

Official Journal of the European Union

C 336/1


establishing formal recognition that a certain number of acts of Union law in the field of agriculture have become obsolete

(Objective four of the Communication from the Commission of 11 February 2003 on updating and simplifying the Union acquis [COM(2003) 71 final])

2010/C 336/01

A framework for action

Improving the transparency of Union law is an essential element of the better lawmaking strategy that the Union Institutions are implementing as a result of the requests formulated at the European Councils of Lisbon, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Laeken.

From the early stages of Union law, in the 1950s, the legislative activity of the Community has continually increased the number of legal acts, many of which were adopted without an expiry date of their validity being fixed. These acts remain, therefore, formally in force even though their legal effects have been exhausted, often for a long time.

Objective four: Reviewing the organisation and presentation of the acquis

Objective four of the Framework for Action for Updating and simplifying the Union acquis launched by the Communication from the Commission of 11 February 2003 [COM(2003) 71 final] recognises the fact that the current Union acquis contains many texts that are obsolete and of no practical relevance or broader interest, but nevertheless apparently remain in force because an express repeal has not been carried out. Various reasons have provoked this situation. Some legal acts have time-limited application or are applied only at the time of their adoption. Other legal acts continue (formally) to exist even though their legal basis has been altered or has disappeared. Many acts are addressed exclusively to individual Member States or operators and are therefore of no general interest or relevance.

Whatever the reason for their current lack of direct relevance to Union citizens, such acts should no longer be allowed, by their classification as ‘acts in force’, to complicate and obscure the overall picture of the active acquis. Their removal would allow us to have access to an ‘essential’acquis of those acts that are active and generally applicable, thus permitting a more user-friendly presentation and more efficient and time-saving scrutiny of those tools that facilitate access to Union law: CELEX, EUR-Lex and the Directory of Legislation in force.

In some cases the express repeal of such acts would be appropriate. In particular those acts whose contents have been taken up by successive acts, in the interest of the clarity of the legal situation, shall be removed formally from the body of the ‘acquis communautaire’. For other acts – the majority – their removal in some other fashion from the active acquis would be justified. The above-mentioned Communication proposes that the Institutions should actively explore how best to remove obsolete and potentially misleading information from the acquis so as to ensure a clear, logical and relevant presentation.

The acts listed in the annex have exhausted their effects. The aim of the present Communication is therefore to formally recognise that these acts are obsolete. They were identified according to objective criteria guaranteeing that they have exhausted their effects and that, for example, all their attached obligations have been fulfilled. In particular this implies mainly, but not exclusively, acts falling into the following categories:

acts relating to the granting of financial contribution from the Union;

acts granting a statute or a specific exemption limited in the time and expired (derogations);

acts of a temporary nature, principally the so-called ‘marketing year regulations’ (fixing of aid amounts, ceilings for financial assistance, intervention thresholds, dates, annual rules related to the management of tariff quotas, establishment of the forecast supply balance for outermost regions and Aegean islands, etc.);

Commission regulations relating to a legal mechanism (for instance, intervention or the system of import levies after the Uruguay Round) which no longer exists [and where the replacement legal framework fails to provide a legal base for repeal];

exceptional market support measures adopted to deal with the specific effects of a veterinary crisis;

temporary or transitional measures linked to the accession of new Member States or acts become obsolete because of accession.

The justification of the obsolescence of each act is listed in the Annex to the present communication. This Communication is dealing with acts adopted before 31 December 2009 concerning the following sectors of the common agricultural policy: cereals, pigmeat, sheepmeat and goatmeat, poultry and eggs, direct payments, milk, rice, wine, sugar, beef and veal, tobacco, bananas, fruits and vegetables, processed fruits and vegetables, accounts, olive oil, non-Annex I products, export refunds, licences and securities, agricultural statistics, rural development. It should however be noted that other acts adopted before the abovementioned date and belonging to the listed sectors or to other sectors and which are not covered by the present Communication may appear to be obsolete. In such case their obsolete character will be recognised in the framework of the next communication of this kind.


The Commission is requested to approve this communication.

Consequently and following the guidelines on the reduction of the active Union acquis, in the framework of the simplification action related to Commission acts,

the acts listed in the Annex shall be removed from the active acquis;

the Publications Office is invited to withdraw these acts from the Directory of Union legislation in force;

the Annex is to be published in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union.


List of acts to be removed from the active acquis



Regulation (EEC) No 2706/71 of the Commission of 20 December 1971 on the method of determining the peroxidase activity in certain products processed from cereals

(OJ L 280, 21.12.1971, p. 9–9)

Obsolete because the act is outdated


Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1250/79 of 26 June 1979 fixing countervailing charges on seeds

(OJ L 159, 27.6.1979, p. 8–9)

Obsolete because an act of a temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1184/91 of 6 May 1991 laying down detailed rules for the application of the aid scheme for Portuguese cereal producers

(OJ L 115, 8.5.1991, p. 15–16)

Obsolete because the basic act (Council Regulation (EEC) No 3653/90 of 11 December 1990 introducing transitional measures governing the common organization of the market in cereals and rice in Portugal) is with limited validity


Commission Regulation (EC) No 24/98 of 7 January 1998 laying down detailed rules for granting the aid provided for in Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 3763/91 for the supply of products for animal feed to French Guiana for the period 1 July 1994 to 30 April 1996

(OJ L 004, 08.01.1998 P. 49 - 50)

Obsolete because an act of temporary nature relating to the period 1 July 1994 to 30 April 1996


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1445/98 of 6 July 1998 opening an invitation to tender for the reduction in the duty on maize imported into Spain from third countries

(OJ L 191, 07.07.1998 P. 47 – 47)

Obsolete because an act of temporary nature (see art. 3)


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1564/98 of 20 July 1998 on a special intervention measure for barley in Spain

(OJ L 203, 21.7.1998, p. 6–9)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1907/98 of 7 September 1998 opening an invitation to tender for the reduction in the duty on maize imported into Spain from third countries

(OJ L 248, 08.09.1998, p. 19 – 19)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2772/98 of 21 December 1998 establishing the forecast supply balance and Community aid for the supply to French Guiana of products falling within CN codes 2309 90 31, 2309 90 33, 2309 90 41, 2309 90 43, 2309 90 51 and 2309 90 53 used in feedingstuffs for 1999

(OJ L 346, 22.12.1998, p. 35 - 37)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature for 1999


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1288/2000 of 19 June 2000 providing for a specific inspection of intervention stocks of cereals at the beginning of the 2000/2001 and 2001/2002 marketing years

(OJ L 145, 20.06.2000, p. 20 - 20 )

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the marketing years 2000/01 and 2001/02


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1529/2000 of 13 July 2000 establishing the list of varieties of Cannabis sativa L. eligible for aid under Council Regulation (EEC) No 2358/71

(OJ L 175, 14.7.2000, p. 67–67)

Obsolete because replaced by more recent legislation


Commission Regulation (EC) No 369/2001 of 23 February 2001 laying down special measures derogating from Regulations (EC) No 800/1999, (EEC) No 3719/88 and (EC) No 1291/2000 in the cereal-based compound feedingstuffs sector

(OJ L 055, 24.02.2001, p. 41 - 42)

Obsolete as an act of a temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1323/2002 of 22 July 2002 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 as regards the export of cereals products to third countries other than Hungary

(OJ L 194, 23.7.2002, p. 24–25)

Obsolete because an act applicable prior to accession


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1582/2002 of 5 September 2002 on a special intervention measure for cereals in Finland and Sweden

(OJ L 239, 6.9.2002, p. 3–5)

Obsolete because an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1677/2002 of 20 September 2002 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1151/2002 as regards import licences for oats and barley originating in the Republic of Estonia

(OJ L 253, 21.9.2002, p. 4–7)

Obsolete because an act applicable prior to accession


Commission Regulation (EC) No 788/2003 of 8 May 2003 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Decision 2003/299/EC as regards the concessions in the form of Community tariff quotas on certain cereal products originating in the Slovak Republic and amending Regulation (EC) No 2809/2000

(OJ L 115, 9.5.2003, p. 25–27)

Obsolete because an act applicable prior to accession


Commission Regulation (EC) No 925/2003 of 27 May 2003 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Decision 2003/298/EC as regards the concessions in the form of Community tariff quotas on certain cereal products originating in the Czech Republic and amending Regulation (EC) No 2809/2000

(OJ L 131, 28.5.2003, p. 3–8)

Obsolete because an act applicable prior to accession


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1412/2003 of 7 August 2003 suspending Regulation (EC) No 934/2003 opening an invitation to tender for the refund on common wheat exports to certain third countries

(OJ L 201, 8.8.2003, p. 14–14)

Obsolete because an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1418/2003 of 8 August 2003 suspending Regulations (EC) No 668/2001, (EC) No 1500/2001, (EC) No 953/2002, (EC) No 968/2002, (EC) No 1081/2002 and (EC) No 2177/2002 opening standing invitations to tender for barley held by certain intervention agencies

(OJ L 202, 9.8.2003, p. 3–3)

Obsolete because an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1420/2003 of 8 August 2003 suspending Regulation (EC) No 1066/2003 opening a standing invitation to tender for sorghum held by the French intervention agency

(OJ L 202, 9.8.2003, p. 5–5)

Obsolete because an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1509/2003 of 27 August 2003 opening a standing invitation to tender for the resale on the Community market of 82 500 tonnes of barley held by the German intervention agency

(OJ L 217, 29.8.2003, p. 8–10)

Obsolete because an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1510/2003 of 27 August 2003 opening a standing invitation to tender for the resale on the Community market of 730 000 tonnes of rye held by the German intervention agency

(OJ L 217, 29.8.2003, p. 11–13)

Obsolete because an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1516/2003 of 27 August 2003 opening a standing invitation to tender for the resale on the Community market of 45 300 tonnes of barley held by the British intervention agency

(OJ L 217, 29.8.2003, p. 29–31)

Obsolete because an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1810/2003 of 15 October 2003 laying down detailed rules for applying Council Decision 2003/263/EC as regards the concessions in the form of Community tariff quotas on certain cereal products originating in the Republic of Poland

(OJ L 265, 16.10.2003, p. 12–14)

Obsolete because an act of temporary nature applicable prior to accession


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1811/2003 of 15 October 2003 laying down detailed rules for applying Council Decision 2003/285/EC as regards the concessions in the form of Community tariff quotas on certain cereal products originating in the Republic of Hungary

(OJ L 265, 16.10.2003, p. 15–20)

Obsolete because an act of temporary nature applicable prior to accession


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2274/2003 of 22 December 2003 opening and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for 2004 for manioc originating in Thailand

(OJ L 336, 23.12.2003, p. 39–43)

Obsolete because an act of temporary nature relating to the quota year 2004


Commission Regulation (EC) No 734/2004 of 20 April 2004 establishing transitional measures for the application of Regulation (EC) No 2316/1999 as regards the minimum area for aid applications for the 2004/2005 marketing year by reason of the accession of Malta to the European Union

(OJ L 114, 21.4.2004, p. 12–12)

Obsolete because a transitional measure relating to the accession of the country concerned to the European Union


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1106/2004 of 11 June 2004 derogating, for the marketing year 2004/05, from Regulation (EC) No 2316/1999 as regards the use of land set aside in certain Member States

(OJ L 211, 12.6.2004, p. 12–13)

Obsolete because an act of temporary nature relating to the marketing year 2004/05


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1852/2004 of 25 October 2004 fixing Community producer and import prices for carnations and roses with a view to the application of the arrangements governing imports of certain floricultural products originating in Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Morocco and the West Bank and the Gaza Strip

(OJ L 323, 26.10.2004, p. 9 - 10)

Obsolete because an act of temporary nature (see art. 2)


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2248/2004 of 27 December 2004 opening and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for 2005 for manioc originating in Thailand

(OJ L 381, 28.12.2004, p. 16 - 22)

Obsolete because an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1168/2005 of 19 July 2005 opening a standing invitation to tender for the resale on the Community market of maize held by the Austrian intervention agency

(OJ L 188, 20.7.2005, p. 16–18)

Obsolete because an act of temporary nature (see art. 4)


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1169/2005 of 19 July 2005 opening a standing invitation to tender for the export of rye held by the German intervention agency

(OJ L 188, 20.7.2005, p. 19–24)

Obsolete as the act is of temporary nature (see art. 4)


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1700/2005 of 18 October 2005 opening a standing invitation to tender for the resale on the Community market of maize held by the Slovak intervention agency

(OJ L 273, 19.10.2005, p. 3–5)

Obsolete as the act is of temporary nature (see art. 4)


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1863/2005 of 15 November 2005 opening a standing invitation to tender for the resale on the Community market of common wheat held by the Latvian intervention agency for processing into flour in the Community

(OJ L 299, 16.11.2005, p. 40–44)

Obsolete as the act is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2081/2005 of 19 December 2005 opening and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for 2006 for manioc originating in Thailand

(OJ L 333, 20.12.2005, p. 19 – 25)

Obsolete as the act is of temporary nature relating to the quota year 2006


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2093/2005 of 20 December 2005 opening an invitation to tender for the reduction in the duty on maize imported into Spain from third countries

(OJ L 335, 21.12.2005, p. 3 – 3)

Obsolete as the act is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1263/2006 of 23 August 2006 derogating from Regulations (EC) No 1464/95, (EC) No 174/1999, (EC) No 800/1999, (EC) No 1291/2000, (EC) No 1342/2003, (EC) No 633/2004, (EC) No 1138/2005, (EC) No 951/2006 and (EC) No 958/2006 as regards agricultural products exported to Lebanon

(OJ L 230, 24.8.2006, p. 6–7)

Obsolete as the act is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1688/2006 of 15 November 2006 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 2375/2002 as regards certain import licences issued for tranche No 4 of subquota III of the tariff quotas for imports of common wheat of a quality other than high quality

(OJ L 316, 16.11.2006, p. 3–4)

Obsolete as the act is of temporary nature (see art. 1)


2007/179/EC: Commission Decision of 22 March 2007 authorising Finnish aid for seeds and cereal seed in respect of the year 2006 (notified under document number C (2007) 1280)

(OJ L 82, 23.3.2007, p. 31–33)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 2006


Commission Regulation (EC) No 305/2007 of 21 March 2007 derogating temporarily from Regulations (EC) No 2402/96, (EC) No 2375/2002, (EC) No 2305/2003, (EC) No 969/2006 and (EC) No 1918/2006 as regards the dates for lodging applications and the issuing of import licences in 2007 under the tariff quotas for sweet potatoes, manioc starch, cereals and olive oil

(OJ L 81, 22.3.2007, p. 19–21)

Obsolete as the act is of temporary nature relating to the quota year 2007


Commission Regulation (EC) No 712/2007 of 22 June 2007 opening standing invitations to tender for the resale on the Community market of cereals held by the intervention agencies of the Member States

(OJ L 163, 23.6.2007, p. 7–13)

Obsolete because an act of a temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1282/2007 of 30 October 2007 derogating from Regulation (EEC) No 3149/92 as regards the end of the implementation period for the annual plan for the distribution of food for 2007

(OJ L 285, 31.10.2007, p. 30–30)

Obsolete because an act of a temporary nature relating to the year 2007


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1449/2007 of 7 December 2007 derogating from Regulations (EC) Nos 2402/96, 2058/96, 2375/2002, 2305/2003, 950/2006, 955/2005, 969/2006, 1100/2006, 1918/2006, 1964/2006, 1002/2007 and 508/2007 as regards the dates for lodging applications and the issuing of import licences in 2008 under the tariff quotas for sweet potatoes, manioc starch, cereals, rice, sugar and olive oil and derogating from Regulations (EC) Nos 1445/95, 1518/2003, 596/2004 and 633/2004 as regards the dates of issuing of export licences in 2008 in the beef and veal, pigmeat, eggs and poultrymeat sectors

(OJ L 323, 8.12.2007, p. 8–12)

Obsolete as the act is of temporary nature relating to the quota year 2008


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1539/2007 of 20 December 2007 fixing the coefficients applicable to cereals exported in the form of Scotch whisky for the period 2007/08

(OJ L 337, 21.12.2007, p. 50–51)

Obsolete because an act of a temporary nature


2008/548/EC: Commission Decision of 24 June 2008 authorising Finnish aid for seeds and cereal seed in respect of the harvest years 2007 and 2008 (notified under document number C(2008) 2700)

(OJ L 176, 4.7.2008, p. 13–15)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the years 2007 and 2008


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1039/2008 of 22 October 2008 reintroducing customs duties on imports of certain cereals for the 2008/09 marketing year

(OJ L 280, 23.10.2008, p. 5–6)

Obsolete because an act of a temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 553/2009 of 25 June 2009 opening a specific invitation to tender for the resale on the Community market of maize from harvests prior to the 2007/08 marketing year, held by the Hungarian intervention agency

(OJ L 164, 26.6.2009, p. 32–34)

Obsolete as the act is of temporary nature relating to the marketing year 2007/08



Commission Regulation (EC) No 2042/98 of 25 September 1998 on special conditions for the granting of private storage aid for pigmeat

(OJ L 263, 26.9.1998, p. 12–14)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature


1999/591/EC: Commission Decision of 9 June 1999 on the aid scheme implemented by the United Kingdom in favour of pig producers in Northern Ireland

(OJ L 227, 28.08.1999, p. 27-34)

Obsolete as one-time measure


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1499/1999 of 8 July 1999 determining to what extent applications for the right to import for bulls, cows and heifers of certain Alpine and mountain breeds pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1081/1999 can be met

(OJ L 174, 09.07.1999, p. 17-17)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2713/1999 of 20 December 1999 derogating from Regulation (EEC) No 3444/90 laying down detailed rules for granting private storage aid for pigmeat

(OJ L 327, 21.12.1999, p. 31–32)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature


2000/380/EC: Commission Decision of 29 May 2000 authorising the Republic of Austria to carry out only two pig surveys a year

(OJ L 139, 10.06.2000, p. 39-39)

Obsolete as one-time measure


2000/442/EC: Commission Decision of 11 July 2000 amending for the second time Decisions 1999/466/EC and 1999/467/EC establishing respectively the officially brucellosis-free and tuberculosis-free status of bovine herds of certain Member States or regions of Member States

(OJ L 176, 15.7.2000, p. 51–51)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1585/2000 of 19 July 2000 determining the extent to which applications lodged in July 2000 for import licences for certain pigmeat products under the regime provided for by the Agreements concluded by the Community with the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania can be accepted

(OJ L 181, 20.7.2000, p. 53–54)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to 2000


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2179/2002 of 6 December 2002 on special conditions for the granting of private storage aid for pigmeat

(OJ L 331, 7.12.2002, p. 11–12)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2246/2003 of 19 December 2003 on special conditions for the granting of private storage aid for pigmeat

(OJ L 333, 20.12.2003, p. 34–36)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2040/2005 of 14 December 2005 laying down rules of application in the pigmeat sector for the import arrangements provided for in the Europe Agreements with Bulgaria and Romania

(OJ L 328, 15.12.2005, p. 34–43)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1267/2007 of 26 October 2007 on special conditions for the granting of private storage aid for pigmeat

(OJ L 283, 27.10.2007, p. 53–54)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1399/2007 of 28 November 2007 opening and providing for the administration of an autonomous and transitional import tariff quota for sausages and certain meat products originating in Switzerland

(OJ L 311, 29.11.2007, p. 7–11)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to 2008/09


Commission Regulation (EC) No 179/2008 of 28 February 2008 allowing the extension of the duration of private storage contracts in the pigmeat sector

(OJ L 56, 29.2.2008, p. 3–3)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 854/2008 of 29 August 2008 providing for exceptional measures regarding export licences for pigmeat

(OJ L 232, 30.8.2008, p. 5–6)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1278/2008 of 17 December 2008 adopting emergency support measures for the pigmeat market in form of private storage aid in Ireland

(OJ L 339, 18.12.2008, p. 78–81)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature

Sheepmeat and goatmeat


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1302/2003 of 23 July 2003 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 1439/95 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3013/89 as regards the import and export of products in the sheepmeat and goatmeat sector

(OJ L 185, 24.7.2003, p. 3–4)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to 2003


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2202/2004 of 21 December 2004 opening Community tariff quotas for 2005 for sheep, goats, sheepmeat and goatmeat

(OJ L 374, 22.12.2004, p. 31–35)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to 2005


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2185/2005 of 27 December 2005 opening Community tariff quotas for 2006 for sheep, goats, sheepmeat and goatmeat

(OJ L 347, 30.12.2005, p. 70–73)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to 2006


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1994/2006 of 27 December 2006 opening Community tariff quotas for 2007 for sheep, goats, sheepmeat and goatmeat

(OJ L 413, 30.12.2006, p. 3–8)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to 2007

Poultry and eggs


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2334/98 of 29 October 1998 laying down special measures derogating from Regulations (EEC) No 3665/87, (EEC) No 3719/88 and (EC) No 1372/95 as regards poultrymeat

(OJ L 291, 30.10.1998, p. 15–16)

Obsolete because the regulation approved one-time exceptional measures


Commission Regulation (EC) No 223/1999 of 29 January 1999 determining the extent to which applications lodged in January 1999 for import licences for certain poultrymeat sector products pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 509/97 can be accepted

(OJ L 23, 30.01.1999, p. 26-27)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 1999


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2281/1999 of 28 October 1999 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 1372/95 as regards the date of issue of export licences for products in the poultrymeat sector in the week 1 to 7 November 1999

(OJ L 279, 29.10.1999, p. 30–30)

Obsolete because the regulation approved one-time exceptional measures


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1318/2001 of 29 June 2001 adopting the balance and fixing the aid for the supply of products from the eggs and poultrymeat sectors to the Canary Islands under the arrangements provided for in Articles 2, 3 and 4 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1601/92

(OJ L 177, 30.6.2001, p. 41–43)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2001

Direct payments


Commission Regulation (EC) No 635/2004 of 5 April 2004 fixing the exchange rates applicable to certain direct aids and structural or environmental measures in 2004

(OJ L 100, 6.4.2004, p. 22–24)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2004


Commission Regulation (EC) No 751/2004 of 22 April 2004 setting certain operative events for the exchange rate for 2004 for the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia to take account of their accession to the European Union

(OJ L 118, 23.4.2004, p. 19–20)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2004


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1117/2004 of 16 June 2004 fixing the exchange rate applicable in 2004 to certain direct aids and measures of a structural or environmental nature in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia

(OJ L 217, 17.6.2004, p. 8–9)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2004


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1406/2004 of 2 August 2004 setting the exchange rate applicable to certain direct aid with an operative event on 1 July 2004

(OJ L 256, 3.08.2004, p. 4-5)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2004


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1407/2004 of 2 August 2004 fixing the exchange rate applicable in 2004 to the single area payment scheme in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia

(OJ L 256, 3.08.2004, p. 6-7)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2004


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1540/2004 of 27 August 2004 derogating from Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 as regards the start of the period for certain payments

(OJ L 279, 28.8.2004, p. 11–11)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2004


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1794/2005 of 28 October 2005 fixing the exchange rates applicable to certain direct aids and structural or environmental measures in 2005

(OJ L 288, 29.10.2005, p. 36-39)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2005



Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2562/93 of 17 September 1993 laying down detailed rules for the application of Regulation (EEC) No 2055/93 allocating a special reference quantity to certain producers of milk and milk products

(OJ L 235, 18.9.1993, p. 18–19)

Obsolete as the act is of temporary nature that has exhausted its effects


Commission Regulation (EC) No 785/98 of 14 April 1998 laying down detailed rules for the granting of private storage aid for long-keeping cheeses

(OJ L 113, 15.4.1998, p. 14–16)

Obsolete as the act is of temporary nature adopted every year


Commission Regulation (EC) No 794/98 of 15 April 1998 laying down detailed rules governing the grant of private storage aid for Pecorino Romano cheese

(OJ L 114, 16.04.1998, p. 14-16)

Obsolete as the act is of temporary nature adopted every year


Commission Regulation (EC) No 795/98 of 15 April 1998 laying down detailed rules governing the grant of private storage aid for Kefalotyri and Kasseri cheeses

(OJ L 114, 16.04.1998, p. 17-19)

Obsolete as the act is of temporary nature adopted every year


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2407/98 of 6 November 1998 establishing the allocation of export licences for cheeses to be exported in 1999 to the United States of America under certain quotas resulting from the GATT Agreements

(OJ L 298, 7.11.1998, p. 16-18)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 1999


Commission Regulation (EC) No 588/1999 of 18 March 1999 derogating from Regulations (EEC) No 1589/87, (EEC) No 429/90, (EEC) No 1158/91, (EEC) No 3378/91, (EEC) No 3398/91 and (EC) No 2571/97 as regards the time limit for the submission of tenders for May 1999

(OJ L 74, 19.3.1999, p. 6–6)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 1999


Commission Regulation (EC) No 638/1999 of 25 March 1999 laying down detailed rules for the granting of private storage aid for long-keeping cheeses

(OJ L 82, 26.3.1999, p. 3–5)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 1999


Commission Regulation (EC) No 678/1999 of 26 March 1999 laying down detailed rules governing the grant of private storage aid for Pecorino Romano cheese

(OJ L 83, 27.03.1999, p. 43-45)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 1999


Commission Regulation (EC) No 762/1999 of 13 April 1999 laying down detailed rules governing the grant of private storage aid for Kefalotyri and Kasseri cheeses

(OJ L 99, 14.04.1999, p. 15-17)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 1999


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1285/1999 of 18 June 1999 on import licences for certain milk products originating in the African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP States)

(OJ L 153, 19.06.1999, p. 45-45)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 1999


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1647/1999 of 27 July 1999 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 2571/97 on the sale of butter at reduced prices and the granting of aid for cream, butter and concentrated butter for use in the manufacture of pastry products, ice-cream and other foodstuffs as regards the time limit for use and incorporation

(OJ L 195, 28.7.1999, p. 12–13)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 1999


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1648/1999 of 27 July 1999 derogating from Regulation (EEC) No 1589/87 on the sale by tender of butter to intervention agencies

(OJ L 195, 28.7.1999, p. 14–14)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 1999


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1069/2000 of 19 May 2000 laying down detailed rules governing the grant of private storage aid for Pecorino Romano cheese

(OJ L 119, 20.05.2000, p. 14-16)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2000


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1070/2000 of 19 May 2000 laying down detailed rules governing the grant of private storage aid for Kefalotyri and Kasseri cheeses

(OJ L 119, 20.05.2000, p. 17-19)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2000


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1372/2000 of 28 June 2000 establishing a forecast balance for the supply to the Canary Islands of milk and milk products

(OJ L 156, 29.6.2000, p. 21–22)

Obsolete because relating to a scheme that does not exist any more


Commission Regulation (EC) No 179/2001 of 29 January 2001 determining the aid referred to in Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 for the private storage of butter and cream

(OJ L 27, 30.01.2001, p. 14-14)

Obsolete because relating to a temporary measure


Commission Regulation (EC) No 795/2001 of 25 April 2001 on special measures derogating from Regulations (EC) No 174/1999, (EC) No 800/1999 and (EC) No 1291/2000 in the milk and milk products sector

(OJ L 116, 26.4.2001, p. 14–15)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2001


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2054/2001 of 19 October 2001 establishing the allocation of export licences for cheese to be exported in 2002 to the United States of America under certain quotas resulting from the GATT Agreements

(OJ L 277, 20.10.2001, p. 10–11)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2002


Commission Regulation (EC) No 162/2002 of 29 January 2002 determining the aid referred to in Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 for the private storage of butter and cream and derogating from Article 29 of Regulation (EC) No 2771/1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 as regards intervention on the market in butter and cream

(OJ L 26, 30.1.2002, p. 7–7)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2002


Commission Regulation (EC) No 348/2002 of 25 February 2002 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 174/1999 laying down special detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 804/68 as regards export licences and export refunds in the case of milk and milk products and from Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of export refunds on agricultural products

(OJ L 55, 26.2.2002, p. 16–16)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2002


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1333/2002 of 23 July 2002 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 2535/2001 laying down detailed rules for applying Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 as regards the import of milk and milk products and opening tariff quotas

(OJ L 195, 24.7.2002, p. 15–15)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2002


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1923/2002 of 28 October 2002 establishing the allocation of export licences for cheeses to be exported in 2003 to the United States of America under certain quotas resulting from the GATT Agreements

(OJ L 293, 29.10.2002, p. 14-16)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2003


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1924/2002 of 28 October 2002 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 174/1999 laying down special detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 804/68 as regards export licences and export refunds in the case of milk and milk products and from Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of export refunds on agricultural products

(OJ L 293, 29.10.2002, p. 17–17)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2002


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1925/2002 of 28 October 2002 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 2535/2001 laying down detailed rules for applying Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 as regards the import arrangements for milk and milk products and opening tariff quotas

(OJ L 293, 29.10.2002, p. 18–18)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2003


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2092/2002 of 26 November 2002 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 2535/2001 as regards the import licences for milk and milk products from Estonia for 2002

(OJ L 322, 27.11.2002, p. 28–29)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2002


Commission Regulation (EC) No 224/2003 of 5 February 2003 determining the aid referred to in Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 for the private storage of butter and cream and derogating from Article 29 of Regulation (EC) No 2771/1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 as regards intervention on the market in butter and cream

(OJ L 31, 6.2.2003, p. 9–9)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2003


Commission Regulation (EC) No 578/2003 of 28 March 2003 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 174/1999 laying down special detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 804/68 as regards export licences and export refunds in the case of milk and milk products

(OJ L 82, 29.3.2003, p. 32–32)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2003/04


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1988/2003 of 12 November 2003 establishing the allocation of export licences for cheeses to be exported in 2004 to the United States of America under certain quotas resulting from the GATT Agreements

(OJ L 295, 13.11.2003, p. 54–56)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2004


Commission Regulation (EC) No 67/2004 of 15 January 2004 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 174/1999 as regards the term of validity of export licences in the milk and milk products sector

(OJ L 10, 16.1.2004, p. 13–13)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2004


Commission Regulation (EC) No 224/2004 of 9 February 2004 determining the aid referred to in Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 for the private storage of butter and cream and derogating from Regulation (EC) No 2771/1999

(OJ L 37, 10.2.2004, p. 5–6)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2004


Commission Regulation (EC) No 597/2004 of 30 March 2004 derogating from and amending Regulation (EC) No 174/1999 as regards export licences for milk powder exported to the Dominican Republic

(OJ L 94, 31.3.2004, p. 42–42)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2004


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1244/2004 of 6 July 2004 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 as regards the granting of private storage aid for certain cheeses in the 2004/05 storage period

(OJ L 236, 7.07.2004, p. 5-9)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2004/05


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1347/2004 of 23 July 2004 determining the extent to which the applications for import licences submitted in July 2004 for certain dairy products under certain tariff quotas opened by Regulation (EC) No 2535/2001 can be accepted

(OJ L 250, 24.7.2004, p. 3–5)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2004


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1847/2004 of 22 October 2004 opening the procedure for the allocation of export licences for cheese to be exported to the United States of America in 2005 under certain GATT quotas

(OJ L 322, 23.10.2004, p. 19-23)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2005


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2221/2004 of 22 December 2004 establishing the allocation of export licences for cheese to be exported to the United States of America in 2005 under certain GATT quota

(OJ L 375, 23.12.2004, p. 9–11)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2005


Commission Regulation (EC) No 331/2005 of 25 February 2005 determining the aid referred to in Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 for the private storage of butter and cream and derogating from Regulation (EC) No 2771/1999

(OJ L 53, 26.2.2005, p. 15–16)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2005


Commission Regulation (EC) No 332/2005 of 25 February 2005 on the payment of the refund on exports to Croatia of products falling under CN code 0406 covered by licences applied for before 1 June 2003

(OJ L 53, 26.02.2005, p. 17-17)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2003


Commission Regulation (EC) No 348/2005 of 28 February 2005 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 174/1999 as regards the term of validity of export licences with advance fixing of the refund in the milk and milk products sector

(OJ L 55, 1.3.2005, p. 11–11)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2005


Commission Regulation (EC) No 449/2005 of 18 March 2005 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 174/1999 as regards the term of validity of export licences in the milk and milk products sector

(OJ L 74, 19.3.2005, p. 28–29)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2005


Commission Regulation (EC) No 490/2005 of 29 March 2005 on the division between ‘deliveries’ and ‘direct sales’ of national reference quantities fixed for 2004/2005 in Annex I to Council Regulation (EC) No 1788/2003

(OJ L 81, 30.03.2005, p. 38-40)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2004/05


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1938/2005 of 25 November 2005 establishing the allocation of export licences for cheese to be exported to the United States of America in 2006 under certain GATT quotas

(OJ L 311, 26.11.2005, p. 6-8)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2006


Commission Regulation (EC) No 323/2006 of 23 February 2006 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 174/1999 as regards the term of validity of export licences with advance fixing of the refund in the milk and milk products sector

(OJ L 54, 24.2.2006, p. 5–5)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2006


Commission Regulation (EC) No 340/2006 of 24 February 2006 determining the aid referred to in Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 for the private storage of butter and cream and derogating from Regulation (EC) No 2771/1999

(OJ L 55, 25.2.2006, p. 7–8)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2006


Commission Regulation (EC) No 832/2006 of 2 June 2006 on the division between deliveries and direct sales of national reference quantities fixed for 2005/2006 in Annex I to Council Regulation (EC) No 1788/2003

(OJ L 150, 3.6.2006, p. 6–8)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2005/06


Commission Regulation (EC) No 927/2006 of 22 June 2006 on the release of the special restructuring reserve provided for in Article 1(4) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1788/2003

(OJ L 170, 23.6.2006, p. 12–13)

Obsolete because one-time measure


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1993/2006 of 21 December 2006 laying down transitional measures as regards exports of milk and milk products pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1282/2006, by reason of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union

(OJ L 413, 30.12.2006, p. 1–2)

Obsolete because transitory measure due to accession


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2018/2006 of 20 December 2006 laying down transitional measures as regards import licences for milk and milk products pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 2535/2001, by reason of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union

(OJ L 384, 29.12.2006, p. 46–47)

Obsolete because transitory measure due to accession


Commission Regulation (EC) No 207/2007 of 27 February 2007 determining the aid referred to in Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 for the private storage of butter and cream and derogating from Regulation (EC) No 2771/1999

(OJ L 61, 28.2.2007, p. 17–18)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2007


Commission Regulation (EC) No 210/2007 of 27 February 2007 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 1282/2006 as regards the term of validity of export licences with advance fixing of the refund in the milk and milk products sector

(OJ L 61, 28.2.2007, p. 23–23)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2007


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1119/2007 of 27 September 2007 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 581/2004 opening a standing invitation to tender for export refunds concerning certain types of butter and from Regulation (EC) No 582/2004 opening a standing invitation to tender for exports refunds concerning skimmed milk powder

(OJ L 253, 28.9.2007, p. 23–24)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2007


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1208/2007 of 16 October 2007 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 as regards the determination of the refund rate for milk and milk products in the case of supplies as referred to in Articles 36 and 44 of that Regulation and carried out from 1 to 14 June 2007

(OJ L 272, 17.10.2007, p. 29–29)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2007


Commission Regulation (EC) No 157/2008 of 21 February 2008 determining the aid referred to in Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 for the private storage of butter

(OJ L 48, 22.2.2008, p. 16–16)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2008


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1594/2006 of 25 October 2006 establishing the allocation coefficient to be applied to applications for export licences for cheese to be exported to the United States of America in 2007 under certain GATT quotas

(OJ L 296, 26.10.2006, p. 8–9)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the quota year 2007


Commission Regulation (EC) No 207/2007 of 27 February 2007 determining the aid referred to in Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 for the private storage of butter and cream and derogating from Regulation (EC) No 2771/1999

(OJ L 61, 28.2.2007, p. 17–18)

Obsolete as the act is of temporary nature


2007/328/EC: Commission Decision of 30 April 2007 providing for the temporary marketing of certain seed potatoes not satisfying the requirements of Council Directive 2002/56/EC

(OJ L 122, 11.5.2007, p. 57–58)

Obsolete because an act of a temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1022/2007 of 31 August 2007 opening the procedure for the allocation of export licences for cheese to be exported to the United States of America in 2008 under certain GATT quotas, and derogating from Regulation (EC) No 1282/2006 laying down special detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 as regards export licences and export refunds for milk and milk products

(OJ L 230, 1.9.2007, p. 6–11)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the quota year 2008


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1039/2007 of 10 September 2007 suspending the standing invitations to tender provided for in Chapters II and III of Regulation (EC) No 1898/2005

(OJ L 238, 11.9.2007, p. 28–28)

Obsolete as the act is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1208/2007 of 16 October 2007 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 as regards the determination of the refund rate for milk and milk products in the case of supplies as referred to in Articles 36 and 44 of that Regulation and carried out from 1 to 14 June 2007

(OJ L 272, 17.10.2007, p. 29–29)

Obsolete as the act is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1224/2007 of 19 October 2007 establishing the allocation coefficient to be applied to applications for export licences for cheese to be exported to the United States of America in 2008 under certain GATT quotas

(OJ L 277, 20.10.2007, p. 3–4)

Obsolete because an act of a temporary nature relation to the quota year 2008


Commission Regulation (EC) No 157/2008 of 21 February 2008 determining the aid referred to in Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 for the private storage of butter

(OJ L 48, 22.2.2008, p. 16–16)

Obsolete as the act is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 379/2008 of 25 April 2008 determining the allocation of export licences for certain milk products to be exported to the Dominican Republic under the quota referred to in Article 29 of Regulation (EC) No 1282/2006

(OJ L 114, 26.4.2008, p. 87–87)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the quota year 2008


Commission Regulation (EC) No 850/2008 of 28 August 2008 opening the procedure for the allocation of export licences for cheese to be exported to the United States of America in 2009 under certain GATT quotas

(OJ L 231, 29.8.2008, p. 12–16)

Obsolete because an act of a temporary nature relation to the quota year 2009


2009/378/EC: Commission Decision of 8 May 2009 providing for the temporary marketing of certain seed potatoes not satisfying the requirements of Council Directive 2002/56/EC

(OJ L 117, 12.5.2009, p. 8–9)

Obsolete because an act of a temporary nature



Commission Regulation (EC) No 1307/98 of 24 June 1998 derogating, for the 1997/98 marketing year, from Regulation (EC) No 708/98 on the taking over of paddy rice by the intervention agencies and fixing the corrective amounts and the price increases and reductions to be applied, as regards the time limit for delivery

(OJ L 182, 25.06.1998, p. 8-8)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the marketing year 1997/98


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1443/98 of 6 July 1998 establishing the supply balance for the Canary Islands in the rice products sector

(OJ L 191, 7.7.1998, p. 43–44)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the marketing year 1998/99


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2089/98 of 30 September 1998 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 708/98 on the taking over of paddy rice by the intervention agencies and fixing the corrective amounts and the price increases and reductions to be applied for the 1997/98 marketing year

(OJ L 266, 1.10.1998, p. 26–26)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the marketing year 1997/98


1999/635/EC: Commission Decision of 13 September 1999 refusing to grant the Turks and Caicos Islands a derogation concerning the definition of the concept of 'originating products' with regard to rice of CN code 1006 30

(OJ L 249, 22.09.1999, p. 35-35)

Obsolete because of an one-time measure


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1340/1999 of 24 June 1999 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 708/98 on the taking over of paddy rice by the intervention agencies and fixing the corrective amounts and the price increases and reductions to be applied, with respect to the period for delivery to the intervention agency in the 1998/99 marketing year

(OJ L 159, 25.6.1999, p. 29–29)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the marketing year 1998/99


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2769/1999 of 23 December 1999 on the issue of import licences for rice originating in the overseas countries and territories against applications submitted pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 2624/1999 (additional tranche in respect of 1999)

(OJ L 333, 24.12.1999, p. 8-9)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 1999


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1194/2000 of 6 June 2000 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 708/98 on the taking over of paddy rice by the intervention agencies and fixing the corrective amounts and the price increases and reductions to be applied, with respect to the period for delivery to the intervention agency in the 1999/2000 marketing year

(OJ L 134, 7.6.2000, p. 29–29)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 1999/2000


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1477/2001 of 18 July 2001 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 708/98 on the taking over of paddy rice by the intervention agencies and fixing the corrective amounts and the price increases and reductions to be applied as regards the buying-in period for the 2000/01 marketing year

(OJ L 195, 19.7.2001, p. 31–31)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 2000/01


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1561/2003 of 4 September 2003 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 708/98 on the taking over of paddy rice by the intervention agencies and fixing the corrective amounts and the price increases and reductions to be applied as regards the time limit for delivery into intervention for the 2002/2003 marketing year

(OJ L 222, 5.9.2003, p. 24–24)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 2002/03


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1238/2004 of 5 July 2004 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 708/98 on the taking over of paddy rice by the intervention agencies and fixing the corrective amounts and the price increases and reductions to be applied as regards the time limit for delivery into intervention for the 2003/04 marketing year

(OJ L 235, 6.7.2004, p. 7–7)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 2003/04


Commission Regulation (EC) No 874/2007 of 24 July 2007 setting the final amount of aid for dried fodder for the 2006/07 marketing year

(OJ L 193, 25.7.2007, p. 5–5)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 2006/07


Commission Regulation (EC) No 378/2008 of 25 April 2008 on the issue of import licences for rice within the framework of the tariff quotas opened for the April 2008 sub-period by Regulation (EC) No 327/98

(OJ L 114, 26.4.2008, p. 85–86)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the quota year 2008


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1097/2008 of 6 November 2008 providing for exceptional measures regarding import licences in the rice sector due to problems in the international market in 2008

(OJ L 298, 7.11.2008, p. 7–8)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the quota year 2008



Commission Regulation (EC) No 1893/98 of 3 September 1998 determining the Member States in which the campaigns to promote the consumption of grape juice may be carried out in respect of the 1997/98 wine year

(OJ L 245, 4.9.1998, p. 34–35)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 1997/98


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2647/1999 of 15 December 1999 authorising the conclusion of long-term private storage contracts for table wine, grape must, concentrated grape must and rectified concentrated grape must in respect of the 1999/2000 wine year

(OJ L 324, 16.12.1999, p. 11–12)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 1999/2000


2001/862/EC: Commission Decision of 30 November 2001 on a Community financial contribution to expenditure by France on establishing the Community vineyard register

(OJ L 321, 06.12.2001, p. 36-37)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature


2002/303/EC: Commission Decision of 19 April 2002 on a Community financial contribution to expenditure by Germany on establishing the Community vineyard register

(OJ L 104, 20.04.2002, p. 35-36)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2224/2002 of 13 December 2002 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 1623/2000 laying down detailed rules for implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999 on the common organisation of the market in wine with regard to market mechanisms

(OJ L 338, 14.12.2002, p. 14–14)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2002 and 2003


2007/223/EC: Commission Decision of 4 April 2007 on the inventory of wine production potential presented by Bulgaria under Council Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999 (notified under document number C(2007) 1469)

(OJ L 95, 5.4.2007, p. 53–53)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature


2007/234/EC: Commission Decision of 16 April 2007 on the inventory of wine production potential presented by Romania under Council Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999 (notified under document number C(2007) 1587)

(OJ L 100, 17.4.2007, p. 27–27)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature


2007/381/EC: Commission Decision of 1 June 2007 fixing, for the 2006/2007 marketing year and in respect of a certain number of hectares, an indicative financial allocation for Bulgaria and Romania for the restructuring and conversion of vineyards under Council Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999 (notified under document number C(2007) 2272)

(OJ L 141, 2.6.2007, p. 80–81)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature


2007/607/EC: Commission Decision of 10 September 2007 authorising Slovenia to extend by two wine years the possibility of derogating from the minimum natural alcoholic strength by volume set for zone C II for wines from the Primorska wine area including Teran PTP Kras quality wines psr

(OJ L 241, 14.9.2007, p. 24–25)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature


2007/719/EC: Commission Decision of 6 November 2007 fixing, for the 2007/2008 marketing year and in respect of a certain number of hectares, an indicative financial allocation by Member State for the restructuring and conversion of vineyards under Council Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999 (notified under document number C (2007) 5293)

(OJ L 289, 7.11.2007, p. 59–61)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 2007/08


Commission Regulation (EC) No 927/2007 of 2 August 2007 on a transitional measure relating to the treatment of the by-products of winemaking provided for in Council Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999 for the 2007/08 wine year in Romania

(OJ L 202, 3.8.2007, p. 10-10)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 2007/08


Commission Regulation (EC) No 968/2007 of 17 August 2007 as regards the Community contribution to the costs of restructuring and conversion provided for in Council Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999 for the 2007/08 wine year

(OJ L 215, 18.8.2007, p. 4–5)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 2007/08



Commission Regulation (EC) No 1574/98 of 22 July 1998 relating to a standing invitation to tender to determine levies and/or refunds on exports of white sugar

(OJ L 206, 23.7.1998, p. 7–12)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2183/1999 of 14 October 1999 fixing the production levies and the coefficient for calculating the additional levy in the sugar sector for the 1998/1999 marketing year

(OJ L 267, 15.10.1999, p. 23-24)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 1998/99


Commission Regulation (EC) No 115/2000 of 19 January 2000 on the issue of import licences for certain products falling within CN codes 1701, 1702, 1703 and 1704 and qualifying as ACP/OCT originating products

(OJ L 14, 20.01.2000, p. 14-14)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 2000


Commission Regulation (EC) No 820/2000 of 19 April 2000 on the issuing of import licences for certain sugar sector products with EC/OCT cumulation of origin

(OJ L 100, 20.4.2000, p. 20–20)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 2000


Commission Regulation (EC) No 396/2001 of 27 February 2001 providing for the continued application of safeguard measures for imports from the overseas countries and territories of sugar sector products with EC/OCT cumulation of origin for the period 1 March to 30 June 2001

(OJ L 58, 28.2.2001, p. 13–15)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 2000


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1331/2002 of 23 July 2002 on a standing invitation to tender to determine levies and/or refunds on exports of white sugar for the 2002/03 marketing year

(OJ L 195, 24.7.2002, p. 6–9)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 2002/03


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1180/2003 of 2 July 2003 establishing specific measures for import licences covering sugar from Serbia and Montenegro

(OJ L 165, 03.07.2003, p. 16-16)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 2003


Commission Regulation (EC) No 362/2004 of 27 February 2004 opening a preferential tariff quota for imports of raw cane sugar originating in the ACP States for supply to refineries during the period 1 March to 30 June 2004

(OJ L 63, 28.02.2004, p. 18-19)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 2004


Commission Regulation (EC) No 478/2004 of 15 March 2004 on the release of securities for import licences for preferential sugar issued under Regulation (EEC) No 2782/76

(OJ L 78, 16.03.2004, p. 5-5)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating one-time measure


Commission Regulation (EC) No 652/2005 of 28 April 2005 setting delivery obligations for cane sugar to be imported under the ACP Protocol and the Agreement with India for the 2005/06 delivery period

(OJ L 108, 29.04.2005, p. 5-6)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2005/06


Commission Regulation (EC) No 642/2006 of 27 April 2006 setting delivery obligations for cane sugar to be imported under the ACP Protocol and the Agreement with India for the 2006/07 delivery period

(OJ L 115, 28.4.2006, p. 4–5)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to 2006/07


Commission Regulation (EC) No 769/2006 of 19 May 2006 suspending the lodging of applications for export licences for C sugar from 23 May 2006 and amending Regulation (EC) No 493/2006 as regards the transitional measures applicable to C sugar

(OJ L 134, 20.5.2006, p. 19–20)

Obsolete because it exhausted its effects, there is no more C sugar


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1156/2006 of 28 July 2006 establishing for 2006 budgetary ceilings for partial or optional implementation of the Single Payment Scheme, annual financial envelopes for the Single Area Payment Scheme and maximum amounts for granting separate sugar payments provided for under Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003, and amending that Regulation

(OJ L 208, 29.7.2006, p. 3–14)

Obsolete because it was relevant for marketing year 2006


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1541/2006 of 13 October 2006 fixing the coefficient for establishing the withdrawal threshold referred to in Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 493/2006

(OJ L 283, 14.10.2006, p. 22–23)

Obsolete because it was relevant for marketing year 2006/07


Commission Regulation (EC) No 38/2007 of 17 January 2007 opening a standing invitation to tender for the resale for export of sugar held by the intervention agencies of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Sweden

(OJ L 11, 18.1.2007, p. 4–10)

Obsolete because the period during which tenders may be submitted in response to the first partial invitation to tender ended on 24 January 2007 at 15.00, Brussels time.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 92/2007 of 30 January 2007 fixing a complementary quantity of raw cane sugar originating in the ACP States and India for supply to refineries for the marketing year 2006/07

(OJ L 22, 31.1.2007, p. 10–11)

Obsolete because it was relevant for marketing year 2006/07


Commission Regulation (EC) No 163/2007 of 19 February 2007 fixing, for the 2005/06 marketing year, the amounts to be paid by sugar manufacturers to beet sellers in respect of the difference between the maximum amount of the base levy and the amount of that levy to be charged

(OJ L 51, 20.2.2007, p. 16–16)

Obsolete because the levies were recalculated by Regulation 1193/2009


Commission Regulation (EC) No 164/2007 of 19 February 2007 fixing the production levies in the sugar sector for the 2005/06 marketing year

(OJ L 51, 20.2.2007, p. 17–17)

Obsolete because the levies were recalculated by Regulation 1193/2009


Commission Regulation (EC) No 505/2007 of 8 May 2007 provisionally setting delivery obligations for cane sugar to be imported under the ACP Protocol and the Agreement with India for the 2007/2008 delivery period

(OJ L 119, 9.5.2007, p. 22–23)

Obsolete because the delivery period is closed


Commission Regulation (EC) No 738/2007 of 28 June 2007 adjusting the delivery obligations for cane sugar to be imported under the ACP Protocol and the Agreement with India for the 2006/2007 delivery period

(OJ L 169, 29.6.2007, p. 19–21)

Obsolete because the delivery period is closed


Commission Regulation (EC) No 900/2007 of 27 July 2007 on a standing invitation to tender to determine refunds on exports of white sugar until the end of the 2007/2008 marketing year

(OJ L 196, 28.7.2007, p. 26–30)

Obsolete because the standing invitation to tender closed on 25 September 2008.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 975/2007 of 21 August 2007 fixing the quantitative limit for the exports of out-of-quota isoglucose for the period from 1 August to 30 September 2007

(OJ L 217, 22.8.2007, p. 3–6)

Obsolete because it was relevant until 30 September 2007 only


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1059/2007 of 14 September 2007 opening a standing invitation to tender for the resale on the Community market of sugar held by the intervention agencies of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia and Sweden

(OJ L 242, 15.9.2007, p. 3–7)

Obsolete because the invitation ended on on 10 October 2007


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1060/2007 of 14 September 2007 opening a standing invitation to tender for the resale for export of sugar held by the intervention agencies of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia and Sweden

(OJ L 242, 15.9.2007, p. 8–15)

Obsolete because the invitation ended on on 10 October 2007


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1476/2007 of 13 December 2007 opening a standing invitation to tender for the resale for industrial use of sugar held by the intervention agencies of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia and Sweden and amending Regulations (EC) No 1059/2007 and (EC) No 1060/2007

(OJ L 329, 14.12.2007, p. 17–21)

Obsolete because the invitation ended on 9 January 2008 and Regulations 1059/2007 and 1060/2007 are obsolete as well


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1545/2007 of 20 December 2007 fixing the complementary quantity of raw cane sugar originating in the ACP States and India for supply to refineries in the period from 1 October 2007 to 30 September 2008

(OJ L 337, 21.12.2007, p. 67–67)

Obsolete because the supply period expired


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1567/2007 of 21 December 2007 fixing the quantitative limit for the exports of out-of-quota isoglucose until the end of the 2007/2008 marketing year

(OJ L 340, 22.12.2007, p. 58–61)

Obsolete because it was relevant for marketing year 2007/2008


Commission Regulation (EC) No 509/2008 of 6 June 2008 fixing the final complementary quantity of raw cane sugar originating in the ACP States and India for supply to refineries for the marketing year 2007/08

(OJ L 149, 7.6.2008, p. 59–60)

Obsolete because it was relevant for marketing year 2007/2008 only


Commission Regulation (EC) No 618/2008 of 27 June 2008 adjusting the delivery obligations for cane sugar to be imported under the ACP Protocol and the Agreement with India for the 2007/2008 delivery period

(OJ L 168, 28.6.2008, p. 17–19)

Obsolete bacause the delivery period expired


Commission Regulation (EC) No 505/2009 of 15 June 2009 adjusting the delivery obligations for cane sugar to be imported under the ACP Protocol and the Agreement with India for the 2008/2009 delivery period and the delivery period beginning on 1 July 2009

(OJ L 151, 16.6.2009, p. 23–25)

Obsolete because the delivery period is closed


Commission Regulation (EC) No 579/2009 of 2 July 2009 fixing the complementary quantity of raw cane sugar originating in the ACP States and India for supply to refineries in the period from 1 October 2008 to 30 September 2009

(OJ L 173, 3.7.2009, p. 3–3)

Obsolete because the delivery period is closed

Beef and veal


98/69/EC: Commission Decision of 16 December 1997 on import licences in respect of beef and veal products originating in Botswana, Kenya, Madagascar, Swaziland, Zimbabwe and Namibia

(OJ L 10, 16.01.1998, p. 42-42)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature relating to 1997 and 1998


Commission Regulation (EC) No 132/98 of 20 January 1998 laying down detailed rules for the application of the reduction of the rate provided for in Council Regulation (EC) No 2345/97 as regards certain live bovine animals and amending Regulations (EC) No 1462/95 and (EC) No 1119/96

(OJ L 15, 21.1.1998, p. 3–4)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature relating to 1995, 1996 and 1997


Commission Regulation (EC) No 187/98 of 23 January 1998 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for processing within the Community

(OJ L 19, 24.1.1998, p. 65–72)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 189/98 of 23 January 1998 determining to what extent import right applications submitted for live bovine animals weighing between 80 and 300 kilograms as part of a tariff quota provided for in Regulation (EC) No 2524/97 may be accepted

(OJ L 19, 24.01.1998, p. 76-76)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature relating to 1998


Commission Regulation (EC) No 267/98 of 30 January 1998 on the sale, by tendering procedure, of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for export

(OJ L 25, 31.1.1998, p. 69–75)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 385/98 of 18 February 1998 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 187/98

(OJ L 48, 19.02.1998, p. 32-33)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 738/98 of 1 April 1998 derogating temporarily from Regulation (EC) No 1445/95 on rules of application for import and export licences in the beef and veal sector

(OJ L 102, 2.4.1998, p. 21–21)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature relating to 1998


Commission Regulation (EC) No 883/98 of 24 April 1998 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for processing within the Community

(OJ L 124, 25.4.1998, p. 35–41)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature relating to 1998


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1058/98 of 20 May 1998 determining to what extent applications for import rights lodged pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 546/98 can be met as regards the tariff quota for certain beef and veal sector products originating in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

(OJ L 151, 21.05.1998, p. 27-27)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature relating to 1998


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1683/98 of 29 July 1998 on the sale at prices fixed in advance of beef held by certain intervention agencies

(OJ L 212, 30.7.1998, p. 41–46)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 123/1999 of 20 January 1999 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for the production of minced meat

(OJ L 16, 21.1.1999, p. 14–18)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


1999/223/EC: Commission Decision of 19 March 1999 on import licences in respect of beef and veal products originating in Botswana, Kenya, Madagascar, Swaziland, Zimbabwe and Namibia

(OJ L 82, 26.03.1999, p. 51-52)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 480/1999 of 4 March 1999 derogating temporarily from Regulation (EC) No 1445/95 on rules of application for import and export licences in the beef and veal sector

(OJ L 57, 5.3.1999, p. 7–7)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1468/1999 of 5 July 1999 laying down certain detailed rules for the application measures for the Community beef and veal labelling system in 1999/2000

(OJ L 170, 06.07.1999, p. 10-11)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature relating to 1999/2000


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2005/1999 of 20 September 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the third invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 1587/1999

(OJ L 248, 21.09.1999, p. 3-4)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2006/1999 of 20 September 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 1898/1999

(OJ L 248, 21.09.1999, p. 5-7)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2007/1999 of 20 September 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 1899/1999

(OJ L 248, 21.09.1999, p. 8-9)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 358/2000 of 16 February 2000 providing the result of applications for repayment of duties on dried boneless beef under Regulation (EC) No 2424/1999

(OJ L 45, 17.02.2000, p. 29-29)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 742/2000 of 7 April 2000 granting a temporary derogation from Regulation (EC) No 1445/95 on rules of application for import and export licences in the beef and veal sector

(OJ L 87, 8.4.2000, p. 21–21)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 3/2001 of 3 January 2001 amending Regulation (EC) No 2734/2000 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1627/89 on the buying-in of beef by invitation to tender and derogating from or amending Regulation (EC) No 562/2000 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1254/1999 as regards the buying-in of beef

(OJ L 1, 4.1.2001, p. 6–6)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 690/2001 of 3 April 2001 on special market support measures in the beef sector

(OJ L 95, 5.4.2001, p. 8–14)

Obsolete as the acts is one-time measure


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2345/2001 of 30 November 2001 fixing the export refunds on beef and veal and adapting the CN codes of certain products listed in Article 1 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1254/1999 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal

(OJ L 315, 1.12.2001, p. 29–35)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 246/2002 of 8 February 2002 granting a temporary derogation from Regulation (EC) No 1445/95 on rules of application for import and export licences in the beef and veal sector

(OJ L 39, 9.2.2002, p. 14–14)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 5/2003 of 27 December 2002 laying down detailed rules for the application in 2003 of the tariff quotas for beef and veal products originating in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

(OJ L 1, 04.01.2003, p. 36-44)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature relating to 2003


Commission Regulation (EC) No 118/2003 of 23 January 2003 fixing the export refunds on beef and veal and amending Regulations (EEC) No 3846/87 establishing an agricultural product nomenclature for export refunds and (EC) No 1445/95 on rules of application for import and export licences in the beef and veal sector

(OJ L 20, 24.1.2003, p. 3–12)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 780/2003 of 7 May 2003 opening and providing for the administration of a tariff quota for frozen meat of bovine animals covered by CN code 0202 and products covered by CN code 0206 29 91 (1 July 2003 to 30 June 2004)

(OJ L 114, 8.5.2003, p. 8–15)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature relating to the 2003/04 quota year


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1503/2003 of 27 August 2003 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 2342/1999 and from Council Regulation (EC) No 2529/2001 as regards advance payments in the beef and veal sector and payments in the sheepmeat and goatmeat sector

(OJ L 216, 28.8.2003, p. 23–24)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1240/2005 of 29 July 2005 amending Regulation (EC) No 1279/98 as regards certain tariff quotas for beef and veal products originating in Romania

(OJ L 200, 30.7.2005, p. 34–37)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2016/2005 of 9 December 2005 laying down detailed rules for the application in 2006 of the tariff quotas for baby beef products originating in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro

(OJ L 324, 10.12.2005, p. 8-18)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature relating to 2006


Commission Regulation (EC) No 545/2007 of 16 May 2007 opening and providing for the administration of an import tariff quota for frozen beef intended for processing (1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008)

(OJ L 129, 17.5.2007, p. 14–22)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature relating to 2007/08



Commission Regulation (EEC) No 881/93 of 15 April 1993 on a conversion programme for producers of flue-cured tobacco in Greece

(OJ L 092, 16.04.1993 p. 21 – 21)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1823/1999 of 20 August 1999 determining the sensitive production areas and/or the groups of high-quality varieties exempt from application of the quota buyback programme in raw tobacco

(OJ L 221, 21.8.1999, p. 5–5)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature relating to 1999


Commission Regulation (EC) No 477/2000 of 2 March 2000 fixing the guarantee threshold quantities which may be transferred to another group of varieties for the 2000 harvest in the raw tobacco sector

(OJ L 58, 03.03.2000, p. 5-6)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature relating to 2000


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1534/2000 of 13 July 2000 determining the sensitive production areas and/or the groups of high-quality varieties exempt from application of the quota buyback programme in raw tobacco

(OJ L 175, 14.7.2000, p. 78–78)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature relating to 2000


2003/161/EC: Commission Decision of 7 March 2003 fixing for the year 2003 an indicative allocation between the Member States of the financing under the Community Tobacco Fund of the measures referred to in Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EC) No 2182/2002

(OJ L 65, 08.03.2003, p. 31-32)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature relating to 2003


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1578/2001 of 1 August 2001 determining the sensitive production areas and/or the groups of high-quality varieties exempt from application of the quota buyback programme in raw tobacco

(OJ L 209, 2.8.2001, p. 13–13)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature relating to 2001


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1018/2004 of 25 May 2004 fixing the quantities of raw tobacco which may be transferred to another group of varieties in Germany, Spain, France, Greece, Italy and Portugal under the guarantee threshold for the 2004 harvest

(OJ L 187, 26.05.2004, p. 5-6)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature relating to 2004


2006/331/EC: Commission Decision of 5 May 2006 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 2848/98 as regards the extension of the deadlines for delivering raw tobacco in Greece for the 2005 harvest

(OJ L 121, 6.5.2006, p. 55–55)

Obsolete as the acts is of temporary nature


2006/472/EC: Commission Decision of 4 July 2006 definitively allocating between the Member States for 2006 Community Tobacco Fund resources for financing the measures indicated in Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EC) No 2182/2002

(OJ L 187, 8.7.2006, p. 33–34)

Obsolete because an act of temporary nature relating to 2006


2007/361/EC: Commission Decision of 4 May 2007 on the determination of surplus stocks of agricultural products other than sugar and the financial consequences of their elimination in relation to the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia

(OJ L 138, 30.5.2007, p. 14–17)

Obsolete transitional measure relating to the accession of the countries concerned to the European Union



Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1662/93 of 29 June 1993 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 404/93 as regards the conditions for the application of protective measures in the banana sector

(OJ L 158, 30.6.1993, p. 16–17)

Obsolete as its legal base, Article 23 of Council Regulation (EC) No 404/93 has been repealed and replaced by Article 159 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007. This latter provision has no legal base for the adoption of Commission implementing measures; instead it is expressly implemented by Council Regulation (EC) No 519/94 (now codified into Council Regulation (EC) No 625/2009) and Council Regulation (EC) No 3285/94 (now codified into Council Regulation (EC) No 260/2009) which cover the subject matter of Regulation (EEC) No 1662/93.


Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1858/93 of 9 July 1993 laying down detailed rules for applying Council Regulation (EEC) No 404/93 as regards the aid scheme to compensate for loss of income from marketing in the banana sector

(OJ L 170, 13.7.1993, p. 5–9)

Obsolete as the legal base for the compensatory aid scheme in Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 404/93 was repealed by Regulation (EC) No 2013/2006 from 1 January 2007.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 919/94 of 26 April 1994 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 404/93 as regards banana producers' organizations

(OJ L 106, 27.4.1994, p. 6–13)

Obsolete from 31 December 2010, as the legal base for producer organisations in Articles 5 and 6 of Regulation (EC) No 404/93 was repealed by Regulation (EC) No 2013/2006 but maintained as applicable under the transitional provision in its Article 4(1) until 31 December 2010 at the latest.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1063/1999 of 21 May 1999 fixing the compensatory aid for bananas produced and marketed in the Community in 1998, the time limit for payment of the balance of the aid and the unit value of the advances for 1999

(OJ L 129, 22.5.1999, p. 25–26)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 1998 and 1999.


1999/706/EC: Commission Decision of 30 September 1999 fixing the amounts available in 1999 under the special framework of assistance for traditional ACP suppliers of bananas

(OJ L 280, 30.10.1999 p. 122 - 124)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 1999


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1121/2001 of 7 June 2001 fixing the adjustment coefficients to be applied to each traditional operator's reference quantity under the tariff quotas for imports of bananas

(OJ L 153, 8.6.2001, p. 12–12)

Obsolete as it implemented Regulation (EC) No 896/2001 which was repealed by Regulation (EC) No 219/2006 which applied a different method of implementation of the tariff quotas.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1195/2001 of 18 June 2001 fixing the compensatory aid for bananas produced and marketed in the Community in 2000, the time limit for payment of the balance of the aid and the unit value of the advances for 2001

(OJ L 162, 19.6.2001, p. 13–14)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 2000 and 2001.


2002/414/EC: Commission Decision of 31 May 2002 authorising Spain to introduce a temporary measure excluding from compensatory aid marketed produce of new banana plantations planted on or after 1 June 2002

(OJ L 148, 6.6.2002, p. 28-28)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only a period of three years from 1 June 2002.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 932/2002 of 31 May 2002 fixing the compensatory aid for bananas produced and marketed in the Community in 2001, the time limit for payment of the balance of the aid and the unit value of the advances for 2002

(OJ L 144, 1.6.2002, p. 20–21)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 2001 and 2002.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2149/2002 of 2 December 2002 on the payment of a supplement to the advances on the compensatory aid in the banana sector for 2002

(OJ L 326, 3.12.2002, p. 11–11)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 2002.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 908/2003 of 23 May 2003 fixing the compensatory aid for bananas produced and marketed in the Community in 2002 and the unit value of the advances for 2003

(OJ L 128, 24.5.2003, p. 5–6)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 2002 and 2003.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2000/2003 of 13 November 2003 fixing, for 2004, the reduction percentages to be applied to applications for an allocation by non-traditional operators under the tariff quotas for imports of bananas

(OJ L 296, 14.11.2003, p. 17–17)

Obsolete as it implemented Regulation (EC) No 896/2001 which was repealed by Regulation (EC) No 219/2006 which applied a different method of implementation of the tariff quotas.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 414/2004 of 5 March 2004 adopting specific measures with a view to adapting the arrangements for administering tariff quotas on banana imports as a result of the accession of new Member States on 1 May 2004

(OJ L 68, 6.3.2004, p. 6–9)

Obsolete as it relates to the 2004 accession and Regulation (EC) No 896/2001 which was repealed by Regulation (EC) No 219/2006 which applied a different method of implementation of the tariff quotas.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 838/2004 of 28 April 2004 on transitional measures for imports of bananas into the Community by reason of the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia

(OJ L 127, 29.4.2004, p. 52–56)

Obsolete as it relates to the 2004 accession and Regulation (EC) No 896/2001 which was repealed by Regulation (EC) No 219/2006 which applied a different method of implementation of the tariff quotas.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 839/2004 of 28 April 2004 fixing the adjustment coefficients to be applied to the provisional reference quantities of traditional operators and the provisional allocations of non-traditional operators for the purposes of the additional quantity provided for with a view to issuing import licences for bananas in May 2004

(OJ L 127, 29.4.2004, p. 57–57)

Obsolete as it implemented Regulation (EC) No 896/2001 which was repealed by Regulation (EC) No 219/2006 which applied a different method of implementation of the tariff quotas.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 914/2004 of 29 April 2004 fixing the compensatory aid for bananas produced and marketed in the Community in 2003 and the unit value of the advances for 2004

(OJ L 163, 30.4.2004, p. 77–78)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 2003 and 2004.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1424/2004 of 6 August 2004 fixing quantities for importing bananas into the Community under the tariff quotas A/B and C for the fourth quarter of 2004

(OJ L 262, 7.8.2004, p. 3–4)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 2004.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1892/2004 of 29 October 2004 on transitional measures for 2005 for imports of bananas into the Community by reason of the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia

(OJ L 328, 30.10.2004, p. 50–54)

Obsolete as it relates to the 2004 accession and Regulation (EC) No 896/2001 which was repealed by Regulation (EC) No 219/2006 which applied a different method of implementation of the tariff quotas.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2044/2004 of 29 November 2004 fixing the adjustment coefficients to be applied to the reference quantity for each traditional operator under the tariff quotas A/B and C for banana imports for 2004

(OJ L 354, 30.11.2004, p. 15–16)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 2004.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2079/2004 of 6 December 2004 fixing the adjustment coefficients to be applied to the specific reference quantities of traditional operators and to the specific allocations of non-traditional operators for the purposes of the additional quantity in respect of banana imports to the new Member States for 2005

(OJ L 360, 7.12.2004, p. 3–3)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 2004.


2005/410/EC: Commission Decision of 31 May 2005 authorising Spain to extend for three years the application of a temporary measure excluding from compensatory aid marketed produce of new banana plantations planted on or after 1 June 2002 (notified under document number C(2005) 1605)

(OJ L 139, 2.6.2005, p. 19–19)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only a period of three years from 1 June 2005.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 703/2005 of 4 May 2005 fixing the compensatory aid for bananas produced and marketed in the Community in 2004 and the unit value of the advances for 2005

(OJ L 118, 5.5.2005, p. 12–13)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 2004 and 2005.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1092/2005 of 12 July 2005 suspending the system of advances of aid to compensate for loss of income from marketing in the banana sector in respect of 2005

(OJ L 182, 13.7.2005, p. 5–6)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 2005.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1402/2005 of 26 August 2005 fixing quantities for importing bananas into the Community under the tariff quotas A/B and C for the fourth quarter of 2005

(OJ L 222, 27.8.2005, p. 3–4)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 2005.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1403/2005 of 26 August 2005 fixing quantities and individual ceilings for the issue of licences for the purposes of the additional quantity in respect of banana imports to the new Member States for the fourth quarter of 2005

(OJ L 222, 27.8.2005, p. 5–7)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 2005.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2015/2005 of 9 December 2005 on imports during January and February 2006 of bananas originating in ACP countries under the tariff quota opened by Council Regulation (EC) No 1964/2005 on the tariff rates for bananas

(OJ L 324, 10.12.2005, p. 5–7)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 2006.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 219/2006 of 8 February 2006 opening and providing for the administration of the tariff quota for bananas falling under CN code 0803 00 19 originating in ACP countries for the period 1 March to 31 December 2006

(OJ L 38, 9.2.2006, p. 22–24)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 2006.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 833/2006 of 2 June 2006 fixing the compensatory aid for bananas produced and marketed in the Community in 2005 and the unit value of the advances for 2006

(OJ L 150, 3.6.2006, p. 9–10)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 2005 and 2006.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1330/2006 of 8 September 2006 on the payment of a supplement to the advances on the compensatory aid in the banana sector for 2006

(OJ L 247, 9.9.2006, p. 9–9)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 2006.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1789/2006 of 5 December 2006 opening and providing for the administration of the tariff quota for the import of bananas falling under CN code 0803 00 19 originating in ACP countries for the period 1 January to 31 December 2007

(OJ L 339, 6.12.2006, p. 3–7)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 2007.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 485/2007 of 30 April 2007 fixing the compensatory aid for bananas produced and marketed in the Community in 2006

(OJ L 114, 1.5.2007, p. 3–4)

Obsolete as a temporary act applicable only for 2006.

Fruits and vegetables


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2717/98 of 16 December 1998 concerning applications for reimbursement by the Community of expenditure paid by the Member States to producer organisations granted preliminary recognition in the fruit and vegetables sector

(OJ L 342, 17.12.1998, p. 10–13)


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2881/2000 of 27 December 2000 derogating from Regulation (EEC) No 1859/93 on the application of the system of import licences for garlic imported from third countries

(OJ L 333, 29.12.2000, p. 71–71)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the period December 2000 to January 2001


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2125/2003 of 3 December 2003 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 1433/2003 with regard to decisions by the competent national authorities on operational programmes and funds

(OJ L 319, 4.12.2003, p. 3–3)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 2003


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1320/2005 of 11 August 2005 opening and providing for the administration of an autonomous tariff quota for garlic from 1 October 2005

(OJ L 210, 12.8.2005, p. 17–20)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 2005


Commission Regulation (EC) No 393/2006 of 6 March 2006 opening and providing for the administration of an autonomous tariff quota for garlic from 1 April 2006

(OJ L 65, 7.3.2006, p. 18–21)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year 2006


Commission Regulation (EC) No 678/2007 of 18 June 2007 opening an invitation to tender for the allocation of A3 export licences for fruit and vegetables (tomatoes, oranges, lemons, table grapes, apples and peaches)

(OJ L 157, 19.6.2007, p. 9–11)

Obsolete because of a temporary nature relating to the year


Commission Regulation (EC) No 464/2008 of 28 May 2008 fixing the additional amount to be paid under the 2007/08 marketing year for tomatoes in Bulgaria in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 104/2007

(OJ L 139, 29.5.2008, p. 7–7)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 2007/08


Commission Regulation (EC) No 121/2009 of 9 February 2009 fixing the additional amount to be paid in Bulgaria for peaches for processing under the 2007/08 marketing year in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 679/2007

(OJ L 39, 10.2.2009, p. 33–33)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 2007/08

Processed fruit and vegetables


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1076/2004 of 7 June 2004 opening and providing for the administration of an autonomous tariff quota for preserved mushrooms

(OJ L 203, 8.6.2004, p. 3–6)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to 2004


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1470/2004 of 18 August 2004 setting, for the 2004/05 marketing year, the amount of aid for the cultivation of grapes intended for the production of certain varieties of dried grapes and of aid for replanting vineyards affected by phylloxera

(OJ L 271, 19.08.2004, p. 22-23)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating t the marketing year 2004/05


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1749/2004 of 7 October 2004 opening and providing for the administration of an autonomous tariff quota for preserved mushrooms from 1 September 2004

(OJ L 312, 09.10.2004, p. 3 – 6)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature



98/324/EC: Commission Decision of 29 April 1998 on the clearance of the accounts presented by the Member States in respect of the expenditure for 1997 of the Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund

(OJ L 141, 13.5.1998, p. 38–43)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the financial year 1997


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1442/98 of 6 July 1998 on the maximum amount of the Community financial contribution to be paid to the Member States concerned in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 723/97

(OJ L 191, 07.07.1998 p. 41 - 42)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature


1999/151/EC: Commission Decision of 10 February 1999 on the clearance of the accounts of Greece and Spain in respect of expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), Guarantee Section, for the 1997 financial year and amending Decision 98/324/EC

(OJ L 49, 25.2.1999, p. 42–45)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the financial year 1997


1999/186/EC: Commission Decision of 3 February 1999 excluding from Community financing certain expenditure incurred by the Member States under the Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF)

(OJ L 61, 10.3.1999, p. 34–36)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the financial year 1996 (see Annex to the decision)


1999/327/EC: Commission Decision of 30 April 1999 on the clearance of the accounts of Member States' expenditure financed by the European Agricultural guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), Guarantee Section, for the 1998 financial year

(OJ L 124, 18.5.1999, p. 28–34)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the financial year 1998


1999/350/EC: Commission Decision of 4 May 1999 excluding from Community financing certain expenditure incurred by the United Kingdom under the Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF)

(OJ L 133, 28.05.1999, p. 60 - 61)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature


1999/413/EC: Commission Decision of 15 June 1999 amending Decision 98/657/EC adopting the plan allocating to the Member States resources to be charged to the 1999 budget year for the supply of food from intervention stocks for the benefit of the most deprived persons in the Community

(OJ L 156, 23.6.1999, p. 47–51)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to 1999


Commission Regulation (EC) No 583/1999 of 17 March 1999 on the maximum amount of the Community's financial contribution to be paid to the Member States concerned in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 723/97

(OJ L 072, 18.03.1999, p. 28 - 29)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to 1999


1999/603/EC: Commission Decision of 28 July 1999 excluding from Community financing certain expenditure incurred by the Member States under the Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF)

(OJ L 234, 4.9.1999, p. 6–11)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the years 1996 and 1997


2000/179/EC: Commission Decision of 14 February 2000 on the clearance of the accounts of Denmark, Germany, Spain and France in respect of expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) Guarantee Section, for the 1998 financial year and modifying Decision 1999/327/EC

(OJ L 57, 2.3.2000, p. 31–33)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 1998


2000/216/EC: Commission Decision of 1 March 2000 excluding from Community financing certain expenditure incurred by the Member States under the Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF)

(OJ L 67, 15.3.2000, p. 37–46)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the years 1996 to 1998


2000/449/EC: Commission Decision of 5 July 2000 excluding from Community financing certain expenditure incurred by the Member States under the Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF)

(OJ L 180, 19.7.2000, p. 49–66)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the years 1996 and 1997


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2311/2000 of 18 October 2000 establishing the list of measures to which Council Regulation (EEC) No 4045/89 does not apply and repealing Decision 96/284/EC

(OJ L 265, 19.10.2000, p. 10–11)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature


2002/144/EC: Commission Decision of 19 February 2002 on the clearance of the accounts of certain paying agencies in Spain in respect of expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), Guarantee Section, for the financial year 2000

(OJ L 048, 20.02.2002, p. 32 - 34)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 2000


2003/313/EC: Commission Decision of 7 May 2003 on the clearance of the accounts of Member States' expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), Guarantee Section, for the 2002 financial year

(OJ L 114, 8.5.2003, p. 55–58)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 2002


Commission Regulation (EC) No 445/2003 of 11 March 2003 fixing the exchange rates applicable to certain direct aids and structural or environmental measures in 2003

(OJ L 067, 12.03.2003 p. 6 - 8)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 2003


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1360/2003 of 31 July 2003 derogating, for the marketing year 2003/2004, from Regulation (EC) No 2316/1999 as regards the use of land set aside in certain regions of the Community

(OJ L 194, 1.8.2003, p. 35–37)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 2003/04


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1492/2003 of 25 August 2003 derogating, for the marketing year 2003/04, from Regulation (EC) No 2316/1999 as regards the use of land set aside in Sweden

(OJ L 214, 26.8.2003, p. 8–9)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 2003/04


2004/302/EC: Commission Decision of 30 March 2004 on a financial contribution from the Community to expenditure incurred by Greece in establishing the Community vineyard register

(OJ L 098, 02.04.2004 p. 57 – 58)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the years 1988 to 2000


2004/303/EC: Commission Decision of 31 March 2004 on a financial contribution from the Community to expenditure incurred by Italy in establishing the Community vineyard register

(OJ L 098, 02.04.2004 p. 59 – 60)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the years 1996 to 1998


Commission Decision 2004/451/EC of 29 April 2004 on the clearance of the accounts of Member States’ expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), Guarantee Section, for the 2003 financial year

(OJ L 155, 30.4.2004, p. 122–147)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 2003


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1751/2004 of 8 October 2004 fixing the interest rates to be used for calculating the costs of financing intervention measures comprising buying in, storage and disposal for the EAGGF Guarantee Section accounting year 2005

(OJ L 312, 9.10.2004, p. 9–9)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 2005


2005/127/EC: Commission Decision of 11 February 2005 on the clearance of the accounts of certain paying agencies in Belgium, Spain and Greece in respect of expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), Guarantee Section, for the 2001 financial year

(OJ L 43, 15.2.2005, p. 24–26)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 2001


2005/320/EC: Commission Decision of 21 April 2005 on the clearance of the accounts of certain paying agencies in Germany, Spain, Greece, France, Italy, Portugal and the United Kingdom in respect of expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), Guarantee Section, for the 2002 financial year

(OJ L 103, 22.4.2005, p. 39–40)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 2002


2005/385/EC: Commission Decision of 13 May 2005 on the clearance of the accounts of Member States' expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), Guarantee Section, for the 2004 financial year

(OJ L 127, 20.5.2005, p. 22–26)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 2004


2005/738/EC: Commission Decision of 14 September 2005 on the clearance of the accounts of certain paying agencies in Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom concerning expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), Guarantee Section, for the 2003 financial year

(OJ L 276, 21.10.2005, p. 58–61)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 2003


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1668/2005 of 13 October 2005 fixing the interest rates to be used for calculating the costs of financing intervention measures comprising buying-in, storage and disposal for the 2006 EAGGF Guarantee Section accounting year

(OJ L 269, 14.10.2005 p. 4 – 5)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 2006


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1689/2005 of 14 October 2005 fixing the depreciation coefficients to be applied when agricultural products are bought in, for the 2006 financial year

(OJ L 271, 15.10.2005 p. 29 - 30)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 2006


2006/936/EC: Commission Decision of 14 December 2006 on the clearance of the accounts of certain paying agencies in Germany and the United Kingdom concerning expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), Guarantee Section, for the 2003 financial year

(OJ L 355, 15.12.2006, p. 107–108)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 2003


Commission Directive 2006/84/EC of 23 October 2006 adapting Directive 2002/94/EC laying down detailed rules for implementing certain provisions of Council Directive 76/308/EEC on mutual assistance for the recovery of claims relating to certain levies, duties, taxes and other measures, by reason of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania

(OJ L 362, 20.12.2006, p. 99–100)

Obsolete because an act linked to the accession of Bulgaria and Romania


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1189/2007 of 11 October 2007 fixing the depreciation coefficients to be applied when agricultural products are bought in, for the 2008 accounting year

(OJ L 267, 12.10.2007, p. 3–4)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1190/2007 of 11 October 2007 fixing the interest rates to be used for calculating the costs of financing intervention measures comprising buying-in, storage and disposal for the 2008 EAGF accounting year$

(OJ L 267, 12.10.2007, p. 5–6)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1453/2007 of 10 December 2007 fixing the standard fee per farm return for the 2008 accounting year of the farm accountancy data network

(OJ L 325, 11.12.2007, p. 68–68)

Obsolete as an act of a temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 998/2008 of 14 October 2008 fixing the depreciation coefficients to be applied when agricultural products are bought in, for the 2009 accounting year

(OJ L 273, 15.10.2008, p. 3–4)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 999/2008 of 14 October 2008 fixing the interest rates to be used for calculating the costs of financing intervention measures comprising buying-in, storage and disposal for the 2009 EAGF accounting year

(OJ L 273, 15.10.2008, p. 5–6)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature

Olive oil


Commission Regulation (EC) No 953/98 of 6 May 1998 laying down detailed rules of application for the importation of olive oil originating in Tunisia

(OJ L 133, 7.5.1998, p. 8–9)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 1997/98


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1483/98 of 10 July 1998 fixing the actual production of olive oil and the unit amount of production aid for the 1996/97 marketing year

(OJ L 195, 11.07.1998, p. 16-17)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 1996/97


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2095/98 of 30 September 1998 fixing the estimated production of olive oil and the amount of the unit production aid that may be paid in advance for the 1997/98 marketing year

(OJ L 266, 01.10.1998, p. 62-62)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 1997/98


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2640/98 of 9 December 1998 laying down detailed rules of application for the importation of olive oil originating in Tunisia

(OJ L 335, 10.12.1998, p. 8–9)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 1998/99


Commission Regulation (EC) No 561/1999 of 15 March 1999 on the opening of a standing invitation to tender for the sale of olive oil held by the Spanish intervention agency

(OJ L 69, 16.3.1999, p. 13–16)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 1999


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1542/1999 of 14 July 1999 fixing the actual production of olive oil and the unit amount of production aid for the 1997/98 marketing year

(OJ L 180, 15.07.1999, p. 4-5)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 1997/98


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2181/1999 of 14 October 1999 fixing the estimated production of olive oil and the unit amount of the production aid that may be paid in advance for the 1998/99 marketing year

(OJ L 267, 15.10.1999, p. 19-20)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 1998/99


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2712/1999 of 20 December 1999 on the opening of a standing invitation to tender for the sale of olive oil held by the Spanish and Greek intervention agencies

(OJ L 327, 21.12.1999, p. 28–30)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2000


Commission Regulation (EC) No 251/2000 of 1 February 2000 laying down detailed rules of application for the importation of olive oil originating in Tunisia

(OJ L 26, 2.2.2000, p. 8–9)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 1999/2000


2001/249/EC: Commission Decision of 26 March 2001 fixing the maximum amount of aid granted for the private storage of olive oil under the first partial invitation to tender provided for by Regulation (EC) No 327/2001

(OJ L 90, 30.03.2001, p. 62-62)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2001


2001/362/EC: Commission Decision of 27 April 2001 fixing the maximum amount of aid granted for the private storage of olive oil under the third partial invitation to tender provided for by Regulation (EC) No 327/2001

(OJ L 129, 11.05.2001, p. 38-38)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2001


2001/377/EC: Commission Decision of 6 April 2001 fixing the maximum amount of aid granted for the private storage of olive oil under the second partial invitation to tender provided for by Regulation (EC) No 327/2001

(OJ L 132, 15.05.2001, p. 30-30)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2001


2001/386/EC: Commission Decision of 15 May 2001 fixing the maximum amount of aid granted for the private storage of olive oil under the fourth partial invitation to tender provided for by Regulation (EC) No 327/2001

(OJ L 137, 19.05.2001, p. 31-31)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2001


2002/408/EC: Commission Decision of 24 May 2002 on the sale of Community olive oil residues held by the Italian intervention agency

(OJ L 140, 30.05.2002, p. 25-26)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2002


Commission Regulation (EC) No 126/2005 of 27 January 2005 fixing the ceilings on financing for measures to improve the quality of the olive oil production in the 2005/06 production cycle and derogating from Article 3(3) of Regulation (EC) No 528/1999

(OJ L 25, 28.1.2005, p. 11–11)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2005/06


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1711/2005 of 19 October 2005 fixing the olive yields and oil yields for the 2004/05 marketing year

(OJ L 274, 20.10.2005, p. 57-74)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2004/05


Commission Regulation (EC) No 542/2009 of 23 June 2009 opening the tendering procedure for aid for private storage of olive oil

(OJ L 161, 24.6.2009, p. 3–5)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature


2009/551/EC: Commission Decision of 13 July 2009 fixing the maximum amount of aid granted for the private storage of olive oil under the tendering procedure opened by Regulation (EC) No 542/2009

(OJ L 184, 16.7.2009, p. 16–17)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature


2009/565/EC: Commission Decision of 24 July 2009 fixing the maximum amount of aid granted for the private storage of olive oil under the tendering procedure opened by Regulation (EC) No 542/2009

(OJ L 196, 28.7.2009, p. 59–60)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature

Export refunds, licenses and securities


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1729/1999 of 28 July 1999 laying down special measures derogating from Regulations (EEC) No 3665/87 and (EEC) No 3719/88 as regards milk and milk products, beef and veal, pigmeat, eggs, poultrymeat, agricultural products exported in the form of goods not covered by Annex I to the Treaty and certain cereal products

(OJ L 204, 4.8.1999, p. 13–15)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 1999


Commission Regulation (EC) No 662/2004 of 7 April 2004 laying down transitional measures as regards import licences applications pursuant to Regulations (EC) No 936/97 and (EC) No 1279/98 providing for the administration of certain tariff quotas for beef and veal products, by reason of the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia to the European Union

(OJ L 104, 8.4.2004, p. 103–104)

Obsolete as a transitional measure linked to the accession of new Member States


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1493/2004 of 23 August 2004 laying down transitory measures to be adopted on account of the accession of Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia in respect of the requirements for the granting of refunds for exports of certain milk or egg products pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1520/2000

(OJ L 274, 24.8.2004, p. 9–10)

Obsolete as a transitional measure linked to the accession of new Member States

Agricultural statistics


98/186/EC: Commission Decision of 25 February 1998 approving the 1998 technical action plan (first part) for improving agricultural statistics

(OJ L 70, 10.3.1998, p. 23–25)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 1998


1999/714/EC: Commission Decision of 19 October 1999 establishing deadlines for the communication of the results of the 1999/2000 basic surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings to the Statistical Office of the European Communities

(OJ L 282, 5.11.1999, p. 14-15)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 1999/2000


2001/147/EC: Commission Decision of 12 February 2001 approving the 2001 technical action plan for improving agricultural statistics

(OJ L 55, 24.02.2001, p. 62-64)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2001


2002/30/EC: Commission Decision of 8 January 2002 approving the technical action plan 2002 for improving agricultural statistics

(OJ L 13, 16.01.2002, p. 28-30)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2002


2003/304/EC: Commission Decision of 29 April 2003 approving the technical action plan 2003 for improving agricultural statistics

(OJ L 110, 3.5.2003, p. 15–17)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2003


2004/366/EC: Commission Decision of 13 April 2004 approving the first phase of the technical action plan 2004 for improving agricultural statistics

(OJ L 114, 21.4.2004, p. 32–35)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2004


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2139/2004 of 8 December 2004 adapting and implementing Council Regulation (EEC) No 571/88 and amending Commission Decision 2000/115/EC with a view to the organisation of Community surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings in 2005 and 2007

(OJ L 369, 16.12.2004, p. 26–48)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the years 2005 and 2007


2005/124/EC: Commission Decision of 10 February 2005 authorising certain Member States to use information from sources other than statistical surveys for the 2005 survey on the structure of agricultural holdings

(OJ L 39, 11.2.2005, p. 55–56)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2005


2005/197/EC: Commission Decision of 9 March 2005 approving the 2005 technical action plan for improving agricultural statistics

(OJ L 65, 11.3.2005, p. 30–32)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2005


2006/127/EC: Commission Decision of 2 February 2006 approving the 2006 technical action plan for the improvement of agricultural statistics

(OJ L 51, 22.2.2006, p. 19–20)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2006


2007/80/EC: Commission Decision of 1 February 2007 authorising certain Member States to use information from sources other than statistical surveys for the 2007 survey on the structure of agricultural holdings

(OJ L 28, 3.2.2007, p. 19–22)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2007


2007/84/EC: Commission Decision of 2 February 2007 approving the 2007 technical action plan for the improvement of agricultural statistics

(OJ L 35, 8.2.2007, p. 18–28)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2007

Rural development


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1552/98 of 17 July 1998 derogating from Regulation (EEC) No 3887/92 laying down detailed rules for applying the integrated administration and control system for certain Community aid schemes

(OJ L 202, 18.7.1998, p. 30–30)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 1998/99


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1332/2000 of 23 June 2000 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 2316/1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1251/1999 establishing a support system for producers of certain arable crops

(OJ L 151, 24.6.2000, p. 9–10)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2000/01


Commission Regulation (EC) No 68/2003 of 16 January 2003 concerning the use of information from sources other than statistical surveys and the time limits for the communication of the results for the 2003 survey on the structure of agricultural holdings

(OJ L 12, 17.1.2003, p. 5–7)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2003


2004/559/EC: Commission Decision of 21 June 2004 listing the areas of the Czech Republic eligible under Objective 2 of the Structural Funds for the period 2004 to 2006

(OJ L 249, 23.7.2004, p. 26–27)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the years 2004 to 2006


2004/596/EC: Commission Decision of 21 June 2004 listing the areas of the Slovak Republic eligible under Objective 2 of the Structural Funds for the period 2004 to 2006

(OJ L 266, 13.8.2004, p. 15–17)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the years 2004 to 2006



96/288/EC: Commission Decision of 15 April 1996 relating to aids in Finland in the live plant and floriculture products sector

(OJ L 109, 03.05.1996, p. 22 – 22)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature linked to accession


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2367/98 of 30 October 1998 introducing transitional measures in the olive oil sector with a view to the application of the scheme for the marketing years 1998/99 to 2000/01

(OJ L 293, 31.10.1998, p. 64–66)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 1998/99 to 2000/01


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1308/98 of 24 June 1998 fixing the final amount of aid for dried fodder for the 1997/98 marketing year

(OJ L 182, 25.06.1998, p. 9 - 9)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 1997/98


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1478/1999 of 6 July 1999 fixing the final amount of aid for dried fodder for the 1998/99 marketing year

(OJ L 171, 07.07.1999, p. 8 - 8)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 1998/99


2000/32/EC: Commission Decision of 16 December 1999 adopting the plan allocating to the Member States resources to be charged to the 2000 budget year for the supply of food from intervention stocks for the benefit of the most deprived persons in the Community

(OJ L 11, 15.01.2000, p. 51-53)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the budget year 2000


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1436/2000 of 30 June 2000 fixing the final amount of aid for dried fodder for the 1999/2000 marketing year

(OJ L 161, 01.07.2000, p. 61 - 61)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 1999/2000


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1409/2003 of 7 August 2003 derogating from Regulation (EEC) No 1915/83 on certain detailed implementing rules concerning the keeping of accounts for the purpose of determining the incomes of agricultural holdings

(OJ L 201, 8.8.2003, p. 8–8)

Obsolete because acts of a temporary nature relating to the year 2002


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2141/2004 of 15 December 2004 laying down, for the 2004/2005 marketing year, the revised production estimate for unginned cotton and the resulting new provisional reduction in the guide price

(OJ L 369, 16.12.2004 p. 53 - 54)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the marketing year 2004/05


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1300/2004 of 15 July 2004 fixing the aid for unginned cotton for the 2003/2004 marketing year

(OJ L 244, 16.07.2004 p. 18 – 20)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the marketing year 2003/04


2007/361/EC: Commission Decision of 4 May 2007 on the determination of surplus stocks of agricultural products other than sugar and the financial consequences of their elimination in relation to the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia (notified under document number C (2007) 1979)

(OJ L 138, 30.5.2007, p. 14–17)

Obsolete as a transitional measure linked to the accession of new Member States


Commission Regulation (EC) No 118/2006 of 24 January 2006 fixing the standard fee per farm return for the 2006 accounting year of the farm accountancy data network

(OJ L 21, 25.1.2006, p. 12–12)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the marketing year 2006


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1282/2007 of 30 October 2007 derogating from Regulation (EEC) No 3149/92 as regards the end of the implementation period for the annual plan for the distribution of food for 2007

(OJ L 285, 31.10.2007, p. 30–30)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature


Commission Regulation (EC) No 511/2009 of 16 June 2009 derogating from Regulation (EC) No 793/2006 as regards the application in 2009 of Article 27 thereof in the French overseas departments of Guadeloupe and Martinique

(OJ L 153, 17.6.2009, p. 5–5)

Obsolete as an act of temporary nature relating to the year 2009