

Official Journal of the European Union

C 90/5

Publication of an amendment application pursuant to Article 6(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 510/2006 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs

(2007/C 90/03)

This publication confers the right to object to the amendment application pursuant to Article 7 of Council Regulation (EC) No 510/2006 (1). Statements of objections must reach the Commission within six months from the date of this publication.



Amendment application pursuant to Article 9 and Article 17(2)


EC No: IT/PDO/117/0014/20.09.2002

PDO ( X ) PGI ( )

Amendment(s) requested

Heading(s) in the specification:


Name of product


Description of product


Geographical area


Proof of origin


Method of production






National requirements



In addition to the existing shapes, egg-shaped cheeses, which are also typical, are to be included. The minimum weight is to be changed from 20 to 10 grams. The maximum weight for ‘plait’-shaped cheeses is 3 kg.

Geographical area

The geographical area is extended to include:


a number of municipalities contiguous to it in the province of Latina (Santi Cosma e Damiano) in the Lazio Region, in the province of Naples (Arzano, Cardito, Frattamaggiore, Frattaminore, Mugnano) in the Campania Region and in the province of Isernia (Venafro) in the Molise Region, and


a number of municipalities (Manfredonia, Lesina, Poggio Imperiale) and parts of some others (Cerignola, Foggia, Lucera, Torremaggiore, Apricena, Sannicandro Garganico, Cagnano Varano, S. Giovanni Rotondo, S. Marco in Lamis) in the central area of the province of Foggia in the Apulia Region,

all of which are municipalities or parts of municipalities in respect of which a link with the area, proof of origin and a tradition of production have been recognised.

Method of production

The requirements to be met by the raw materials are set out and the different phases of the production process are described in detail.

The raw material is whole, fresh buffalo milk. This is specified to prevent the use of frozen or deep-frozen milk.

The breed of buffalo specified, ‘Italian Mediterranean buffalo’, is nationally recognised.

The minimum fat content (raised from 7 % to 7,2 %) and protein content (inserted in the specification as 4,2 %) are also mentioned in order to ensure only best-quality milk is used.

As regards the production process, the maximum time between milking and the beginning of cheese making is fixed at 60 hours, the requirement to deliver the milk for cheese-making no later than 16 hours after milking has been deleted and it is expressly stated that the milk may be pasteurised and/or heat treated, whereas traditionally these methods were used where the time taken to use the milk was too long to guarantee its quality.

In addition, the operations involved in processing the milk into ‘Mozarella di Bufala Campana ’PDO are better described: the acidification of the milk and the curd is obtained by the addition of natural whey inoculum taken from earlier processing of buffalo milk in the same holding or in neighbouring holdings. The maximum heating temperature is also changed from 36° to 39°. The rennet is specifically natural calf's rennet.

The characteristics of the protective liquid in which the product is immersed (which must be carried out in the same establishment as that of its own production) until it is released for consumption are that it is acidified (lactic or citric acid may be used) and possibly salty.


The colour specifications of the mark of the protected designation of origin and additional indications, such as the reference to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1107/96 on registration, are defined.

The additional geographical indications provided for in the specification (‘Piana del Sele’, ‘Piana del Volturno’, ‘Aversana ’and ‘Pontina’), but not protected under Community rules, are to be deleted since they are not used. Furthermore, use of a geographical adjective for the product other than ‘Campana ’is prohibited.




EC No: IT/PDO/117/0014/20.09.2002

PDO ( X ) PGI ( )

This summary sets out the main elements of the product specification for information purposes.

1.   Responsible department in the Member State:


Ministero Politiche agricole, alimentari e forestali


Via XX Settembre, 20

I-00187 Roma


(39) 06 481 99 68


(39) 06 42 01 31 26



2.   Group:


Consorzio tutela del formaggio Mozzarella di Bufala Campana


Viale Carlo III, 128

I-San Nicola la Strada (CE)


(39) 0823 42 47 80


(39) 0823 45 27 82



Producers/processors ( X ) other ( )

3.   Type of product:

Class 1.3 — Cheeses

4.   Specification:

(summary of requirements under Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 510/2006)

4.1.   Name: ‘Mozzarella di Bufala Campana’

4.2.   Description: When released for consumption, ‘Mozzarella di Bufala Campana ’has the following characteristics:

outline: in addition to rounded, other shapes typical of the area of production are permissible, such as bite-size, plaited, pearl, cherry, knot and oval shapes;

weight: ranging from 10 to 800 grams depending on the shape. Plait-shaped cheeses may weigh up to 3 kg;

external appearance: porcelain white in colour, very fine crust of approximately one millimetre, smooth surface, never slimy nor flaky;

body: structure consisting of thin leaves which is elastic in the first eight to ten hours after production and processing, subsequently tending to become more flowing; free of defects such eyes caused by gaseous or unusual fermentation; no preservatives, inhibitors or colouring; when cut it exudes fatty, whitish whey-like droplets with the aroma of lactic ferments;

taste: characteristic and delicate;

fat content on the dry matter: 52 % minimum;

maximum moisture content: 65 %.

4.3.   Geographical area: The area of origin of the milk for the processing and production of the ‘Mozzarella di Bufala Campana ’covers the administrative area of the municipalities in the provinces of Benevento, Caserta, Naples, Salerno, Frosinone, Latina, Rome, Foggia and Isernia set out in the specification and located in the Regions of Campania, Lazio, Apulia and Molise.

4.4   Proof of origin: Every stage in the production process must be monitored and a record made of the inputs and outputs at each stage. This, together with lists managed by the monitoring body recording the farmers, producers and packagers, ensures the product can be traced throughout the whole chain of production. The raw material itself is carefully monitored by the responsible body throughout the production stage. All natural and legal persons recorded in the appropriate lists are subject to checks by the monitoring body, according to the terms of the specification and the corresponding monitoring plan. If the monitoring body finds any failure to comply in even a single stage of the production, the product may not be marketed under the ‘Mozzarella di Bufala Campana ’protected designation of origin.

4.5.   Method of production: The specification requires ‘Mozzarella di Bufala Campana ’to be produced exclusively with whole, fresh buffalo milk. Production requires the use of raw milk, which may be heat treated or pasteurised, from buffalo reared in the production area delimited in Article 2 of the specification.

The milk must be processed into Mozzarella di Bufala Campana within 60 hours of the first milking.

The milk and the curds are acidified by adding natural whey rennet taken from earlier processing of buffalo milk in the same holding or in neighbouring holdings in the delimited production area. After the milk is heated at a temperature ranging from 33 °C to 39 °C, coagulation is obtained by adding natural calf's rennet.

After it is mixed with boiling water, the curds are mixed, cut and/or shaped into individual pieces of the appropriate shape and size and then placed in drinkable water for varying lengths of time depending on size until they harden.

Salting takes place in brine. This is immediately followed by packaging, which must be carried out in the same establishment as production.

The packaged product must be kept in its protective liquid, which is acidic and may be salted, until final consumption. The characteristic acidity of the protective liquid may be achieved by adding lactic acid or citric acid.

The product may be smoked, but only using natural traditional methods; where that is the case, the designation of origin must be followed by the term ‘smoked’.

4.6.   Link: The provinces affected by the PDO all fall within an area considered homogenous in many respects. They are areas which, in the past, were marshland, and which have now disappeared after extensive drainage, crossed by medium or small rivers and many canals which regulate the flow of water. The nature of the soil is mostly volcanic and alluvial. The climate is mild, the average annual temperature varies between 17,5 °C and 16,5°C; precipitation is between 804 mm and 918 mm. The buffalo are reared in flat or low hill areas; the plains are surrounded by hills which act as a windbreak against cold northerly winds and the climate is mitigated by the nearby sea which slows heat loss. These characteristics are unique in Europe and in Italy, in particular as regards the volcanic origin of the soil mostly consisting of reclaimed earth after drainage and the presence of small and medium rivers.

The buffalo are kept in the open and progressive farms mostly keep livestock semi-loose. They are fed on fodder produced in an area where the soil is naturally alluvial mixed with volcanic debris. Maturation of the curds and of the finished product is undoubtedly influenced by the climate which gives the Mozzarella di Bufala Campana characteristics that cannot be reproduced anywhere outside the designated area.

This combination of production and climate factors in the limited area in question creates the optimal conditions to give the product its specific and characteristic features making this method of production unique in its field. Many documents confirm that the rearing of buffalo in southern Italy has been viably pursued since the end of the 13th century.

4.7.   Inspection body:


CSQA S.r.l. Certificazioni


Via S. Gaetano, 74

I-36016 Thiene (VI)


(39) 0445 36 60 94


(39) 0445 38 26 72



4.8.   Labelling: When it is released for consumption, the ‘Mozzarella di Bufala Campana ’PDO cheese must have affixed on the packaging the logo bearing the number allocated by the cooperative and the reference to the Community Regulation under which the designation is registered as a guarantee that it meets the specific requisite standards.

The ‘Mozzarella di Bufala Campana ’PDO logo shows, at the top, a red sun with radiating rays; in the centre, a black silhouette of a buffalo head in profile; and at the bottom the wording ‘Mozzarella di Bufala ’in white against a green background and the word ‘Campana ’in green below.

Particulars of the logo are set out in the specification.

Where the product is made with raw milk the label must specifically say so. No other geographical description may be used in the name or presentation of the Mozzarella di Bufala Campana PDO product.

(1)  OJ L 93, 31.3.2006, p. 12.