

Official Journal of the European Union

C 95/3

Information procedure — Technical rules

(2005/C 95/03)

(Text with EEA relevance)

Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules on Information Society services. (OJ L 204, 21.7.1998, p. 37; OJ L 217, 5.8.1998, p. 18).

Notifications of draft national technical rules received by the Commission

Reference (1)


End of three-month standstill period  (2)


Administrative provisions of the Swedish Board of Agriculture on the declaration of infection with regard to American foulbrood and varroasis in bees



The Traffic Signs (Amendment No 2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005



Draft Ministerial Decree on the technical requirements and different levels of accessibility of IT equipment



Draft Order laying down the health conditions for importing into France compound products intended for human consumption



Technical guideline TSG-1-001:2005: fire safety in buildings, Spread of Fire to Neighbouring Constructions, Load-Bearing of the Construction and the Spread of Fire in Buildings, Evacuation Routes and Fire Detection and Alarm Systems, Fire Extinguishing Devices and Fire-Fighting Access



Supreme Chemical Council Decision 28/2005 amending Supreme Chemical Council Decision No 514/2004 entitled ‘Vehicle fuels — Diesel — Specifications and test methods’



Supreme Chemical Council Decision No 29/2005 amending Supreme Chemical Council Decision No 510/2004 entitled ‘Vehicle fuels — Unleaded petrol — Specifications and test methods’


The Commission draws attention to the judgement delivered on 30 April 1996 in the ‘CIA Security’ case (C-194/94 — ECR I, p. 2201), in which the Court of Justice ruled that Articles 8 and 9 of Directive 98/34/EC (formerly 83/189/EEC) are to be interpreted as meaning that individuals may rely on them before national courts which must decline to apply a national technical regulation which has not been notified in accordance with the Directive.

This judgement confirms the Commission's communication of 1 October 1986 (OJ C 245, 1.10.1986, p. 4).

Accordingly, breach of the obligation to notify renders the technical regulations concerned inapplicable, and consequently unenforceable against individuals.

For more information on the notification procedure, please write to:

European Commission

DG Enterprise and Industry, Unit C3

B–1049 Brussels

e-mail: Dir83-189-Central@cec.eu.int

Also consult the website: http://europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/tris/

If you require any further information on these notifications, please contact the national departments listed below:




Qualité et Sécurité

SPF Economie, PME, Classes moyennes et Energie

NG III – 4ème étage

boulevard du Roi Albert II / 16

B-1000 Bruxelles

Ms Pascaline Descamps

Tel.: (32) 2 206 46 89

Fax: (32) 2 206 57 46

E-mail: pascaline.descamps@mineco.fgov.be


General e-mail: belnotif@mineco.fgov.be

Website: http://www.mineco.fgov.be


Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing

Gorazdova 24

P.O. BOX 49

CZ-128 01 Praha 2

Ms Helena Fofonková

Tel.: (420) 224 907 125

Fax: (420) 224 907 122

E-mail: fofonkova@unmz.cz

General e-mail: eu9834@unmz.cz

Website: http://www.unmz.cz


Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen

Dahlerups Pakhus

Langelinie Allé 17

DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø (or DK-2100 Copenhagen OE)

Tel.: (45) 35 46 66 89 (direct)

Fax: (45) 35 46 62 03

E-mail: Ms Birgitte Spühler Hansen - bsh@ebst.dk

Mutual mailbox for notification messages - noti@ebst.dk

Website: http://www.ebst.dk/Notifikationer


Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit

Referat XA2

Scharnhorststr. 34 - 37

D-10115 Berlin

Ms Christina Jäckel

Tel.: (49) 30 2014 6353

Fax: (49) 30 2014 5379

E-mail: infonorm@bmwa.bund.de

Website: http://www.bmwa.bund.de


Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications

Harju str. 11

EE-15072 Tallinn

Mr Margus Alver

Tel.: (372) 6 256 405

Fax: (372) 6 313 660

E-mail: margus.alver@mkm.ee

General e-mail: el.teavitamine@mkm.ee


Ministry of Development

General Secretariat of Industry

Mesogeion 119

GR-101 92 ATHENS

Tel.: (30) 210 696 98 63

Fax: (30) 210 696 91 06


Acharnon 313

GR-111 45 ATHENS

Tel.: (30) 210 212 03 01

Fax: (30) 210 228 62 19

E-mail: 83189in@elot.gr

Website: http://www.elot.gr


Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores

Secretaría de Estado de Asuntos Europeos

Direccion General de Coordinacion del Mercado Interior y otras Políticas Comunitarias

Subdireccion General de Asuntos Industriales, Energéticos, de Transportes y Comunicaciones y de Medio Ambiente

C/Padilla, 46, Planta 2a, Despacho: 6218

E-28006 MADRID

Mr Angel Silván Torregrosa

Tel.: (34) 91 379 83 32

Ms Esther Pérez Peláez

Technical Advisor

E-mail: esther.perez@ue.mae.es

Tel.: (34) 91 379 84 64

Fax: (34) 91 379 84 01

E-mail: d83-189@ue.mae.es


Délégation interministérielle aux normes

Direction générale de l'Industrie, des Technologies de l'information et des Postes (DiGITIP)

Service des politiques d'innovation et de compétitivité (SPIC)

Sous-direction de la normalisation, de la qualité et de la propriété industrielle (SQUALPI)


12, rue Villiot

F-75572 Paris Cedex 12

Ms Suzanne Piau

Tel.: (33) 1 53 44 97 04

Fax: (33) 1 53 44 98 88

E-mail: suzanne.piau@industrie.gouv.fr

Ms Françoise Ouvrard

Tel.: (33) 1 53 44 97 05

Fax: (33) 1 53 44 98 88

E-mail: francoise.ouvrard@industrie.gouv.fr




Dublin 9


Mr Tony Losty

Tel.: (353) 1 807 38 80

Fax: (353) 1 807 38 38

E-mail: tony.losty@nsai.ie

Website: http://www.nsai.ie


Ministero delle attività produttive

Dipartimento per le imprese

Direzione Generale per lo sviluppo produttivo e la competitività

Ufficio F1 - Ispettorato tecnico dell'industria

Via Molise 2

I-00187 Roma

Mr Vincenzo Correggia

Tel.: (39) 06 47 05 22 05

Fax: (39) 06 47 88 78 05

E-mail: vincenzo.correggia@minindustria.it

Mr Enrico Castiglioni

Tel.: (39) 06 47 05 26 69

Fax: (39) 06 47 88 77 48

E-mail: enrico.castiglioni@minindustria.it

E-mail: ispettoratotecnico@minindustria.flexmail.it

Website: http://www.minindustria.it


Cyprus Organization for the Promotion of Quality

Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism

13, A. Araouzou street

CY-1421 Nicosia

Tel.: (357) 22 409 313 or (357) 22 375 053

Fax: (357) 22 754 103

Mr Antonis Ioannou

Tel.: (357) 22 409 409

Fax: (357) 22 754 103

E-mail: aioannou@cys.mcit.gov.cy

Ms Thea Andreou

Tel.: (357) 22 409 404

Fax: (357) 22 754 103

E-mail: tandreou@cys.mcit.gov.cy

General e-mail: dir9834@cys.mcit.gov.cy

Website: http://www.cys.mcit.gov.cy


Division of the Commercial Normative, SOLVIT and Notification

Internal Market Department of the

Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia

55, Brvibas str.



Ms Agra Ločmele

Senior Officer of the Division of the Commercial Normative, SOLVIT and Notification

E-mail: agra.locmele@em.gov.lv

Tel.: (371) 7031236

Fax: (371) 7280882

E-mail: notification@em.gov.lv


Lithuanian Standards Board

T. Kosciuskos g. 30

LT-01100 Vilnius

Ms Daiva Lesickiene

Tel.: (370) 5 2709347

Fax: (370) 5 2709367

E-mail: dir9834@lsd.lt

Website: http://www.lsd.lt


SEE - Service de l'Energie de l'Etat

34, avenue de la Porte-Neuve

B.P. 10

L-2010 Luxembourg

Mr J.P. Hoffmann

Tel.: (352) 46 97 46 1

Fax: (352) 22 25 24

E-mail: see.direction@eg.etat.lu

Website: http://www.see.lu


Hungarian Notification Centre –

Ministry of Economy and Transport


Honvéd u. 13-15.


Mr Zsolt Fazekas

E-mail: fazekaszs@gkm.hu

Tel.: (36) 1 374 2873

Fax: (36) 1 473 1622

E-mail: notification@gkm.hu

Website: http://www.gkm.hu/dokk/main/gkm


Malta Standards Authority

Level 2

Evans Building

Merchants Street

VLT 03


Tel.: (356) 2124 2420

Fax: (356) 2124 2406

Ms Lorna Cachia

E-mail: lorna.cachia@msa.org.mt

General e-mail: notification@msa.org.mt

Website: http://www.msa.org.mt


Ministerie van Financiën

Belastingsdienst/Douane Noord

Team bijzondere klantbehandeling

Centrale Dienst voor In-en uitvoer

Engelse Kamp 2

Postbus 30003

9700 RD Groningen


Mr Ebel van der Heide

Tel.: (31) 50 5 23 21 34

Ms Hennie Boekema

Tel.: (31) 50 5 23 21 35

Ms Tineke Elzer

Tel.: (31) 50 5 23 21 33

Fax: (31) 50 5 23 21 59

General e-mail: Enquiry.Point@tiscali-business.nl



Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit

Abteilung C2/1

Stubenring 1

A-1010 Wien

Ms Brigitte Wikgolm

Tel.: (43) 1 711 00 58 96

Fax: (43) 1 715 96 51 or (43) 1 712 06 80

E-mail: not9834@bmwa.gv.at

Website: http://www.bmwa.gv.at


Ministry of Economy and Labour

Department for European and Multilateral Relations

Plac Trzech Krzyży 3/5

PL-00-507 Warszawa

Ms Barbara Nieciak

Tel.: (48) 22 693 54 07

Fax: (48) 22 693 40 28

E-mail: barnie@mg.gov.pl

Ms Agata Gągor

Tel.: (48) 22 693 56 90

General e-mail: notyfikacja@mg.gov.pl


Instituto Portugês da Qualidade

Rua Antonio Gião, 2

P-2829-513 Caparica

Ms Cândida Pires

Tel.: (351) 21 294 82 36 or 81 00

Fax: (351) 21 294 82 23

E-mail: c.pires@mail.ipq.pt

General e-mail: not9834@mail.ipq.pt

Website: http://www.ipq.pt


SIST – Slovenian Institute for Standardization

Contact point for 98/34/EC and WTO-TBT Enquiry Point

Šmartinska 140

SLO-1000 Ljubljana

Tel.: (386) 1 478 3041

Fax: (386) 1 478 3098

E-mail: contact@sist.si

Ms Vesna Stražišar


Ms Kvetoslava Steinlova

Director of the Department of European Integration,

Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing of the Slovak Republic

Stefanovicova 3

SK-814 39 Bratislava

Tel.: (421) 2 5249 3521

Fax: (421) 2 5249 1050

E-mail: steinlova@normoff.gov.sk


Kauppa-ja teollisuusministeriö

(Ministry of Trade and Industry)

Visitor address:

Aleksanterinkatu 4

FIN-00171 Helsinki


Katakatu 3

FIN-00120 Helsinki

Postal address:

PO Box 32

FIN-00023 Government

Mr Henri Backman

Tel.: (358) 9 1606 36 27

Fax: (358) 9 1606 46 22

E-mail: henri.backman@ktm.fi

Ms Katri Amper

General e-mail: maaraykset.tekniset@ktm.fi

Website: http://www.ktm.fi



(National Board of Trade)

Box 6803

Drottninggatan 89

S – 113 86 Stockholm

Ms Kerstin Carlsson

Tel.: (46) 86 90 48 82 or (46) 86 90 48 00

Fax: (46) 86 90 48 40 or (46) 83 06 759

E-mail: kerstin.carlsson@kommers.se

General e-mail: 9834@kommers.se

Website: http://www.kommers.se


Department of Trade and Industry

Standards and Technical Regulations Directorate 2

151 Buckingham Palace Road

London SW1 W 9SS

United Kingdom

Mr Philip Plumb

Tel.: (44) 2072151488

Fax: (44) 2072151529

E-mail: philip.plumb@dti.gsi.gov.uk

General e-mail: 9834@dti.gsi.gov.uk

Website: http://www.dti.gov.uk/strd


EFTA Surveillance Authority

Rue Belliard 35

B-1040 Bruxelles

Ms Adinda Batsleer

Tel.: (32) 2 286 18 61

Fax: (32) 2 286 18 00

E-mail: aba@eftasurv.int

Ms Tuija Ristiluoma

Tel.: (32) 2 286 18 71

Fax: (32) 2 286 18 00

E-mail: tri@eftasurv.int

General e-mail: DRAFTTECHREGESA@eftasurv.int

Website: http://www.eftasurv.int


Goods Unit

EFTA Secretariat

Rue de Trêves 74

B-1040 Bruxelles

Ms Kathleen Byrne

Tel.: (32) 2 286 17 34

Fax: (32) 2 286 17 42

E-mail: kathleen.byrne@efta.int

General e-mail: DRAFTTECHREGEFTA@efta.int

Website: http://www.efta.int


Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade

General Directorate of Standardisation for Foreign Trade

Inönü Bulvari no 36


Emek - Ankara

Mr Saadettin Doğan

Tel.: (90) 312 212 58 99

(90) 312 204 81 02

Fax: (90) 312 212 87 68

E-mail: dtsabbil@dtm.gov.tr

Website: http://www.dtm.gov.tr

(1)  Year - registration number - Member State of origin.

(2)  Period during which the draft may not be adopted.

(3)  No standstill period since the Commission accepts the grounds of urgent adoption invoked by the notifying Member State.

(4)  No standstill period since the measure concerns technical specifications or other requirements or rules on services linked to fiscal or financial measures, pursuant to the third indent of the second paragraph of Article 1(11) of Directive 98/34/EC.

(5)  Information procedure closed.