
COMMISSION OPINION on the independent expert evaluation on the EIT /* COM/2011/0816 final */


of 30.11.2011

on the independent expert evaluation on the EIT


1. On 11th March 2008, by virtue of Regulation (EC) No 294/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council[1](hereinafter "the Regulation"), the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (hereinafter "EIT") was established.

2. In accordance with Article 16(2) of the EIT Regulation, the Commission shall provide for an evaluation of the EIT. This shall be based on an independent external evaluation of the EIT and shall examine how the EIT fulfils its mission.

3. The external evaluation of the EIT was completed on May, 31st 2011 by ECORYS.

4. In accordance with Article 16(3) of the EIT Regulation, the Commission shall forward the results of the evaluation, together with its own opinion and, where appropriate, any proposals to amend this Regulation, to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of Regions.


5. The Commission acknowledges the results of the independent external evaluation of the EIT.

6. The Commission endorses the following recommendations from the independent external evaluation and shall ask the EIT to implement them:

7. The EIT should continue in its current format for the next multiannual financial framework. Its approach has demonstrated strong potential. The EIT should expand on an incremental basis and continue to focus on strengthening existing centres of excellence.

8. In view of the selection and designation of future KICs, the EIT should provide clear and consistent guidance on its expectations as well as on the obligations and responsibilities of future KICs.. . Prior to the publication of the call for the selection and designation of new KICs, the EIT should provide public notice of the broad themes of interest to allow consortia to develop their plans and ensure an adequate period to prepare their proposals.

9. The focus of the EIT for the period 2011-2014 should be on consolidation and delivery. It should put in place robust procedures developed through a mutual learning process with the existing KICs. The EIT should continue to develop, in collaboration with the European Commission and the current KICs, further simplified procedures for the operation of the EIT under Horizon 2020 -the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation-.

10. The EIT should establish robust monitoring procedures in association with the KICs and in co-operation with the European Commission. This should include the measurement of the performance of the EIT against its own objectives. The focus should be on establishing a results-based approach. An immediate priority is to use the results of such a monitoring procedure to assess the performance of the individual KICs and of the EIT overall.

11. The EIT should embrace a culture of openness and external engagement through which it can develop and share lessons of practice. It should seek to engage with external expertise in developing new models of entrepreneurialism, innovation and education, actively work with other initiatives with similar aims and consider how its activities can assist in building capacity across the EU.

12. The EIT should be distinctive but should seek to promote synergies with other European Union initiatives and programmes in the fields of education, research and innovation. The inclusion of the EIT under Horizon 2020 -the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation- will help to build closer ties to other EU research and innovation initiatives seeking to promote common agendas.

13. The EIT should publish the lessons it has learnt in the application of the derogations available in its financial rules and regulations governing its operations. This should be based upon the lessons learnt from the development of the first KICs and should seek to balance a desire for flexibility and a simplified approach with the need for responsibility for public monies. This should contribute to the future development of the Horizon 2020 - the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

14. The EIT should review its communications strategy and the development of the EIT brand. The EIT should take a more pro-active approach to brand development and identify clearly the values that it is seeking to promote.

15. The EIT should review its staffing levels, resource plan and internal management procedures in the light of the chosen strategic model for the institution. Staffing increases should be gradual, tied to any increase in the functions of the EIT.

16. The EIT should further develop its strategic role. It should focus on how the lessons learnt from the operation of the KICs can be used to build the capacity for innovation in Member States throughout the EU. This is not a resource intensive activity but should complement the work undertaken by the KICs.

Done at Brussels, 30.11.2011

For the Commission

Androulla Vassiliou

Member of the Commission

[1] OJ L 97, 9.4.2008, p1