

Official Journal of the European Union

C 197/1

Information communicated by Member States regarding State aid granted under Commission Regulation (EC) No 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption Regulation)

(Text with EEA relevance)

2010/C 197/01

Reference number of the State Aid

X 234/10

Member State


Member State reference number

Name of the Region (NUTS)


Article 107(3)(a), Article 107(3)(c), Mixed, Non-assisted areas

Granting authority

Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio

Paseo de la Castellana, 160

28071 Madrid


Title of the aid measure

Programa Explotación Minera (pymes)

National legal basis (Reference to the relevant national official publication)

Orden ITC/1231/2010, de 6 de mayo, por la que se regulan las bases para la concesión de ayudas a la prevención de riesgos y seguridad minera en el ámbito de una minería sostenible, a la exploración e investigación geológico-minera y a la mejora de la productividad de las actividades mineras no energéticas.

Solamente las ayudas a las PYME contempladas en los artículos 4.2 apartado a) y la parte equivalente al mismo del artículo 4.3

Type of measure

Scheme -

Amendment of an existing aid measure



Economic sector(s) concerned

Mining of metal ores, Other mining and quarrying

Type of beneficiary


Annual overall amount of the budget planned under the scheme

EUR 5,00 (in millions)

For guarantees

Aid Instrument (Article 5)


Reference to the Commission Decision

If co-financed by Community funds


Maximum aid intensity in % or Maximum aid amount in national currency

SME-bonuses in %

SME investment and employment aid (Art.15)

20,00 %

Web link to the full text of the aid measure:


Reference number of the State Aid

X 235/10

Member State


Member State reference number

Name of the Region (NUTS)


Article 107(3)(a), Article 107(3)(c), Mixed, Non-assisted areas

Granting authority

Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio

Paseo de la Castellana, 160

28071 Madrid


Title of the aid measure

Programa Explotación Minera (formación)

National legal basis (Reference to the relevant national official publication)

Orden ITC/1231/2010, de 6 de mayo, por la que se regulan las bases para la concesión de ayudas a la prevención de riesgos y seguridad minera en el ámbito de una minería sostenible, a la exploración e investigación geológico-minera y a la mejora de la productividad de las actividades mineras no energéticas.

Solamente las ayudas a la formación contempladas en el artículo 4.4 apartado b).

Type of measure

Scheme -

Amendment of an existing aid measure

Modification XT 45/2008

Mofidicación de las intensidades de ayuda



Economic sector(s) concerned

Mining of metal ores, Other mining and quarrying

Type of beneficiary


Annual overall amount of the budget planned under the scheme

EUR 2,00 (in millions)

For guarantees

Aid Instrument (Article 5)


Reference to the Commission Decision

If co-financed by Community funds


Maximum aid intensity in % or Maximum aid amount in national currency

SME-bonuses in %

General training (Art. 38(2))

60,00 %

10 %

Web link to the full text of the aid measure:


Reference number of the State Aid

X 236/10

Member State


Member State reference number

Name of the Region (NUTS)


Article 107(3)(a), Article 107(3)(c), Mixed, Non-assisted areas

Granting authority

Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo

Paseo de la Castellana, 160

28071 Madrid


Title of the aid measure

Programa Explotación Minera (I+D+i)

National legal basis (Reference to the relevant national official publication)

Orden ITC/1231/2010, de 6 de mayo, por la que se regulan las bases para la concesión de ayudas a la prevención de riesgos y seguridad minera en el ámbito de una minería sostenible, a la exploración e investigación geológico-minera y a la mejora de la productividad de las actividades mineras no energéticas.

Solamente las ayudas a la investigación, desarrollo e innovación contempladas en el artículo 4.1

Type of measure

Scheme -

Amendment of an existing aid measure



Economic sector(s) concerned

Mining of metal ores, Other mining and quarrying

Type of beneficiary


Annual overall amount of the budget planned under the scheme

EUR 0,50 (in millions)

For guarantees

Aid Instrument (Article 5)


Reference to the Commission Decision

If co-financed by Community funds


Maximum aid intensity in % or Maximum aid amount in national currency

SME-bonuses in %

Industrial research (Art. 31(2)(b))

30,00 %

10 %

Web link to the full text of the aid measure:


Reference number of the State Aid

X 237/10

Member State


Member State reference number

Name of the Region (NUTS)



Granting authority

Servizio Programmazione e Gestione del Sistema della Formazione Professionale — Regione Sardegna

Assessorato Regionale del Lavoro, Formazione Professionale, Cooperazione e Sicurezza Sociale, via XXVIII Febbraio 1- 09131 Cagliari

www. regione.sardegna.it

Title of the aid measure

Avviso pubblico di chiamata di progetti per la «qualificazione professionale di giovani neo-imprenditori del settore agricolo» — da realizzare con il contributo del Fondo Sociale Europeo 2007/2013–obiettivo competitività regionale e occupazione- Asse I Adattabilità

National legal basis (Reference to the relevant national official publication)

POR FSE Sardegna 2007/2013

Type of measure

Scheme -

Amendment of an existing aid measure



Economic sector(s) concerned


Type of beneficiary

large enterprise

Annual overall amount of the budget planned under the scheme

EUR 0,80 (in millions)

For guarantees

Aid Instrument (Article 5)

Reference to the Commission Decision

If co-financed by Community funds

Fondo Sociale Europeo 2007/2013 — 0,96 EUR (in millions)


Maximum aid intensity in % or Maximum aid amount in national currency

SME-bonuses in %

General training (Art. 38(2))

60,00 %

Web link to the full text of the aid measure:


Reference number of the State Aid

X 239/10

Member State


Member State reference number

Name of the Region (NUTS)


Non-assisted areas

Granting authority

Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano

Ripartizione Acque pubbliche ed energia

Via Cesare Battisti 23

39100 Bolzano


Title of the aid measure

Impianto fotovoltaico sulla superficie della Stahlbau Pichler GmbH

National legal basis (Reference to the relevant national official publication)

Legge provinciale 13 febbraio 1997, n. 4, art. 5 comma 1 lettera b

Delibera della Giunta Provinciale n. 3721 del 13.10.2008

Type of measure

Ad hoc aid -

Amendment of an existing aid measure

Date of granting


Economic sector(s) concerned


Type of beneficiary


Overall amount of the ad hoc aid awarded to the undertaking

EUR 0,13 (in millions)

For guarantees

Aid Instrument (Article 5)


Reference to the Commission Decision

If co-financed by Community funds

Regolamento 800/2008 — 0,04 EUR (in millions)


Maximum aid intensity in % or Maximum aid amount in national currency

SME-bonuses in %

Environmental investment aid for the promotion of energy from renewable energy sources (Art. 23)

20,00 %

Web link to the full text of the aid measure:



