
Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific programme 2002-2006 for research, technological development and demonstration to be carried out by means of direct actions by the Joint Research Centre /* COM/2001/0279 final - CNS 2001/0124 */

Official Journal 240 E , 28/08/2001 P. 0238 - 0248

Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION adopting a specific programme 2002-2006 for research, technological development and demonstration to be carried out by means of direct actions by the Joint Research Centre


At its meeting on 23 and 24 March 2001, continuing its support for the European Research Area project as expressed in Lisbon, Feira and Nice, the European Council called upon the Council and the European Parliament to adopt the research Framework Programme 2002-2006 proposed by the Commission by June 2002.

In doing so, it stressed in particular that, in the context of a set of well defined priorities, full benefit should be derived from the new instruments designed to give this new Framework Programme the means to help bring about the European Research Area, in accordance with its objective.

The Commission submitted its Framework Programme proposal on 21 February 2001 [1]. Since then, Council and Parliament have had the opportunity to begin examining and discussing the proposal. On 2 and 3 March, at their informal meeting in Uppsala, the Research Ministers held a first exchange of views on it, and the Council bodies have started to examine it.

[1] COM (2001) 94.

For its part, the European Parliament has had three opportunities to debate this proposal, the last time on the basis of answers given by the Commission to a detailed questionnaire.

By presenting its proposals concerning the specific programmes through which the Framework Programme is to be implemented at this point in time, the Commission intends to facilitate the debate that has begun within the institutions, thus enabling it to take place in the best possible conditions of information.

With the same aim in mind, the Commission is at the same time presenting a communication on the possible ways of implementing Article 169 of the Treaty to enable participation by the Community in programmes implemented jointly by several Member States, within the general context of the networking of national research programmes.

The Commission will also be submitting proposals shortly concerning the "rules for participation and dissemination" applying to the Framework Programme.

The following main elements of these proposals, in particular, will help to give a better picture of the organisation, content and implementation arrangements proposed for the new Framework Programme:

- the structure in terms of specific programmes;

- the new instruments and the way they will operate;

- the scientific and technological content that is envisaged;

- the activities foreseen in the EURATOM area.

The structure

For the implementation of the Framework Programme, a structure based on five specific programmes is proposed:

- For the EC Framework Programme:

- A specific programme on "Integrating and strengthening the European Research Area" for the two blocks of activities "Integrating research" and "Strengthening the foundations of the European Research Area" of the Framework Programme proposal.

- A specific programme on "Structuring the European Research Area".

- A specific programme for JRC activities.

- For the EURATOM Framework Programme:

- A specific programme for all the indirect actions in the fields of nuclear fission and fusion.

- A specific programme for JRC activities.

This structure derives directly from that of the Framework Programme and is a faithful reflection of the underlying policy objectives. Simple and easy to follow, it will make it possible to ensure the coherent implementation of the different categories of actions proposed, while respecting the overall objective of making a reality of the European Research Area and taking account of the specific features of these actions.

It brings together, on the one hand, all research and research-coordination activities and, on the other, activities aimed at structuring several key aspects of research activity on a European scale.

In each case, coherent implementation can be ensured in particular by means of a single programme committee with a composition varying according to the fields concerned.

In addition, the particular nature of the JRC's activities justifies a separate specific programme both for the EC and for EURATOM.

On the basis of the indications given in Annex II to the Framework Programme proposal, and thanks to them, correspondence is ensured with the various activities foreseen in the Treaty both in terms of content and budget.

The new instruments

The contribution of the new Framework Programme to bringing about the European Research Area is based mainly on the means of intervention envisaged for implementing it, in particular the three new instruments, namely the networks of excellence, integrated projects and participation by the Community in jointly implemented national programmes.

The introduction of these new instruments, which was favourably received by the Council and the European Parliament in their resolutions on the European Research Area, is in response to the need for a change in the ways in which the Community intervenes in the research field, as stressed in various reports on Community research policy, and in particular the recent five-year assessment of the Framework Programme.

Work on the development of these instruments started as soon as the Framework Programme proposal was presented. Many contacts and detailed discussions about the way in which they will operate in practice have taken place between the Commission Services, the national authorities and the relevant programme users within research organisations, universities and businesses.

Two seminars were specifically organised on this topic on 19 and 20 April 2001 [2].

[2] Working papers are available on the following website: www.http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/.

On the basis of the results of this detailed work and discussions, the basic principles and the general conditions governing the operation of these new instruments have been established. They are presented in Annex III to the specific programme proposals and concern in particular:

- the objectives specifically pursued with each of the instruments;

- the type of activities involved;

- the general conditions governing the formation, operation and development of partnerships;

- the general conditions governing support by the Community.

These principles and conditions are designed to ensure that the new instruments will make an effective contribution towards attaining the objectives set, namely the deep integration of research and innovation activities in Europe under conditions of operational autonomy and flexibility, characteristics of the means of intervention foreseen for the new Framework Programme.

Their application will be accompanied by measures designed to derive full benefit from all the research and innovation potential present in Europe, in particular by encouraging SME participation in the activities concerned.

These remarks apply essentially to the networks of excellence and the integrated projects. Community participation in jointly implemented national programmes under Article 169 of the Treaty is of a different nature, necessitating and justifying separate treatment. The objective of the communication which the Commission is presenting on this subject, in parallel with these proposals, is to launch the political debate that needs to take place on this means of implementation within the Framework Programme.

The scientific and technological content

Alongside its organisation as a structuring instrument designed to integrate research efforts, a basic feature of the new Framework Programme underlined by the Stockholm European Council is the concentration of resources on a limited number of well defined priorities.

This is reflected in the specific programme proposals which explain in more detail, expand upon and clarify the indications given in the Framework Programme proposal as regards objectives, fields covered and, within each field, the particular themes taken into consideration.

The precise subjects of research that will be carried out will be determined when the work programmes are drawn up and the programmes of activities for the networks of excellence and integrated projects are formulated.

The objectives, content and implementation arrangements for activities to be carried out under the specific programmes have been the subject of an ex ante evaluation. In this context, a special effort has been made to define, in accordance with the indications given in the Framework Programme proposal, verifiable, measurable objectives where this is possible and useful.

Alongside the activities carried out in the context of the major priority themes, the specific programme on "Integrating and strengthening the European Research Area" will comprise several categories of activities that are new or carried out in new ways.

These are:

- Activities carried out under the heading "Anticipating the EU's scientific and technological needs" in response to the needs of Community policies, research at the frontiers of knowledge and new unforeseen requirements.

They will be conducted on the basis of a procedure for the multiannual programming of activities, carried out partly by means of an annual exercise of evaluation and selection of research themes.

- Activities in support of the networking of national research programmes and the coordination of research and innovation activities and policies. Light and flexible mechanisms will be used to this end.

International cooperation represents an important dimension of the Framework Programme. Activities will be carried out in this field in various forms: in the specific programme on "Integrating and strengthening the European Research Area" on the one hand by opening up the networks of excellence and integrated projects to third country researchers and entities and, on the other hand, through certain specific activities; in the programme "Structuring the European Research Area" by means of support for the international mobility of European researchers and third country researchers.

Under the heading of strengthening the foundations of the European Research Area, activities will be carried out in support of cooperation with and between the organisations concerned with European science and technology cooperation. These organisations will in fact have full access to all the activities under the programmes.

The description of the content of the programme on "structuring the European Research Area" specifies the implementation conditions and the possible themes for structuring activities, including a strengthening of the networking of innovation stakeholders; the various new forms of support for mobility; the integrated initiatives with regard to infrastructures and the themes and arrangements for activities in the field of relations between science and society.

In the implementation of the specific programmes, the regional dimension of European research will be fully taken into account in its different aspects, as well as the recognised role of regions in the process of innovation.

EURATOM activities

By their nature and on account of their different legal basis, the activities carried out in the EURATOM field have a particular character. In addition, in the nuclear field the issue of the European Research Area takes a specific form.

It might seem easier to make a reality of the European Research Area in the field of nuclear fission than in the rest of science and technology, given the limited size of the scientific and industrial community concerned and the existence within it of long-standing collaboration links.

The European Research Area is already to a large extent a reality in the field of controlled nuclear fusion thanks to the existence of an integrated European programme on research into magnetic fusion.

The proposal for a specific programme for indirect nuclear research activities substantially expands upon and clarifies the indications given in the corresponding part of the EURATOM Framework Programme proposal.

In the field of fission, the Framework Programme proposal identifies a thematic area: waste treatment and storage. Activities could be carried out in this area by means of two of the new instruments for the priority thematic areas of the programme on "Integrating and strengthening the European Research Area" of the EC Framework programme, namely the networks of excellence and integrated projects.

The rest of the activities relating to fission concern other aspects of nuclear safety: radiation protection, the study of innovative concepts and training concerning nuclear matters. These activities could be carried out in the form of projects of limited size and the networking of national activities, with the possibility of making use of the new instruments where necessary.

In the field of thermonuclear fusion, the specific programme proposal expands upon and clarifies the guidelines given in the EURATOM Framework Programme proposal following on from the results of the Ministerial Meeting held on 19 January 2001 on the basis in particular of a Commission staff working document [3].

[3] SEC (2001)385.

It specifies the priorities proposed and the activities to be carried out during the period 2002-2006 in accordance with the "reactor" orientation of Community activities in this field which it is thought desirable to maintain: participation in the Next Step and use of the JET facilities.

Choices will need to be made in order to put this orientation into practice. In order to increase the impact of Community efforts in this area, and in accordance with the spirit of the European Research Area, it is proposed that resources should be concentrated on multilateral activities bringing together European research players on joint projects such as JET today, and ITER in due course if a decision is taken to build this new machine.

Overall coordination at European level, the usefulness of which has been demonstrated, would be maintained, but the Member States would take responsibility for a larger proportion than at present of the activities where the "reactor" orientation and the link with the Next Step are less marked.

The period 2002-2006 should be a period of transition towards a programme dominated by commitments connected with the Next Step. Of the EUR 700 million proposed for the whole of fusion research, EUR 200 million are foreseen as a contribution to the construction of ITER which could commence during the second half of the period of implementation of the Framework Programme, i.e. 2005-2006, and which necessitates a specific decision.

The bulk of the Community fusion research activities for 2002-2006 are therefore intended to ensure the transition between the activities at present carried out in the associations and what should become a fusion physics and technology accompanying programme once the ITER project has reached "cruising speed" after 2006 if a decision is taken to go ahead and start building the machine.

Efficient implementation

Designed to help bring about the European Research Area, the Framework Programme 2002-2006 is based on three fundamental principles: concentration on a selected number of priorities; structuring effect by means of close liaison with the national efforts; simplification and streamlining of implementation conditions.

The need for this sort of improvement in the conditions governing the implementation of the Framework Programme and the specific programmes has been stressed repeatedly: by the Council and the European Parliament, by the Framework Programme five-year assessment panel, and by the Court of Auditors, in particular.

For the most part, the improvement in implementation conditions will be brought about by adopting the new means of intervention and the new instruments designed to help achieve the twin objectives of concentration and of strengthening the links between efforts at the various levels.

The networks of excellence and the integrated projects have been designed with this in mind, based on a more decentralised approach enabling the participants to have a large measure of operational autonomy as well as the requisite degree of flexibility in implementation. The partnerships, more particularly, are designed to be able to evolve so that new participants can join, and the initial participants can withdraw, throughout their duration.

The basic principles applying to the new instruments are described in Annex III to the specific programme proposals. The detailed rules for implementing them will be set out in the "Rules for participation and dissemination" taking account of the objectives of protecting the Communities' financial interests.

Other aspects of the management of the activities under the programmes will also be "externalised", more particularly certain aspects of the management of research activities for SMEs and activities in support of mobility.

An essential debate

When the Commission submits a proposal for a new EU Research Framework Programme there is always a wide-ranging and intense debate.

This debate, which is already under way, should go beyond a discussion of the priorities and areas to which it is often reduced:

- because the Framework Programme 2002-2006 is essentially characterised by the introduction of new means of intervention with considerable potential to have positive effects on the European research fabric, which should be put into effect under the best possible conditions;

because implementing the Framework Programme for this reason requires greater involvement on the part of those responsible for research in Europe, at a high level of decision taking, in the national research organisations, universities and industry, and greater initiative and the assumption of greater responsibility on the part of the participants.

2001/0124 (CNS)

Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION adopting a specific programme 2002-2006 for research, technological development and demonstration to be carried out by means of direct actions by the Joint Research Centre


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 166(4) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission [4]

[4] OJ ...

Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament [5]

[5] OJ ...

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee [6]

[6] OJ ...

Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions [7]

[7] OJ ...


(1) In accordance with Article 166 (3) of the Treaty,] Decision No.../../EC of [...] of the European Parliament and the Council concerning the multiannual framework programme 2002-2006 of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities aimed at contributing towards the creation of the European Research Area [8] (hereinafter referred to as the "framework programme is to be implemented through specific programmes that define detailed rules for their implementation, fix their duration and provide for the means deemed necessary.

[8] OJ....

(2) The framework programme is structured in three main blocks of activities, "integrating research", "structuring the European Research Area", and "strengthening the foundations of the European Research Area", within the first of which the direct actions conducted by the Joint Research Centre should be implemented by this specific programme, while contributing in part to the aims of the other two.

(3) The rules for the participation of undertakings, research centres and universities and for the dissemination of research results, for the framework programme, adopted by the European Parliament and Council in Decision No.../../EC [9] (hereafter referred to as "the rules for participation and dissemination") should apply to this programme as regards dissemination of research results.

[9] OJ ...

(4) In implementing this programme, emphasis should be given to promoting mobility and training of researchers, and innovation, in the Community.

(5) For the purpose of implementing this programme, in addition to co-operation covered by the Agreement on the European Economic Area or by an Association Agreement, it may be appropriate to engage in international co-operation activities, in particular on the basis of Article 170 of the Treaty, with third countries and international organisations. Special attention should be paid to Accession Countries.

(6) Research activities carried out within this programme should respect the fundamental ethical principles, notably those which appear in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

(7) Following the Commission Communication "Women and Science" [10] and the Resolutions of the Council [11] and the European Parliament [12] on this scheme, an action plan is being implemented in order to reinforce and increase the place of women in science and research.

[10] COM(1999)76.

[11] Resolution of 20 May 1999, OJ C201, 16.7.1999

[12] Resolution of 3 February 2000, PE 284.656.

(8) This programme should be implemented in a flexible, efficient and transparent manner, taking account of relevant needs of JRC's user and Community policies, as well as respecting the objective and protecting the communities financial interests. The research activities carried out under it should be adapted where appropriate to these needs and to scientific and technological developments.

(9) The JRC should actively pursue activities in innovation and technology transfer.

(10) In the implementation of this programme, the Board of Governors of the JRC should be consulted by the Commission in accordance with the relevant provisions of Commission Decision 96/282/Euratom of 10 April 1996 on the reorganisation of the Joint Research Centre. [13].

[13] OJ L 107, 30.4.1996, p. 12.

(11) The Commission should in due course arrange for an independent assessment to be conducted concerning the activities carried out in the fields covered by this programme.

(12) The Board of Governors of the JRC has been consulted on the scientific and technological content of this specific programme,


Article 1

1. In accordance with Decision [...] on the framework programme 2002-2006 (hereinafter referred to as "the framework programme"), a specific programme related to direct actions of research, technological development and demonstration to be carried out by the Joint Research Centre (hereinafter referred to as "the specific programme") is hereby adopted for the period from [.....] to 31 December 2006.

2. The objectives and scientific and technological priorities for the specific programme are set out in Annex I.

Article 2

In accordance with Annex II to [Decision [.../...] / the framework programme], the amount deemed necessary for the execution of the specific programme is EUR 715 million. An indicative breakdown of this amount is given in Annex II to this Decision.

Article 3

1. The Commission shall be responsible for the implementation of the specific programme.

2. The specific programme shall be implemented by means of the instruments defined in Annexes I and III to the framework programme and in Annex III to this Decision.

3. The rules for the participation of undertakings, research centres and universities and for the dissemination of research results (hereinafter referred to as "the rules for participation and dissemination") set out in Decision [.../...] shall apply to the specific programme, as regards dissemination of research results.

Article 4

1. The Commission shall draw up a work programme for the implementation of the specific programme, which shall be made available to all interested parties, setting out in greater detail the objectives and scientific and technological priorities, set out in Annex I, and the timetable for implementation, and the implementation arrangements.

2. The work programme shall take account of relevant research activities carried out by the Member States, Associated States, European and international organisations. It shall be updated where appropriate.

Article 5

For the purposes of implementing the specific programme, the Board of Governors of the JRC shall be consulted by the Commission in accordance with Commission Decision 96/282/Euratom.

The Commission shall regularly inform the Board of Governors of the implementation of this specific programme.

Article 6

1. The Commission shall regularly report on the overall progress of the implementation of the specific programme, in accordance with Article 4 of the framework programme.

2. The Commission shall arrange for the independent assessment provided for in Article 5 of the framework programme to be conducted concerning the activities carried out in the fields covered by the specific programme.

Article 6

This decision is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, [...]

For the Council

The President [...]


Scientific and technological objectives and broad outlines of the activities

1. Introduction

The Joint Research Centre carries out its work programme with the mission to provide customer-driven scientific and technical support for the conception, implementation and monitoring of European Union policies. The JRC serves the common interest of the Member States while being independent of special interests, private or national, and as such provides support when there is a need for European intervention.

The JRC's contribution to the Framework Programme incorporates recommendations of recent evaluations of the JRC [14] and requirements necessitated by the Reform of the Commission. In particular, it includes:

[14] Davignon Report (2000), 5-year assessment of JRC (2000), 1999 JRC Scientific Audit, 2001 PrioritisationAudit

- A strengthened user-orientation

- Networking activities to create a broad knowledge base and, in the spirit of the European Research Area (ERA), more closely associate Member and Accession State laboratories, industry and regulators in the S&T support provided to the EU policies.

- The concentration of activities on selected themes, including training of researchers.

It responds to clearly expressed needs and requirements, notably from the Commission services, which have been identified and are updated through systematic and regular contacts [15].

[15] Annual users workshops, interservice group of users DGs, bilateral agreements, etc.

In its domains of competence, the JRC's contribution will aim at establishing synergies with the relevant thematic priorities in the other specific programmes, notably through participation in the indirect action, with a view to add value, when appropriate, to the work carried out therein (e.g. through the comparison and validation of tests and methods or the integration of results for policy-making purposes).

The political and institutional context in which the JRC operates has evolved significantly in recent years. Rapid technological developments especially in biotechnology and the information society are changing our society with new demands on policy makers to simultaneously protect the citizen and ensure competitiveness in a global economy. Crises in consumer confidence and the growing impact of technology on day to day life have placed the onus on policy-makers throughout Europe and the world to secure reliable scientific input throughout the whole policy process. This encompasses the ability to respond rapidly in the event of unforeseen circumstances and to taking a more responsible view of potential longer-term impact of science and technology developments. The development of common European systems of scientific and technical reference, as foreseen in the ERA, is an important step in this direction.

With the implementation of the JRC's refocused mission to support EU policies [16], the Framework Programme 2002-2006 represents a new chapter in how the JRC will perform its activities. On its own the JRC cannot be expected to cover the whole spectrum of scientific and technical support needed in such context. Three characteristics permeate its proposed work programme: i) concentration, (ii) openness and networking and (iii) customer-orientation. Appropriate instruments will be set up to meet those objectives with particular attention to the clustering of projects contributing to specific policy areas (see Annex III).

[16] Fulfilling the JRC's mission in the European Research Area. Communication from the Commission to the Council and European ParliamentC215 of 22.4.2001.

The JRC, as the in-house RTD service of the Commission, will

- Provide demand-led S&T support to European policy formulation, development, implementation and monitoring in its areas of competence,

- Contribute to the establishment of common scientific and technical reference systems within the European Research Area.

The thrust of JRC's support to EU policies lies in the provision of technical support on issues related to environmental protection, safety and security of the citizens and sustainable development. This includes risk assessment, testing, validation and refinement of methods, materials and technologies to support a range of policies - safety of food products, chemicals, air quality, water quality, nuclear safety, to protection against fraud. Almost all this support will be carried out in close collaboration with laboratories and research centres in Member States and elsewhere. To achieve this, the JRC has refocused its non-nuclear activities into two core areas, supported by horizontal competencies:

- Food, chemical products and health

- Environment and sustainability

The core areas will be complemented by horizontal activities:

- Technology foresight

- Reference materials and measurements

- Public security and anti-fraud.

2. Programme content

2.1 Food, chemical products and health

The health protection of consumers particularly from the potentially harmful effects of contaminants in food and of chemical products is a key European policy. This is evidenced by the creation of a European Food Authority and the development of a new Community policy on chemicals.

In the framework programme 2002-2006 the JRC will respond to a series of specific requirements associated with the rapidly evolving food and chemical Community policies. It will develop further as a scientific reference and validation centre in selected areas linked to the quality and safety of food, the safety of chemical products, the Community dimension of chemical measurement/metrology infrastructure and health-related information. JRC's strategy relies heavily on extensive networking with laboratories in the Member States, on the maintenance of advanced analytical facilities and reference measurement and material production and on expanded competencies in life sciences including proteomics and bioinformatics. Services like information systems, data banks (e.g. molecular register) will be provided in support to relevant EU policies. Given the novelty of many issues and the complexity of the regulatory environment, training will also be a priority. Work will be focused on the following priorities:

- Food safety and quality

- Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

- Chemical products

- Biomedical applications

Food safety and quality

Emphasis will be on the development and validation of reliable methods and reference materials for the detection of contaminants (natural such as mycotoxins and man-made such as PCBs), residues (e.g. pesticides, growth hormones and veterinary drugs) and ingredients and additives in food as well as in animal feed. JRC's prime role will be the co-ordination of testing of methods and materials and the submission of approved results to support risk assessment and management (in close support to the European Community Reference Laboratories for Veterinary Residues). As most food-borne diseases derive from microbiological including virus contamination, emphasis will be placed on evaluation of new approaches for rapid identification and monitoring. Research on genomics and proteomics will identify the cause of many food-related problems such as allergenicity, and the nature of TSE diseases. The JRC will maintain flexibility to deal with new public health issues as they arise and will establish additional efforts in the area of microbiology.

Standardisation of tests and evaluation of new methods for sensitive detection of BSE and TSE will involve the implementation of quality control of large scale post-mortem testing in abattoirs in collaboration with relevant DGs, TSE Ad-hoc Scientific Committee and leading TSE research laboratories. The JRC will investigate the fate of specific risk material (monitoring of food products for presence of central nervous tissue, recycling and safe handling of animal meal). Special emphasis will be put on safety aspects of animal feed being the prime route to the food chain.

Food quality will grow in importance due to the relationship between health and food. Apart from assessment of compliance with labelling (detection of frauds and adulteration) there is a strong need to judge the efficacy and/or side effects of food supplements and functional food. The growing popularity of organic food requires the availability of suitable methods to assess authenticity. The JRC will focus its expertise in the area of food authenticity towards the emergence of "nutraceuticals" and their effectiveness.

Technological prospective research will be conducted on the development of food products and processes, and on the impact of food safety policies on the agri-food sector.

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

Concerning the presence of GMOs in food and environment the JRC will provide considerable scientific and technical support in this field. This support will be carried out in the context of the European network of GMO laboratories, co-ordinated by JRC at the request of EU Member States. Tasks will include development and validation methods for GMO detection, identification and quantification, increasing the range of certified reference materials (new species, processed food), development of biomolecular databases, and training. Research activities (e.g. on sampling and traceability) focusing on novel varieties of food and feeds or on tackling the problem of species unauthorised for use in EU will be performed to underpin regulatory needs and to achieve pan European harmonisation.

The study of GMOs in the environment will require the building of new competencies to deal with the genetic, biodiversity and agronomic aspects of introducing new organisms in the environment.

Chemical products

The new Community policy on chemicals will impact strongly on the support required of JRC [17] throughout this Framework Programme. The role for JRC will encompass operating an expanded scheme to regulate chemicals; this will reinforce the already close links with relevant Member State authorities, industry and with international bodies e.g. OECD. The risk assessment experience and expertise of the ECB will also provide a solid foundation for significant research effort in this area.

[17] includes work of the European Chemicals Bureau (ECB) of the JRC.

The validation of alternative methods will increase in importance in support of the new testing programme of the new chemicals policy. Research will also take place on the safety of vaccines and on the challenging area of the long-term effects of repeated low doses of potentially hazardous substances.

Exchange of validated information through telematic means on health and medicines between regulatory bodies in EU Candidate Countries and diffusion to all user-groups including consumers and patients are pursued.

The JRC will contribute to risk assessment on existing dangerous substances with attention paid to the migration of harmful compounds from materials in contact with human and food, e.g. plasticisers in toys and the harmful effects of cosmetics. Prospective analyses of the relations between Community policies and innovation and competitiveness of the European chemical industry will also be undertaken.

Biomedical applications

An ageing population will inevitably change the profile of demand on EU health systems. The JRC plans to apply its expertise in materials and life sciences on the biocompatibility and long-term reliability of implants and on the use of optical techniques in minimally invasive medical systems. This work necessitates networking with research laboratories, hospitals, industry and regulatory authorities. It will also work towards a globally accepted system for clinical diagnostic measurement in collaboration with the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (Directives on In-Vitro-diagnostics and Medical Devices).

JRC's nuclear and isotopic facilities and competencies in the production and use of radioactive and stable isotopes will also be used for medical purposes as in new types of cancer therapies [á-immunotherapy, Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT)] as well as in clinical reference materials.

2.2 Environment and sustainabililty

The quality and use of water, air and soils, the sustainable use of energy and the threat of global warming are concerns of growing political attention. Community policy developments in those fields call for adequate knowledge of causes, processes, impacts and trends. The JRC defines its programme in a manner which takes direct account of those requirements. It will thereby consolidate its role as a centre of knowledge and reference in environmental matters of significant European dimension. It will do so by becoming increasingly involved in reference networks with member states and internationally, particularly in the accession states. Service to the policy making process will be strengthened by developing a closer partnership with the relevant Commission Services and by pursuing cross-policy, techno-economic prospective research. Attention will also be given to reinforcing the synergy with the European Environment Agency with particular attention to the diffusion of scientific results. The programme will cover the following areas:

- assessing and preventing global change;

- protection of the European environment (air, water and terrestrial resources);

- contributions to sustainable development (new and renewable energies, environmental assessment) ;

- support to GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security).

Assessing and preventing adverse global change

The JRC will provide support to the development of EU's strategy to combat global warming, making use of its combined technical, socio-economic, modelling and research skills. The implementation of the Kyoto Protocol necessitates the understanding of the causes and processes controlling greenhouse gas cycles. A priority for JRC will be the direct support of the EU Monitoring Mechanism of green house gases (Council decision 92/296). Closing gaps of knowledge by specific research contribution will be a critical part of the role of the JRC in this context. Work will focus on the establishment of a reference system which will enhance data quality and reduce uncertainty.. A critical part of this is the monitoring of changes in land cover, land use and forestry at various scales (see also GMES). Energy scenarios for the future as well as carbon emission forecasts are also key to the implementation of relevant measures. Policy options to reduce emissions in a cost-effective way will also be investigated. To maximise its efforts, the JRC will conduct its global change activities in a dedicated cluster. Issues associated with climate policy implementation, carbon sequestration, atmospheric quality measurements, the dynamics of ozone and UV radiation over Europe could also be examined.

Protection of the European environment

- Preserving air quality

Air pollution is a key concern for the European citizen and is also the focus of a large body of regulatory instruments (e.g. CAFE). The cornerstones of JRC's efforts will be a) the assessment of emissions by vehicles and stationary sources (new emission directives, standards for diesel/gasoline, new fuels, particulate matter and dioxin emissions; harmonisation/standardisation of world-wide reference test cycles and of measuring methods for industrial emissions) and b) the provision of reference for the implementation and the development of air quality directives (analysis quantification of air pollution, monitoring, techniques, pre-normative work, methods for evaluating the impact of air quality policies on human exposure and modelling tools for data analysis and comparisons of abatement scenarios.

Cross sectoral integrated analysis of the transport, energy, health and enterprise policies will be conducted to determine their effect on emissions and ambient pollution levels. The work will be conducted in the context of large networks of experts including representatives from the automotive and energy industries.

- Water quality

Water is a key resource issue of the future; maintaining natural water sources and securing good quality drinking water are of particular relevance. The Framework Directive on Water will oblige co-ordination and harmonisation of monitoring and reporting processes of all Community regulatory existing instruments during the next sic years. Research leading to the harmonisation of a common database on reports by Member States on implementation of various water related directives (e.g. Residual urban water, Nitrates, Surface water, etc.) will be pursued. JRC will focus on the determination of ecological water quality parameters (also in the context of supporting existing generic European metrological infrastructure), identification of significant pollutants, indicators of quality in inland and coastal waters and on the identification of microbiological hazards, especially in waste waters as well as on socio-economic implications of the new regulatory framework. Impacts on health are addressed under the "Food Safety and Quality" chapter of this programme. Integrated coastal zone management research will be pursued to provide community reference approaches.

- Terrestrial resources

The soils and the landscapes are the site of most human activities and their characteristics are determined by management practices. The environmental component of the agricultural policy as well as well as several pieces of EU legislation (e.g. Water Directive, Spatial Development Perspective, Urban Agenda, Climate Change and others) deal with a range of those issues. The JRC will provide support to the development of a common platform for integrated spatial analysis as a basis for policy making and evaluation. Catchment areas will be used as units of study for evaluating various processes and impacts. The extensive database managed by the European Soils Bureau will be expanded through networking; the ongoing collaboration with Eurostat will also be reinforced. Attention will be paid to the development of tools and to provide information on natural landscapes in the context of forestry, land use and biodiversity conservation. Support to the environmental component of the Common agricultural policy will be provided in terms of landscape analysis and use of indicators. Information on the state and changes in urban and regional environment will be produced. Work will rely upon the use of advanced remote sensing techniques, geographical information systems and modelling of spatial processes.

Contributions to sustainable development

Work on sustainable development pervades the whole JRC programme and attention is paid to the integration of economic, social and environmental dimensions.

- Energy

The Kyoto protocol has given a critical dimension to the energy debate since energy use and transport, two cornerstones of economic life, have major impacts on the emission of greenhouse gases. The importance of new and renewable energies as well as of energy efficiency and technology for the security of supply has been underlined in a recent Green Paper and in a Communication on "Renewables".

The JRC experience in the field of renewables, energy policy and energy technology will be exploited to provide support to emerging Community issues in a deregulated market; a concentration on the following areas of work is foreseen:

- development of reference systems - through accredited laboratory and certification schemes - in renewable energy production (with priority on solar electricity), storage and energy use in buildings.

- technology assessment, validation and modelling activities of new and conventional energy technologies with particular reference to safety, efficiency, waste and biomass generated power technologies and waste incineration performances.

- energy scenarios and forecasting in the context of greenhouse gases emissions and market assessment for new and renewable energy technologies in a competitive energy economy.

- Environmental assessment

The need for an "integrated" assessment of environment quality is increasingly recognised. The JRC will support the EU Sustainable Development strategy through the development of appropriate integrated policy assessment tools and through activities leading to the integration of environmental concerns in EU policies. The European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau (IPPC) will continue its directive-linked work on assessing best available technologies in view of reducing pollution in selected industrial sectors. Complex emission scenarios are needed to link air pollution and global change. Waste management is an important area where an integrated analysis from waste generation to treatment and disposal is necessary. Environmental integrity and human health is another area of integrated studies to which the JRC will contribute. New assessment tools and approaches to eco-toxicology will be developed to address topics such as air pollution and contaminants in waters (endocrine disrupters, biocides and pharmaceuticals). The JRC will also provide methodological support to the integration of the environmental dimension in development assistance.

The JRC will contribute to the fulfilment of the EC legislation for exchanging environmental monitoring data (incl. radioactivity) and information (through model intercomparison) under routine and emergency conditions.

A focus on inter-policy linkages and impacts will be retained by JRC as a specific contribution to the implementation of sustainable development practices at Community level.

Support to GMES

The need for independent information on key issues affecting the world's environment and the security of the citizen is increasingly recognised. GMES is a European initiative towards the implementation of operational services for collecting, analysing and disseminating a range of information items related to changes in environmental quality, resource availability and management, natural risks and hazards. The GMES is being implemented under the dual concern of preserving the global environment and reducing or anticipating threats to the security of the citizen. It focuses primarily on the use of earth observation techniques for maintaining an adequate long-term watch on key landscape parameters (such as land cover, use, resource degradation or depletion etc.) at various geographical levels. It will also call for techniques to support the assessment of natural risks and the management of catastrophic events. The JRC will focus on the development of EU-policy relevant applications which feed into the GMES concept in three areas of work: support to international environmental agreements, assessing risks and hazards, and evaluating environmental stress.

2.3 Technology foresight

Increasingly, the definition of EU policies is dependent on the timely anticipation and understanding of developments in science and technology and the social and economic environment. JRC's expertise in analysing inter-relationships between technology and society, and its experience in co-ordinating cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary foresight research on an international scale will contribute to the implementation of the objectives of the European Research Area (ERA). Throughout the framework programme 2002-2006, the JRC's activities in this research area will be based on a close collaboration with DG RTD and other customer DGs. The activity will focus on:

- Techno-economic foresight

- International Foresight Co-operation forum

Techno-economic foresight

JRC will undertake medium to long-term prospective studies on crucial technological developments affecting the EU and the relevant impact on growth, sustainable development, employment, social cohesion and competitiveness. This activity will also provide background analysis and information that will be valuable in the implementation by the JRC of its work in its specific competence areas It will include prospective analysis to identify technological bottlenecks and opportunities, including quantitative estimations; identification of promising technologies and the conditions required for their uptake.

International foresight co-operation forum

The JRC will strengthen its working relationships with international think-tanks and top level advisors, by following up existing successful experiences (e.g. the European science and technology observatory (ESTO) network, the High-Level Economists Group) and by pursuing the establishment of an International foresight co-operation framework. The availability of a mechanism to share analysis on the main emerging challenges will in particular prove useful in promoting Europe's role in the international debate on science and governance. A common reference system in policy-oriented foresight analysis will be established in the context of regional exercises with particular attention to Candidate Countries.

2.4 Reference materials and measurements

Recognition of standards and measurements in products is an important component for the implementation of Community policies related to consumer safety, free trade, competitiveness of European industry and external relations. JRC will further support the existing or developing European metrological infrastructure to produce results of demonstrated quality, develop specific reference measurements, produce certified reference materials (CRMs) to improve their global acceptance, organise international measurement evaluation programmes and will establish trans-national databases in support to EU policies. Throughout JRC's work programme agreed reference methods and materials are required, whether in environment, food safety, public health or the nuclear industry. In addition to work described in the previous sections , JRC plans to support the creation of a European Certified Reference Material system. This will put the Centre in position to provide sound advice to Commission services where applicable to EU legislation and practice.

- BCR [18]and industrial certified reference materials

[18] Bureau Communautaire de Référence

- Metrology in chemistry

BCR and certified reference materials

This activity concerns developing concepts and techniques for the production and certification of reference materials to improve their global acceptance under the EU-US Mutual Recognition Agreement, where JRC advises DG TRADE. JRC will concentrate on production of BCRs and new CRMs for control of industrial processes and products. As support to DG RTD, JRC will, where feasible, extend its responsibility for storage and distribution of BCR to the management of the production and certification of new CRMs from indirect actions. Nuclear reference materials used for safeguards and nuclear materials accountancy will be expanded to the environment.

Metrology in chemistry

The JRC will continue to represent the Commission in international bodies responsible for the development of a world-wide chemical measurement system. Strategic tasks will include the development of primary measurement techniques, the production and certification of isotopic reference materials and organisation of International Measurement Evaluation Programmes. Topics depend on EU policy requirements and evaluations rely heavily on the participation of numerous laboratories, especially those which have a reference role to play in their sector or region. Through the establishment of networks (PECOMet-Network and MetMED) support will be provided to EU-Candidate countries and Mediterranean countries to build up a structured measurement system in chemistry.

2.5 Public security and anti-fraud

Public security issues - proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the globalisation of the economy, infringements to privacy and Internet vulnerabilities, risks from natural or technological disasters - require a coordinated international approach. The EU is providing a framework through a number of mechanisms and at the same time it has declared zero tolerance to fraud. These political initiatives and commitments need scientific and technical support and the JRC is shaping its programme to directly answer some of those specific requirements. JRC has, over the years, developed a broad-based and well-recognised expertise in the general domain of security and anti-fraud, in the handling of large information infrastructures and in dealing with complex systems. In the framework programme 2002-2006, such expertise will be provided to user European institutions according to their priorities and needs. Increased emphasis will be given to exploiting networks with other research institutions and stakeholders in order to deepen and widen the support. JRC will concentrate on the following issues:

- International humanitarian security

- Natural and technological hazards, risks and emergencies

- Cyber-security

- Monitoring compliance with EU regulations and fraud control

International humanitarian security

The JRC will maintain a focus on technical aspects of EU efforts in humanitarian demining, firstly to improve knowledge of existing technology for minefield survey and detection through testing and benchmarking, secondly to assess new technologies, and thirdly to increase the visibility, transparency and efficiency of EU mine action operations.

The JRC, through the GMES initiative, will also contribute to developing a European capability that allows integrated space-based data, environmental data and socio-economic data to be made available for European security policies on a timely basis. Based on its expertise in safeguarding nuclear materials, the JRC is prepared, if required, to deal with the technical issues raised in non-proliferation and disarmament of weapons of mass destruction.

Natural and technological hazards, risks and emergencies

JRC will continue to support efforts to develop a European framework for forecasting, assessing, managing and reducing risks in the Community. In the Framework Programme 2002-2006 the JRC will further develop a system approach to the management of natural and technological hazards. For technological risks - from aircraft incidents and industrial hazards - JRC's efforts will be centred round its operation and improvement of harmonised European monitoring systems (ECCAIRS [19] MAHB [20], EPERC [21] which will be further extended to the enlargement countries. For natural hazards, JRC will endeavour to provide Europe with a similar capability. At the same time, efforts to develop a common European approach towards floods and forest fires will continue through a focus on integration of advanced modelling, conventional and space-based data. A link to the GMES initiative will be developed. Various networks, such as the European network of earthquake engineering laboratories will be extended to international level. Similarly, JRC in collaboration with European partners will set up a network of experimental facilities to develop a common integrated initiative for structural safety.

[19] European Coordination Centre for Aircraft mandatory accident Reporting Systems

[20] Major Accidents Hazard Bureau

[21] European Pressure Equipment Research Council


The JRC will build on experience gained in supporting the EU's dependability initiative, out-of-court dispute settlement systems as well as the observatory on electronic payment systems. Working closely with the responsible Commission Services and Member State organisations, it will support the development of an appropriate EU response to risks of cybercrime, privacy and Internet vulnerabilities. Efforts will concentrate on methods for better characterising these risks, on criteria for evaluating technical countermeasures and on testing them in JRC facilities and on developing appropriate and harmonised measures, indications and statistics in consultation with other interested parties, including Europol. The JRC will also maintain an Internet website on the issue of cybercrime and report its progress to the EU Forum established in the framework of the Commission Communication on 'Creating a safer information society by improving the security of information infrastructures and combating computer-related crime' [COM (2000)890 final].

Monitoring compliance with EU regulations and fraud control

The JRC supports the Commission's efforts to increase the effectiveness of anti-fraud measures, both by providing advanced technologies to bodies that operate at the EU level and by supporting Member States in the use of the latest technologies. The JRC, working closely with the concerned Commission services, will maintain appropriate support to the Common Agricultural Policy, the Common Fisheries Policy and the European Anti-Fraud Office, OLAF. As well as exploring the application of new technologies - DNA analysis for livestock identification, satellite image interpretation for crop acreage monitoring or fishing vessel identification, cross-correlation of isotopic analysis of beverages and foodstuffs to determine contents and origin, intelligence gathering from open sources, language technology to analyse multilingual documents - the JRC will continue to provide customers with the integrated knowledge that includes the entire cycle from data capture, data fusion, data mining through to visualisation and estimation.

The JRC will also build on its methodological experience to provide timely, reliable and more socially-robust information to the policy process. This will be achieved for official statistics through the coordination, with Eurostat, of thematic research networks with emphasis on short-term indicators, business cycle and financial analysis and through the development of a quality assurance methodology for scientific input to governance.

Increased importance will be devoted to early warnings and trend detection, dissemination, awareness raising and knowledge-sharing with partner laboratories in the Member States. The fraud problem will not be tackled on an individual case basis but at a system level - developing procedures and regulations that involve less bureaucracy and that are intrinsically less prone to fraud.



Activity // Amount (EUR million)


Food, Chemical products and Health

Environment and Sustainability

Horizontal Activities (Technology Foresight; Reference Materials and Measurements; Public Security and Antifraud) // 207 MEUR

286 MEUR

222 MEUR

Total // 715 MEUR [22] [23]

[22] Of which approximately 6% may be allocated to exploratory research and up to 2% for exploitation of own JRC results and technology transfer.

[23] This total includes the JRC's budget contribution necessary for its participation in indirect actions.



1. The Commission, after consulting the Board of Governors of the JRC, shall implement the direct action on the basis of the scientific objectives and contents described in Annex I. The activities relating to this action shall be performed in the relevant institutes of the Joint Research Centre (JRC).

2. In the implementation of its activities, the JRC will, whenever appropriate and feasible, participate in or organise networks of public and private laboratories in the Member States or European research consortia supporting the European policy making process. Particular attention shall be paid to co-operation with industry, especially with small and medium-sized enterprises. Research bodies established in third countries may also co-operate on projects, in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 6 of the Framework Programme and, where applicable, of agreements for scientific and technological co-operation between the Community and the third countries concerned. Particular attention will be paid to co-operation with research laboratories and institutes in the Candidate Countries and countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

It will also use appropriate mechanisms to continuously identify the requirements and needs of its customers and users and to involve them in the related activities.

The knowledge gained through implementation of the projects will be disseminated by the JRC itself (taking into account possible limitations due to confidentiality issues).

3. The accompanying measures shall include:

- organisation of the visits of JRC staff to national laboratories, industrial laboratories and universities,

- the promotion of mobility of young scientists, particularly from the Candidate countries, with particular attention to encourage participation of women,

- specialised training in support of the elaboration and/or implementation of the European policies with the emphasis on multidisciplinarity,

- the organisation of visits to JRC institutes of visiting scientists and seconded national experts, particularly from Candidate countries, with particular attention to encourage participation of women

- systematic exchange of information, through, inter alia, the organisation of scientific seminars, workshops and colloquiums and scientific publications,

- the independent scientific and strategic evaluation of the performance of the projects and programmes.


Policy area(s): RESEARCH

Activity(ies): Direct Action

Title of action:

Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific programme 2002-2006 for research, technological development and demonstration aimed at contributing to the European Research Area to be carried out by means of direct actions by the Joint Research Centre


B6-111: Persons associated with the institution

B6-121: Resources

B6-2: Direct Operating Appropriations - Scientific and Technical support to

Community policies - EC framework programme (2002 TO 2006)


2.1 Total allocation for action (Part B): 715 EUR million for commitment

2.2 Period of application:

2002 to 2006

2.3 Overall multiannual estimate on expenditure:

a) Schedule of commitment appropriations/payment appropriations (financial intervention) (see point 6.1.1)

EUR million (to 3rd decimal place)


b) Technical and administrative assistance and support expenditure(see point 6.1.2)



c) Overall financial impact of human resources and other administrative expenditure (see points 7.2 and 7.3)



2.4 Compatibility with the financial programming and the financial perspective

|X| Proposal compatible with the existing financial programming

| | This proposal will entail reprogramming of the relevant heading in the financial perspective.

| | This may entail application of the provisions of the Interinstitutional Agreement.

2.5 Financial impact on revenue [24]:

[24] For further information see a separate guidance paper

|X| No financial implications (involves technical aspects regarding implementation of a measure)

| | Financial impact - the effect on revenue is as follows:





Article 166 of the EC Treaty.

Decision .../../EC of the European Parliament and the Council adopting the framework programme 2002-2006 of the European Community for research, technology development and demonstration activities aimed at contributing towards the creation of the European Research Area (OJ n° ...).


5.1 Need for Community intervention [25]

[25] For further information see a separate guidance paper

5.1.1 Objectives pursued

The Joint Research Centre's mission is to provide customer-driven scientific and technical support for the conception, implementation and monitoring of European Union policies. The JRC serves the common interest of the Member States while being independent of special interests, private or national, and as such provides support when there is a need for European intervention.

The JRC programme addresses key areas of policy concern where it has specific competence to offer. Its non-nuclear activities are concentrated into two main themes "Food, Chemical Products and Health" and "Environment and Sustainability" which are reinforced by horizontal areas of expertise ("Technology foresight", "Reference materials and measurements" and "Public Security and Antifraud"). A recurrent thread in the programme is the attention to safety and security issues. This includes risk assessment, testing, validation and refinement of methods, materials and technologies to support a range of policies.

For a more efficient response to policy needs, the JRC will extend its networking activities in a more strategic manner to create a broad knowledge. In the spirit of ERA, it will closely link with a wide range of partners from within the EU (European agencies or organisations, national authorities) and beyond to contribute significantly to the establishment of a common scientific reference system in its areas of competence. These networks will be dedicated to the provision of scientific services (early alert, anticipation, quick response, validation and integration of knowledge, interfacing with stakeholders and policy makers) and products (databases, common standards, validation methods, etc).

A strengthened user-orientation to deliver scientific and technical support throughout the policy cycle will be ensured throughout the programme life; an inter-service users group with high-level representation from the Commission Services will be set-up to ensure priority setting and the allocation of resources according to policy needs.

5.1.2 Measures taken in connection with evaluation

The JRC programme is being regularly reviewed through scientific audits and the 5- year-assessments. Annual programme presentations to the other services of the Commission are organised. A high level user group composed by representative of customer Commission's DGs has been set up in view of establishing and reviewing priorities in close connection with policy needs.

The Scientific Audit of the JRC Institutes, launched in 1999, was designed to provide an early advice and feedback to the JRC management on the scientific standing of the institutes, and an assessment of their scientific strengths and weaknesses, both in terms of staff and other resources, for the implementation of the new programme. The chief objective was to ensure that the FP5 execution could be performed with the requisite scientific quality. The Scientific Audit's overall conclusions confirmed the soundness of JRC's scientific strategies and the validity of its new mission.

The 5-Year-Assessment (5YA) exercise, input required by legislation before the tabling by the Commission of proposals for the Sixth RTD Framework Programme, was carried out in 2000. Given that scientific issues had already been addressed in the Scientific Audit, the main focus of the 5YA was the management aspects of the JRC activities, the impact of the JRC support to the EU policies, and the delivered results in relation to the adopted programmes. The resulting recommendations were dominated by the overriding statement that the new mission of the JRC must be maintained and its implementation assured in all aspects and consequences.

In January 2000 Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin established a High Level Panel chaired by Viscount Etienne Davignon, with the task to review and to make recommendations on the workings of the JRC. The Davignon Report was issued in July 2000. The High Level Panel endorses the mission assigned to the JRC by the 5th RTD Framework Programme and finds that it has a clear long-term role. It proposes opening it up to the other Community institutions and contains a number of organisational suggestions. It recommends that the JRC should not dissipate its efforts but should do more to focus its activities, promote intense networking with other European centres of excellence and finally, it attaches particular importance to nuclear activities.

Finally, in July 2000 the Commission's Peer Group, appointed earlier in the year to make a political overview of the Institution's activities and bring them in line with the human resources it had available, published a report in which a series of actions were identified.

In response to the various evaluations, the JRC has undertaken a strategy for concentrating its activities into some core competence areas and has identified possible reduction of activities across its structure with the launch of an Activity Prioritisation Audit, the results of which have been published internally on April 2, 2001. An interservice consultation has taken place in view of a Communication to the Commission that should disseminate the results of this evaluation to the rest of the Commission services.

5.2 Actions envisaged

- Food, chemical products and health

In FP 2002-2006, the JRC will become a scientific reference and validation centre in selected areas linked to the quality and safety of food, the safety of chemical products including the operation of appropriate data bases. JRC's strategy relies heavily on extensive networking with laboratories in the Member States, on the maintenance of advanced analytical facilities and reference material production and on expanded competencies in life sciences including proteomics and bioinformatics. Services like information systems, data banks (e.g. molecular register) will be provided in support to relevant EU policies. Given the novelty of many issues and the complexity of the regulatory environment, training will also be a priority.

Work will focus on the following priorities: food safety & quality, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), chemical products and biomedical applications.

- Environment and sustainability

The quality and use of water, air and soils, the sustainable use of energy and the threat of global warming are concerns of growing political attention. The JRC will consolidate its role as a centre of knowledge and reference in environmental matters of European dimension. It will establish reference networks with member states and internationally, particularly in the accession states. It will work in synergy with the European Environment Agency in view of a better exploitation and diffusion of research results. The JRC also functions as a reference laboratory in environmental measurements as in emissions from motor vehicles, air and water quality; it produces the assessment needed for identifying best available technologies in integrated pollution prevention and control.

The programme will cover the following areas: assessing and preventing global change, protection of the European environment (air, water and terrestrial resources), technologies for sustainable development (renewable energy, integrated environmental assessment), technical support to GMES (Global monitoring for environment and security).

These two core activities will be supported by a set of horizontal competencies:

- Reference materials and measurements

Recognition of standards is a key component for the implementation of Community policies related to consumer safety, free trade, competitiveness of European industry and external relations. JRC will further develop specific reference measurements, produce certified reference materials (CRMs) to improve their global acceptance, organise international measurement evaluation programmes and will establish trans-national databases in support to EU policies related to environment, food safety and public health and for the nuclear industry. The focus will be on: Bureau Communautaire de References and the production of industrial certified reference materials, metrology in chemistry.

- Public security and anti-fraud

Public security issues require a co-ordinated international approach; questions related proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the globalisation of the economy, infringements to privacy and Internet vulnerabilities, risks from natural or technological disasters are often transboundary issues. The EU is setting a high priority on the fight against fraud and has declared a "zero tolerance" policy. The JRC has a well-recognised expertise in the general domain of security and anti-fraud, in the handling of large information infrastructures and in dealing with complex systems. This expertise will be provided to European institutions with increased emphasis on the development of networks with other research institutions and stakeholders.

JRC will concentrate on the following crosscutting issues: international security, natural and technological hazards, risks and emergencies, cyber-security, accounting and control.

- Technology foresight

JRC's expertise in analysing inter-relationships between technology and society, and its experience in co-ordinating cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary foresight research on an international scale will contribute to the development of EU policies and to the implementation of the objectives of the European Research Area (ERA). Throughout the next Framework programme, the JRC's activities in this research area will be linked with national foresight programmes and in close collaboration with the DG RTD and other customer DGs.

The activity will focus on techno-economic foresight, socio-economic studies in support to EU policies, quality of socio-economic information, international foresight co-operation forum.

5.3 Methods of implementation

Direct action of the framework programme 2002-2006 managed and conducted by Commission staff.


6.1 Total financial impact on Part B - (over the entire programming period)

(The method of calculating the total amounts set out in the table below must be explained by the breakdown in Table 6.2.)

6.1.1 Financial intervention

Commitments in EUR million (to the 3rd decimal place)


6.2 Calculation of costs by measure envisaged in Part B (over the entire programming period) [26]

[26] For further information see a separate guidance paper

(Where there is more than one action, give sufficient detail of the specific measures to be taken for each one to allow the volume and costs of the outputs to be estimated).

Commitments in EUR million (to the 3rd decimal place)


If necessary explain the method of calculation


7.1 Impact on human resources


In 2002, the JRC will have a single staff table of 1,902 posts distributed as follows: 733 A-posts, 595 B-posts, 537 C-posts and 37 D-posts [27]. The staff is managed as a single group: staff can be put allocated to both nuclear and non-nuclear activities. The ratio of non-nuclear to total staff is variable during the period of execution of the framework programme. This ratio is of the order of 2/3. A relatively large number of short-term scientific posts are also financed as non-statutory staff (about 200). Their status can be grantholders, scientific visitors, national experts on secondment...

[27] This compares with the current (2001) staff table of 2080 posts. As in the past this envelope of statutory posts constitutes a separate staff table and represents the maximum statutory staff which may be engaged. However the number of staff employed in practice depends on the availability of financial resources (institutional credits, competitive income and other possible sources of revenue).

7.2 Overall financial impact of human resources


The amounts are total expenditure for twelve months.

The different resources: staff, material, specific credits are distributed to remain within the given envelope. The staff credits have been allocated after taking the minimum needs for infrastructure into account and deciding on a minimum level of specific credits for the execution of projects and for networking. The staff budget is reduced compared to that of the fifth framework programme 1998-2002 and a significant staff reduction (150 posts) is necessary. This reduction will depend on the evolution of salaries during the period 2003-2006 and of the evolution of the required competencies: ratio between A/B/C/D staff.

7.3 Other administrative expenditure deriving from the action


The amounts are total expenditure for twelve months.

(1) Specify the type of committee and the group to which it belongs.

I. Annual total (7.2 + 7.3)

II. Duration of action

III. Total cost of action (I x II) // EUR



(In the estimate of human and administrative resources required for the action, DGs/Services must take into account the decisions taken by the Commission in its orientation debate and when adopting the preliminary draft budget (PDB). This means that DGs must show that human resources can be covered by the indicative pre-allocation made when the PDB was adopted.

Exceptional cases, where the action concerned could not be foreseen when the PDB was being prepared, will have to be referred to the Commission for a decision on whether and how (by means of an amendment of the indicative pre-allocation, an ad hoc redeployment exercise, a supplementary/amending budget or a letter of amendment to the draft budget) implementation of the proposed action can be accepted.)


Each year, with the help of appropriately qualified independent experts, the Commission will examine the implementation of specific programme 2002-2006. It will, in particular, assess whether the objectives, priorities and financial resources are still appropriate to the changing situation. Where appropriate, it will submit proposals to adapt or supplement the specific programme 2002-2006.

The Commission produces an annual report on the activities of the Joint Research Centre. These reports are sent to the European Parliament, the Council and the Economic and Social Committee.


When the implementation of the programme calls for the use of external contractors or implies granting financial contributions to third parties, the Commission will carry out, where appropriate, financial audits, in particular if it has reasons to doubt the realistic nature of work performed or described in the activity reports.

The Community's financial audits will be carried out either by its own staff or by accounting experts approved according to the law of the audited party. The Community will chose the latter freely, while avoiding any risks of conflicts of interest which might be indicated to it by the party subject to the audit.

In addition, the Commission will make sure in carrying out the research activities, that the financial interests of the European Communities are protected by effective checks and, in case of detected irregularities, measures as well as deterrent and proportionate sanctions.

In order to achieve this aim, rules on checks, measures and sanctions, with references to the Regulations No 2988/95,02185/96, 1073/99 and 1074/99 will be taken up in all contracts used in the implementation of the programme.

In particular, the following points will have to be provided for in the contracts :

- the introduction of specific contractual clauses to protect the financial interests of the EC in carrying out checks and controls in relation to the work performed;

- the participation of administrative checks in the field of fraud-fighting, in accordance with Regulations No 2185/96, 1073/99 and 1074/99 ;

- the application of administrative sanctions for all intentional or negligent irregularities in the implementation of the contracts, in accordance with the framework Regulation No 2988/95, including a black listing mechanism ;

- the fact that possible recovery orders in case of irregularities and fraud be enforceable according to Article 256 of the EC Treaty.

In addition and as routine measures, an internal audit and control programme in respect of scientific and budgetary aspects, will be carried out by the JRC staff responsible; internal audit carried out by the JRC Internal audit Unit; and local inspections by this Unit and the Court of Auditors.