

Official Journal of the European Union

C 270/19

Publication of an amendment application pursuant to Article 6(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 510/2006 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs

(2007/C 270/10)

This publication confers the right to object to the amendment application pursuant to Article 7 of Council Regulation (EC) No 510/2006 (1). Statements of objections must reach the Commission within six months from the date of this publication.



Amendment application pursuant to Article 9 and Article 17(2)


EC No: IT/PGI/117/1515/26.04.2004

PDO ( ) PGI ( X )

Amendment(s) requested

Heading(s) in the specification


Name of product


Description of product


Geographical area


Proof of origin


Method of production






National requirements


Geographical area

The amendment provides for the insertion of the municipality of Mira, which was included in the map submitted with the application but erroneously omitted from the description.

Method of production

The methods and periods of producing radicchio are set out in greater detail, whilst the description of blanching and forcing are deleted as they do not affect product quality.

More specifically, the decision to defer the harvest was made to protect quality standards for consumers. The climate has changed appreciably, with the summer period getting progressively longer and temperatures remaining mild until late September. This is clearly not suitable for the production of quality Radicchio variegato di Castelfranco. For these reasons, and to protect product quality and consistency under the protected geographical indication, it was felt that the harvest date should be deferred by ten days.

The pre-forcing stage has been deleted as it is not a ‘constant’ stage in the production of Radicchio variegato di Castelfranco. This is clear, even in the previous version of the product specification, which allows the use of various methods of blanching, some of which, far from benefiting from a pre-forcing stage, might actually be adversely affected by it.

The requirements for containers have changed to allow for the use of different materials, without this undermining the link with the geographical area or with traditional production methods. Certain major international distribution channels now follow protocols demanding, as do the rules laid down in certain countries, for health reasons, the use of materials other than cement for the production of food for human consumption.

The technique of drying the plants after blanching and before dressing was valid whilst dressing was carried out in unheated or open environments. Now new requirements in terms of health and working conditions have resulted in all processing rooms being heated, which means that the drying period is no longer necessary, and may even be harmful as it can cause the onset of plant degeneration. Clearly, therefore, where it is necessary to shake the water off the plants, (blanching in water is not compulsory) this should be carried out in the ‘dressing’ room. To clarify matters, a ‘constant’ temperature of 18 degrees was always to be regarded as an indicative parameter, since opening the doors in order to bring the products into to the ‘dressing’ room is bound to lower the temperature there, without this undermining tradition or product quality standards.


The amendment provides for the introduction of a product identification logo to provide clearer information for consumers. New packaging or new sizes of existing packaging are also introduced in order better to meet market needs.

National requirements

Articles 3 and 8 of the current specification are deleted and an inspection body is specified, in line with Community rules.

In Article 7, the requirement whereby holdings must have a ‘minimum surface area of 1 500 m2’ in order to qualify for entry in the list of producers is no longer applicable, since it limits access in a manner that is not in line with EU rules.




EC No: IT/PGI/117/1515/26.04.2004

PDO ( ) PGI ( X )

This summary sets out the main elements of the product specification for information purposes.

1.   Responsible department in the Member State:


Ministero delle Politiche agricole e forestali — Dipartimento della Qualità dei prodotti agroalimentari e dei servizi — Direzione generale della Qualità dei prodotti agroalimentari e la tutela del consumatore


Via XX Settembre, 20

I-00187 Roma


(39) 06 481 99 68


(39) 06 42 01 31 26



2.   Group:


Consorzio Radicchio di Treviso


Via Scandolara, 80

I-31059 Zero Branco (TV)


(39) 0422 48 80 87


(39) 0422 48 80 87



Producers/processors ( X ) Other ( )

3.   Product type:

Class 1.6 — Fruit, vegetables, cereals, whether or not processed

4.   Specification:

(Summary of requirements under Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 510/2006)

4.1.   Name: ‘Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco’

4.2.   Description: Crops grown to produce the PGI Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco must consist of plants of the genus cichorium, species intybus, variety silvestre, which includes the variegated type.

When released for consumption, radicchio bearing the PGI Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco must have the following characteristics:

Physical characteristics: well-shaped and brightly coloured head of a minimum diameter of 15 cm with, at its base, a layer of flat leaves and, as one moves towards the centre, which is without a heart, successive layers of leaves that are gradually more upright; maximum length of the stem 4 cm, with a diameter proportionate to the size of the head; leaves as thick as possible with crumpled edges and waved, rounded fronds.

Colour: white to cream leaves, evenly variegated all over with tinges varying from pale violet to purple-red and bright red.

Taste: the leaves have a delicate taste, sweet to pleasantly bitter.

Size: heads of radicchio weigh at least 100 g with a minimum diameter of 15 cm.

The product profile of Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco is as follows:

perfectly ripe,

white to cream in colour, evenly variegated with pale violet to bright red tinges,

leaves with crumpled edges and slightly wavy fronds,

good consistency of the head,

medium to large in size,

evenly sized heads,

dressing: meticulous, elegant and without flaws,

stem proportionate to the head and no longer than 4 cm.

4.3.   Geographical area: The production and packaging area of Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco comprises the entire territory of the following municipalities in the Provinces of Treviso, Padua and Venice.

Province of Treviso: Breda di Piave, Carbonera, Casale sul Sile, Casier, Castelfranco Veneto, Castello di Godego, Istrana, Loria, Maserada sul Piave, Mogliano Veneto, Morgano, Paese, Ponzano Veneto, Preganziol, Quinto di Treviso, Resana, Riese Pio X, San Biagio di Callalta, Silea, Spresiano, Trevignano, Treviso, Vedelago, Villorba and Zero Branco.

Province of Padua: Albignasego, Battaglia Terme, Borgoricco, Camposanpiero, Cartura, Casalserugo, Conselve, Due Carrare, Loreggia, Maserà di Padova, Massanzago, Monselice, Montagnana, Montegrotto Terme, Pernumia, Piombino Dese, Ponte San Nicolò, San Pietro Viminario and Trebaseleghe.

Province of Venice: Martellago, Mira, Mirano, Noale, Salzano, Santa Maria di Sala, Scorzè and Spinea.

4.4.   Proof of origin: Lists of producers and packagers that intend to use the PGI for each production campaign are compiled by the inspection body authorised under Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 510/2006 for the purpose of monitoring production and packaging stages.

Producers of radicchio and managers of all holdings located within the production area that grow Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco PGI may be included on the list referred to above.

Producers must be included in this list in respect of each production year and must declare annually the area cultivated and the quantities produced and delivered to packagers.

Requests for inclusion in the list must be submitted to the inspection body by 31 May each year.

Packagers must send the inspection body a statement of annual production packaged.

Producers and packagers are entered on the list for a renewable period of one year.

The farm manager must enter in a specific farm register the date on which harvesting operations commence.

Farm managers must, in respect of each production year, notify the monitoring body of the quantity of end product obtained that is fit to be placed on the market.

At the same time, farm managers must enter this quantity in the farm register, noting the date of delivery to the packager, except where they package the product themselves.

4.5.   Method of production: The conditions of premises and cultivation techniques for the production of the PGI Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco must be in line with local traditions and in any event be designed to give the product its specific characteristics.

Production of Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco is suitable in fresh, deep and well drained land that is not excessively rich in nutrients, particularly nitrogen, and is non alkaline. Particularly well suited for cultivation are areas with clay and sand-rich soils on old flood land in the process of decalcification. Suitable climates have enough rainfall in summer with limited maximum temperatures, dry autumn weather and early winters with temperatures reaching as low as minus 10 degrees Celsius.

Planting density for the sowing, transplanting and thinning stages must not exceed 7 plants per square metre.

Maximum production per hectare of crop may not exceed 6 000 kg (not including any tolerance).

The maximum unit weight of heads of radicchio, which make up the end product, may not exceed 0,4 kg (not including any tolerance).

Production of Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco invariably commences by sowing or transplanting seedlings.

Sowing must take place between 1 June and 15 August.

The transplanting of radicchio seedlings must take place between 15 June and 31 August.

Growing, blanching, forcing and the development of the characteristics as laid down for the PGI Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco to be released for consumption and the packaging stage must be carried out within the area defined in section 4.3.

Radicchio marketed before it displays the characteristics laid down for PGI Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco, as described above, outside the production area irretrievably forfeits the right to use the PGI and any other geographical indication.

The traditional procedure of processing the product is described below.

Forcing and blanching

Forcing and blanching are essential and irreplaceable stages which bring out the organoleptic, commercial and aesthetic qualities of Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco. It is achieved by allowing the heads to form new leaves under light-free conditions, i.e. leaves containing little to no chlorophyll pigment. This serves to highlight the variegation in the leaf fronds, reduce the fibrous consistency and develop a crunchy and pleasantly bitter taste.

Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco is forced:

by vertically immersing the heads up to the stem in spring water at a temperature of about 11 °C for a period that is sufficient to allow them to reach the right level of ripeness and the characteristics as set out above,


in heated spaces created in the field, ensuring the right level of humidity of the root structure, reducing the intensity of light and promoting the growth of new shoots from each head.

Dressing stage

Afterwards comes the dressing stage, which involves discarding any leaves that have deteriorated or display irregular characteristics, and then cutting and paring the stem to a size proportionate to the head.

Dressing must be carried out immediately before the product is sent for distribution. After dressing, the radicchio is placed in large receptacles with running water to be washed and packaged.

Radicchio released for consumption using the PGI Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco must be packaged:

in suitable containers with a base of 30 × 50 cm or 30 × 40 cm and a maximum capacity of 5 kg of product,

in suitable containers with a base of 40 × 60 cm and a maximum capacity of 7,5 kg of product,

in suitable containers of other sizes, provided they do not hold more than 2 kg of product.

Each container must have a sealed cover to prevent the content from being removed without breaking the seal.

4.6.   Link: The environmental conditions and natural and human factors in the production area combine to meet the requirements of Radicchio variegato di Castelfranco. History, progress, centuries-old traditions of local farms and growers, the characteristics of the land, the climate, the temperature of the ground water and the ability to produce springs simply by drilling, i.e. at low cost, all underpin the link between Radicchio variegato di Castelfranco and the environment in which it is grown.

4.7.   Inspection body:


CSQA — Certificazioni S.r.l.


Via S. Gaetano, 74

I-36016 Thiene (VI)


(39) 0445 36 60 94


(39) 0445 38 26 72



4.8.   Labelling: The containers must bear the following wording, in block letters of equal size: Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco PGI. The containers must also bear the following:

the name or company and address or registered office of the individual producer or association of producers and the packager, and

the net weight as sold,

they may bear additional information, provided this is not of a laudatory nature and does not mislead the consumer as to the nature and characteristics of the product.

Every container and/or cover seal must also feature the logo identifying the PGI, using the shapes, colours, sizes and proportions as indicated.

The logo, which is red in colour on a white background, is made up of an image depicting a stylised radicchio composition with, above it, the words Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco PGI, the whole image being framed by a red border.

Font: Rockwell condensed

Colour of logo: Red = Magenta 100 % — Yellow 80 % — Cyan 30 %

In addition, the logo may also be affixed to the seal by the person concerned.

Any other indication used alongside Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco PGI must be significantly smaller in size.

(1)  OJ L 93, 31.3.2006, p. 12.