

Official Journal of the European Union

C 241/15

Information communicated by Member States regarding State aid granted under Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production of agricultural products and amending Regulation (EC) No 70/2001

(2008/C 241/08)

Aid No: XA 5/08

Member State: Republic of Slovenia

Region: Območje Občine Vodice

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid: Pomoči za ohranjanje in razvoj kmetijstva in podeželja v Občini Vodice za programsko obdobje 2007–2013

Legal basis: Pravilnik o dodeljevanju pomoči za ohranjanje in razvoj kmetijstva ter podeželja v Občini Vodice za programsko obdobje 2007–2013

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company:


2007: EUR 40 000


2008: EUR 40 000


2009: EUR 40 000


2010: EUR 40 000


2011: EUR 40 000


2012: EUR 40 000


2013: EUR 40 000

Maximum aid intensity:

1.   Investment in agricultural holdings for primary production:

up to 50 % of eligible costs in less-favoured areas,

up to 40 % of eligible costs in other areas,

up to 60 % of eligible costs in less-favoured areas, and up to 50 % of eligible costs in other areas, in the case of investments made by young farmers within five years of setting up.

The purpose of the aid is investment to restore farm features and to purchase equipment to be used for primary production, to invest in permanent crops, to improve farmland and to manage pastures.

2.   Conservation of traditional landscapes and buildings:

for investment in non-productive features, up to 100 % of actual costs,

for investment in productive assets on farms, up to 60 % of actual costs, or 75 % in less-favoured areas, provided that the investment does not entail any increase in the production capacity of the farm,

additional aid may be granted at a rate of up to 100 % to cover the extra costs incurred by using traditional materials necessary to preserve the heritage features of buildings.

3.   Relocation of farm buildings in the public interest:

up to 100 % of the actual costs where the relocation simply consists of the dismantling, removal and re-erection of existing facilities,

where the relocation results in the farmer benefiting from more modern facilities, the farmer must contribute at least 60 %, or 50 % in less-favoured areas, of the increase in the value of the facilities concerned after relocation. If the beneficiary is a young farmer, his contribution must be at least 55 % or 45 % respectively,

where the relocation results in an increase in production capacity, the contribution from the beneficiary must be at least 60 %, or 50 % in less-favoured areas, of the expenses relating to this increase. If the beneficiary is a young farmer, this contribution must be at least 55 % or 45 % respectively.

4.   Aid towards the payment of insurance premiums:

the amount of municipal co-financing is the difference between the amount of co-financing of insurance premiums from the national budget and up to 50 % of eligible costs of insurance premiums for insuring crops and fruit and insuring livestock against disease.

5.   Aid for land reparcelling:

up to 100 % of actual legal and administrative costs incurred.

6.   Aid to encourage the production of quality agricultural products:

up to 100 % of actual costs incurred; this is to be provided in the form of subsidised services and must not involve direct payments of money to producers.

7.   Provision of technical support:

up to 100 % of costs concerning education and training, consultancy services provided by third parties and the organization of forums, competitions, exhibitions, fairs, publications and websites. The aid is to be granted in the form of subsidised services and must not involve direct payments of money to producers

Date of implementation: December 2007 (the aid will not be granted until a summary has been published on the European Commission's website)

Duration of scheme or individual aid award: Until 31 December 2013

Objective of the aid: To support SMEs

Reference to Articles in Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 and eligible costs: Chapter II of the draft Rules on granting aid for preserving and developing agriculture and rural areas in the municipality of Vodice for the programming period 2007-2013 includes measures constituting State aid in accordance with the following Articles of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 of 15 December 2006 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production of agricultural products and amending Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 (OJ L 358, 16.12.2006, p. 3):

Article 4: Investment in agricultural holdings,

Article 5: Conservation of traditional landscapes and buildings,

Article 6: Relocation of farm buildings in the public interest,

Article 12: Aid towards the payment of insurance premiums,

Article 13: Aid for land reparcelling,

Article 14: Aid to encourage the production of quality agricultural products,

Article 15: Provision of technical support in the agricultural sector

Economic sector(s) concerned: Agriculture

Name and address of granting authority:

Občina Vodice

Kopitarjev trg 1

SLO-1217 Vodice

Website: http://www.lex-localis.info/KatalogInformacij/VsebinaDokumenta.aspx?SectionID=58921e3f-8299-4cdf-bd79-62de7dbbd615

Other information: The measure for the payment of insurance premiums to insure crops and fruit includes the following adverse climatic events which can be assimilated to natural disasters: spring frost, hail, lightning, fire caused by lightning, storm and floods.

The municipality's Rules meet the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 relating to the measures to be adopted by the municipality and the general provisions applicable (steps preceding grant of aid, cumulation, transparency and monitoring of aid)

Brane Podboršek

Mayor of the municipality of Vodice

Aid No: XA 38/08

Member State: Italy

Region: Provincia autonoma di Trento

Title of aid scheme: Intervento per lo smaltimento di materiale a rischio

Legal basis: L.P. 4 del 28 marzo 2003«Sostegno dell'economia agricola, disciplina dell'agricoltura biologica e della contrassegnazione di prodotti geneticamente non modificati» articolo 43 bis.

Deliberazione della giunta provinciale di Trento n. 3131 del 28 dicembre 2007, modificata con deliberazione n. 515 del 29 febbraio 2008, criteri attuativi dell'articolo 43 bis della L.P.4/2003

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme: The annual budget appropriation concerned totals EUR 1 million

Maximum aid intensity: Aid will cover 100 % of the cost of collecting and 75 % of the cost of destroying and disposing of dead animals, subject to the limits set out in the table below:

Date of implementation: The scheme will be applicable from the date of publication of the identification number of the application for exemption on the website of the Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

Duration of scheme: The aid must be granted not later than 31 December 2013

Objective of aid: To provide livestock farmers with compensation in respect of the cost of disposing of carcasses (bovines, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry and rabbits) and removing animals slaughtered for health reasons (slaughter on health grounds by order of the health authorities, with the meat not intended for human consumption).

The reference Article for the application of the aid scheme is Article 16(1)(d) of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 (exemption Regulation).

The eligible expenditure consists of the cost of removing (collection and transport) and destroying (storage, processing and permanent disposal) dead animals. The following expenditure is eligible ex post:

transport costs pertaining to the emergency service, based on an average rate per kilometre, less 15 % to take account of possible savings arising, as regards the provision of emergency services, from the marketing activities of the Provincial Livestock Farmers Federation, in particular, in connection with the transport of livestock (Table III), the simultaneous removal of other animals, although this would take place sporadically and to a limited extent only. The rates concerned (including the cost of the means of transport and the staff) would be those specified by the Craftsmen's Association, multiplied by the number of kilometres travelled, and would be as set out in Regional Council Decision No 1433 of 8 October 2001,

the amounts invoiced by specialised undertakings for the collection, transport and disposal of the carcasses,

the costs incurred in organising the service, subject to a limit of 10 % of the costs indicated in the two indents above.

Provided the maximum eligible expenditure is not exceeded, and subject to a limit of 20 % of the individual amounts indicated in the Table above, variations in terms of compensation may be granted ex post

Sector(s) concerned: Animal husbandry (bovines, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry and rabbits)

Name and address of the granting authority:

Provincia autonoma di Trento

Dipartimento agricoltura e alimentazione

Servizio vigilanza e promozione delle attività agricole

Via G.B. Trener, 3

I-38100 Trento

Website: http://www.delibere.provincia.tn.it/scripts/gethtmlDeli.asp?Item=0&Type=FulView


Other information: Please note that this aid scheme has already been notified (N 200/05) with validity until 31 December 2009

Aid No: XA 45/08

Member State: Italy

Region: Provincia autonoma di Trento

Title of aid scheme: Interventi per la difesa passiva

Legal basis: L.P. 4 del 28 marzo 2003«Sostegno dell'economia agricola, disciplina dell'agricoltura biologica e della contrassegnazione di prodotti geneticamente non modificati» articolo 54.

Deliberazione della giunta provinciale di Trento n. 3127 del 28 dicembre 2007, modificata con deliberazione n. 516 del 29 febbraio 2008, criteri attuativi dell'articolo 54 della L.P.4/2003

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme: The total annual budget appropriation concerned is EUR 5 940 000

Maximum aid intensity: Aid of up to 50 % of the cost of insurance premiums, in addition to State aid, for measures planned under Ministerial provisions, and of up to 80 %, including State aid, in the case solely of insurance contracts providing for compensation for losses exceeding 30 % of production.

Where the insurance also covers other losses caused by adverse climatic events other than natural disasters, and/or losses caused by animal or plant diseases, the rate is reduced to 50 % of the amount of State and Provincial aid combined.

Up to 80 % of the cost of insurance premiums for measures at provincial level only, in the case solely of insurance contracts providing for compensation for losses exceeding 30 % of production. Where the insurance also covers other losses caused by adverse climatic events other than natural disasters and/or losses caused by animal or plant diseases, the aid rate is reduced to 50 %

Date of implementation: The scheme will be applicable from the date of publication of the identification number of the application for exemption on the website of the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

Duration of scheme: The aid must be granted not later than 31.12.2013

Objective of aid: To encourage and promote the subscription of insurance policies to cover agricultural and animal production with a view to reducing the cost of insuring against potential losses caused by adverse climatic events.

The reference Article for the application of the aid scheme is Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 (exemption Regulation).

The eligible expenditure consists of the cost of insurance premiums

Sector(s) concerned: Agriculture and animal husbandry

Name and address of the granting authority:

Provincia autonoma di Trento

Dipartimento agricoltura e alimentazione

Servizio vigilanza e promozione delle attività agricole

Via G.B. Trener, 3

I-38100 Trento

Website: http://www.delibere.provincia.tn.it/scripts/gethtmlDeli.asp?Item=2&Type=FulView


Aid No: XA 47/08

Member State: Republic of Slovenia

Region: Območje Občine Ruše

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid: Državne pomoči za ohranjanje in razvoj kmetijstva in podeželja v Ruše 2007–2013

Legal basis: Pravilnik o dodeljevanju državnih pomoči za ohranjanje in razvoj kmetijstva in podeželja v občini Ruše (II.A Poglavje)

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company:


2007: EUR 6 200


2008: EUR 6 000


2009: EUR 5 650


2010: EUR 5 650


2011: EUR 5 650


2012: EUR 5 650


2013: EUR 5 650

Maximum aid intensity:

1.   Investment in agricultural holdings for primary production:

up to 50 % of eligible costs in less-favoured areas and up to 40 % in other areas.

The aid is to be granted to primary producers for managing farmland and pastures.

2.   Aid for land reparcelling:

up to 100 % of actual legal and administrative costs incurred.

3.   Aid to encourage the production of quality agricultural products:

the aid is granted in the form of subsidised services to cover up to 100 % of costs and must not involve direct payments of money to producers.

4.   Aid for providing technical support in the agricultural sector:

up to 50 % of costs concerning education and training of farmers, consultancy services, the organisation of forums, competitions, exhibitions and fairs, publications, catalogues and websites, and the dissemination of scientific knowledge. The aid is to be granted in the form of subsidised services and does not involve direct payments of money to producers

Date of implementation: January 2008

Duration of scheme or individual aid award: Until 31 December 2013

Objective of the aid: To support SMEs

Reference to Articles in Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 and eligible costs: Chapter II.A of the draft Rules on granting State aid for preserving and developing rural areas in the municipality of Ruše includes measures constituting State aid in accordance with the following Articles of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 of 15 December 2006 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production of agricultural products and amending Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 (OJ L 358, 16.12.2006, p. 3):

Article 4: Investment in agricultural holdings,

Article 13: Aid for land reparcelling,

Article 14: Aid to encourage the production of quality agricultural products,

Article 15: Provision of technical support in the agricultural sector

Economic sector(s) concerned: Agriculture

Name and address of granting authority:

Občina Ruše

Trg vstaje 11

SLO-2342 Ruše

Website: http://www.izit.si/muv/index.php?action=showIzdaja&year=2007&izdajaID=430 (št. predpisa 646, stran 34)

Other information: The municipality's Rules meet the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 relating to the measures to be adopted by the municipality and the general provisions applicable (steps preceding grant of aid, cumulation, transparency and monitoring of aid)

Vili Rezman

Mayor of the municipality of Ruše

Aid No: XA 61/08

Member State: Slovenia

Region: Goriška

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid: Spodbude javnega sklada malega gospodarstva goriške v kmetijskem sektorju

Legal basis: Splošni pogoji poslovanja Javnega sklada malega gospodarstva Goriške v kmetijskem sektorju

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: Sources of financing: Dedicated funds of the Goriška Public Fund for Small Businesses.

Forecast annual figures:

2007: EUR 300 000

2008: EUR 400 000

2009: EUR 400 000

2010: EUR 500 000

2011: EUR 500 000

2012: EUR 600 000

2013: EUR 700 000

Maximum aid intensity:

up to 40 % of eligible costs of investment.

The aid is granted to primary producers for the acquisition, construction or improvement of immovable property (excluding land), the purchase of equipment and the renewal of permanent crops for primary production

Date of implementation: January 2008

Duration of scheme or individual aid award: Until 31 December 2013

Objective of aid: To support SMEs

Reference to Articles in Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 and eligible costs: Chapter IV of the General operating conditions of the Goriška Public Fund for Small Businesses in the agricultural sector includes measures constituting State aid in accordance with the following Articles of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 of 15 December 2006 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production of agricultural products and amending Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 (OJ L 358, 16.12.2006, p. 3):

Article 4: Investment in agricultural holdings

Economic sector(s) concerned: Agriculture

Name and address of granting authority:

Javni sklad malega gospodarstva Goriške

Trg E. Kardelja 1

SLO-5000 Nova Gorica

Website: http://www.uradni-list.si/1/ulonline.jsp?urlid=2007122&dhid=93740

Other information: The municipality's Rules meet the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 concerning the measures to be adopted by the municipality and the general provisions applicable (steps preceding grant of aid, cumulation, transparency and monitoring of aid)

Vida Štucin

Acting Director