
Opinion of the Committee of the Regions on 'Equal opportunities for girls and boys in leisure activities and especially in EU youth and sport programmes'

Official Journal C 064 , 27/02/1998 P. 0081

Opinion of the Committee of the Regions on 'Equal opportunities for girls and boys in leisure activities and especially in EU youth and sport programmes` (98/C 64/14)


having regard to its decision of 12 March 1997, under the fourth paragraph of Article 198c of the Treaty establishing the European Community, to draw up an opinion on 'Equal Opportunities for girls and boys in leisure activities and especially in EU youth and sport programmes` and to direct Subcommission 7: Youth and Sport to draft the relevant opinion;

having regard to the Council Decision of 22 December 1995 on a medium-term Community action programme on equal opportunities for men and women ();

having regard to its Opinion on equal opportunities for women and men in the EU ();

having regard to the draft opinion (CdR 182/97 rev. 2) adopted by Subcommission 7 on 26 September 1997 (rapporteur: Mrs Sundback);

adopted the following opinion at its 20th plenary session on 19 and 20 November 1997 (meeting of 20 November).

1. Introduction

1.1. The Committee of the Regions takes as its premise the fact that equal treatment for girls and boys is a basic, legal principle, and that equality means that girls can take part fully in political, economic, social and cultural life on equal terms with boys.

1.2. The Committee of the Regions notes with satisfaction that the Council - at the highest level, i.e. the European Council - has confirmed that equality is one of the EU's fundamental tasks. The Commission's commitment to this issue includes its decision to ensure that the equality principle must be respected in all areas, and permeate all Community measures. Further to this overall objective, the Committee of the Regions would stress the need for youth measures and programmes to take account of equal opportunities for girls and boys.

1.3. At the same time, the Committee of the Regions feels it should be stated clearly that the EU does not have sole jurisdiction in the promotion of equal opportunities; many measures need to be worked out at national, regional and local level, and by means of single-minded efforts within voluntary organizations, the media, and last but not least, in partnership between girls and boys.

1.4. The Committee of the Regions feels it is important for girls and boys to have the same opportunities to choose leisure activities freely and that their choice is appreciated and approved by society to the same extent; here guarantees are required in the shape of a Commission drive to ensure that the equal opportunities dimension is mainstreamed into all decisions at all levels when framing, implementing and following up the various Community measures and programmes, with particular reference to EU youth, culture and sport programmes.

1.5. The Committee of the Regions endorses the Commission's decision to implement the 'mainstreaming` principle within the fourth Framework Programme (1996-2000) for equal opportunities, so that interaction and cooperation at all levels (national, regional, local and Community) and in all areas incorporate equal opportunities in the implementation of all common measures and their national counterparts.

2. General comments

2.1. The concept of 'leisure`

2.1.1. In everyday language, the term 'leisure` is linked to the concept of 'work`. The church and religious authorities have historically had a very significant influence in determining the nature and scope of leisure time. First of all, 'leisure` consisted of rest from heavy manual toil. Since, in earlier time, women's working hours spanned virtually every hour of the day and every day of the week, it was almost exclusively men who had leisure time at their disposal. This has been the case until today.

2.1.2. Leisure time is a consequence of the introduction of paid employment, and builds on the need for an eight hour working day, eight hours' rest and eight hours' leisure time. This generally recognized division of time provided the basis for the development of a leisure culture which was principally instigated by men and meets men's needs for relaxation, enjoyment and recreation. Traditionally male leisure activities have set the pattern for leisure policies, and are held in high esteem by the media and society's various institutions.

2.1.3. Although the number of women in the labour force is growing, and more and more women have become financially self-sufficient, they still bear the onus of responsibility for the home and the family. Apart from the time they spend at work, they have over the years carried out unpaid housework; this could also be seen as a reason why men have been able to develop their leisure activities.

2.1.4. Women's opportunities to commit themselves on a regular basis to leisure activities are seriously restricted owing to the fact that they have two jobs, and because they tend to see to others' needs for care and attention. Women have fewer opportunities to choose their leisure activities freely. Women's leisure time is thus more fragmentary and private, and often coincides with another activity. Women often associate such positive aspects as satisfaction and happiness with the time they have left for themselves after fulfilling their duties at home, at work and caring for other people.

2.2. Leisure for girls and boys

2.2.1. The leisure patterns of men and women reflect the traditional gender roles and help to entrench them. Girls and boys are moulded into that pattern, as is shown clearly in research into their respective activities. If we study the level of activity at athletics and sports facilities and at youth and leisure centres and associations, we find that boys are represented much more heavily than girls. In the cultural sphere, the ratio is much more balanced.

2.2.2. Much political work is carried out by people who hold positions of responsibility in their spare time. The participation of women and girls in the democratic process is greatest at local level, and decreases to the advantage of men at regional, national and Community level. It can thus be said that women and girls are first and foremost leisure time politicians, whereas boys and men move on from leisure time politics to more influential posts further up the political ladder.

2.2.3. Besides gender, other variables determine the level of activity: social group, age, ethnic origin, disability, living in a town or sparsely-populated area. The wider the range of aspects included in the comparison, the sharper the differences in the level of activity between girls and boys appear. Generally speaking, however, it can be asserted that girls in the lower social classes participate least in organized leisure activities.

2.2.4. The choice of leisure activities reinforces characteristics which we traditionally think of as masculine and feminine. Sport and athletics make men of boys by rewarding individuality, performance, competitiveness and group loyalty. Staff running open schemes in youth and leisure centres often attach great importance to boys whom they believe risk social exclusion. As a preventive measure, activities are set up to boost the boys' self-confidence. Girls who lack confidence become passive and withdrawn, which often means that they fail to receive sufficient support and attention.

2.2.5. When choosing a leisure activity, boys identify strongly with high-status ideals and values which are associated with strength and success. From their point of view, leisure activities which cross the gender barrier are complicated, but can still be positive.

2.2.6. Girls' leisure habits often include facets such as beauty, empathy and cooperation. Girls who play sport are often at a disadvantage because of the male ideal which characterizes these activities, plus the fact that the norms and values that dictate the allocation of resources for sport result in girls being treated unfairly. Such anti-female discrimination in sport is reflected in the scant media attention given to girls' general performances in sporting events.

2.2.7. Much of girls' leisure time is relationship-centred, and develops social skills such as communication and empathy. Reading, going for a stroll, visiting a sick friend or helping with the housework during their free time are all activities which teach girls to adapt their 'leisure` time to the needs of others, and to treat social interaction as an activity in itself.

2.2.8. The equal opportunities issue is reflected in the way girls choose to spend their leisure time. With traditional, gender-based leisure activities, much of girls' leisure activity is hidden away in the private sphere, and considered less socially valuable. On the other hand, when girls set about breaking through the gender barrier, e.g. in sport, they are easily marginalized as being weaker performers and less interesting. This makes it difficult for girls to identify with the demands and general tenets of the sports movement. Regardless of whether girls have segregated or integrated leisure activities, their commitment is likely to be less appreciated than that of boys.

2.3. Leisure policy

2.3.1. If girls and boys are to be able to choose their leisure activities freely, in keeping with their own temperament and personal interests, leisure policy must consciously adopt equal opportunities as an all-embracing objective.

2.3.2. In order to promote equality in the field of leisure, a broad leisure policy must be framed so that girls' and women's needs are met in full. Leisure cannot only be considered in terms of the use made of time or facilities; it must include experiences that have brought the individual a sense of happiness and self-esteem.

2.3.3. Two general concepts which can serve as red thread in future debates on ways to boost equal opportunities for girls and boys are 'instrumental and expressive leisure patterns`, and 'open and closed leisure activities and facilities`.

2.3.4. Instrumental leisure activities are organized, and require the participant to accept certain clear, specific objectives and rules. Moreover, the participant generally has to sign up for the activity and attend regularly. The activity takes place at fixed times. An expressive activity is characterized by the fact that it focuses on short-term goals. No regular participation is required, and there is no fixed timetable. It takes place whenever the individual so desires.

2.3.5. The dual concept of 'open or closed activities and facilities` is based on the degree of accessibility of the activity or the facility. Participation in 'open` activities requires a small organizational or financial effort whereas the very organization of 'closed` activities and facilities means that some people are given the opportunity to follow their leisure interests, whilst others are excluded.

2.3.6. It should be patently obvious that one of the premises for boosting equality between girls and boys in the field of leisure is the deliberate allocation of public resources in such a way that expressive leisure patterns are given the same status as instrumental ones, and that 'open` leisure activities and facilities receive just as much support and funding as 'closed` leisure activities and facilities.

2.3.7. If leisure activities are to provide joy and satisfaction, then it is extremely important from the point of view of equal opportunities that they should include social contact, enjoyment and aesthetic values.

3. Specific comments

3.1. Leisure for all

3.1.1. To promote a gender balance in this field, attention must be paid to the merits of expressive leisure patterns. This can best be achieved in 'open` forms of activity in the local community. The community can thus meet girls' desire to shape - on their own terms - the form and content of their leisure time. A specific method has been successfully developed which involves boosting the character development of girls - divided into small groups headed by specially trained leaders - and teaching them to stand up for their rights and needs.

3.1.2. One important premise for the promotion of equal opportunities in leisure policy is that there should be increased scope for women and girls to wield political influence in the institutions and organizations which make direct decisions on the allocation of leisure resources, and, generally, at all political levels, in order to boost democracy as such.

3.1.3. If girls and boys are to have an equal chance to participate in integrated instrumental and expressive activities, decisions affecting these activities must be monitored at all levels of the planning, implementation and impact assessment chain. A gender perspective should be mainstreamed and steer public investment in leisure facilities and other examples of allocation of resources, e.g. public subsidies for leisure associations and various leisure projects. 'Open` facilities such as libraries, swimming pools and recreation areas often provide the right atmosphere for both instrumental and expressive leisure patterns, which ought to culminate in real equality.

3.1.4. Equality within the field of sport would very probably increase if the more inclusive expression 'physical activity` were to underpin leisure policy, as this covers considerably more than just competitive, highly formalized male-oriented sport. Wide participation in physical activity is not just beneficial to sexual equality; it also brings with it other democratic benefits, such as the fact that the elderly and disabled can take part. Local backing for safe, well-planned cyclepaths and footpaths, park facilities and nature trails promote the most popular forms of recreation and exercise, i.e. walking, cycling and jogging.

3.1.5. In order to create a more level playing field for girls and boys to take part in instrumental and 'closed` sporting activities, gender-bound power structures, assessments and attitudes should be identified and questioned. Girls who take part in integrated sporting activities constantly run the risk of being undervalued, both as performers and as girls. In order to boost girls' self-esteem and confidence, the media and society's institutions should devote specific attention to girls' sporting activities, and associations and clubs should make a concerted effort to create the right conditions for girls to participate at all levels of sporting life.

3.1.6. Girls from the lower social classes or particular ethnic backgrounds, and girls who are disabled or come from sparsely populated areas, must be targeted in particular, as they are often the victims of twofold discrimination. The lack of equality means that girls can easily become passive and socially isolated during their leisure activities, which can cause heavy reliance on the various social welfare and community services later in life.

3.1.7. Apart from family- and school-life, leisure activities are vital to girls' and boys' chances of developing into independent adults with a fulfilling lifestyle, and to their ability to use their leisure time positively and constructively, either alone or with others. The share of public resources allocated to leisure is thus an important question from an equality standpoint; decision-makers at local, regional, national and Community level must therefore seriously address any disparities and lack of equal opportunities in this policy area.

3.2. Community measures

3.2.1. The Committee of the Regions calls for appropriations to be earmarked under equal opportunities programmes and funds for the purpose of research into the leisure patterns of girls and boys in the EU countries, and for projects which help to develop ways of providing a more level playing field for girls and boys in their choice of leisure activities.

3.2.2. The Committee of the Regions feels it important to carry out a critical assessment of the equal opportunities component in relevant youth projects and programmes, and for these to be reviewed wherever this consideration has not been taken on board satisfactorily.

3.2.3. The Committee of the Regions advocates an updating of existing programmes in order to place expressive leisure patterns on a par with instrumental patterns when it comes to providing funding and subsidies.

3.2.4. The Committee of the Regions takes the view that the Commission's Eurathlon II programme must be amplified to include the declared objective of promoting greater equality between the sexes, and extending the concept of 'sport` to include all conceivable forms of physical activity. In this case, the Eurathlon budget must be increased considerably if it is to cover a much wider target group than the current rules allow for.

3.2.5. The Committee of the Regions feels it is important to review the Community's 'Youth for Europe` programme, and to highlight the equal opportunities aspect. The emphasis of the funding granted for youth exchange programmes, study visits, training for youth leaders and pilot projects must be on taking into consideration, promoting or highlighting equal opportunities, and helping girls and boys from all social backgrounds and regions to participate on more equal terms.

3.2.6. Similarly, cultural coordination programmes such as Kaleidoscope and Ariane should be assessed from the equal opportunities standpoint, particularly with a view to stimulating boys' interest in and commitment to cultural activities, and to developing types of activity and action which reach out to young people who are excluded from established arrangements.

3.2.7. In this connection, the Committee of the Regions would also point out that the comprehensive youth exchange programmes implemented within the framework of Community cooperation mainly take place during leisure time, and that any activities thus supported must fulfil the equal opportunities criteria, so that girls and boys have the same opportunities to develop their own - and everybody's - future in an increasingly equal Europe.

4. Conclusions

4.1. The Committee of the Regions would point out that it will only be possible to achieve a more level playing field for the leisure activity choices of girls and boys if all leisure policy decisions make a determined effort to avoid stereotyped gender thinking and expectations. Research has shown that the leisure habits of girls and boys reflect a traditional gender pattern, but also that other factors, such as social class, and ethnic or religious background affect individual freedom of choice.

4.2. The Committee of the Regions would emphasize that all programmes affecting girls' and boys' leisure activities must aim for greater equality by highlighting and eliminating conservative, discriminatory values and norms. If the objective of equal opportunities for girls and boys is to be achieved, 'leisure` should be defined broadly, so that leisure activities which break through the gender barrier and attract greater commitment from young people who are not members of associations, are covered by Community programmes.

4.3. The Committee of the Regions would suggest that leisure activities research should be provided with the resources to carry out a more comprehensive survey of girls' and boys' leisure activities in the Member States, at national, regional and local level, in order to use collective know-how and statistics as the basis for updating programmes affecting leisure activities, and to genuinely increase equality and freedom of choice so that girls and boys feel that they can make free use of their leisure time according to their personal interests and abilities, regardless of whether an activity is thought of as typically male or female.

4.4. The Committee of the Regions notes that a fundamental premise for the achievement of equal opportunities in leisure policy is that the framework for political involvement should be changed to allow women genuinely, as opposed to formally, to take an active part in the decision-making process, that women's influence be further stepped up at local and regional level, and that various means be mobilized to make it easier for women to move on to important, top-level positions.

4.5. Finally, the Committee of the Regions would emphasize the need for all leisure time to be a source of joy and satisfaction and that for reasons of increased equality it is extremely important to ensure that, in the context of all leisure time activities, consideration is given to girls' and boys' needs for social contact, enjoyment and esthetic values.

Brussels, 20 November 1997.

The Chairman

of the Committee of the Regions


() OJ L 335, 30.12.1995, p. 37.

() OJ C 34, 3.2.1997, p. 39.