
Resolution on Kenya

Official Journal C 167 , 02/06/1997 P. 0159


Resolution on Kenya

The European Parliament,

A. noting the continuous abuse of human rights in Kenya as documented in both national and international reports,

B. shocked by the recent escalation of police brutality and harassment against voices of government opposition and human rights activists,

C. noting that President Moi has promised that security would be guaranteed to all in this election year,

The European Parliament,

1. Condemns the recent incidents of armed robbery and attacks on church workers, as reported by Archbishop Ndingi Mwana a Nzeki, Chairman of the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission of Kenya;

2. Calls on the Kenyan Government to investigate such incidents and bring those responsible to justice;

3. Calls on the Kenyan Government to ensure that a free and democratic election can take place;

4. Calls for the immediate opening up of the airwaves to allow freedom of speech and the opportunity for diverse political voices to be heard;

5. Reaffirms the principles set out in Article 5 of the Fourth Convention of Lomé; calls on the Council and Commission to keep the human rights situation in Kenya under regular review and exert the pressure required to ensure that all violations of the human, civil and political rights of the people are swiftly brought to an end;

6. Calls on the Commission and the Council to express the EU's deep disquiet at recent events in Kenya;

7. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Kenyan Government and the UN Secretary-General.