
Information procedure — Technical rules (Text with EEA relevance)

Official Journal C 221 , 17/09/2003 P. 0002 - 0005

Information procedure - Technical rules

(2003/C 221/02)

(Text with EEA relevance)

Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules on Information Society services. (OJ L 204, 21.7.1998, p. 37; OJ L 217, 5.8.1998, p. 18).

Notifications of draft national technical rules received by the Commission


The Commission draws attention to the judgment delivered on 30 April 1996 in the "CIA Security" case (C-194/94 - ECR I, p. 2201), in which the Court of Justice ruled that Articles 8 and 9 of Directive 98/34/EC (formerly 83/189/EEC) are to be interpreted as meaning that individuals may rely on them before national courts which must decline to apply a national technical regulation which has not been notified in accordance with the Directive.

This judgment confirms the Commission's communication of 1 October 1986 (OJ C 245, 1.10.1986, p. 4).

Accordingly, breach of the obligation to notify renders the technical regulations concerned inapplicable and consequently unenforceable against individuals.

For more information on the notification procedure, please write to: European Commission DG Entreprise, Unit F1 B - 1049 Brussels E-mail: Dir83-189-Central@cec.eu.int

Also consult the website: http://europa.eu.int/comm/ enterprise/tris/

If you require any further information on these notifications, please contact the national departments listed below:



BELNotif Qualité et Sécurité

SPF Economie, PME, Classes moyennes et Energie

NG III - 4e etage

Boulevard du Roi Albert II/Koning Albert II-laan 16

B - 1000 Brussels Website: http://www.mineco.fgov.be Ms P. Descamps Tel. (32-2) 206 46 89 Fax (32-2) 206 57 46 E-mail: belnotif@mineco.fgov.be


Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen Dahlerups Pakhus

Langelinie Allé 17

DK - 2100 Copenhagen Ø (or DK - 2100 Copenhagen OE ) Website: http://www.ebst.dk Ms Laila Østergren Tel. (45) 35 46 66 89 (direct) Fax (45) 35 46 62 03 E-mail: Ms Laila Østergren - loe@ebst.dk

Mrs Birgitte Spühler Hansen - bsh@ebst.dk

Mutual mailbox for notification messages - noti@ebst.dk


Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit Referat XA2 Scharnhorststraße 34-37 D - 10115 Berlin Website: http://www.bmwa.bund.de Ms Christina Jäckel Tel. (49-30) 20 14 63 53 Fax (49-30) 20 14 53 79 E-mail: infonorm@bmwa.bund.de


Ministry of Development General Secretariat of Industry Michalacopoulou 80 GR - 115 28 Athens Tel. (30-210) 778 17 31 Fax (30-210) 779 88 90 ELOT Acharnon 313 GR - 111 45 Athens Mr E. Melagrakis Tel. (30-210) 212 03 00 Fax (30-210) 228 62 19 E-mail: 83189in@elot.gr


Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores Secretaría de Estado de Asuntos Europeos

Direccion General de Coordinacion del Mercado Interior y otras Políticas Comunitarias

Subdireccion General de Asuntos Industriales, Energéticos, de Transportes y Comunicaciones y de Medio Ambiente

Padilla, 46, Planta 2a, Despacho: 6276 E - 28006 Madrid Ms Esther Pérez Peláez Tel. (34) 91379 84 64 Fax (34) 91379 84 01 E-mail: d83-189@ue.mae.es


Direction générale de l'industrie, des technologies de l'information et des postes (DiGITIP) Service des politiques d'innovation et de compétitivité (SPIC)

Sous-direction de la normalisation, de la qualité et de la propriété industrielle (SQUALPI)


12, rue Villiot F - 75572 Paris Cedex 12 Ms Suzanne Piau Tel. (33) 153 44 97 04 Fax (33) 153 44 98 88 E-mail: suzanne.piau@industrie.gouv.fr Ms Françoise Ouvrard Tel. (33) 153 44 97 05 Fax (33) 153 44 98 88 E-mail: francoise.ouvrard@industrie.gouv.fr




Dublin 9 Ireland Mr Tony Losty Tel. (353-1) 807 38 80 Fax (353-1) 807 38 38 E-mail: lostyt@nsai.ie


Ministero delle Attività produttive Dipartimento per le imprese

Direzione generale per lo Sviluppo produttivo e la competitività Ispettorato tecnico dell'industria - Ufficio F1

Via Molise 2 I - 00187 Roma Website: http://www.minindustria.it Mr V. Correggia Tel. (39) 06 47 05 22 05 Fax (39) 06 47 88 78 05 E-mail: vincenzo.correggia@minindustria.it Mr E. Castiglioni Tel. (39) 06 47 05 26 69 Fax (39) 06 47 88 77 48 E-mail: enrico.castiglioni@minindustria.it


SEE - Service de l'Énergie de l'État 34, avenue de la Porte-Neuve BP 10 L - 2010 Luxembourg Mr J. P. Hoffmann Tel. (352) 469 74 61 Fax (352) 22 25 24 E-mail: see.direction@eg.etat.lu


Ministerie van Financiën Belastingdienst/Douane Noord

Team bijzondere klantbehandeling

Centrale Dienst voor In- en uitvoer

Engelse Kamp 2 Postbus 30003 9700 RD Groningen Netherland Mr Ebel Van der Heide Tel. (31-50) 523 21 34 Ms Hennie Boekema Tel. (31-50) 523 21 35 Ms Tineke Elzer Tel. (31-50) 523 21 33 Fax (31-50) 523 21 59 General e-mail: Enquiry.Point@tiscali-business.nl



Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit Abteilung C2/1 Stubenring 1 A - 1010 Wien Website: http://www.bmwa.gv.at Ms Brigitte Wikgolm Tel. (43-1) 711 00 58 96 Fax (43-1) 715 96 51 or (43-1) 712 06 80 E-mail: post@tbt.bmwa.gv.at


Instituto Portugês da Qualidade Rua Antonio Gião, 2 P - 2829-513 Caparica Website: http://www.ipq.pt Ms Miranda Ondina Tel. (351-21) 294 82 36 or 81 00 Fax (351-21) 294 82 23 E-mail: MOndina@mail.ipq.pt


Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriö Visitor address: Aleksanterinkatu 4 FIN - 00171 Helsinki and Katakatu 3 FIN - 00120 Helsinki Postal address: PO Box 32 FIN - 00023 Valtioneuvosto Website: http://www.ktm.fi Ms Heli Malinen Tel. (358-9) 16 06 36 27 Fax (358-9) 16 06 46 22 E-mail: heli.malinen@ktm.fi Mr Katri Amper General e-mail: maaraykset.tekniset@ktm.fi



(National Board of Trade)

Box 6803 Drottninggatan 89 S - 113 86 Stockholm Website: http://www.kommers.se Ms Kerstin Carlsson Tel. (46-8) 690 48 82 or (46-8) 690 48 00 Fax (46-8) 690 48 40 or (46-8) 30 67 59 E-mail: kerstin.carlsson@kommers.se

General e-mail: 9834@kommers.se


Department of Trade and Industry Standards and Technical Regulations Directorate 2 Bay 327

151 Buckingham Palace Road

London SW1 W 9SS United Kingdom Website: http://www.dti.gov.uk/strd Mr Philip Plumb Tel. (44) 207 215 15 64 or 14 88 Fax (44) 207 215 15 29 E-mail: philip.plumb@dti.gsi.gov.uk

General e-mail: 98-34@dti.gov.uk


EFTA Surveillance Authority Rue de Trêves/Trierstraat 74 B - 1040 Brussels Website: http://www.eftasurv.int Mr Gunnar Thor Petursson Tel. (32-2) 286 18 71 Fax (32-2) 286 18 00 E-mail: DRAFTTECHREGESA@eftasurv.int EFTA Goods Unit

EFTA Secretariat

Rue de Trêves/Trierstraat 74 B - 1040 Brussels Website: http://www.efta.int Ms Kathleen Byrne Tel. (32-2) 286 17 34 Fax (32-2) 286 17 42 E-mail: DRAFTTECHREGEFTA@efta.int



Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade General Directorate of Standardisation for Foreign Trade Inönü Bulvari - Emek - Ankara Website: http://www.dtm.gov.tr Mr Saadettin Dogan Tel. (90-312) 212 88 00 of 20 44

(90-312) 212 88 00 of 25 65

Fax (90-312) 212 87 68 E-mail: dtsabbil@dtm.gov.tr