
Resolution on the development of the peace process in the former Yugoslavia in respect of the implementation of the Dayton Agreement

Official Journal C 200 , 30/06/1997 P. 0175

B4-0467, 0510, 0517, 0531, 0548, 0553 and 0559/97

Resolution on the development of the peace process in the former Yugoslavia in respect of the implementation of the Dayton Agreement

The European Parliament,

- having regard to its previous resolutions on the situation in the former Yugoslavia,

- having regard to the Dayton Agreement,

- having regard to the conclusions of the meeting of the Bosnian Peace Implementation Council in Portugal,

A. noting that full and strict implementation of all provisions of the Dayton Agreement is essential for the continuation of the peace process and the establishment of a multi-cultural and multi-religious society without ethnic division in the countries of the former Yugoslavia,

B. noting that insufficient progress has been made until now with the implementation of the Dayton Agreement as regards the free movement of people and the right of all refugees and displaced persons to return to their homes of origin; noting that the Croatian government has hindered their return, partly by allowing confiscation of Serbian property through a "temporary¨ housing law and by undertaking a programme to settle ethnic Croats from Bosnia in seized property,

C. whereas the right of return is being blocked by ethnic policies of authorities in parts of Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina,

D. whereas the continuous harassment of returning refugees, disputes over property ownership and the lack of security provision for minorities in all parts of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Krajina and Eastern Slavonia seriously endanger the establishment of a lasting peace in these parts of the former Yugoslavia,

E. noting with grave concern that hardly any of the indicted war criminals have yet been arrested and that there is still a general lack of cooperation between the governments of Serbia, Croatia and in particular the authorities of the Republika Srpska and the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague,

F. whereas the return of refugees in dignity and safety cannot take place in entities, regions and communities where war criminals hold high public office or have influential positions in society,

G. aware that the continuing presence of SFOR and the UN Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia (UNTAES) is still needed to guarantee the security of the population and the continuation of the peace process in the countries of the former Yugoslavia,

H. pointing out that the European Union's support for reconstruction in the countries of the former Yugoslavia is conditional on the full and strict implementation of the Dayton Agreement,

I. whereas economic recovery is also impeded by ethnic divisions and policies,

1. Calls on the governments of Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina to strengthen their commitment to the continuation of the peace process in the former Yugoslavia and to adhere to the full and strict implementation of the provisions of the Dayton Agreement;

2. Calls especially on the government and authorities of Bosnia-Herzegovina to guarantee the free movement of people and the right of all refugees and displaced persons to return to their homes of origin and to put an end to all physical and legal obstacles obstructing these aims, thus restoring the rule of law in the country;

3. Calls on the Commission and the Council to further the establishment of a special Bosnian office, provided with a clearing house which assists in overcoming the complexities of the return of refugees to their homes and which has authority to arrange returns in both entities, where necessary in collaboration with the Republic of Croatia;

4. Calls on the Croatian authorities to put an end to the harassment of ethnic Serbs and make proper provision for their security, notably in the western part of Croatia and in Eastern Slavonia, and to make all efforts to encourage the return of refugees and displaced persons to their homes and actively cooperate in implementing all the civilian aspects of the Dayton Agreement;

5. Calls on the Council and the Member States to uphold a position in the UN Security Council to extend the SFOR and UNTAES presence in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Eastern Slavonia respectively and calls furthermore for proper international monitoring of the future implementation of Croatian jurisdiction in the area as well as the human rights situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina;

6. Furthermore urges the governments of Serbia, Croatia and in particular the authorities of the Republika Srpska to guarantee their full cooperation with the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague and to ensure the arrest and the bringing to trial of all indicted war criminals;

7. Calls on the Commission, the Council and the Member States to step up their pressure on the governments and authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina to permit refugees and displaced persons to return to their homes of origin, to ensure their full compliance with all other provisions of the Dayton Agreement and to review support for the reconstruction process in the light of each country's compliance with these provisions;

8. Calls, in this respect, on the Commission to apply economic leverage more vigorously, making it clear once more to all signatories of the Dayton Agreement that closer political and economic cooperation between the European Union and these countries is strictly conditional on the full implementation of the Dayton Agreement; asks the Commission to consider decentralizing and differentiating its aid in order to recognize the difference between those who comply with the Dayton Agreement and those who do not;

9. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments of Croatia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, the UN Security Council, the OSCE and the High Representative.