

Official Journal of the European Union

C 112/25

Information communicated by Member States regarding State aid granted under Commission Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises

(2008/C 112/12)

Aid No

XA 7001/08

Member State



ISMEA, Istituto di servizi per il mercato agricolo ed agroalimentare

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid

Agevolazioni per il subentro in agricoltura, parte trasformazione e commercializzazione dei prodotti agricoli

Legal basis

Delibera del consiglio di amministrazione per l'adeguamento degli interventi di cui al decreto legislativo 21 aprile 2000, n. 185, titolo I, capo III, ai regolamenti (CE) n. 70/2001 e (CE) n. 1857/2006

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Annual overall amount

EUR 20 million

Loans guaranteed

Individual aid

Overall aid amount

Loans guaranteed

Maximum aid intensity

The aid that may be granted for the execution of business plans consists of soft loans and outright grants. The gross aid intensity may not exceed:

50 % of eligible investments in regions eligible under Article 87(3)(a) of the EC Treaty,

40 % of eligible costs in other regions.

The amount to be repaid (soft loan) may not be less than 50 % of the overall amount of aid granted (investments, technical assistance and establishment premium).

The aid complies with Article 4(2) to (6) of Regulation (EC) No 70/2001

Date of implementation

1 February 2008

Duration of the scheme or the individual aid

6 years

Objective of the aid

Encourage new entrepreneurs and a generational change in enterprises engaged in the processing and marketing of agricultural products.

Expenditure on the following is eligible:


feasibility studies, including market surveys;


agronomic and land-improvement works;


the purchase or construction of buildings;


building authorisation fees;


utility connections, plant, machinery and equipment;


design services;


patents and licences

Economic sectors concerned

All sectors eligible for aid to SMEs


Aid limited to certain sectors


Processing of agricultural products


All manufacturing








Synthetic fibres


Motor vehicles


Other manufacturing


All services




Transport services


Financial services


Other services


Name and address of the granting authority


via C. Celso, 6

I-00161 Roma