siurana || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

ES || Ajo Morado de las Pedroñeras || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Alcachofa de Benicarló ; Carxofa de Benicarló || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Alcachofa de Tudela || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Alubia de La Bañeza-León || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Arroz de Valencia ; Arròs de València || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Arroz del Delta del Ebro ; Arròs del Delta de l'Ebre || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Avellana de Reus || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Berenjena de Almagro || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Calasparra || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Calçot de Valls || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Cereza del Jerte || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Cerezas de la Montaña de Alicante || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Chirimoya de la Costa tropical de Granada-Málaga || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Cítricos Valencianos ; Cítrics Valencians || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Clementinas de las Tierras del Ebro ; Clementines de les Terres de l'Ebre || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Coliflor de Calahorra || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Espárrago de Huétor-Tájar || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Espárrago de Navarra || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Faba Asturiana || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Faba de Lourenzá || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Garbanzo de Fuentesaúco || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Judías de El Barco de Ávila || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Kaki Ribera del Xúquer || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Lenteja de La Armuña || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Lenteja Pardina de Tierra de Campos || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Manzana de Girona ; Poma de Girona || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Manzana Reineta del Bierzo || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Melocotón de Calanda || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Nísperos Callosa d'En Sarriá || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Pataca de Galicia ; Patata de Galicia || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Patatas de Prades ; Patates de Prades || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Pera de Jumilla || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Peras de Rincón de Soto || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Pimiento Asado del Bierzo || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Pimiento Riojano || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Pimientos del Piquillo de Lodosa || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Uva de mesa embolsada "Vinalopó" || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

ES || Caballa de Andalucia || Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them ||

ES || Mejillón de Galicia ; Mexillón de Galicia || Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them ||

ES || Melva de Andalucia || Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them ||

ES || Azafrán de la Mancha || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

ES || Chufa de Valencia || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

ES || Pimentón de la Vera || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

ES || Pimentón de Murcia || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

ES || Pemento do Couto || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

ES || Sidra de Asturias ; Sidra d'Asturies || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

ES || Alfajor de Medina Sidonia || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

ES || Ensaimada de Mallorca ; Ensaimada mallorquina || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

ES || Jijona || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

ES || Mantecadas de Astorga || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

ES || Mazapán de Toledo || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

ES || Pan de Cea || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

ES || Pan de Cruz de Ciudad Real || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

ES || Tarta de Santiago || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

ES || Turrón de Agramunt ; Torró d'Agramunt || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

ES || Turrón de Alicante || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

FI || Lapin Poron liha || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FI || Lapin Puikula || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FI || Kainuun rönttönen || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

FR || Agneau de l'Aveyron || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Agneau de Lozère || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Agneau de Pauillac || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Agneau de Sisteron || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Agneau du Bourbonnais || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Agneau du Limousin || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Agneau du Poitou-Charentes || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Agneau du Quercy || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Barèges-Gavarnie || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Bœuf charolais du Bourbonnais || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Boeuf de Bazas || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Bœuf de Chalosse || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Bœuf du Maine || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Dinde de Bresse || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Pintadeau de la Drome || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Porc de la Sarthe || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Porc de Normandie || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Porc de Vendée || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Porc du Limousin || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Taureau de Camargue || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Veau de l'Aveyron et du Ségala || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Veau du Limousin || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles d'Alsace || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles d'Ancenis || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles d'Auvergne || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles de Bourgogne || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles de Bresse || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles de Bretagne || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles de Challans || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles de Cholet || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles de Gascogne || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles de Houdan || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles de Janzé || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles de la Champagne || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles de la Drôme || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles de l'Ain || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles de Licques || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles de l'Orléanais || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles de Loué || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles de Normandie || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles de Vendée || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles des Landes || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles du Béarn || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles du Berry || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles du Charolais || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles du Forez || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles du Gatinais || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles du Gers || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles du Languedoc || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles du Lauragais || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles du Maine || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles du plateau de Langres || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles du Val de Sèvres || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Volailles du Velay || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

FR || Boudin blanc de Rethel || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

FR || Canard à foie gras du Sud-Ouest (Chalosse, Gascogne, Gers, Landes, Périgord, Quercy) || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

FR || Jambon de Bayonne || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

FR || Jambon sec et noix de jambon sec des Ardennes || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

FR || Abondance || Cheeses ||

FR || Banon || Cheeses ||

FR || Beaufort || Cheeses ||

FR || Bleu d'Auvergne || Cheeses ||

FR || Bleu de Gex Haut-Jura ; Bleu de Septmoncel || Cheeses ||

FR || Bleu des Causses || Cheeses ||

FR || Bleu du Vercors-Sassenage || Cheeses ||

FR || Brie de Meaux || Cheeses ||

FR || Brie de Melun || Cheeses ||

FR || Brocciu Corse ; Brocciu || Cheeses ||

FR || Camembert de Normandie || Cheeses ||

FR || Cantal ; Fourme de Cantal ; Cantalet || Cheeses ||

FR || Chabichou du Poitou || Cheeses ||

FR || Chaource || Cheeses ||

FR || Chevrotin || Cheeses ||

FR || Comté || Cheeses ||

FR || Crottin de Chavignol ; Chavignol || Cheeses ||

FR || Emmental de Savoie || Cheeses ||

FR || Emmental français est-central || Cheeses ||

FR || Époisses || Cheeses ||

FR || Fourme d'Ambert ; Fourme de Montbrison || Cheeses ||

FR || Laguiole || Cheeses ||

FR || Langres || Cheeses ||

FR || Livarot || Cheeses ||

FR || Maroilles ; Marolles || Cheeses ||

FR || Mont d'or ; Vacherin du Haut-Doubs || Cheeses ||

FR || Morbier || Cheeses ||

FR || Munster ; Munster-Géromé || Cheeses ||

FR || Neufchâtel || Cheeses ||

FR || Ossau-Iraty || Cheeses ||

FR || Pélardon || Cheeses ||

FR || Picodon de l'Ardèche ; Picodon de la Drôme || Cheeses ||

FR || Pont-l'Évêque || Cheeses ||

FR || Pouligny-Saint-Pierre || Cheeses ||

FR || Reblochon ; Reblochon de Savoie || Cheeses ||

FR || Rocamadour || Cheeses ||

FR || Roquefort || Cheeses ||

FR || Sainte-Maure de Touraine || Cheeses ||

FR || Saint-Nectaire || Cheeses ||

FR || Salers || Cheeses ||

FR || Selles-sur-Cher || Cheeses ||

FR || Tome des Bauges || Cheeses ||

FR || Tomme de Savoie || Cheeses ||

FR || Tomme des Pyrénées || Cheeses ||

FR || Valençay || Cheeses ||

FR || Crème d'Isigny || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

FR || Crème fraîche fluide d'Alsace || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

FR || Miel d'Alsace || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

FR || Miel de Corse ; Mele di Corsica || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

FR || Miel de Provence || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

FR || Miel de sapin des Vosges || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

FR || Œufs de Loué || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

FR || Beurre Charentes-Poitou ; Beurre des Charentes ; Beurre des Deux-Sèvres || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

FR || Beurre d'Isigny || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

FR || Huile d'olive d'Aix-en-Provence || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

FR || Huile d'olive de Corse ; Huile d'olive de Corse-Oliu di Corsica || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

FR || Huile d'olive de Haute-Provence || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

FR || Huile d'olive de la Vallée des Baux-de-Provence || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

FR || Huile d'olive de Nice || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

FR || Huile d'olive de Nîmes || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

FR || Huile d'olive de Nyons || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

FR || Huile essentielle de lavande de Haute-Provence || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

FR || Ail blanc de Lomagne || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Ail de la Drôme || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Ail rose de Lautrec || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Asperge des sables des Landes || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Chasselas de Moissac || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Clémentine de Corse || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Coco de Paimpol || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Fraise du Périgord || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Haricot tarbais || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Kiwi de l'Adour || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Lentille vert du Puy || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Lentilles vertes du Berry || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Lingot du Nord || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Mâche nantaise || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Melon du Haut-Poitou || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Melon du Quercy || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Mirabelles de Lorraine || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Muscat du Ventoux || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Noix de Grenoble || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Noix du Périgord || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Oignon doux des Cévennes || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Olive de Nice || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Olives cassées de la Vallée des Baux-de-Provence || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Olives noires de la Vallée des Baux de Provence || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Olives noires de Nyons || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Petit Epeautre de Haute Provence || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Poireaux de Créances || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Pomme de terre de l'Île de Ré || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Pomme du Limousin || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Pommes de terre de Merville || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Pommes et poires de Savoie || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Pommes des Alpes de Haute Durance || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Pruneaux d'Agen ; Pruneaux d'Agen mi-cuits || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Riz de Camargue || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

FR || Anchois de Collioure || Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them ||

FR || Coquille Saint-Jacques des Côtes d'Armor || Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them ||

FR || Cidre de Bretagne ; Cidre Breton || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

FR || Cidre de Normandie ; Cidre Normand || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

FR || Cornouaille || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

FR || Domfront || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

FR || Farine de Petit Épeautre de Haute Provence || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

FR || Huîtres Marennes Oléron || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

FR || Pays d'Auge ; Pays d'Auge-Cambremer || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

FR || Piment d'Espelette ; Piment d'Espelette - Ezpeletako Biperra || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

FR || Bergamote(s) de Nancy || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

FR || Brioche vendéenne || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

FR || Pâtes d'Alsace || Pasta ||

FR || Raviole du Dauphiné || Pasta ||

FR || Foin de Crau || Hay ||

HU || Budapesti téliszalámi || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

HU || Szegedi szalámi ; Szegedi téliszalámi || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

HU || Hajdúsági torma || Fruit, vegetables and cereals fresh or processed ||

IE || Connemara Hill lamb ; Uain Sléibhe Chonamara || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

IE || Timoleague Brown Pudding || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IE || Imokilly Regato || Cheeses ||

IE || Clare Island Salmon || Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them ||

IT || Abbacchio Romano || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

IT || Agnello di Sardegna || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

IT || Mortadella Bologna || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

IT || Prosciutto di S. Daniele || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

IT || Vitellone bianco dell'Appennino Centrale || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

IT || Bresaola della Valtellina || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Capocollo di Calabria || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Ciauscolo || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Coppa Piacentina || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Cotechino Modena || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Culatello di Zibello || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Lardo di Colonnata || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Pancetta di Calabria || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Pancetta Piacentina || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Prosciutto di Carpegna || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Prosciutto di Modena || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Prosciutto di Norcia || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Prosciutto di Parma || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Prosciutto Toscano || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Prosciutto Veneto Berico-Euganeo || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Prosciutto di Sauris || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Salame Brianza || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Salame Cremona || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Salame di Varzi || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Salame d'oca di Mortara || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Salame Piacentino || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Salame S. Angelo || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Salamini italiani alla cacciatora || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Salsiccia di Calabria || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Soppressata di Calabria || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Soprèssa Vicentina || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Speck dell'Alto Adige ; Südtiroler Markenspeck ; Südtiroler Speck || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Valle d'Aosta Jambon de Bosses || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Valle d'Aosta Lard d'Arnad || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Zampone Modena || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

IT || Asiago || Cheeses ||

IT || Bitto || Cheeses ||

IT || Bra || Cheeses ||

IT || Caciocavallo Silano || Cheeses ||

IT || Canestrato Pugliese || Cheeses ||

IT || Casatella Trevigiana || Cheeses ||

IT || Casciotta d'Urbino || Cheeses ||

IT || Castelmagno || Cheeses ||

IT || Fiore Sardo || Cheeses ||

IT || Fontina || Cheeses ||

IT || Formai de Mut dell'Alta Valle Brembana || Cheeses ||

IT || Gorgonzola || Cheeses ||

IT || Grana Padano || Cheeses ||

IT || Montasio || Cheeses ||

IT || Monte Veronese || Cheeses ||

IT || Mozzarella di Bufala Campana || Cheeses ||

IT || Murazzano || Cheeses ||

IT || Parmigiano Reggiano || Cheeses ||

IT || Pecorino di Filiano || Cheeses ||

IT || Pecorino Romano || Cheeses ||

IT || Pecorino Sardo || Cheeses ||

IT || Pecorino Siciliano || Cheeses ||

IT || Pecorino Toscano || Cheeses ||

IT || Provolone Valpadana || Cheeses ||

IT || Provolone del Monaco || Cheeses ||

IT || Quartirolo Lombardo || Cheeses ||

IT || Ragusano || Cheeses ||

IT || Raschera || Cheeses ||

IT || Ricotta Romana || Cheeses ||

IT || Robiola di Roccaverano || Cheeses ||

IT || Spressa delle Giudicarie || Cheeses ||

IT || Stelvio ; Stilfser || Cheeses ||

IT || Taleggio || Cheeses ||

IT || Toma Piemontese || Cheeses ||

IT || Valle d'Aosta Fromadzo || Cheeses ||

IT || Valtellina Casera || Cheeses ||

IT || Miele della Lunigiana || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

IT || Alto Crotonese || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Aprutino Pescarese || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Brisighella || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Bruzio || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Canino || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Cartoceto || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Chianti Classico || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Cilento || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Collina di Brindisi || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Colline di Romagna || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Colline Salernitane || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Colline Teatine || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Colline Pontine || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Dauno || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Garda || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Irpinia - Colline dell’Ufita || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Laghi Lombardi || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Lametia || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Lucca || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Molise || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Monte Etna || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Monti Iblei || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Penisola Sorrentina || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Pretuziano delle Colline Teramane || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Riviera Ligure || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Sabina || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Sardegna || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Tergeste || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Terra di Bari || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Terra d'Otranto || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Terre di Siena || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Terre Tarentine || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Toscano || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Tuscia || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Umbria || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Val di Mazara || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Valdemone || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Valle del Belice || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Valli Trapanesi || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Veneto Valpolicella, Veneto Euganei e Berici, Veneto del Grappa || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

IT || Arancia del Gargano || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Arancia Rossa di Sicilia || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Asparago Bianco di Bassano || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Asparago bianco di Cimadolmo || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Asparago verde di Altedo || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Basilico Genovese || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Cappero di Pantelleria || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Carciofo di Paestum || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Carciofo Romanesco del Lazio || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Carota dell'Altopiano del Fucino || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Castagna Cuneo || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Castagna del Monte Amiata || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Castagna di Montella || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Castagna di Vallerano || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Ciliegia di Marostica || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Cipolla Rossa di Tropea Calabria || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Cipollotto Nocerino || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Clementine del Golfo di Taranto || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Clementine di Calabria || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Crudo di Cuneo || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Fagiolo di Lamon della Vallata Bellunese || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Fagiolo di Sarconi || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Fagiolo di Sorana || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Farina di Neccio della Garfagnana || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Farro della Garfagnana || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Fico Bianco del Cilento || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Ficodindia dell'Etna || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Fungo di Borgotaro || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Kiwi Latina || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || La Bella della Daunia || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Lenticchia di Castelluccio di Norcia || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Limone Costa d'Amalfi || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Limone di Sorrento || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Limone Femminello del Gargano || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Marrone del Mugello || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Marrone di Castel del Rio || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Marrone di Roccadaspide || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Marrone di San Zeno || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Marrone di Caprese Michelangelo || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Mela Alto Adige ; Südtiroler Apfel || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Mela Val di Non || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Mela di Valtellina || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Melannurca Campana || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Nocciola Romana || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Nocciola del Piemonte ; Nocciola Piemonte || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Nocciola di Giffoni || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Nocellara del Belice || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Oliva Ascolana del Piceno || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Patata di Bologna || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Peperone di Senise || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Pera dell'Emilia Romagna || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Pera mantovana || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Pesca di Verona || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Pesca e nettarina di Romagna || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Pistacchio Verde di Bronte || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Pomodoro di Pachino || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Pomodoro S. Marzano dell'Agro Sarnese-Nocerino || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Radicchio di Chioggia || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Radicchio di Verona || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Radicchio Rosso di Treviso || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Riso di Baraggia Biellese e Vercellese || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Riso Nano Vialone Veronese || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Scalogno di Romagna || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Sedano Bianco di Sperlonga || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Uva da tavola di Canicattì || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Uva da tavola di Mazzarrone || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

IT || Acciughe Sotto Sale del Mar Ligure || Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them ||

IT || Tinca Gobba Dorata del Pianalto di Poirino || Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them ||

IT || Zafferano di Sardegna || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

IT || Aceto Balsamico di Modena || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

IT || Aceto balsamico tradizionale di Modena || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

IT || Aceto balsamico tradizionale di Reggio Emilia || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

IT || Zafferano dell'Aquila || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

IT || Zafferano di San Gimignano || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

IT || Coppia Ferrarese || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

IT || Pagnotta del Dittaino || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

IT || Pane casareccio di Genzano || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

IT || Pane di Altamura || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

IT || Pane di Matera || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

IT || Ricciarelli di Siena || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

IT || Bergamotto di Reggio Calabria - Olio essenziale || Essential oils ||

LU || Viande de porc, marque nationale grand-duché de Luxembourg || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

LU || Salaisons fumées, marque nationale grand-duché de Luxembourg || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

LU || Miel - Marque nationale du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

LU || Beurre rose - Marque Nationale du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

NL || Boeren-Leidse met sleutels || Cheeses ||

NL || Kanterkaas ; Kanternagelkaas ; Kanterkomijnekaas || Cheeses ||

NL || Noord-Hollandse Edammer || Cheeses ||

NL || Noord-Hollandse Gouda || Cheeses ||

NL || Opperdoezer Ronde || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

NL || Westlandse druif || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PL || Bryndza Podhalańska || Cheeses ||

PL || Oscypek || Cheeses ||

PL || Wielkopolski ser smażony || Cheeses ||

PL || Miód wrzosowy z Borów Dolnośląskich || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

PL || Andruty kaliskie || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

PL || Rogal świętomarciński || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

PL || Wiśnia nadwiślanka || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Borrego da Beira || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Borrego de Montemor-o-Novo || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Borrego do Baixo Alentejo || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Borrego do Nordeste Alentejano || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Borrego Serra da Estrela || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Borrego Terrincho || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Cabrito da Beira || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Cabrito da Gralheira || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Cabrito das Terras Altas do Minho || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Cabrito de Barroso || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Cabrito Transmontano || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Carnalentejana || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Carne Arouquesa || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Carne Barrosã || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Carne Cachena da Peneda || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Carne da Charneca || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Carne de Bísaro Transmonano ; Carne de Porco Transmontano || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Carne de Bovino Cruzado dos Lameiros do Barroso || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Carne de Porco Alentejano || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Carne dos Açores || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Carne Marinhoa || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Carne Maronesa || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Carne Mertolenga || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Carne Mirandesa || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Cordeiro Bragançano || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Cordeiro de Barroso ; Anho de Barroso ; Cordeiro de leite de Barroso || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Vitela de Lafões || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

PT || Alheira de Barroso-Montalegre || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Alheira de Vinhais || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Butelo de Vinhais ; Bucho de Vinhais ; Chouriço de Ossos de Vinhais || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Cacholeira Branca de Portalegre || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Chouriça de carne de Barroso-Montalegre || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Chouriça de Carne de Vinhais ; Linguiça de Vinhais || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Chouriça doce de Vinhais || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Chouriço azedo de Vinhais ; Azedo de Vinhais ; Chouriço de Pão de Vinhais || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Chouriço de Abóbora de Barroso-Montalegre || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Chouriço de Carne de Estremoz e Borba || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Chouriço de Portalegre || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Chouriço grosso de Estremoz e Borba || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Chouriço Mouro de Portalegre || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Farinheira de Estremoz e Borba || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Farinheira de Portalegre || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Linguiça de Portalegre || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Linguíça do Baixo Alentejo ; Chouriço de carne do Baixo Alentejo || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Lombo Branco de Portalegre || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Lombo Enguitado de Portalegre || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Morcela de Assar de Portalegre || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Morcela de Cozer de Portalegre || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Morcela de Estremoz e Borba || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Paia de Estremoz e Borba || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Paia de Lombo de Estremoz e Borba || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Paia de Toucinho de Estremoz e Borba || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Painho de Portalegre || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Paio de Beja || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Presunto de Barrancos || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Presunto de Barroso || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Presunto de Camp Maior e Elvas ; Paleta de Campo Maior e Elvas || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Presunto de Santana da Serra ; Paleta de Santana da Serra || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Presunto de Vinhais / Presunto Bísaro de Vinhais || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Presunto do Alentejo ; Paleta do Alentejo || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Salpicão de Barroso-Montalegre || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Salpicão de Vinhais || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Sangueira de Barroso-Montalegre || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

PT || Queijo de Azeitão || Cheeses ||

PT || Queijo de cabra Transmontano || Cheeses ||

PT || Queijo de Nisa || Cheeses ||

PT || Queijo do Pico || Cheeses ||

PT || Queijo mestiço de Tolosa || Cheeses ||

PT || Queijo Rabaçal || Cheeses ||

PT || Queijo S. Jorge || Cheeses ||

PT || Queijo Serpa || Cheeses ||

PT || Queijo Serra da Estrela || Cheeses ||

PT || Queijo Terrincho || Cheeses ||

PT || Queijos da Beira Baixa (Queijo de Castelo Branco, Queijo Amarelo da Beira Baixa, Queijo Picante da Beira Baixa) || Cheeses ||

PT || Azeite do Alentejo Interior || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

PT || Mel da Serra da Lousã || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

PT || Mel da Serra de Monchique || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

PT || Mel da Terra Quente || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

PT || Mel das Terras Altas do Minho || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

PT || Mel de Barroso || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

PT || Mel do Alentejo || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

PT || Mel do Parque de Montezinho || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

PT || Mel do Ribatejo Norte (Serra d'Aire, Albufeira de Castelo de Bode, Bairro, Alto Nabão || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

PT || Mel dos Açores || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

PT || Requeijão Serra da Estrela || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

PT || Azeite de Moura || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

PT || Azeite de Trás-os-Montes || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

PT || Azeites da Beira Interior (Azeite da Beira Alta, Azeite da Beira Baixa) || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

PT || Azeites do Norte Alentejano || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

PT || Azeites do Ribatejo || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

PT || Queijo de Évora || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

PT || Ameixa d'Elvas || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Amêndoa Douro || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Ananás dos Açores/São Miguel || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Anona da Madeira || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Arroz Carolino Lezírias Ribatejanas || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Azeitona de conserva Negrinha de Freixo || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Azeitonas de Conserva de Elvas e Campo Maior || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Batata Doce de Aljezur || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Batata de Trás-os-montes || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Castanha da Terra Fria || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Castanha de Padrela || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Castanha dos Soutos da Lapa || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Castanha Marvão-Portalegre || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Cereja da Cova da Beira || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Cereja de São Julião-Portalegre || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Citrinos do Algarve || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Maçã Bravo de Esmolfe || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Maçã da Beira Alta || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Maçã da Cova da Beira || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Maçã de Alcobaça || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Maçã de Portalegre || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Maracujá dos Açores/S. Miguel || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Pêra Rocha do Oeste || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Pêssego da Cova da Beira || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

PT || Ovos moles de Aveiro || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

SE || Svecia || Cheeses ||

SE || Skånsk spettkaka || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

SI || Ekstra deviško oljčno olje Slovenske Istre || Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.) ||

SK || Slovenská bryndza || Cheeses ||

SK || Slovenská parenica || Cheeses ||

SK || Slovenský oštiepok || Cheeses ||

SK || Skalický trdelník || Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares ||

UK || Isle of Man Manx Loaghtan Lamb || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

UK || Orkney beef || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

UK || Orkney lamb || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

UK || Scotch Beef || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

UK || Scotch Lamb || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

UK || Shetland Lamb || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

UK || Welsh Beef || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

UK || Welsh lamb || Fresh meat (and offal) ||

UK || Beacon Fell traditional Lancashire cheese || Cheeses ||

UK || Bonchester cheese || Cheeses ||

UK || Buxton blue || Cheeses ||

UK || Dorset Blue Cheese || Cheeses ||

UK || Dovedale cheese || Cheeses ||

UK || Exmoor Blue Cheese || Cheeses ||

UK || Single Gloucester || Cheeses ||

UK || Staffordshire Cheese || Cheeses ||

UK || Swaledale cheese ; Swaledale ewes´ cheese || Cheeses ||

UK || Teviotdale Cheese || Cheeses ||

UK || West Country farmhouse Cheddar cheese || Cheeses ||

UK || White Stilton cheese ; Blue Stilton cheese || Cheeses ||

UK || Melton Mowbray Pork Pie || Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) ||

UK || Cornish Clotted Cream || Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc;) ||

UK || Yorkshire Forced Rhubarb || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

UK || Jersey Royal potatoes || Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed ||

UK || Arbroath Smokies || Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them ||

UK || Scottish Farmed Salmon || Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them ||

UK || Whitstable oysters || Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them ||

UK || Gloucestershire cider/perry || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

UK || Herefordshire cider/perry || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

UK || Worcestershire cider/perry || Other products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices,etc.) ||

UK || Kentish ale and Kentish strong ale || Beers ||

UK || Rutland Bitter || Beers ||

Agricultural products and foodstuffs others than wines, spirits and aromatised wines of the Republic of Moldova to be protected in the European Union



Geographical indications of products as referred to in Articles 2(3) and (4)


Wines of the European Union to be protected in the Republic of Moldova

EU-Member State || Name to be protected ||

BE || Côtes de Sambre et Meuse || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BE || Hagelandse wijn || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BE || Haspengouwse Wijn || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BE || Heuvellandse Wijn || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BE || Vlaamse mousserende kwaliteitswijn || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BE || Cremant de Wallonie || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BE || Vin mousseux de qualite de Wallonie || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BE || Vin de pays des Jardins de Wallonie || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

BE || Vlaamse landwijn || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

BG || Асеновград followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Asenovgrad || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Болярово followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Bolyarovo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Брестник followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Brestnik || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Варна followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Varna || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Велики Преслав followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Veliki Preslav || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Видин followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Vidin || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Враца followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Vratsa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Върбица followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Varbitsa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Долината на Струма followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Struma valley || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Драгоево followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Dragoevo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Евксиноград followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Evksinograd || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Ивайловград followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Ivaylovgrad || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Карлово followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Karlovo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Карнобат followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Karnobat || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Ловеч followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Lovech || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Лозицa followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Lozitsa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Лом followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Lom || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Любимец followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Lyubimets || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Лясковец followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Lyaskovets || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Мелник followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Melnik || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Монтана followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Montana || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Нова Загора followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Nova Zagora || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Нови Пазар followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Novi Pazar || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Ново село followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Novo Selo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Оряховица followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Oryahovitsa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Павликени followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Pavlikeni || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Пазарджик followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Pazardjik || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Перущица followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Perushtitsa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Плевен followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Pleven || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Пловдив followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Plovdiv || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Поморие followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Pomorie || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Русе followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Ruse || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Сакар followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Sakar || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Сандански followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Sandanski || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Свищов followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Svishtov || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Септември followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Septemvri || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Славянци followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Slavyantsi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Сливен followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Sliven || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Стамболово followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Stambolovo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Стара Загора followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Stara Zagora || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Сунгурларе followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Sungurlare || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Сухиндол followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Suhindol || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Търговище followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Targovishte || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Хан Крум followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Han Krum   || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Хасково followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Haskovo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Хисаря followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Hisarya || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Хърсово followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Harsovo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Черноморски район - Северен followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Northern Black Sea Region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Шивачево followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Shivachevo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Шумен followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Shumen || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Ямбол followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Yambol || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

BG || Дунавска равнина Equivalent term: Danube Plain || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

BG || Тракийска низина Equivalent term: Thracian Lowlands || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

BG || Южно Черноморие followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Southern Black Sea Coast || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

CZ || Čechy whether or not followed by Litoměřická || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

CZ || Čechy whether or not followed by Mělnická || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

CZ || Morava whether or not followed by Mikulovská || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

CZ || Morava whether or not followed by Slovácká || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

CZ || Morava whether or not followed by Velkopavlovická || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

CZ || Morava whether or not followed by Znojemská || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

CZ || České || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

CZ || Moravské || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Ahr whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

DE || Baden whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

DE || Franken whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

DE || Hessische Bergstraße whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

DE || Mittelrhein whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

DE || Mosel-Saar-Ruwer whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Mosel || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

DE || Nahe whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

DE || Pfalz whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

DE || Rheingau whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

DE || Rheinhessen whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

DE || Saale-Unstrut whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

DE || Sachsen whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

DE || Württemberg whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

DE || Ahrtaler || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Badischer || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Bayerischer Bodensee || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE ||  Mosel || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE ||  Ruwer || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE ||  Saar || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Main || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Mecklenburger || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Mitteldeutscher || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Nahegauer || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Pfälzer || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Regensburger || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Rheinburgen || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Rheingauer || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Rheinischer || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Saarländischer || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Sächsischer || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Schwäbischer || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Starkenburger || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Taubertäler || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Brandenburger || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Neckar || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Oberrhein || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Rhein || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Rhein-Neckar || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

DE || Schleswig-Holsteinischer || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Αγχίαλος Equivalent term: Anchialos || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Αμύνταιο Equivalent term: Amynteo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Αρχάνες Equivalent term: Archanes || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Γουμένισσα Equivalent term: Goumenissa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Δαφνές Equivalent term: Dafnes || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Ζίτσα Equivalent term: Zitsa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Λήμνος Equivalent term: Lemnos || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Μαντινεία Equivalent term: Mantinia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Μαυροδάφνη Κεφαλληνίας Equivalent term: Mavrodaphne of Cephalonia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Μαυροδάφνη Πατρών Equivalent term: Mavrodaphne of Patras || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Μεσενικόλα Equivalent term: Messenikola || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Μοσχάτος Κεφαλληνίας Equivalent term: Cephalonia Muscatel || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Μοσχάτος Λήμνου Equivalent term: Lemnos Muscatel || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Μοσχάτος Πατρών Equivalent term: Patras Muscatel || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Μοσχάτος Ρίου Πατρών Equivalent term: Rio Patron Muscatel || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Μοσχάτος Ρόδου Equivalent term: Rhodes Muscatel || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Νάουσα Equivalent term: Naoussa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Νεμέα Equivalent term: Nemea || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Πάρος Equivalent term: Paros || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Πάτρα Equivalent term: Patras || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Πεζά Equivalent term: Peza || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Πλαγιές Μελίτωνα Equivalent term: Cotes de Meliton || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Ραψάνη Equivalent term: Rapsani || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Ρόδος Equivalent term: Rhodes || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Ρομπόλα Κεφαλληνίας Equivalent term: Robola of Cephalonia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Σάμος Equivalent term: Samos || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Σαντορίνη Equivalent term: Santorini || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Σητεία Equivalent term: Sitia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

GR || Άβδηρα Equivalent term: Avdira || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Άγιο Όρος Equivalent term: Mount Athos / Holly Mountain   || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ήπειρος Equivalent term: Epirus || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ίλιον Equivalent term: Ilion || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ίσμαρος Equivalent term: Ismaros || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Αγορά Equivalent term: Agora || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Αδριανή Equivalent term: Adriani || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Αιγαίο Πέλαγος Equivalent term: Aegean Sea || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ανάβυσσος Equivalent term: Anavyssos || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Αργολίδα Equivalent term: Argolida || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Αρκαδία Equivalent term: Arkadia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Αταλάντη Equivalent term: Atalanti || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR ||  Αττική Equivalent term: Attiki || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Αχαϊα Equivalent term: Αchaia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Βίλιτσα Equivalent term: Vilitsa || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Βελβεντός Equivalent term: Velventos || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Βερντέα Ονομασία κατά παράδοση Ζακύνθου Equivalent term: Verdea Onomasia kata paradosi Zakinthou || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Γεράνεια Equivalent term: Gerania || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Γρεβενά Equivalent term: Grevena || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Δράμα Equivalent term: Drama || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Δωδεκάνησος Equivalent term: Dodekanese || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Επανομή Equivalent term: Epanomi || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Εύβοια Equivalent term: Evia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ηλεία Equivalent term: Ilia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ημαθία Equivalent term: Imathia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ηράκλειο Equivalent term: Heraklion || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Θήβα Equivalent term: Thebes || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Θαψανά Equivalent term: Thapsana || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Θεσσαλία Equivalent term: Thessalia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Θεσσαλονίκη Equivalent term: Thessaloniki || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Θράκη Equivalent term: Thrace || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ικαρία Equivalent term: Ikaria || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ιωάννινα Equivalent term: Ioannina || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Κάρυστος Equivalent term: Karystos || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Κέρκυρα Equivalent term: Corfu || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Κίσαμος Equivalent term: Kissamos || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Καρδίτσα Equivalent term: Karditsa || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Καστοριά Equivalent term: Kastoria || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Κιθαιρώνας Equivalent term: Kitherona || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Κλημέντι Equivalent term: Klimenti || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Κνημίδα Equivalent term: Knimida || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Κοζάνη Equivalent term: Kozani || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Κορωπί Equivalent term: Koropi || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Κρήτη Equivalent term: Crete || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Κρανιά Equivalent term: Krania || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Κραννώνα Equivalent term: Krannona || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Κυκλάδες Equivalent term: Cyclades || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Κω Equivalent term: Κοs || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Κόρινθος Equivalent term: Korinthos || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Λακωνία Equivalent term: Lakonia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Λασίθι Equivalent term: Lasithi || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Λετρίνα Equivalent term: Letrines || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Λευκάδας Equivalent term: Lefkada || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ληλάντιο Πεδίο Equivalent term: Lilantio Pedio || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Μέτσοβο Equivalent term: Metsovo || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Μαγνησία Equivalent term: Magnissia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Μακεδονία Equivalent term: Macedonia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Μαντζαβινάτα Equivalent term: Mantzavinata || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Μαρκόπουλο Equivalent term: Markopoulo || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Μαρτίνο Equivalent term: Μartino || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Μεσσηνία Equivalent term: Messinia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Μετέωρα Equivalent term: Meteora || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Μεταξάτα Equivalent term: Metaxata || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Μονεμβασία Equivalent term: Monemvasia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Νέα Μεσήμβρια Equivalent term: Nea Messimvria || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Οπούντια Λοκρίδος Equivalent term: Opountia Lokridos || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Πέλλα Equivalent term: Pella || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Παγγαίο Equivalent term: Pangeon || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Παιανία Equivalent term: Peanea || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Παλλήνη Equivalent term: Pallini || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Παρνασσός Equivalent term: Parnasos || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Πελοπόννησος Equivalent term: Peloponnese || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Πιερία Equivalent term: Pieria || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Πισάτιδα Equivalent term: Pisatis || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Πλαγίες Αιγιαλείας Equivalent term: Slopes of Egialia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Πλαγίες Πάικου Equivalent term: Slopes of Paiko || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Πλαγιές Αμπέλου Equivalent term: Slopes of Ambelos || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Πλαγιές Βερτίσκου Equivalent term: Slopes of Vertiskos || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Πλαγιές Πάρνηθας Equivalent term: Slopes of Parnitha || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Πλαγιές Πεντελικού Equivalent term: Slopes of Pendeliko || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Πλαγιές Πετρωτού Equivalent term: Slopes of Petroto || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Πλαγιές του Αίνου Equivalent term: Slopes of Enos || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Πυλία Equivalent term: Pylia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ρετσίνα Αττικής may be accompanied by the name of a smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Retsina of Attiki || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ρετσίνα Βοιωτίας may be accompanied by the name of a smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Retsina of Viotia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ρετσίνα Γιάλτρων whether or not accompanied by Εύβοια Equivalent term: Retsina of Gialtra (Evvia) || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ρετσίνα Ευβοίας may be accompanied by the name of a smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Retsina of Evvia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ρετσίνα Θηβών whether or not accompanied by Βοιωτία Equivalent term: Retsina of Thebes (Viotia) || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ρετσίνα Καρύστου whether or not accompanied by Εύβοια Equivalent term: Retsina of Karystos (Evvia) || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ρετσίνα Κρωπίας or Ρετσίνα Κορωπίου whether or not accompanied by Αττική Equivalent term: Retsina of Kropia or Retsina of Koropi (Attika) || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ρετσίνα Μαρκοπούλου whether or not accompanied by Αττική Equivalent term: Retsina of Markopoulo (Attika) || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ρετσίνα Μεγάρων whether or not accompanied by Αττική Equivalent term: Retsina of Megara (Attika) || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ρετσίνα Μεσογείων whether or not accompanied by Αττική Equivalent term: Retsina of Mesogia (Attika) || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ρετσίνα Παιανίας or Ρετσίνα Λιοπεσίου whether or not accompanied by Αττική Equivalent term: Retsina of Peania or Retsina of Liopesi (Attika) || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ρετσίνα Παλλήνης whether or not accompanied by Αττική Equivalent term: Retsina of Pallini (Attika) || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ρετσίνα Πικερμίου whether or not accompanied by Αττική Equivalent term: Retsina of Pikermi (Attika) || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ρετσίνα Σπάτων whether or not accompanied by Αττική Equivalent term: Retsina of Spata (Attika) || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ρετσίνα Χαλκίδας whether or not accompanied by Εύβοια Equivalent term: Retsina of Halkida (Evvia) || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Ριτσώνα Equivalent term: Ritsona || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Σέρρες Equivalent term: Serres || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Σιάτιστα Equivalent term: Siatista || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Σιθωνία Equivalent term: Sithonia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Σπάτα Equivalent term: Spata || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Στερεά Ελλάδα Equivalent term: Sterea Ellada || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Σύρος Equivalent term: Syros || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Τεγέα Equivalent term: Tegea || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Τριφυλία Equivalent term: Trifilia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

GR || Τύρναβος Equivalent term: Tyrnavos || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Ajaccio || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Aloxe-Corton || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace whether or not followed by a name of a vine variety and/or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Equivalent term: Vin d'Alsace || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Altenberg de Bergbieten || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Altenberg de Bergheim || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Altenberg de Wolxheim || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Brand || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Bruderthal || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Eichberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Engelberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Florimont || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Frankstein || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Froehn || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Furstentum || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Geisberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Gloeckelberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Goldert || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Hatschbourg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Hengst || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Kanzlerberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Kastelberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Kessler || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Kirchberg de Barr || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Kirchberg de Ribeauvillé || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Kitterlé || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Mambourg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Mandelberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Marckrain || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Moenchberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Muenchberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Ollwiller || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Osterberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Pfersigberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Pfingstberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Praelatenberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Rangen || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Saering || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Schlossberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Schoenenbourg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Sommerberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Sonnenglanz || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Spiegel || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Sporen || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Steinen || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Steingrubler || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Steinklotz || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Vorbourg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Wiebelsberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Wineck-Schlossberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Winzenberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Zinnkoepflé || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru followed by Zotzenberg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Alsace Grand Cru preceded by Rosacker || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Anjou whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Anjou Coteaux de la Loire whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Anjou Villages whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Anjou-Villages Brissac whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Arbois whether or not followed by Pupillin whether or not followed by 'mousseux' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Auxey-Duresses whether or not followed by 'Côte de Beaune' or 'Côte de Beaune-Villages' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bandol Equivalent term: Vin de Bandol || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Banyuls whether or not followed by 'Grand Cru' and /or 'Rancio' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Barsac || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bâtard-Montrachet || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Béarn whether or not followed by Bellocq || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Beaujolais whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit whether or not followed by 'Villages' whether or not followed by 'Supérieur' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Beaune || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bellet Equivalent term: Vin de Bellet || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bergerac whether or not followed by 'sec' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bienvenues-Bâtard-Montrachet || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Blagny whether or not followed by Côte de Beaune / Côte de Beaune-Villages || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Blanquette de Limoux || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Blanquette méthode ancestrale || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Blaye || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bonnes-mares || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bonnezeaux whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bordeaux whether or not followed by 'Clairet', 'Rosé', 'Mousseux' or ' supérieur' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bordeaux Côtes de Francs || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bordeaux Haut-Benauge || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bourg Equivalent term: Côtes de Bourg / Bourgeais || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bourgogne whether or not followed by 'Clairet', 'Rosé' or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Chitry || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bourgogne whether or not followed by 'Clairet', 'Rosé' or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Côte Chalonnaise || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bourgogne whether or not followed by 'Clairet', 'Rosé' or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Côte Saint-Jacques || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bourgogne whether or not followed by 'Clairet', 'Rosé' or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Côtes d'Auxerre || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bourgogne whether or not followed by 'Clairet', 'Rosé' or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Côtes du Couchois || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bourgogne whether or not followed by 'Clairet', 'Rosé' or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Coulanges-la-Vineuse || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bourgogne whether or not followed by 'Clairet', 'Rosé' or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Épineuil || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bourgogne whether or not followed by 'Clairet', 'Rosé' or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Hautes Côtes de Beaune || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bourgogne whether or not followed by 'Clairet', 'Rosé' or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Hautes Côtes de Nuits || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bourgogne whether or not followed by 'Clairet', 'Rosé' or by the name of a smaller geographical unit La Chapelle Notre-Dame || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bourgogne whether or not followed by 'Clairet', 'Rosé' or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Le Chapitre || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bourgogne whether or not followed by 'Clairet', 'Rosé' or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Montrecul / Montre-cul / En Montre-Cul || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bourgogne whether or not followed by 'Clairet', 'Rosé' or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Vézelay || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bourgogne whether or not followed by 'Clairet', 'Rosé', 'ordinaire' or 'grand ordinaire' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bourgogne aligoté || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bourgogne passe-tout-grains || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bourgueil || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bouzeron || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Brouilly || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Bugey whether or not followed by Cerdon whether or not preceded by 'Vins du', 'Mousseux du', 'Pétillant' or 'Roussette du' or followed by 'Mousseux' or 'Pétillant' whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Buzet || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Cabardès || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Cabernet d'Anjou whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Cabernet de Saumur whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Cadillac || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Cahors || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Cassis || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Cérons || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Beauroy whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Berdiot whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Beugnons || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Butteaux whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Chapelot whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Chatains whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Chaume de Talvat whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Côte de Bréchain whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Côte de Cuissy || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Côte de Fontenay whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Côte de Jouan whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Côte de Léchet whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Côte de Savant whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Côte de Vaubarousse whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Côte des Prés Girots whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Forêts whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Fourchaume whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by L'Homme mort whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Les Beauregards whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Les Épinottes whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Les Fourneaux whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Les Lys whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Mélinots whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Mont de Milieu whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Montée de Tonnerre || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Montmains whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Morein whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Pied d'Aloup whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Roncières whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Sécher whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Troesmes whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Vaillons whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Vau de Vey whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Vau Ligneau whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Vaucoupin whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Vaugiraut whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Vaulorent whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Vaupulent whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Vaux-Ragons whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis whether or not followed by Vosgros whether or not followed by 'premier cru' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis grand cru whether or not followed by Blanchot || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis grand cru whether or not followed by Bougros || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis grand cru whether or not followed by Grenouilles || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis grand cru whether or not followed by Les Clos || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis grand cru whether or not followed by Preuses || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis grand cru whether or not followed by Valmur || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chablis grand cru whether or not followed by Vaudésir || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chambertin || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chambertin-Clos-de-Bèze || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chambolle-Musigny || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Champagne || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chapelle-Chambertin || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Charlemagne || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Charmes-Chambertin || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chassagne-Montrachet whether or not followed by Côte de Beaune / Côtes de Beaune-Villages || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Château Grillet || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Château-Chalon || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Châteaumeillant || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Châteauneuf-du-Pape || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Châtillon-en-Diois || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chaume - Premier Cru des coteaux du Layon || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chenas || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chevalier-Montrachet || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Cheverny || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chinon || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chiroubles || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Chorey-les-Beaune whether or not followed by Côte de Beaune / Côte de Beaune-Villages || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Clairette de Bellegarde || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Clairette de Die || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Clairette de Languedoc whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Clos de la Roche || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Clos de Tart || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Clos de Vougeot || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Clos des Lambrays || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Clos Saint-Denis || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Collioure || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Condrieu || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Corbières || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Cornas || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Corse whether or not followed by Calvi whether or not preceded by 'Vin de' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Corse whether or not followed by Coteaux du Cap Corse whether or not preceded by 'Vin de' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Corse whether or not followed by Figari whether or not preceded by 'Vin de' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Corse whether or not followed by Porto-Vecchio whether or not preceded by 'Vin de' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Corse whether or not followed by Sartène whether or not preceded by 'Vin de' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Corse whether or not preceded by 'Vin de' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Corton || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Corton-Charlemagne || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Costières de Nîmes || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côte de Beaune preceded by the name of a smaller geographic unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côte de Beaune-Villages || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côte de Brouilly || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côte de Nuits-villages || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côte roannaise || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côte Rôtie || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux champenois whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux d'Aix-en-Provence || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux d'Ancenis followed by the name of the vine variety || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux de Die || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux de l'Aubance whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux de Pierrevert || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux de Saumur whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Giennois || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Cabrières || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Coteaux de la Méjanelle / La Méjanelle || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Coteaux de Saint-Christol '/ Saint-Christol || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Coteaux de Vérargues / Vérargues || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Grès de Montpellier || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by La Clape || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Montpeyroux || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Pic-Saint-Loup || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Quatourze || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Saint-Drézéry || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Saint-Georges-d'Orques || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Saint-Saturnin || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Picpoul-de-Pinet || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Layon whether or not followed by Val de Loire whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Layon Chaume whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Loir whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Lyonnais || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Quercy || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Tricastin || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux du Vendômois whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Coteaux varois || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes Canon Fronsac Equivalent term: Canon Fronsac || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes d'Auvergne whether or not followed by Boudes || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes d'Auvergne whether or not followed by Chanturgue || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes d'Auvergne whether or not followed by Châteaugay || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes d'Auvergne whether or not followed by Corent || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes d'Auvergne whether or not followed by Madargue || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes de Bergerac || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes de Blaye || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes de Bordeaux Saint-Macaire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes de Castillon || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes de Duras || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes de Millau || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes de Montravel || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes de Provence || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes de Saint-Mont || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes de Toul || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes du Brulhois || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes du Forez || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes du Jura whether or not followed by 'mousseux' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes du Lubéron || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes du Marmandais || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes du Rhône || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes du Roussillon || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes du Roussillon Villages whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes du Ventoux || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Côtes du Vivarais || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Cour-Cheverny whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Crémant d'Alsace || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Crémant de Bordeaux || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Crémant de Bourgogne || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Crémant de Die || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Crémant de Limoux || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Crémant de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Crémant du Jura || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Crépy || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Criots-Bâtard-Montrachet || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Crozes-Hermitage Equivalent term: Crozes-Ermitage || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Échezeaux || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Entre-Deux-Mers || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Entre-Deux-Mers-Haut-Benauge || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Faugères || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Fiefs Vendéens whether or not followed by Brem || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Fiefs Vendéens whether or not followed by Mareuil || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Fiefs Vendéens whether or not followed by Pissotte || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Fiefs Vendéens whether or not followed by Vix || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Fitou || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Fixin || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Fleurie || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Floc de Gascogne || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Fronsac || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Frontignan whether or not preceded by 'Muscat de' or 'Vin de' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Fronton || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Gaillac whether or not followed by 'mousseux' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Gaillac premières côtes || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Gevrey-Chambertin || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Gigondas || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Givry || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Grand Roussillon whether or not followed by 'Rancio' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Grand-Échezeaux || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Graves whether or not followed by 'supérieures' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Graves de Vayres || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Griotte-Chambertin || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Gros plant du Pays nantais || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Haut-Médoc || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Haut-Montravel || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Haut-Poitou || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Hermitage Equivalent term: l'Hermitage / Ermitage / l'Ermitage || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Irancy || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Irouléguy || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Jasnières whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Juliénas || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Jurançon whether or not followed by 'sec' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || L'Étoile whether or not followed by 'mousseux' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || La Grande Rue || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Ladoix whether or not followed by 'Côte de Beaune' or 'Côte de Beaune-Villages' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Lalande de Pomerol || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Latricières-Chambertin || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Les Baux de Provence || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Limoux || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Lirac || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Listrac-Médoc || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Loupiac || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Lussac-Saint-Émilion || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Mâcon whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit whether or not followed by 'Supérieur' or 'Villages' Equivalent term: Pinot-Chardonnay-Mâcon || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Macvin du Jura || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Madiran || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Malepère || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Maranges whether or not followed by Clos de la Boutière || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Maranges whether or not followed by La Croix Moines || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Maranges whether or not followed by La Fussière || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Maranges whether or not followed by Le Clos des Loyères || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Maranges whether or not followed by Le Clos des Rois || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Maranges whether or not followed by Les Clos Roussots || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Maranges whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Maranges whether or not followed by 'Côte de Beaune' or 'Côte de Beaune-Villages' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Marcillac || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Margaux || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Marsannay whether or not followed by 'rosé' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Maury whether or not followed by 'Rancio' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Mazis-Chambertin || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Mazoyères-Chambertin || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Médoc || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Menetou-Salon whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Mercurey || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Meursault whether or not followed by 'Côte de Beaune' or 'Côte de Beaune-Villages' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Minervois || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Minervois-La-Livinière || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Monbazillac || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Montagne Saint-Émilion || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Montagny || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Monthélie whether or not followed by 'Côte de Beaune' or 'Côte de Beaune-Villages' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Montlouis-sur-Loire whether or not followed by Val de Loire whether or not followed by 'mousseux' or 'pétillant' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Montrachet || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Montravel || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Morey-Saint-Denis || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Morgon || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Moselle || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Moulin-à-Vent || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Moulis Equivalent term: Moulis-en-Médoc || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Muscadet whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Muscadet-Coteaux de la Loire whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Muscadet-Sèvre et Maine whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Muscat de Beaumes-de-Venise || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Muscat de Lunel || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Muscat de Mireval || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Muscat de Saint-Jean-de-Minvervois || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Muscat du Cap Corse || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Musigny || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Néac || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Nuits Equivalent term: Nuits-Saint-Georges || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Orléans whether or not followed by Cléry || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Pacherenc du Vic-Bilh whether or not followed by 'sec' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Palette || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Patrimonio || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Pauillac || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Pécharmant || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Pernand-Vergelesses whether or not followed by 'Côte de Beaune' or 'Côte de Beaune-Villages' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Pessac-Léognan || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Petit Chablis whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Pineau des Charentes Equivalent term: Pineau Charentais || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Pomerol || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Pommard || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Pouilly-Fuissé || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Pouilly-Loché || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Pouilly-sur-Loire whether or not followed by Val de Loire Equivalent term: Blanc Fumé de Pouilly / Pouilly-Fumé || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Pouilly-Vinzelles || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Premières Côtes de Blaye || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Premières Côtes de Bordeaux whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Puisseguin-Saint-Emilion || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Puligny-Montrachet whether or not followed by 'Côte de Beaune' or 'Côte de Beaune-Villages' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Quarts de Chaume whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Quincy whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Rasteau whether or not followed by 'Rancio' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Régnié || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Reuilly whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Richebourg || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Rivesaltes whether or not followed by 'Rancio' whether or not preceded by 'Muscat' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Romanée (La) || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Romanée Contie || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Romanée Saint-Vivant || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Rosé de Loire whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Rosé des Riceys || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Rosette || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Rosé d'Anjou || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Roussette de Savoie whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Ruchottes-Chambertin || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Rully || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saint-Sardos || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saint-Amour || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saint-Aubin whether or not followed by 'Côte de Beaune' or 'Côte de Beaune-Villages' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saint-Bris || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saint-Chinian || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saint-Émilion || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saint-Émilion Grand Cru || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saint-Estèphe || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saint-Georges-Saint-Émilion || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saint-Joseph || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saint-Julien || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saint Mont || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saint-Nicolas-de-Bourgueil whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saint-Péray whether or not followed by 'mousseux' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saint-Pourçain || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saint-Romain whether or not followed by 'Côte de Beaune' or 'Côte de Beaune-Villages' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saint-Véran || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Sainte-Croix du Mont || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Sainte-Foy Bordeaux || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Sancerre || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Santenay whether or not followed by 'Côte de Beaune' or 'Côte de Beaune-Villages' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saumur whether or not followed by Val de Loire whether or not followed by 'mousseux' or 'pétillant' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saumur-Champigny whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Saussignac || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Sauternes || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Savennières whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Savennières-Coulée de Serrant whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Savennières-Roche-aux-Moines whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Savigny-les-Beaune whether or not followed by 'Côte de Beaune' or 'Côte de Beaune-Villages' Equivalent term: Savigny || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Seyssel whether or not followed by 'mousseux' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Tâche (La) || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Tavel || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Touraine whether or not followed by Val de Loire whether or not followed by 'mousseux' or 'pétillant' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Touraine Amboise whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Touraine Azay-le-Rideau whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Touraine Mestand whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Touraine Noble Joué whether or not followed by Val de Loire || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Tursan || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Vacqueyras || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Valençay || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Vin d'Entraygues et du Fel || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Vin d'Estaing || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Vin de Lavilledieu || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Vin de Savoie whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit whether or not followed by 'mousseux' or 'pétillant' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Vins du Thouarsais || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Vins Fins de la Côte de Nuits || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Viré-Clessé || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Volnay || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Volnay Santenots || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Vosnes Romanée || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Vougeot || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Vouvray whether or not followed by Val de Loire whether or not followed by 'mousseux' or 'pétillant' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

FR || Agenais || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Aigues || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Ain || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Allier || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Allobrogie || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Alpes de Haute Provence || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Alpes Maritimes || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Alpilles || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Ardèche || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Argens || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Ariège || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Aude || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Aveyron || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Balmes Dauphinoises || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Bénovie || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Bérange || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Bessan || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Bigorre || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Bouches du Rhône || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Bourbonnais || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Calvados || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Cassan || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Cathare || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Caux || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Cessenon || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Cévennes whether or not followed by Mont Bouquet || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Charentais whether or not followed by Ile d'Oléron || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Charentais whether or not followed by Ile de Ré || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Charentais whether or not followed by Saint Sornin || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Charente || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Charentes Maritimes || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Cher || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Cité de Carcassonne || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Collines de la Moure || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Collines Rhodaniennes || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Comté de Grignan || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Comté Tolosan || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Comtés Rhodaniens || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Corrèze || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Côte Vermeille || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux Charitois || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux de Bessilles || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux de Cèze || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux de Coiffy || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux de Fontcaude || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux de Glanes || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux de l'Ardèche || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux de la Cabrerisse || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux de Laurens || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux de l’Auxois || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux de Miramont || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux de Montélimar || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux de Murviel || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux de Narbonne || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux de Peyriac || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux de Tannay || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux des Baronnies || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux du Cher et de l’Arnon || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux du Grésivaudan || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux du Libron || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux du Littoral Audois || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux du Pont du Gard || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux du Salagou || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux du Verdon || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux d’Enserune || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux et Terrasses de Montauban || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Coteaux Flaviens || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Côtes Catalanes || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Côtes de Ceressou || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Côtes de Gascogne || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Côtes de Lastours || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Côtes de Meuse || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Côtes de Montestruc || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Côtes de Pérignan || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Côtes de Prouilhe || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Côtes de Thau || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Côtes de Thongue || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Côtes du Brian || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Côtes du Condomois || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Côtes du Tarn || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Côtes du Vidourle || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Creuse || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Cucugnan || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Deux-Sèvres || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Dordogne || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Doubs || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Drôme || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Duché d’Uzès || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Franche-Comté whether or not followed by Coteaux de Champlitte || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Gard || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Gers || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Haute Vallée de l'Orb || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Haute Vallée de l’Aude || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Haute-Garonne || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Haute-Marne || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Haute-Saône || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Haute-Vienne || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Hauterive whether or not followed by Coteaux du Termenès || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Hauterive whether or not followed by Côtes de Lézignan || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Hauterive whether or not followed by Val d’Orbieu || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Hautes-Alpes || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Hautes-Pyrénées || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Hauts de Badens || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Hérault || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Île de Beauté || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Indre || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Indre et Loire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Isère || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

|| ||

|| ||

FR || Landes || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Loir et Cher || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Loire-Atlantique || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Loiret || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Lot || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Lot et Garonne || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Maine et Loire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Maures || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Méditerranée || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Meuse || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Mont Baudile || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Mont-Caume || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Monts de la Grage || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Nièvre || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Oc || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Périgord whether or not followed by Vin de Domme || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Petite Crau || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Principauté d'Orange || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Puy de Dôme || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Pyrénées Orientales || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Pyrénées-Atlantiques || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Sables du Golfe du Lion || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

|| ||

FR || Sainte Baume || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Sainte Marie la Blanche || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Saône et Loire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Sarthe || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Seine et Marne || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Tarn || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Tarn et Garonne || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Terroirs Landais whether or not followed by Coteaux de Chalosse || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Terroirs Landais whether or not followed by Côtes de L’Adour || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Terroirs Landais whether or not followed by Sables de l’Océan || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Terroirs Landais whether or not followed by Sables Fauves || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Thézac-Perricard || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Torgan || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Urfé || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Val de Cesse || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Val de Dagne || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Val de Loire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Val de Montferrand || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Vallée du Paradis || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Var || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Vaucluse || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Vaunage || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Vendée || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Vicomté d'Aumelas || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Vienne || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Vistrenque || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

FR || Yonne || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

IT || Aglianico del Taburno Equivalent term: Taburno || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Aglianico del Vulture || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Albana di Romagna || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Albugnano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Alcamo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Aleatico di Gradoli || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Aleatico di Puglia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Alezio || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Alghero || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Alta Langa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Alto Adige followed by Colli di Bolzano Equivalent term: Südtiroler Bozner Leiten || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Alto Adige followed by Meranese di collina Equivalent term: Alto Adige Meranese / Südtirol Meraner Hügel / Südtirol Meraner || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Alto Adige followed by Santa Maddalena Equivalent term: Südtiroler St.Magdalener || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Alto Adige followed by Terlano Equivalent term: Südtirol Terlaner || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Alto Adige followed by Valle Isarco Equivalent term: Südtiroler Eisacktal / Eisacktaler || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Alto Adige followed by Valle Venosta Equivalent term: Südtirol Vinschgau || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Alto Adige Equivalent term: dell'Alto Adige / Südtirol / Südtiroler || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Alto Adige or dell'Alto Adige whether or not followed by Bressanone Equivalent term: dell'Alto Adige Südtirol or Südtiroler Brixner || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Alto Adige or dell'Alto Adige whether or not followed by Burgraviato Equivalent term: dell'Alto Adige Südtirol or Südtiroler Buggrafler || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Ansonica Costa dell'Argentario || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Aprilia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Arborea || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Arcole || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Assisi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Asti whether or not followed by 'spumante' or preceded by 'Moscato d'' || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Atina || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Aversa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Bagnoli di Sopra Equivalent term: Bagnoli || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Barbaresco || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Barbera d'Alba || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Barbera d'Asti whether or not followed by Colli Astiani o Astiano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Barbera d'Asti whether or not followed by Nizza || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Barbera d'Asti whether or not followed by Tinella || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Barbera del Monferrato || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Barbera del Monferrato Superiore || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Barco Reale di Carmignano Equivalent term: Rosato di Carmignano / Vin santo di Carmignano / Vin Santo di Carmignano occhio di pernice || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Bardolino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Bardolino Superiore || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Barolo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Bianchello del Metauro || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Bianco Capena || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Bianco dell'Empolese || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Bianco della Valdinievole || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Bianco di Custoza Equivalent term: Custoza || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Bianco di Pitigliano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Bianco Pisano di San Torpè || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Biferno || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Bivongi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Boca || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Bolgheri whether or not followed by Sassicaia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Bosco Eliceo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Botticino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Brachetto d'Acqui Equivalent term: Acqui || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Bramaterra || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Breganze || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Brindisi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Brunello di Montalcino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cacc'e' mmitte di Lucera || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cagnina di Romagna || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Campi Flegrei || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Campidano di Terralba Equivalent term: Terralba || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Canavese || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Candia dei Colli Apuani || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cannonau di Sardegna whether or not followed by Capo Ferrato || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cannonau di Sardegna whether or not followed by Jerzu || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cannonau di Sardegna whether or not followed by Oliena / Nepente di Oliena || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Capalbio || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Capri || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Capriano del Colle || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Carema || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Carignano del Sulcis || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Carmignano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Carso || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Castel del Monte || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Castel San Lorenzo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Casteller || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Castelli Romani || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cellatica || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cerasuolo di Vittoria || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cerveteri || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cesanese del Piglio Equivalent term: Piglio || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cesanese di Affile Equivalent term: Affile || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cesanese di Olevano Romano Equivalent term: Olevano Romano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Chianti whether or not followed by Colli Aretini || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Chianti whether or not followed by Colli Fiorentini || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Chianti whether or not followed by Colli Senesi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Chianti whether or not followed by Colline Pisane || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Chianti whether or not followed by Montalbano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Chianti whether or not followed by Montespertoli || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Chianti whether or not followed by Rufina || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Chianti Classico || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cilento || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cinque Terre whether or not followed by Costa da Posa Equivalent term: Cinque Terre Sciacchetrà || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cinque Terre whether or not followed by Costa de Campu Equivalent term: Cinque Terre Sciacchetrà || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cinque Terre whether or not followed by Costa de Sera Equivalent term: Cinque Terre Sciacchetrà || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Circeo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cirò || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cisterna d'Asti || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Albani || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Altotiberini || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Amerini || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Asolani - Prosecco Equivalent term: Asolo- Prosecco || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Berici || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Bolognesi whether or not followed by Colline di Oliveto || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Bolognesi whether or not followed by Colline di Riosto || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Bolognesi whether or not followed by Colline Marconiane || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Bolognesi whether or not followed by Monte San Pietro || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Bolognesi whether or not followed by Serravalle || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Bolognesi whether or not followed by Terre di Montebudello || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Bolognesi whether or not followed by Zola Predosa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Bolognesi whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Bolognesi Classico - Pignoletto || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli d'Imola || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli del Trasimeno Equivalent term: Trasimeno || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli dell'Etruria Centrale || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli della Sabina || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli di Conegliano whether or not followed by Fregona || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli di Conegliano whether or not followed by Refrontolo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli di Faenza || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli di Luni || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli di Parma || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli di Rimini || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli di Scandiano e di Canossa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Etruschi Viterbesi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Euganei || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Lanuvini || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Maceratesi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Martani || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Orientali del Friuli whether or not followed by Cialla || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Orientali del Friuli whether or not followed by Rosazzo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Orientali del Friuli whether or not followed by Schiopettino di Prepotto || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Orientali del Friuli Picolit whether or not followed by Cialla || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Perugini || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Pesaresi whether or not followed by Focara || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Pesaresi whether or not followed by Roncaglia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Piacentini whether or not followed by Gutturnio || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Piacentini whether or not followed by Monterosso Val d'Arda || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Piacentini whether or not followed by Val Trebbia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Piacentini whether or not followed by Valnure || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Piacentini whether or not followed by Vigoleno || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Romagna centrale || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colli Tortonesi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Collina Torinese || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colline di Levanto || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colline Joniche Tarantine || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colline Lucchesi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colline Novaresi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Colline Saluzzesi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Collio Goriziano Equivalent term: Collio || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Conegliano - Valdobbiadene whether or not followed by Cartizze Equivalent term: Conegliano or Valdobbiadene || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cònero || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Contea di Sclafani || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Contessa Entellina || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Controguerra || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Copertino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cori || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cortese dell'Alto Monferrato || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Corti Benedettine del Padovano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Cortona || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Costa d'Amalfi whether or not followed by Furore || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Costa d'Amalfi whether or not followed by Ravello || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Costa d'Amalfi whether or not followed by Tramonti || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Coste della Sesia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Curtefranca || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Delia Nivolelli || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Dolcetto d'Acqui || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Dolcetto d'Alba || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Dolcetto d'Asti || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Dolcetto delle Langhe Monregalesi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Dolcetto di Diano d'Alba Equivalent term: Diano d'Alba || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Dolcetto di Dogliani || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Dolcetto di Dogliani Superiore Equivalent term: Dogliani || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Dolcetto di Ovada Equivalent term: Dolcetto d'Ovada || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Dolcetto di Ovada Superiore or Ovada || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Donnici || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Elba || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Eloro whether or not followed by Pachino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Erbaluce di Caluso Equivalent term: Caluso || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Erice || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Esino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Est!Est!!Est!!! di Montefiascone || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Etna || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Falerio dei Colli Ascolani Equivalent term: Falerio || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Falerno del Massico || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Fara || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Faro || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Fiano di Avellino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Franciacorta || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Frascati || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Freisa d'Asti || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Freisa di Chieri || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Friuli Annia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Friuli Aquileia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Friuli Grave || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Friuli Isonzo Equivalent term: Isonzo del Friuli || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Friuli Latisana || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Gabiano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Galatina || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Galluccio || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Gambellara || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Garda || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Garda Colli Mantovani || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Gattinara || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Gavi Equivalent term: Cortese di Gavi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Genazzano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Ghemme || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Gioia del Colle || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Girò di Cagliari || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Golfo del Tigullio || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Gravina || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Greco di Bianco || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Greco di Tufo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Grignolino d'Asti || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Grignolino del Monferrato Casalese || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Guardia Sanframondi Equivalent term: Guardiolo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || I Terreni di San Severino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Irpinia whether or not followed by Campi Taurasini || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Ischia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Lacrima di Morro Equivalent term: Lacrima di Morro d'Alba || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Lago di Caldaro Equivalent term: Caldaro / Kalterer / Kalterersee || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Lago di Corbara || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Lambrusco di Sorbara || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Lambrusco Mantovano whether or not followed by Oltre Po Mantovano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Lambrusco Mantovano whether or not followed by Viadanese-Sabbionetano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Lambrusco Salamino di Santa Croce || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Lamezia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Langhe || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Lessona || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Leverano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Lison-Pramaggiore || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Lizzano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Loazzolo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Locorotondo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Lugana || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Malvasia delle Lipari || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Malvasia di Bosa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Malvasia di Cagliari || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Malvasia di Casorzo d'Asti Equivalent term: Cosorzo / Malvasia di Cosorzo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Malvasia di Castelnuovo Don Bosco || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Mamertino di Milazzo Equivalent term: Mamertino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Mandrolisai || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Marino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Marsala || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Martina Equivalent term: Martina Franca || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Matino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Melissa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Menfi whether or not followed by Bonera || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Menfi whether or not followed by Feudo dei Fiori || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Merlara || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Molise Equivalent term: del Molise || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Monferrato whether or not followed by Casalese || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Monica di Cagliari || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Monica di Sardegna || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Monreale || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Montecarlo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Montecompatri-Colonna Equivalent term: Montecompatri / Colonna || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Montecucco || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Montefalco || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Montefalco Sagrantino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Montello e Colli Asolani || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Montepulciano d'Abruzzo whether or not accompanied by Casauria /Terre di Casauria || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Montepulciano d'Abruzzo whether or not accompanied by Terre dei Vestini || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Montepulciano d'Abruzzo whether or not followed by Colline Teramane || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Monteregio di Massa Marittima || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Montescudaio || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Monti Lessini Equivalent term: Lessini || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Morellino di Scansano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Moscadello di Montalcino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Moscato di Cagliari || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Moscato di Pantelleria Equivalent term: Passito di Pantelleria / Pantelleria || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Moscato di Sardegna whether or not followed by Gallura || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Moscato di Sardegna whether or not followed by Tempio Pausania || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Moscato di Sardegna whether or not followed by Tempo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Moscato di Siracusa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Moscato di Sorso-Sennori Equivalent term: Moscato di Sorso / Moscato di Sennori || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Moscato di Trani || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Nardò || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Nasco di Cagliari || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Nebbiolo d'Alba || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Nettuno || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Noto || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Nuragus di Cagliari || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Offida || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Oltrepò Pavese || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Orcia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Orta Nova || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Orvieto || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Ostuni || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Pagadebit di Romagna whether or not followed by Bertinoro || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Parrina || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Penisola Sorrentina whether or not followed by Gragnano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Penisola Sorrentina whether or not followed by Lettere || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Penisola Sorrentina whether or not followed by Sorrento || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Pentro di Isernia Equivalent term: Pentro || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Pergola || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Piemonte || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Pietraviva || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Pinerolese || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Pollino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Pomino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Pornassio Equivalent term: Ormeasco di Pornassio || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Primitivo di Manduria || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Prosecco || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Ramandolo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Recioto di Gambellara || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Recioto di Soave || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Reggiano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Reno || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Riesi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Riviera del Brenta || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Riviera del Garda Bresciano Equivalent term: Garda Bresciano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Riviera ligure di ponente whether or not followed by Albenga / Albengalese || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Riviera ligure di ponente whether or not followed by Finale / Finalese || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Riviera ligure di ponente whether or not followed by Riviera dei Fiori || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Roero || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Romagna Albana spumante || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Rossese di Dolceacqua Equivalent term: Dolceacqua || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Rosso Barletta || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Rosso Canosa whether or not followed by Canusium || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Rosso Conero || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Rosso di Cerignola || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Rosso di Montalcino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Rosso di Montepulciano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Rosso Orvietano Equivalent term: Orvietano Rosso || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Rosso Piceno || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Rubino di Cantavenna || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Ruchè di Castagnole Monferrato || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Salaparuta || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Salice Salentino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Sambuca di Sicilia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || San Colombano al Lambro Equivalent term: San Colombano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || San Gimignano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || San Ginesio || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || San Martino della Battaglia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || San Severo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || San Vito di Luzzi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Sangiovese di Romagna || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Sannio || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Sant'Agata de' Goti Equivalent term: Sant’Agata dei Goti || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Sant'Anna di Isola Capo Rizzuto || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Sant'Antimo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Santa Margherita di Belice || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Sardegna Semidano whether or not followed by Mogoro || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Savuto || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Scanzo Equivalent term: Moscato di Scanzo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Scavigna || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Sciacca || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Serrapetrona || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Sforzato di Valtellina Equivalent term: Sfursat di Valtellina || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Sizzano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Soave whether or not followed by Colli Scaligeri || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Soave Superiore || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Solopaca || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Sovana || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Squinzano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Strevi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Tarquinia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Taurasi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Teroldego Rotaliano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Terracina Equivalent term: Moscato di Terracina || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Terratico di Bibbona whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Terre dell'Alta Val d'Agri || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Terre di Casole || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Terre Tollesi Equivalent term: Tullum || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Torgiano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Torgiano rosso riserva || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Trebbiano d'Abruzzo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Trebbiano di Romagna || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Trentino whether or not followed by Isera / d'Isera || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Trentino whether or not followed by Sorni || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Trentino whether or not followed by Ziresi / dei Ziresi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Trento || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Val d'Arbia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Val di Cornia whether or not followed by Suvereto || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Val Polcèvera whether or not followed by Coronata || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Valcalepio || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Valdadige whether or not followed by Terra dei Forti Equivalent term: Etschtaler || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Valdadige Terradeiforti Equivalent term: Terradeiforti Valdadige || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Valdichiana || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Valle d'Aosta whether or not followed by Arnad-Montjovet Equivalent term: Vallée d'Aoste || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Valle d'Aosta whether or not followed by Blanc de Morgex et de la Salle Equivalent term: Vallée d'Aoste || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Valle d'Aosta whether or not followed by Chambave Equivalent term: Vallée d'Aoste || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Valle d'Aosta whether or not followed by Donnas Equivalent term: Vallée d'Aoste || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Valle d'Aosta whether or not followed by Enfer d'Arvier Equivalent term: Vallée d'Aoste || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Valle d'Aosta whether or not followed by Nus Equivalent term: Vallée d'Aoste || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Valle d'Aosta whether or not followed by Torrette Equivalent term: Vallée d'Aoste || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Valpolicella whether or not accompanied by Valpantena || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Valsusa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Valtellina Superiore whether or not followed by Grumello || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Valtellina Superiore whether or not followed by Inferno || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Valtellina Superiore whether or not followed by Maroggia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Valtellina Superiore whether or not followed by Sassella || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Valtellina Superiore whether or not followed by Valgella || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Velletri || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Verbicaro || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Verdicchio di Matelica || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Verduno Pelaverga Equivalent term: Verduno || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Vermentino di Gallura || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Vermentino di Sardegna || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Vernaccia di Oristano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Vernaccia di San Gimignano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Vernaccia di Serrapetrona || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Vesuvio || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Vicenza || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Vignanello || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Vin Santo del Chianti || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Vin Santo del Chianti Classico || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Vin Santo di Montepulciano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Vini del Piave Equivalent term: Piave || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Vino Nobile di Montepulciano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Vittoria || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Zagarolo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

IT || Allerona || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Alta Valle della Greve || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Alto Livenza || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Alto Mincio || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Alto Tirino || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Arghillà || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Barbagia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Basilicata || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Benaco bresciano || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Beneventano || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Bergamasca || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Bettona || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Bianco del Sillaro Equivalent term: Sillaro || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Bianco di Castelfranco Emilia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Calabria || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Camarro || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Campania || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Cannara || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Civitella d'Agliano || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Colli Aprutini || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Colli Cimini || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Colli del Limbara || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Colli del Sangro || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Colli della Toscana centrale || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Colli di Salerno || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Colli Trevigiani || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Collina del Milanese || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Colline di Genovesato || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Colline Frentane || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Colline Pescaresi || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Colline Savonesi || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Colline Teatine || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Condoleo || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Conselvano || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Costa Viola || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Daunia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Del Vastese Equivalent term: Histonium || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Delle Venezie || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Dugenta || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Emilia Equivalent term: Dell'Emilia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Epomeo || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Esaro || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Fontanarossa di Cerda || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Forlì || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Fortana del Taro || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Frusinate Equivalent term: del Frusinate || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Golfo dei Poeti La Spezia Equivalent term: Golfo dei Poeti || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Grottino di Roccanova || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Isola dei Nuraghi || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Lazio || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Lipuda || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Locride || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Marca Trevigiana || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Marche || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Maremma Toscana || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Marmilla || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Mitterberg tra Cauria e Tel Equivalent term: Mitterberg / Mitterberg zwischen Gfrill und Toll || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Modena Equivalent term: Provincia di Modena / di Modena || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Montecastelli || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Montenetto di Brescia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Murgia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Narni || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Nurra || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Ogliastra || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Osco Equivalent term: Terre degli Osci || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Paestum || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Palizzi || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Parteolla || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Pellaro || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Planargia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Pompeiano || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Provincia di Mantova || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Provincia di Nuoro || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Provincia di Pavia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Provincia di Verona Equivalent term: Veronese || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Puglia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Quistello || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Ravenna || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Roccamonfina || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Romangia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Ronchi di Brescia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Ronchi Varesini || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Rotae || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Rubicone || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Sabbioneta || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Salemi || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Salento || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Salina || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Scilla || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Sebino || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Sibiola || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Sicilia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Spello || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Tarantino || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Terrazze Retiche di Sondrio || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Terre Aquilane Equivalent term: Terre dell'Aquila || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Terre del Volturno || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Terre di Chieti || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Terre di Veleja || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Terre Lariane || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Tharros || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Toscano Equivalent term: Toscana || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Trexenta || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Umbria || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Val di Magra || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Val di Neto || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Val Tidone || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Valcamonica || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Valdamato || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Vallagarina || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Valle Belice || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Valle d'Itria || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Valle del Crati || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Valle del Tirso || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Valle Peligna || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Valli di Porto Pino || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Veneto || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Veneto Orientale || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Venezia Giulia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

IT || Vigneti delle Dolomiti Equivalent term: Weinberg Dolomiten || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

CY || Βουνί Παναγιάς – Αμπελίτη Equivalent term: Vouni Panayia - Ampelitis || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

CY || Κουμανδαρία Equivalent term: Commandaria || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

CY || Κρασοχώρια Λεμεσού whether or not followed by Αφάμης Equivalent term: Krasohoria Lemesou - Afames || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

CY || Κρασοχώρια Λεμεσού whether or not followed by Λαόνα Equivalent term: Krasohoria Lemesou - Laona || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

CY || Λαόνα Ακάμα Equivalent term: Laona Akama || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

CY || Πιτσιλιά Equivalent term: Pitsilia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

CY || Λάρνακα Equivalent term: Larnaka || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

CY || Λεμεσός Equivalent term: Lemesos || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

CY || Λευκωσία Equivalent term: Lefkosia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

CY || Πάφος Equivalent term: Pafos || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

LU || Crémant du Luxemboug || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

LU || Moselle Luxembourgeoise followed by Ahn / Assel / Bech-Kleinmacher / Born / Bous / Bumerange / Canach / Ehnen / Ellingen / Elvange / Erpeldingen / Gostingen / Greveldingen / Grevenmacher followed by Appellation contrôlée || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

LU || Moselle Luxembourgeoise followed by Lenningen / Machtum / Mechtert / Moersdorf / Mondorf / Niederdonven / Oberdonven / Oberwormelding / Remich / Rolling / Rosport / Stadtbredimus followed by Appellation contrôlée || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

LU || Moselle Luxembourgeoise followed by Remerschen / Remich / Schengen / Schwebsingen / Stadtbredimus / Trintingen / Wasserbilig / Wellenstein / Wintringen or Wormeldingen followed by Appellation contrôlée || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

LU || Moselle Luxembourgeoise followed by the name of the vine variety followed by Appellation contrôlée || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Ászár-Neszmélyi borvidék whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Badacsonyi whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Balaton || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Balaton-felvidéki whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Balatonboglári whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Balatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Balatoni || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Bükk whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Csongrád whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Debrői Hárslevelű || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Duna || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Egri Bikavér || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Egri Bikavér Superior || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Egr whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Etyek-Buda whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Hajós-Baja whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Izsáki Arany Sárfehér || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Kunság whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Mátra whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Mór whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Nagy-Somló whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Pannonhalma whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Pécs whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Somlói || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Somlói Arany || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Somlói Nászéjszakák Bora || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Sopron whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Szekszárd whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Tokaj whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Tolna whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Villány whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Villányi védett eredetű classicus || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Zala whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Egerszóláti Olaszrizling || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Káli || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Neszmély whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the site || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Pannon || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Tihany || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

HU || Alföldi whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

HU || Balatonmelléki whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

HU || Dél-alföldi || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

HU || Dél-dunántúli || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

HU || Duna melléki || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

HU || Duna-Tisza közi || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

HU || Dunántúli || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

HU || Észak-dunántúli || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

HU || Felső-magyarországi || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

HU || Nyugat-dunántúli || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

HU || Tisza melléki || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

HU || Tisza völgyi || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

HU || Zempléni || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

MT || Gozo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

MT || Malta || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

MT || Maltese Islands || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

NL || Drenthe || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

NL || Flevoland || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

NL || Friesland || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

NL || Gelderland || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

NL || Groningen || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

NL || Limburg || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

NL || Noord Brabant || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

NL || Noord Holland || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

NL || Overijssel || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

NL || Utrecht || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

NL || Zeeland || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

NL || Zuid Holland || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

AT || Burgenland whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Carnuntum whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Donauland whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Kamptal whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Kärnten whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Kremstal whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Leithaberg whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Mittelburgenland whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Neusiedlersee whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Neusiedlersee-Hügelland whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Niederösterreich whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Oberösterreich whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Salzburg whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Steirermark whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Süd-Oststeiermark whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Südburgenland whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Südsteiermark whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Thermenregion whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Tirol whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Traisental whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Vorarlberg whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Wachau whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Wagram whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Weinviertel whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Weststeiermark whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Wien whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

AT || Bergland || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

AT || Steierland || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

AT || Weinland || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

AT || Wien || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Alenquer || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Alentejo whether or not followed by Borba || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Alentejo whether or not followed by Évora || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Alentejo whether or not followed by Granja-Amareleja || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Alentejo whether or not followed by Moura || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Alentejo whether or not followed by Portalegre || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Alentejo whether or not followed by Redondo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Alentejo whether or not followed by Reguengos || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Alentejo whether or not followed by Vidigueira || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Arruda || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Bairrada || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Beira Interior whether or not followed by Castelo Rodrigo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Beira Interior whether or not followed by Cova da Beira || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Beira Interior whether or not followed by Pinhel || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Biscoitos || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Bucelas || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Carcavelos || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Colares || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Dão whether or not followed by Alva || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Dão whether or not followed by Besteiros || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Dão whether or not followed by Castendo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Dão whether or not followed by Serra da Estrela || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Dão whether or not followed by Silgueiros || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Dão whether or not followed by Terras de Azurara || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Dão whether or not followed by Terras de Senhorim || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Dão Nobre || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Douro whether or not followed by Baixo Corgo Equivalent term: Vinho do Douro || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Douro whether or not followed by Cima Corgo Equivalent term: Vinho do Douro || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Douro whether or not followed by Douro Superior Equivalent term: Vinho do Douro || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Encostas d’Aire whether or not followed by Alcobaça || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Encostas d’Aire whether or not followed by Ourém || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Graciosa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Lafões || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Lagoa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Lagos || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Madeirense || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Madeira Equivalent term: Madera / Vinho da Madeira / Madeira Weine / Madeira Wine / Vin de Madère / Vino di Madera / Madeira Wijn || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Moscatel de Setúbal || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Moscatel do Douro || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Óbidos || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Porto Equivalent term: Oporto / Vinho do Porto / Vin de Porto / Port / Port Wine / Portwein / Portvin / Portwijn || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Palmela || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Pico || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Portimão || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Ribatejo whether or not followed by Almeirim || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Ribatejo whether or not followed by Cartaxo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Ribatejo whether or not followed by Chamusca || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Ribatejo whether or not followed by Coruche || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Ribatejo whether or not followed by Santarém || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Ribatejo whether or not followed by Tomar || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Setúbal || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Setúbal Roxo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Tavira || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Távora-Varosa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Torres Vedras || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Trás-os-Montes whether or not followed by Chaves || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Trás-os-Montes whether or not followed by Planalto Mirandês || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Trás-os-Montes whether or not followed by Valpaços || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Vinho do Douro whether or not followed by Baixo Corgo Equivalent term: Douro || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Vinho do Douro whether or not followed by Cima Corgo Equivalent term: Douro || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Vinho do Douro whether or not followed by Douro Superior Equivalent term: Douro || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Vinho Verde whether or not followed by Amarante || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Vinho Verde whether or not followed by Ave || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Vinho Verde whether or not followed by Baião || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Vinho Verde whether or not followed by Basto || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Vinho Verde whether or not followed by Cávado || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Vinho Verde whether or not followed by Lima || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Vinho Verde whether or not followed by Monção e Melgaço || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Vinho Verde whether or not followed by Paiva || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Vinho Verde whether or not followed by Sousa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Vinho Verde Alvarinho || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Vinho Verde Alvarinho Espumante || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

PT || Lisboa whether or not followed by Alta Estremadura || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Lisboa whether or not followed by Estremadura || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Península de Setúbal || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Tejo || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Vinho Espumante Beiras whether or not followed by Beira Alta || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Vinho Espumante Beiras whether or not followed by Beira Litoral || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Vinho Espumante Beiras whether or not followed by Terras de Sicó || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Vinho Licoroso Algarve || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Vinho Regional Açores || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Vinho Regional Alentejano || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Vinho Regional Algarve || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Vinho Regional Beiras whether or not followed by Beira Alta || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Vinho Regional Beiras whether or not followed by Beira Litoral || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Vinho Regional Beiras whether or not followed by Terras de Sicó || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Vinho Regional Duriense || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Vinho Regional Minho || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Vinho Regional Terras do Sado || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Vinho Regional Terras Madeirenses || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

PT || Vinho Regional Transmontano || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

RO || Aiud whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Alba Iulia whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Babadag whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Banat whether or not followed by Dealurile Tirolului || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Banat whether or not followed by Moldova Nouă || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Banat whether or not followed by Silagiu || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Banu Mărăcine whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Bohotin whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Cernăteşti - Podgoria whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Coteşti whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Cotnari || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Crişana whether or not followed by Biharia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Crişana whether or not followed by Diosig || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Crişana whether or not followed by Şimleu Silvaniei || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Dealu Bujorului whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Dealu Mare whether or not followed by Boldeşti || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Dealu Mare whether or not followed by Breaza || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Dealu Mare whether or not followed by Ceptura || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Dealu Mare whether or not followed by Merei || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Dealu Mare whether or not followed by Tohani || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Dealu Mare whether or not followed by Urlaţi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Dealu Mare whether or not followed by Valea Călugărească || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Dealu Mare whether or not followed by Zoreşti || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Drăgăşani whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Huşi whether or not followed by Vutcani || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Iana whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Iaşi whether or not followed by Bucium || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Iaşi whether or not followed by Copou || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Iaşi whether or not followed by Uricani || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Lechinţa whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Mehedinţi whether or not followed by Corcova || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Mehedinţi whether or not followed by Golul Drâncei || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Mehedinţi whether or not followed by Oreviţa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Mehedinţi whether or not followed by Severin || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Mehedinţi whether or not followed by Vânju Mare || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Miniş whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Murfatlar whether or not followed by Cernavodă || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Murfatlar whether or not followed by Medgidia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Nicoreşti whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Odobeşti whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Oltina whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Panciu whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Pietroasa whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Recaş whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Sâmbureşti whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Sarica Niculiţel whether or not followed by Tulcea || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Sebeş - Apold whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Segarcea whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Ştefăneşti whether or not followed by Costeşti || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Târnave whether or not followed by Blaj || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Târnave whether or not followed by Jidvei || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Târnave whether or not followed by Mediaş || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

RO || Colinele Dobrogei whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

RO || Dealurile Crişanei whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

RO || Dealurile Moldovei or, according to the case Dealurile Covurluiului || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

RO || Dealurile Moldovei or, according to the case Dealurile Hârlăului || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

RO || Dealurile Moldovei or, according to the case Dealurile Huşilor || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

RO || Dealurile Moldovei or, according to the case Dealurile Iaşilor || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

RO || Dealurile Moldovei or, according to the case Dealurile Tutovei || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

RO || Dealurile Moldovei or, according to the case Terasele Siretului || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

RO || Dealurile Moldovei || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

RO || Dealurile Munteniei || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

RO || Dealurile Olteniei || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

RO || Dealurile Sătmarului || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

RO || Dealurile Transilvaniei || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

RO || Dealurile Vrancei || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

RO || Dealurile Zarandului || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

RO || Terasele Dunării || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

RO || Viile Caraşului || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

RO || Viile Timişului || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

SI || Bela krajina whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estate || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SI || Belokranjec whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estate || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SI || Bizeljsko-Sremič whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estate Equivalent term: Sremič-Bizeljsko || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SI || Bizeljčan whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estate || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SI || Cviček, Dolenjska whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estate || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SI || Dolenjska whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estate || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SI || Goriška Brda whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estate Equivalent term: Brda || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SI || Kras whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estate || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SI || Metliška črnina whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estate || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SI || Prekmurje whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estate Equivalent term: Prekmurčan || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SI || Slovenska Istra whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estate || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SI || Štajerska Slovenija whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estate || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SI || Teran, Kras whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estate || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SI || Vipavska dolina whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estate Equivalent term: Vipava, Vipavec, Vipavčan || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SI || Podravje may be followed by the expression "mlado vino" the names can also be used in adjective form || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

SI || Posavje may be followed by the expression "mlado vino" the names can also be used in adjective form || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

SI || Primorska may be followed by the expression "mlado vino" the names can also be used in adjective form || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

SK || Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Dunajskostredský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Hurbanovský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Komárňanský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Palárikovský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Štúrovský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Šamorínsky vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Strekovský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Galantský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Vrbovský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Trnavský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Skalický vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Orešanský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Hlohovecký vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Doľanský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Senecký vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Stupavský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Modranský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Bratislavský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Pezinský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Záhorský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Pukanecký vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Žitavský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Želiezovský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Nitriansky vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Vrábeľský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Tekovský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Zlatomoravecký vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Šintavský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Radošinský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Stredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Stredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Fil'akovský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Stredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Gemerský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Stredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Hontiansky vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Stredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Ipeľský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Stredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Vinický vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Stredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Tornaľský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Stredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Modrokamencký vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Vinohradnícka oblasť Tokajoblasť whether or not followed by Viničky || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Vinohradnícka oblasť Tokaj whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Vinohradnícka oblasť Tokaj whether or not followed by Veľká Tŕňa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Vinohradnícka oblasť Tokaj whether or not followed by Malá Tŕňa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Vinohradnícka oblasť Tokaj whether or not followed by Čerhov || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Vinohradnícka oblasť Tokaj whether or not followed by Slovenské Nové Mesto || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Vinohradnícka oblasť Tokaj whether or not followed by Černochov || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Vinohradnícka oblasť Tokaj whether or not followed by Bara || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Východoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Michalovský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Východoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Východoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Kráľovskochlmecký vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Východoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Moldavský vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Východoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Sobranecký vinohradnícky rajón || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

SK || Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť may be accompanied by the term "oblastné vino" || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

SK || Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť may be accompanied by the term "oblastné vino" || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

SK || Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť may be accompanied by the term "oblastné vino" || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

SK || Stredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť may be accompanied by the term "oblastné vino" || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

SK || Východoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť may be accompanied by the term "oblastné vino" || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Abona || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Alella || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Alicante whether or not followed by Marina Alta || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Almansa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Ampurdán-Costa Brava || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Arabako Txakolina Equivalent term: Txakolí de Álava || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Arlanza || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Arribes || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Bierzo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Binissalem || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Bizkaiko Txakolina Equivalent term: Chacolí de Bizkaia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Bullas || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Calatayud || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Campo de Borja || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Campo de la Guardia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Cangas || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Cariñena || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Cataluña || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Cava || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Chacolí de Bizkaia Equivalent term: Bizkaiko Txakolina || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Chacolí de Getaria Equivalent term: Getariako Txakolina || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Cigales || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Conca de Barberá || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Condado de Huelva || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Costers del Segre whether or not followed by Artesa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Costers del Segre whether or not followed by Les Garrigues || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Costers del Segre whether or not followed by Raimat || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Costers del Segre whether or not followed by Valls de Riu Corb || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Dehesa del Carrizal || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Dominio de Valdepusa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || El Hierro || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Empordá || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Finca Élez || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Getariako Txakolina Equivalent term: Chacolí de Getaria || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Gran Canaria || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Granada || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Guijoso || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Jerez/Xérès/Sherry || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Jumilla || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || La Gomera || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || La Mancha || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || La Palma whether or not followed by Fuencaliente || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || La Palma whether or not followed by Hoyo de Mazo || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || La Palma whether or not followed by Norte de la Palma || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Lanzarote || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Lebrija || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Málaga || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Manchuela || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Manzanilla Sanlúcar de Barrameda || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Méntrida || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Mondéjar || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Monterrei whether or not followed by Ladera de Monterrei || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Monterrei whether or not followed by Val de Monterrei || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Montilla-Moriles || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Montsant || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Navarra whether or not followed by Baja Montaña || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Navarra whether or not followed by Ribera Alta || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Navarra whether or not followed by Ribera Baja || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Navarra whether or not followed by Tierra Estella || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Navarra whether or not followed by Valdizarbe || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Pago Florentino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Pago de Arínzano Equivalent term: Vino de pago de Arinzano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Pago de Otazu || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Penedés || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Pla de Bages || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Pla i Llevant || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Prado de Irache || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Priorat || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Rías Baixas whether or not followed by Condado do Tea || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Rías Baixas whether or not followed by O Rosal || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Rías Baixas whether or not followed by Ribeira do Ulla || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Rías Baixas whether or not followed by Soutomaior || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Rías Baixas whether or not followed by Val do Salnés || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Ribeira Sacra whether or not followed by Amandi || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Ribeira Sacra whether or not followed by Chantada || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Ribeira Sacra whether or not followed by Quiroga-Bibei || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Ribeira Sacra whether or not followed by Ribeiras do Miño || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Ribeira Sacra whether or not followed by Ribeiras do Sil || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Ribeiro || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Ribera del Duero || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Ribera del Guadiana whether or not followed by Cañamero || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Ribera del Guadiana whether or not followed by Matanegra || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Ribera del Guadiana whether or not followed by Montánchez || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Ribera del Guadiana whether or not followed by Ribera Alta || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Ribera del Guadiana whether or not followed by Ribera Baja || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Ribera del Guadiana whether or not followed by Tierra de Barros || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Ribera del Júcar || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Rioja whether or not followed by Rioja Alavesa || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Rioja whether or not followed by Rioja Alta || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Rioja whether or not followed by Rioja Baja || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Rueda || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Sierras de Málaga whether or not followed by Serranía de Ronda || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Somontano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Tacoronte-Acentejo whether or not followed by Anaga || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Tarragona || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Terra Alta || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Tierra de León || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Tierra del Vino de Zamora || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Toro || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Txakolí de Álava Equivalent term: Arabako Txakolina || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Uclés || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Utiel-Requena || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Valdeorras || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Valdepeñas || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Valencia whether or not followed by Alto Turia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Valencia whether or not followed by Clariano || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Valencia whether or not followed by Moscatel de Valencia || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Valencia whether or not followed by Valentino || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Valle de Güímar || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Valle de la Orotava || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Valles de Benavente || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Vino de Calidad de Valtiendas || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Vinos de Madrid whether or not followed by Arganda || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Vinos de Madrid whether or not followed by Navalcarnero || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Vinos de Madrid whether or not followed by San Martín de Valdeiglesias || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Ycoden-Daute-Isora || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || Yecla || Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO) ||

ES || 3 Riberas || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Abanilla || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Altiplano de Sierra nevada || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Bajo Aragón || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Ribera del Gállego-Cinco Villas || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Ribera del Jiloca || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Valdejalón || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Valle del Cinca || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Bailén || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Barbanza e Iria || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Betanzos || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Cádiz || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Campo de Cartagena || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Cangas || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Castelló || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Castilla || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Castilla y León || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Contraviesa-Alpujarra || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Córdoba || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Costa de Cantabria || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Cumbres de Guadalfeo || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Desierto de Almería || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || El Terrerazo || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Extremadura || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Formentera || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Gálvez || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Granada Sur-Oeste || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Ibiza || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Illes Balears || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Isla de Menorca || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Laujar-Alpujarra || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Lederas del Genil || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Liébana || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Los Palacios || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Mallorca || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Murcia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Norte de Almería || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Norte de Granada || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Pozohondo || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Ribera del Andarax || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Ribera del Queiles || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Serra de Tramuntana-Costa Nord || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Sierra de Las Estancias y Los Filabres || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Sierra Norte de Sevilla || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Sierra Sur de Jaén || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Torreperogil || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Valle del Miño-Ourense || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Valles de Sadacia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

ES || Villaviciosa de Córdoba || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || English Vineyards || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || Welsh Vineyards || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Berkshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Buckinghamshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Cheshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Cornwall || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Derbyshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Devon || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Dorset || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by East Anglia || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Gloucestershire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Hampshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Herefordshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Isle of Wight || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Isles of Scilly || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Kent || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Lancashire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Leicestershire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Lincolnshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Northamptonshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Nottinghamshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Oxfordshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Rutland || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Shropshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Somerset || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Staffordshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Surrey || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Sussex || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Warwickshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by West Midlands || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Wiltshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Worcestershire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || England whether or not substituted by Yorkshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || Wales whether or not substituted by Cardiff || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || Wales whether or not substituted by Cardiganshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || Wales whether or not substituted by Carmarthenshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || Wales whether or not substituted by Denbighshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || Wales whether or not substituted by Gwynedd || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || Wales whether or not substituted by Monmouthshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || Wales whether or not substituted by Newport || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || Wales whether or not substituted by Pembrokeshire || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || Wales whether or not substituted by Rhondda Cynon Taf || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || Wales whether or not substituted by Swansea || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || Wales whether or not substituted by The Vale of Glamorgan || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

UK || Wales whether or not substituted by Wrexham || Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI) ||

Wines of the Republic of Moldova to be protected in the European Union




Spirit drinks of the European Union to be protected in the Republic of Moldova

EU – Member State || Name to be protected || Product Type

FR || Rhum de la Martinique || Rum

FR || Rhum de la Guadeloupe || Rum

FR || Rhum de la Réunion || Rum

FR || Rhum de la Guyane || Rum

FR || Rhum de sucrerie de la Baie du Galion || Rum

FR || Rhum des Antilles françaises || Rum

FR || Rhum des départements français d'outre-mer || Rum

ES || Ron de Málaga || Rum

ES || Ron de Granada || Rum

PT || Rum da Madeira || Rum

UK (Scotland) || Scotch Whisky || Whiskey/Whisky

IE || Irish Whiskey / Uisce Beatha Eireannach / Irish Whisky || Whiskey/Whisky

ES || Whisky español || Whiskey/Whisky

FR || Whisky breton / Whisky de Bretagne || Whiskey/Whisky

FR || Whisky alsacien / Whisky d'Alsace || Whiskey/Whisky

LU || Eau-de-vie de seigle de marque nationale LUeoise || Grain Spirit

DE, AT, BE (German-speaking Community) || Korn / Kornbrand || Grain Spirit

DE || Münsterländer Korn / Kornbrand || Grain Spirit

DE || Sendenhorster Korn / Kornbrand || Grain Spirit

DE || Bergischer Korn / Kornbrand || Grain Spirit

DE || Emsländer Korn / Kornbrand || Grain Spirit

DE || Haselünner Korn / Kornbrand || Grain Spirit

DE || Hasetaler Korn / Kornbrand || Grain Spirit

LT || Samanė || Grain Spirit

FR || Eau-de-vie de Cognac || Wine Spirit

FR || Eau-de-vie des Charentes || Wine Spirit

FR || Eau-de-vie de Jura || Wine Spirit

FR || Cognac (The denomination "Cognac" may be supplemented by the following terms: - Fine - Grande Fine Champagne - Grande Champagne - Petite Fine Champagne - Petite Champagne - Fine Champagne - Borderies - Fins Bois - Bons Bois) || Wine Spirit

FR || Fine Bordeaux || Wine Spirit

FR || Fine de Bourgogne || Wine Spirit

FR || Armagnac || Wine Spirit

FR || Bas-Armagnac || Wine Spirit

FR || Haut-Armagnac || Wine Spirit

FR || Armagnac-Ténarèze || Wine Spirit

FR || Blanche Armagnac || Wine Spirit

FR || Eau-de-vie de vin de la Marne || Wine Spirit

FR || Eau-de-vie de vin originaire d'Aquitaine || Wine Spirit

FR || Eau-de-vie de vin de Bourgogne || Wine Spirit

FR || Eau-de-vie de vin originaire du Centre-Est || Wine Spirit

FR || Eau-de-vie de vin originaire de Franche-Comté || Wine Spirit

FR || Eau-de-vie de vin originaire du Bugey || Wine Spirit

FR || Eau-de-vie de vin de Savoie || Wine Spirit

FR || Eau-de-vie de vin originaire des Coteaux de la Loire || Wine Spirit

FR || Eau-de-vie de vin des Côtes-du-Rhône || Wine Spirit

FR || Eau-de-vie de vin originaire de Provence || Wine Spirit

FR || Eau-de-vie de Faugères / Faugères || Wine Spirit

FR || Eau-de-vie de vin originaire du Languedoc || Wine Spirit

PT || Aguardente de Vinho Douro || Wine Spirit

PT || Aguardente de Vinho Ribatejo || Wine Spirit

PT || Aguardente de Vinho Alentejo || Wine Spirit

PT || Aguardente de Vinho da Região dos Vinhos Verdes || Wine Spirit

PT || Aguardente de Vinho da Região dos Vinhos Verdes de Alvarinho || Wine Spirit

PT || Aguardente de Vinho Lourinhã || Wine Spirit

BG || Сунгурларска гроздова ракия / Гроздова ракия от Сунгурларе / Sungurlarska grozdova rakya / Grozdova rakya from Sungurlare || Wine Spirit

BG || Сливенска перла (Сливенска гроздова ракия / Гроздова ракия от Сливен) /Slivenska perla (Slivenska grozdova rakya / Grozdova rakya from Sliven) || Wine Spirit

BG || Стралджанска Мускатова ракия / Мускатова ракия от Стралджа / Straldjanska Muscatova rakya / Muscatova rakya from Straldja || Wine Spirit

BG || Поморийска гроздова ракия / Гроздова ракия от Поморие / Pomoriyska grozdova rakya / Grozdova rakya from Pomorie || Wine Spirit

BG || Русенска бисерна гроздова ракия / Бисерна гроздова ракия от Русе / Russenska biserna grozdova rakya / Biserna grozdova rakya from Russe || Wine Spirit

BG || Бургаска Мускатова ракия / Мускатова ракия от Бургас / Bourgaska Muscatova rakya / Muscatova rakya from Bourgas || Wine Spirit

BG || Добруджанска мускатова ракия / Мускатова ракия от Добруджа / Dobrudjanska muscatova rakya / muscatova rakya from Dobrudja || Wine Spirit

BG || Сухиндолска гроздова ракия / Гроздова ракия от Сухиндол / Suhindolska grozdova rakya / Grozdova rakya from Suhindol || Wine Spirit

BG || Карловска гроздова ракия / Гроздова Ракия от Карлово / Karlovska grozdova rakya / Grozdova Rakya from Karlovo || Wine Spirit

RO || Vinars Târnave || Wine Spirit

RO || Vinars Vaslui || Wine Spirit

RO || Vinars Murfatlar || Wine Spirit

RO || Vinars Vrancea || Wine Spirit

RO || Vinars Segarcea || Wine Spirit

ES || Brandy de Jerez || Brandy/Weinbrand

ES || Brandy del Penedés || Brandy/Weinbrand

IT || Brandy italiano || Brandy/Weinbrand

GR || Brandy Αττικής / Brandy of Attica || Brandy/Weinbrand

GR || Brandy Πελοποννήσου / Brandy of the Peloponnese || Brandy/Weinbrand

GR || Brandy Κεντρικής Ελλάδας / Brandy of central GR || Brandy/Weinbrand

DE || Deutscher Weinbrand || Brandy/Weinbrand

AT || Wachauer Weinbrand || Brandy/Weinbrand

AT || Weinbrand Dürnstein || Brandy/Weinbrand

DE || Pfälzer Weinbrand || Brandy/Weinbrand

SK || Karpatské brandy špeciál || Brandy/Weinbrand

FR || Brandy français / Brandy de France || Brandy/Weinbrand

FR || Marc de Champagne / Eau-de-vie de marc de Champagne || Grape Marc Spirit

FR || Marc d'Aquitaine / Eau-de-vie de marc originaire d'Aquitaine || Grape Marc Spirit

FR || Marc de Bourgogne / Eau-de-vie de marc de Bourgogne || Grape Marc Spirit

FR || Marc du Centre-Est / Eau-de-vie de marc originaire du Centre-Est || Grape Marc Spirit

FR || Marc de Franche-Comté /Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de Franche-Comté || Grape Marc Spirit

FR || Marc du Bugey / Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de Bugey || Grape Marc Spirit

FR || Marc de Savoie / Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de Savoie || Grape Marc Spirit

FR || Marc des Côteaux de la Loire / Eau-de-vie de marc originaire des Coteaux de la Loire || Grape Marc Spirit

FR || Marc des Côtes-du-Rhône / Eau-de-vie de marc des Côtes du Rhône || Grape Marc Spirit

FR || Marc de Provence / Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de Provence || Grape Marc Spirit

FR || Marc du Languedoc / Eau-de-vie de marc originaire du Languedoc || Grape Marc Spirit

FR || Marc d'Alsace Gewürztraminer || Grape Marc Spirit

FR || Marc de Lorraine || Grape Marc Spirit

FR || Marc d'Auvergne || Grape Marc Spirit

FR || Marc du Jura || Grape Marc Spirit

PT || Aguardente Bagaceira Bairrada || Grape Marc Spirit

PT || Aguardente Bagaceira Alentejo || Grape Marc Spirit

PT || Aguardente Bagaceira da Região dos Vinhos Verdes || Grape Marc Spirit

PT || Aguardente Bagaceira da Região dos Vinhos Verdes de Alvarinho || Grape Marc Spirit

ES || Orujo de Galicia || Grape Marc Spirit

IT || Grappa || Grape Marc Spirit

IT || Grappa di Barolo || Grape Marc Spirit

IT || Grappa piemontese / Grappa del Piemonte || Grape Marc Spirit

IT || Grappa lombarda / Grappa di Lombardia || Grape Marc Spirit

IT || Grappa trentina / Grappa del Trentino || Grape Marc Spirit

IT || Grappa friulana / Grappa del Friuli || Grape Marc Spirit

IT || Grappa veneta / Grappa del Veneto || Grape Marc Spirit

IT || Südtiroler Grappa / Grappa dell'Alto Adige || Grape Marc Spirit

IT || Grappa Siciliana / Grappa di Sicilia || Grape Marc Spirit

IT || Grappa di Marsala || Grape Marc Spirit

GR || Τσικουδιά / Tsikoudia || Grape Marc Spirit

GR || Τσικουδιά Κρήτης / Tsikoudia of Crete || Grape Marc Spirit

GR || Τσίπουρο / Tsipouro || Grape Marc Spirit

GR || Τσίπουρο Μακεδονίας/ Tsipouro of Macedonia || Grape Marc Spirit

GR || Τσίπουρο Θεσσαλίας / Tsipouro of Thessaly || Grape Marc Spirit

GR || Τσίπουρο Τυρνάβου / Tsipouro of Tyrnavos || Grape Marc Spirit

LU || Eau-de-vie de marc de marque nationale luxembourgeoise || Grape Marc Spirit

CY || Ζιβανία / Τζιβανία /Ζιβάνα / Zivania || Grape Marc Spirit

HU || Törkölypálinka || Grape Marc Spirit

DE || Schwarzwälder Kirschwasser || Fruit Spirit

DE || Schwarzwälder Mirabellenwasser || Fruit Spirit

DE || Schwarzwälder Williamsbirne || Fruit Spirit

DE || Schwarzwälder Zwetschgenwasser || Fruit Spirit

DE || Fränkisches Zwetschgenwasser || Fruit Spirit

DE || Fränkisches Kirschwasser || Fruit Spirit

DE || Fränkischer Obstler || Fruit Spirit

FR || Mirabelle de Lorraine || Fruit Spirit

FR || Kirsch d'Alsace || Fruit Spirit

FR || Quetsch d'Alsace || Fruit Spirit

FR || Framboise d'Alsace || Fruit Spirit

FR || Mirabelle d'Alsace || Fruit Spirit

FR || Kirsch de Fougerolles || Fruit Spirit

FR || Williams d'Orléans || Fruit Spirit

IT || Südtiroler Williams / Williams dell'Alto Adige || Fruit Spirit

IT || Südtiroler Aprikot / Aprikot dell'Alto Adige || Fruit Spirit

IT || Südtiroler Marille / Marille dell'Alto Adige || Fruit Spirit

IT || Südtiroler Kirsch / Kirsch dell'Alto Adige || Fruit Spirit

IT || Südtiroler Zwetschgeler / Zwetschgeler dell'Alto Adige || Fruit Spirit

IT || Südtiroler Obstler / Obstler dell'Alto Adige || Fruit Spirit

IT || Südtiroler Gravensteiner / Gravensteiner dell'Alto Adige || Fruit Spirit

IT || Südtiroler Golden Delicious / Golden Delicious dell'Alto Adige || Fruit Spirit

IT || Williams friulano / Williams del Friuli || Fruit Spirit

IT || Sliwovitz del Veneto || Fruit Spirit

IT || Sliwovitz del Friuli-Venezia Giulia || Fruit Spirit

IT || Sliwovitz del Trentino-Alto Adige || Fruit Spirit

IT || Distillato di mele trentino / Distillato di mele del Trentino || Fruit Spirit

IT || Williams trentino / Williams del Trentino || Fruit Spirit

IT || Sliwovitz trentino / Sliwovitz del Trentino || Fruit Spirit

IT || Aprikot trentino / Aprikot del Trentino || Fruit Spirit

PT || Medronho do Algarve || Fruit Spirit

PT || Medronho do Buçaco || Fruit Spirit

IT || Kirsch Friulano / Kirschwasser Friulano || Fruit Spirit

IT || Kirsch Trentino / Kirschwasser Trentino || Fruit Spirit

IT || Kirsch Veneto / Kirschwasser Veneto || Fruit Spirit

PT || Aguardente de pêra da Lousã || Fruit Spirit

LU || Eau-de-vie de pommes de marque nationale Luxembourgeoise || Fruit Spirit

LU || Eau-de-vie de poires de marque nationale Luxembourgeoise || Fruit Spirit

LU || Eau-de-vie de kirsch de marque nationale Luxembourgeoise || Fruit Spirit

LU || Eau-de-vie de quetsch de marque nationale Luxembourgeoise || Fruit Spirit

LU || Eau-de-vie de mirabelle de marque nationale Luxembourgeoise || Fruit Spirit

LU || Eau-de-vie de prunelles de marque nationale Luxembourgeoise || Fruit Spirit

AT || Wachauer Marillenbrand || Fruit Spirit

HU || Szatmári Szilvapálinka || Fruit Spirit

HU || Kecskeméti Barackpálinka || Fruit Spirit

HU || Békési Szilvapálinka || Fruit Spirit

HU || Szabolcsi Almapálinka || Fruit Spirit

HU || Gönci Barackpálinka || Fruit Spirit

HU, AT (for apricot spirits solely produced in the Länder of: Niederösterreich, Burgenland, Steiermark, Wien) || Pálinka || Fruit Spirit

SK || Bošácka Slivovica || Fruit Spirit

SI || Brinjevec || Fruit Spirit

SI || Dolenjski sadjevec || Fruit Spirit

BG || Троянска сливова ракия / Сливова ракия от Троян / Troyanska slivova rakya / Slivova rakya from Troyan || Fruit Spirit

BG || Силистренска кайсиева ракия / Кайсиева ракия от Силистра / Silistrenska kaysieva rakya / Kaysieva rakya from Silistra || Fruit Spirit

BG || Тервелска кайсиева ракия / Кайсиева ракия от Тервел / Tervelska kaysieva rakya / Kaysieva rakya from Tervel || Fruit Spirit

BG || Ловешка сливова ракия / Сливова ракия от Ловеч / Loveshka slivova rakya / Slivova rakya from Lovech || Fruit Spirit

RO || Pălincă || Fruit Spirit

RO || Ţuică Zetea de Medieşu Aurit || Fruit Spirit

RO || Ţuică de Valea Milcovului || Fruit Spirit

RO || Ţuică de Buzău || Fruit Spirit

RO || Ţuică de Argeş || Fruit Spirit

RO || Ţuică de Zalău || Fruit Spirit

RO || Ţuică Ardelenească de Bistriţa || Fruit Spirit

RO || Horincă de Maramureş || Fruit Spirit

RO || Horincă de Cămârzana || Fruit Spirit

RO || Horincă de Seini || Fruit Spirit

RO || Horincă de Chioar || Fruit Spirit

RO || Horincă de Lăpuş || Fruit Spirit

RO || Turţ de Oaş || Fruit Spirit

RO || Turţ de Maramureş || Fruit Spirit

FR || Calvados || Cider Spirits & Perry Spirits

FR || Calvados Pays d'Auge || Cider Spirits & Perry Spirits

FR || Calvados Domfrontais || Cider Spirits & Perry Spirits

FR || Eau-de-vie de cidre de Bretagne || Cider Spirits & Perry Spirits

FR || Eau-de-vie de poiré de Bretagne || Cider Spirits & Perry Spirits

FR || Eau-de-vie de cidre de Normandie || Cider Spirits & Perry Spirits

FR || Eau-de-vie de poiré de Normandie || Cider Spirits & Perry Spirits

FR || Eau-de-vie de cidre du Maine || Cider Spirits & Perry Spirits

ES || Aguardiente de sidra de Asturias || Cider Spirits & Perry Spirits

FR || Eau-de-vie de poiré du Maine || Cider Spirits & Perry Spirits

SE || Svensk Vodka / Swedish Vodka || Vodka

FI || Suomalainen Vodka / Finsk Vodka / Vodka of Finland || Vodka

PL || Polska Wódka / Polish Vodka || Vodka

SK || Laugarício Vodka || Vodka

LT || Originali Lietuviška degtinė/ Original Lithuanian vodka || Vodka

PL || Herbal vodka from the North Podlasie Lowland aromatised with an extract of bison grass / Wódka ziołowa z Niziny Północnopodlaskiej aromatyzowana ekstraktem z trawy żubrowej || Vodka

LV || Latvijas Dzidrais || Vodka

LV || Rīgas Degvīns || Vodka

EE || Estonian vodka || Vodka

DE || Schwarzwälder Himbeergeist || Geist

DE || Bayerischer Gebirgsenzian || Gentian

IT || Südtiroler Enzian / Genziana dell'Alto Adige || Gentian

IT || Genziana trentina / Genziana del Trentino || Gentian

BE, NL, FR (Départements Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62)), DE (German Bundesländer Nordrhein‑Westfalen and Niedersachsen) || Genièvre / Jenever / Genever || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

BE, NL, FR (Départements Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62)) || Genièvre de grains, Graanjenever, Graangenever || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

BE, NL || Jonge jenever, jonge genever || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

BE, NL || Oude jenever, oude genever || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

BE (Hasselt, Zonhoven, Diepenbeek) || Hasseltse jenever / Hasselt || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

BE (Balegem) || Balegemse jenever || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

BE (Oost-Vlaanderen) || O´ de Flander-Oost-Vlaamse Graanjenever || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

BE (Région wallonne) || Peket-Pékêt / Peket-Pékêt de Wallonie || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

FR (Départements Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62)) || Genièvre Flandres Artois || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

DE || Ostfriesischer Korngenever || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

DE || Steinhäger || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

UK || Plymouth Gin || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

ES || Gin de Mahón || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

LT || Vilniaus Džinas / Vilnius Gin || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

SK || Spišská Borovička || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

SK || Slovenská Borovička Juniperus || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

SK || Slovenská Borovička || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

SK || Inovecká Borovička || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

SK || Liptovská Borovička || Juniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

DK || Dansk Akvavit / Dansk Aquavit || Akvavit/ Aquavit

SE || Svensk Aquavit / Svensk Akvavit / Swedish Aquavit || Akvavit/ Aquavit

ES || Anis español || Aniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

ES || Anís Paloma Monforte del Cid || Aniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

ES || Hierbas de Mallorca || Aniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

ES || Hierbas Ibicencas || Aniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

PT || Évora anisada || Aniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

ES || Cazalla || Aniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

ES || Chinchón || Aniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

ES || Ojén || Aniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

ES || Rute || Aniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

SI || Janeževec || Aniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks

CY, GR || Ouzo / Oύζο || Distilled Anis

GR || Ούζο Μυτιλήνης / Ouzo of Mitilene || Distilled Anis

GR || Ούζο Πλωμαρίου / Ouzo of Plomari || Distilled Anis

GR || Ούζο Καλαμάτας / Ouzo of Kalamata || Distilled Anis

GR || Ούζο Θράκης / Ouzo of Thrace || Distilled Anis

GR || Ούζο Μακεδονίας / Ouzo of Macedonia || Distilled Anis

SK || Demänovka bylinná horká || Bitter tasting Spirit Drinks/ Bitter

DE || Rheinberger Kräuter || Bitter tasting Spirit Drinks/ Bitter

LT || Trejos devynerios || Bitter tasting Spirit Drinks/ Bitter

SI || Slovenska travarica || Bitter tasting Spirit Drinks/ Bitter

DE || Berliner Kümmel || Liqueur

DE || Hamburger Kümmel || Liqueur

DE || Münchener Kümmel || Liqueur

DE || Chiemseer Klosterlikör || Liqueur

DE || Bayerischer Kräuterlikör || Liqueur

IE || Irish Cream || Liqueur

ES || Palo de Mallorca || Liqueur

PT || Ginjinha portuguesa || Liqueur

PT || Licor de Singeverga || Liqueur

IT || Mirto di Sardegna || Liqueur

IT || Liquore di limone di Sorrento || Liqueur

IT || Liquore di limone della Costa d'Amalfi || Liqueur

IT || Genepì del Piemonte || Liqueur

IT || Genepì della Valle d'Aosta || Liqueur

DE || Benediktbeurer Klosterlikör || Liqueur

DE || Ettaler Klosterlikör || Liqueur

FR || Ratafia de Champagne || Liqueur

ES || Ratafia catalana || Liqueur

PT || Anis português || Liqueur

FI || Suomalainen Marjalikööri / Suomalainen Hedelmälikööri / Finsk Bärlikör / Finsk Fruktlikör / Finnish berry liqueur / Finnish fruit liqueur || Liqueur

AT || Grossglockner Alpenbitter || Liqueur

AT || Mariazeller Magenlikör || Liqueur

AT || Mariazeller Jagasaftl || Liqueur

AT || Puchheimer Bitter || Liqueur

AT || Steinfelder Magenbitter || Liqueur

AT || Wachauer Marillenlikör || Liqueur

AT || Jägertee / Jagertee / Jagatee || Liqueur

DE || Hüttentee || Liqueur

LV || Allažu Ķimelis || Liqueur

LT || Čepkelių || Liqueur

SK || Demänovka Bylinný Likér || Liqueur

PL || Polish Cherry || Liqueur

CZ || Karlovarská Hořká || Liqueur

SI || Pelinkovec || Liqueur

DE || Blutwurz || Liqueur

ES || Cantueso Alicantino || Liqueur

ES || Licor café de Galicia || Liqueur

ES || Licor de hierbas de Galicia || Liqueur

FR, IT || Génépi des Alpes / Genepì degli Alpi || Liqueur

GR || Μαστίχα Χίου / Masticha of Chios || Liqueur

GR || Κίτρο Νάξου / Kitro of Naxos || Liqueur

GR || Κουμκουάτ Κέρκυρας / Koum Kouat of Corfu || Liqueur

GR || Τεντούρα / Tentoura || Liqueur

PT || Poncha da Madeira || Liqueur

FR || Cassis de Bourgogne || Crème de Cassis

FR || Cassis de Dijon || Crème de Cassis

FR || Cassis de Saintonge || Crème de Cassis

FR || Cassis du Dauphiné || Crème de Cassis

LU || Cassis de Beaufort || Crème de Cassis

IT || Nocino di Modena || Nocino

SI || Orehovec || Nocino

FR || Pommeau de Bretagne || Other Spirit Drinks

FR || Pommeau du Maine || Other Spirit Drinks

FR || Pommeau de Normandie || Other Spirit Drinks

SE || Svensk Punsch / Swedish Punch || Other Spirit Drinks

ES || Pacharán navarro || Other Spirit Drinks

ES || Pacharán || Other Spirit Drinks

AT || Inländerrum || Other Spirit Drinks

DE || Bärwurz || Other Spirit Drinks

ES || Aguardiente de hierbas de Galicia || Other Spirit Drinks

ES || Aperitivo Café de Alcoy || Other Spirit Drinks

ES || Herbero de la Sierra de Mariola || Other Spirit Drinks

DE || Königsberger Bärenfang || Other Spirit Drinks

DE || Ostpreußischer Bärenfang || Other Spirit Drinks

ES || Ronmiel || Other Spirit Drinks

ES || Ronmiel de Canarias || Other Spirit Drinks

BE, NL, FR (Départements Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62)), DE (German Bundesländer Nordrhein-Westfalen and Niedersachsen) || Genièvre aux fruits / Vruchtenjenever / Jenever met vruchten / Fruchtgenever || Other Spirit Drinks

SI || Domači rum || Other Spirit Drinks

IE || Irish Poteen / Irish Póitín || Other Spirit Drinks

LT || Trauktinė || Other Spirit Drinks

LT || Trauktinė Palanga || Other Spirit Drinks

LT || Trauktinė Dainava || Other Spirit Drinks

Spirits drinks of the Republic of Moldova to be protected in the European Union



Aromatised wines of the European Union to be protected in the Republic of Moldova

EU - Member State || Name to be protected

IT || Vermouth di Torino

FR || Vermouth de Chambéry

DE || Nürnberger Glühwein

DE || Thüringer Glühwein

Aromatised wines of the Republic of Moldova to be protected in the European Union



on addition of new Moldovan geographical indications

Subject to the finalization of the registration of the following Moldovan geographical terms as geographical indications under the relevant Moldovan legislation on geographical indications:

- Cricova,

- Milesti Mici,

- Divin,

the Contracting Parties convene to consider, following the provisions for the addition of new geographical indications laid down in Article 3 of the Agreement, the geographical terms referred to above in the first meeting of the Joint Committee as foreseen in Article 11 of the Agreement, to be held no later than two months after the date of entry into force of this Agreement.

[1]               OJ C…

[2]               OJ L 55, 28.2.2011, p. 13.

[3]               OJ L 93, 31.3.2006, p. 12.

[4]               OJ L 299, 16.11.2007, p. 1.

[5]               OJ L 39, 13.2.2008, p. 16.

[6]               Is considered an evocation, notably, the use in any way for products falling under heading No 20.09 of the Harmonised System of the International Convention on the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System, done at Brussels on 14 June 1983, although only insofar as those products are referred to wines falling under heading N°22.04, aromatised wines falling under heading N° 22.05 and spirits falling under heading 22.08 of that system.

[7]               Subject to the positive conclusion of the objection procedure as referred to in Article 2(3) of the Agreement.

[8]               Subject to the positive conclusion of the objection procedure as referred to in Article 2(3) of the Agreement.