

Official Journal of the European Union

C 88/47

Information communicated by Member States regarding State aid granted under Commission Regulation (EC) No 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption Regulation)

(Text with EEA relevance)

2010/C 88/09

Aid number

X 161/2008

Member State

United Kingdom

Member State reference number

United Kingdom

Name of the Region (NUTS)



Granting authority

Scottish Local Authorities

Chair SLAED, c/o Development Services, Fife House, North Street, Glenrothes, KY7 5LT.

www.slaed.org.uk & stateaidscotland.gov.uk

Title of the aid measure

Scottish Local Authorities Support to SMEs for Consultancy and for Research and Development

National legal basis (Reference to the relevant national official publication)

Section 20 of the local Government in Scotland Act 2003

Type of measure

Scheme -

Amendment of an existing aid measure


01.01.2009 - 31.12.2013

Economic sector(s) concerned

All economic sectors eligible to receive aid

Type of beneficiary


Annual overall amount of the budget planned under the scheme

GBP 3,00 (in millions)

For guarantees

Aid Instrument (Art. 5)


Reference to the Commission decision

If co-financed by Community funds


Maximum aid intensity in % or Maximum aid amount in national currency

SME-bonuses in %

Aid for consultancy in favour of SMEs (Art. 26)

50,00 %

Aid for SME participation in fairs (Art. 27)

50,00 %

Fundamental research (Art. 31(2)(a))

100,00 %

Industrial research (Art. 31(2)(b))

50,00 %

20 %

Experimental development (Art. 31(2)(c))

25,00 %

20 %

Web link to the full text of the aid measure




Aid number

X 164/2008

Member State


Member State reference number

Name of the Region (NUTS)


Article 87(3)(a)

Granting authority

Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit

Wilhelm Buck Str. 2, 01097 Dresden


Title of the aid measure

Richtlinie des Sächsischen Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit zur Förderung von Investitionen kleiner Unternehmen instrukturschwachen Räumen

National legal basis (Reference to the relevant national official publication)

Sächsische Haushaltsordnung (SäHO) in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 10. April 2001 (SächsGVBl. S. 153), die durch Art. 10 des Gesetzes vom 13. Dezember 2002 (SächsGVBl. S. 333, 352) geändert worden ist, und nach §§ 23, 44 der Verwaltungsvorschriften des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums der Finanzen (SMF) zur zur SäHO (VwV-SäHO) vom 27. Juni 2005 (SächsAbl. SDr. S. S 225) in der jeweils geltenden Fassung

Type of measure

Scheme -

Amendment of an existing aid measure


05.12.2008 - 31.12.2010

Economic sector(s) concerned

All economic sectors eligible to receive aid

Type of beneficiary


Annual overall amount of the budget planned under the scheme

EUR 5,40 (in millions

For guarantees

Aid Instrument (Art. 5)


Reference to the Commission decision

If co-financed by Community funds


Maximum aid intensity in % or Maximum aid amount in national currency

SME-bonuses in %

SME investment and employment aid (Art.15)

50,00 %

Web link to the full text of the aid measure



Aid number

X 103/2009

Member State


Member State reference number

Name of the Region (NUTS)


Article 87(3)(c)

Granting authority

Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö

PL 32

00023 Valtioneuvosto

Sähköposti: kirjaamo@tem.fi


Title of the aid measure

Yrityksen kehittämisavustus

National legal basis (Reference to the relevant national official publication)

Laki valtionavustuksesta yritystoiminnan kehittämiseksi (1336/2006)


Valtioneuvoston asetus valtionavustuksesta yritystoiminnan kehittämiseksi (675/2007, muutettu 1055/2008)

(http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/alkup/2007/20070675 ja http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/alkup/2008/20081055)

Type of measure

Scheme -

Amendment of an existing aid measure

Modification XR120/2007 JA XS178/2007

Muutetaan tukitoimenpiteitä XS178/2007 ja XR120/2007.

Prolongation XR120/2007 JA XS178/2007

Jatketaan 31.12.2008 saakka voimassa ollutta tukitoimenpidettä XS178/2007.


01.01.2009 - 31.12.2013

Economic sector(s) concerned

All economic sectors eligible to receive aid

Type of beneficiary


large enterprise

Annual overall amount of the budget planned under the scheme

EUR 150,00 (in millions)

For guarantees

Aid Instrument (Art. 5)


Reference to the Commission decision

If co-financed by Community funds

K(2007)4550 Itä-Suomen EAKR-toimenpideohjelma 2007-2013

K(2007)4511 Pohjois-Suomen EAKR-toimenpideohjelma 2007-2013

K(2007)4506 Länsi-Suomen EAKR-toimenpideohjelma 2007-2013

K(2007)4509 Etelä-Suomen EAKR-toimenpideohjelma 2007-2013 - EUR (in millions)


Maximum aid intensity in % or Maximum aid amount in national currency

SME-bonuses in %

Regional investment and employment aid (Art. 13) Scheme

15,00 %

20 %

SME investment and employment aid (Art.15)

20,00 %

Aid for consultancy in favour of SMEs (Art. 26)

50,00 %

Aid for SME participation in fairs (Art. 27)

50,00 %

Experimental development (Art. 31(2)(c))

25,00 %

20 %

Web link to the full text of the aid measure




Aid number

X 108/2009

Member State


Member State reference number

Name of the Region (NUTS)

Article 87(3)(c), Non-assisted areas

Granting authority

Αρχή Ανάπτυξης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού Κύπρου (ΑνΑΔ)

Αναβύσσου 2, 2025 Στρόβολος,

Τ.Θ. 25431, 1392 Λευκωσία, Κύπρος


Title of the aid measure

Σχέδιο Στελέχωσης Επιχειρήσεων με Απόφοιτους Τριτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης

National legal basis (Reference to the relevant national official publication)

Νόμος Αρ. 125(Ι) του 1999, άρθρο 21, όπως αντικαταστάθηκε και ισχύει με το Νόμο Αρ. 21(Ι) του 2007

Type of measure

Scheme -

Amendment of an existing aid measure


01.01.2009 - 31.12.2014

Economic sector(s) concerned

All economic sectors eligible to receive aid

Type of beneficiary


large enterprise

Annual overall amount of the budget planned under the scheme

EUR 1,00 (in millions)

For guarantees

Aid Instrument (Art. 5)


Reference to the Commission decision

If co-financed by Community funds


Maximum aid intensity in % or Maximum aid amount in national currency

SME-bonuses in %

General training (Art. 38(2))

60,00 %

20 %

Web link to the full text of the aid measure


Aid number

X 110/2009

Member State


Member State reference number

Name of the Region (NUTS)


Article 107(3)(c), Non-assisted areas

Granting authority

Αρχή Ανάπτυξης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού (ΑνΑΔ)

Αναβύσσου 2, 2025 Στρόβολος,

Τ.Θ. 25431, 1392 Λευκωσία, Κύπρος


Title of the aid measure

Μονοεπιχειρησιακά Προγράμματα Συνεχιζόμενης Κατάρτισης στην Κύπρο

National legal basis (Reference to the relevant national official publication)

Νόμος Αρ. 125(Ι) του 1999, άρθρο 21, όπως αντικαταστάθηκε και ισχύει με το Νόμο Αρ. 21(Ι) του 2007

Type of measure

Scheme -

Amendment of an existing aid measure


01.01.2009 - 31.12.2014

Economic sector(s) concerned

All economic sectors eligible to receive aid

Type of beneficiary


large enterprise

Annual overall amount of the budget planned under the scheme

EUR 10,00 (in millions)

For guarantees

Aid Instrument (Art. 5)


Reference to the Commission decision

If co-financed by Community funds


Maximum aid intensity in % or Maximum aid amount in national currency

SME-bonuses in %

Specific training (Art. 38(1))

25,00 %

20 %

General training (Art. 38(2))

60,00 %

20 %

Web link to the full text of the aid measure
