

Official Journal of the European Union

C 178/6

Information communicated by Member States regarding State aid granted under Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production of agricultural products and amending Regulation (EC) No 70/2001

2010/C 178/04

Aid No: XA 65/10

Member State: Cyprus

Region: —

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: Αίτημα αποζημίωσης από τον κ. Πανίκο Παναγίδη, κάτοικου Ζυγίου, για την αποξήλωση/μετακίνηση των εγκαταστάσεων των θερμοκηπίων του, που βρίσκονται σε Τ/Κ γη που έχει απαλλοτριωθεί, στα πλαίσια της μετακίνησης της Κοινότητας Μαρί στο Ζύγι.

Legal basis: Απόφαση του Υπουργικού Συμβουλίου με αρ. 69308 και ημερομηνία 23.9.2009, με τίτλο «Αίτημα αποζημίωσης από τους κ.κ. Πανίκο Παναγίδη και Σωτήρη Σιημητρά, κατοίκους Ζυγίου, για την αποξήλωση/μετακίνηση των εγκαταστάσεων των θερμοκηπίων τους, που βρίσκονται σε Τ/Κ γη που έχει απαλλοτριωθεί, στα πλαίσια της μετακίνησης της Κοινότητας Μαρί στο Ζύγι».

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: The Head of the Agriculture Department estimates that compensation to Mr Panikos Panayidis will amount to EUR 52 714. The compensation corresponds to the replacement value of the farmer's premises.

Maximum aid intensity: —

Date of implementation: The individual aid measures will enter into force once they have been published pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006.

Duration of scheme or individual aid award: The aid will be granted in one instalment.

Objective of aid: Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 — Relocation of farm buildings in the public interest

Sector(s) concerned: Greenhouse cultivation

Name and address of the granting authority:

Ypouryio Esoterikon

1453 Λευκωσία/Nicosia


Website: http://moi.gov.cy/index.php?nc=30&l=2

Other information: In its Decision No 66751 of 6 February 2008, the Council of Ministers approved the Incentive Scheme to encourage the residents of the commune of Mari to move to Ziyi. For this purpose, Turkish-Cypriot land in Ziyi was expropriated in order for it to be divided up into 41 plots, and a call for tenders was announced recently for the drawing-up of plans for separating the plots. But the drawing-up of these plans has been delayed because of the presence on the expropriated land of greenhouses and other ancillary facilities that have been there for some 20 years and belong to Mr Panikos Panayidis. Mr Panayidis, who is not displaced, manages the agricultural holding that was conceded by the government to his displaced ex-wife. The purpose of the individual aid is to provide compensation for the construction of new facilities to enable Mr Panayidis to continue his activity in the area of greenhouse cultivation.

Aid No: XA 66/10

Member State: Cyprus

Region: —

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: Αίτημα αποζημίωσης του κ. Σωτήρη Σιημητρά, κάτοικο Ζυγίου, για την αποξήλωση/μετακίνηση των εγκαταστάσεων του θερμοκηπίου του, που βρίσκονται σε Τ/Κ γη που έχει απαλλοτριωθεί, στα πλαίσια της μετακίνησης της Κοινότητας Μαρί στο Ζύγι

Legal basis: Απόφαση του Υπουργικού Συμβουλίου με αρ. 69308 και ημερομηνία 23.9.2009, με τίτλο «Αίτημα αποζημίωσης από τους κ.κ. Πανίκο Παναγίδη και Σωτήρη Σιημητρά, κατοίκους Ζυγίου, για την αποξήλωση/μετακίνηση των εγκαταστάσεων των θερμοκηπίων τους, που βρίσκονται σε Τ/Κ γη που έχει απαλλοτριωθεί, στα πλαίσια της μετακίνησης της Κοινότητας Μαρί στο Ζύγι».

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: The Head of the Agriculture Department estimates that compensation to Mr Sotiris Siimitras will amount to EUR 7 281. The compensation corresponds to the replacement value of the farmer's premises.

Maximum aid intensity: —

Date of implementation: The individual aid measure will enter into force once it has been published pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006.

Duration of scheme or individual aid award: The aid will be granted in one instalment.

Objective of aid: Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 — Relocation of farm buildings in the public interest

Sector(s) concerned: Greenhouse cultivation

Name and address of the granting authority:

Ypouryio Esoterikon

1453 Λευκωσία/Nicosia


Website: http://moi.gov.cy/index.php?nc=30&l=2

Other information: In its Decision No 66751 of 6 February 2008, the Council of Ministers approved the Incentive Scheme to encourage the residents of the commune of Mari to move to Ziyi. For this purpose, Turkish-Cypriot land in Ziyi was expropriated in order for it to be divided up into 41 plots, and a call for tenders was announced recently for the drawing-up of plans for separating the plots. But the drawing-up of these plans has been delayed because of the presence on the expropriated land of greenhouses and other ancillary facilities that have been there for some 20 years and belong to Mr Sotiris Siimitras. The Turkish-Cypriot property was conceded to the displaced Mr Siimitras as an agricultural holding. The purpose of the individual aid is to provide compensation for the construction of new facilities to enable Mr Siimitras to continue his activity in the area of greenhouse cultivation.

Aid No: XA 70/10

Member State: The Netherlands

Region: West Nederland

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: Uitvoeringsregeling omschakeling biologische landbouw Noord-Holland 2010

Legal basis: Algemene subsidieverordening Noord-Holland 2009

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: EUR 250 000 per year

Maximum aid intensity: 40 %

Date of implementation: 13 April 2010: the scheme is to enter into force only after the summary information has been published on the European Commission's website.

Duration of scheme or individual aid award: Until 31 December 2013

Objective of aid: Investment in agricultural holdings (Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006)

The objective of the aid is to encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to switch to organic production methods.

The province's goal is for 7 % of its agricultural land to be used for organic production in 2011.

Sector(s) concerned: Primary agriculture

Name and address of the granting authority:

Gedeputeerde staten van Noord-Holland

Postbus 3007

2001 DA Haarlem


Website: http://admin.sduconnect.nl/linked_forms/1268302594Biologische%20omschakeling%20UVR%202010.doc

Other information: Only additional costs connected with conversion to organic production and not resulting in an increase in production capacity are eligible. Such costs relate to the following: (a) construction, acquisition or improvement of immovable property; (b) purchase of land for the purpose of extensification, up to 10 % of the total eligible costs; (c) purchase or lease-purchase of machinery and equipment, including computer software, up to the market value of the asset; (d) costs of conversion plans, consultants' services and training.

Aid No: XA 71/10

Member State: Italy

Region: Emilia-Romagna (Camera di Commercio di Bologna)

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: Regolamento camerale per l’assegnazione alle imprese della provincia di bologna di contributi in conto abbattimento interessi per l’accesso al credito.

Legal basis: Deliberazione della Giunta camerale n. 10 del 26 gennaio 2010 che modifica il regime approvato con deliberazione di Giunta n. 185 del 16 settembre 2008 (XA 372/08) già modificato con deliberazione di Giunta. n. 42 del 3 marzo 2009 (XA 159/09).

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: The confirmed annual expenditure for Aid XA 372/08 not amended by XA 159/09

Maximum aid intensity: The confirmed aid intensity for Aid XA 372/08 not amended by XA 159/09

Date of implementation: From the date of publication of the identification number of the exemption application on the website of the Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

Duration of scheme or individual aid award: Until 31 December 2013

Objective of aid: The confirmed objectives for Aid XA 372/08 not amended by XA 159/09

Sector(s) concerned: The confirmed sectors for Aid XA 372/08 not amended by XA 159/09

Name and address of the granting authority:

Camera di Commercio IAA di Bologna

Piazza Mercanzia 4

40125 Bologna BO


Website: http://www.bo.camcom.it/incentivi-e-promozione-stera/contributi-alle-imprese/copy_of_aiuti-in-conto-interessi-per-accesso-ordinario-al-credito/aiuti-in-conto-interessi-per-accesso-ordinario-al-credito

Other information: The amendments to Aid XA 372/08, which partly replace and partly supplement those made by Aid XA 159/09, only:

exclude enterprises that are in the process of liquidation,

stipulate that beneficiaries must continue to meet all the relevant requirements from the date of request until when the aid is granted,

make the deadlines peremptory both for individual enterprises submitting aid applications and for requesting the use of the amount assigned to the Confidi for increasing the risk fund,

stipulate that Confidi intending to assign part of the amount to risk funds must be registered in the ex Article 107 TULB Register (Testo Unico in materia di Leggi Bancarie — Single Text on Banking Laws) or have submitted a registration request,

require that aid applications be sent via the ‘Infocamere Webtelemaco’ system,

stipulate that aid payments cannot be cumulated with other State or de minimis aid for the same investment with the exception of aid in the form of guarantees, within the limits set by Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006.

Il Presidente della Camera di Commercio di Bologna


Bologna, 12 April 2010.

Aid No: XA 72/10

Member State: Estonia

Region: Eesti

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: Tagatisena antav investeeringuabi

Legal basis:


Maaelu ja põllumajandusturu korraldamise seaduse § 8 (RT I 2008, 33, 202; 2009, 56, 375);


Maaelu Edendamise Sihtasutuse nõukogu kord „Tagatiste abikava raames tagatise saamiseks esitatavad nõuded ja tagatise taotlemise kord”


Põllumajandusministeeriumi ja Maaelu Edendamise Sihtasutuse vahel sõlmitud haldusleping (RTL, 11.6.2009, 46, 643)

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: Loans of approximately EEK 625 million per year are guaranteed for primary producers of agricultural products.

Maximum aid intensity: Up to 60 %

Date of implementation:

Duration of scheme or individual aid award: Until 31 December 2013

Objective of aid: The objective of the aid is to provide guarantees involving State aid for investment loans in accordance with Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 and with other requirements laid down in that Regulation, including Article 3.

The funds are available to the entire primary agricultural production sector (agricultural producers). The eligible expenditure is in line with Article 4(2)-(4), (6)-(8) and (10). The State aid intensity is 40-60 % depending on the region in which the agricultural producer operates and whether the beneficiary is a young farmer; the total regional thresholds of EUR 400 000/500 000 provided for in Article 4(2) and (9) are also observed.

Aid is not granted to companies in difficulties.

Sector(s) concerned: Agricultural producers (NACE code A1)

Name and address of the granting authority:

Maaelu Edendamise Sihtasutus

R. Tobiase 4

10147 Tallinn


Website: http://www.mes.ee/?id1=45&id=24

Other information: When calculating the State aid element we use the method set out in European Commission Decision N 48/09.