

Official Journal of the European Union

C 185/14

Resolution of the Council of the European Union and the representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on the revision of the EU Youth Strategy Work Plan 2022-2024

(2023/C 185/05)




The Council Resolution on a framework for European cooperation in the youth field: The European Union Youth Strategy 2019-2027, invites the Member States and the European Commission, within their respective fields of competences, to effectively implement the EU Youth Strategy across the EU and in the Member States with specific instruments, including the EU Work Plans for Youth.


The EU Youth Strategy follows triennial working periods that spans two presidency trios. The priorities and actions for the respective working periods are presented in the EU Work Plans for Youth. These plans should draw on the guiding principles and priorities of this Strategy, addressing youth issues in other Council configurations and preparatory bodies in relevant policy areas.


The EU Work Plan is an instrument that works as a compass and guides Member States, the Commission and all stakeholders towards achieving the objectives of the EU Youth Strategy.


The priorities and actions presented in the triennial work programme are to be revised during the first half of 2023 with a view to its approval by the Council and the Member States meeting within the Council by the end of June 2023.



The Council sets these EU Work Plans based on preliminary information received by the trio-presidencies from the following countries: France, Czech Republic and Sweden, as well as Spain, Belgium and Hungary.


The Commission can support and complement actions by Member States set out in this Work Plan, in particular by encouraging cooperation, supporting the mobility of young people and youth workers, and encouraging the participation of young people in democratic life. The tools developed to support the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy can be mobilised as appropriate: these include the EU Youth Dialogue, the EU Youth Strategy Platform, the European Youth Portal, the EU Youth Coordinator and mutual learning activities (expert groups, peer learning activities (PLAs) and peer counselling). This is underpinned by regular updates to the Future National Activity Planners, the Youth Wiki, youth indicators, surveys, studies and research. The support is further reinforced through partnerships and cooperation with other international organisations, in particular the Council of Europe, and through programmes in the field of youth (in particular Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps).


A particular highlight of this Work Plan is the European Year of Youth 2022 (EYY). Its outcomes and legacy will be maintained, promoted and reinforced since the evaluation of the EYY will be used in order to enhance and strengthen the Plan in the future. It will further stimulate young people to come forward with contributions to shape the Union’s development and society at large, including as part of the Conference of the Future of Europe and the New European Bauhaus initiative. It will raise awareness of the opportunities for young people as well as the support provided for them at the EU, national, regional and local levels.


Revision of the Work Plan for the EU Youth Strategy 2022-2024 (1)


Overall topic: 'Engaging together for a sustainable and inclusive Europe'



Working method/instrument

Indicative target and output

Related youth goals

Relation to the European Youth Work Agenda (2)

Proposed by

2022 (1st half)

Council conclusions on fostering engagement among young people as actors of change in order to protect the environment (5 April 2022)

Approval by the Council

Encourage policy makers and stakeholders in the youth sector to take the views of young people into account and enable them to be actors in public policies and programmes relating to sustainable development and the fight against climate change

Sustainable green Europe



2022 (1st half)

Council Recommendation on the mobility of young volunteers across the European Union (5 April 2022)

Adoption by the Council

Update the Council Recommendation on the mobility of young volunteers in the European Union adopted under the French Presidency of the EU in 2008, to facilitate youth volunteering in a post-pandemic period

Space and participation for all

Connecting EU with Youth

Youth organisations and European programmes



2022 (1st half)

European Youth Conference (Strasbourg, 24-26 January 2022)

European Youth Conference

Inclusive societies

Sustainable green Europe



2022 (1st half)

Informal meeting of ministers for youth and for education: ‘for a greener and more sustainable Europe’(Strasbourg, 27 January 2022)

Exchanges of best practices

Participation of youth delegates from each Member State to share the voice of young people

Youth engagement on sustainable development issues

Sustainable green Europe



2022 (1st half)

Informal meeting of DG for youth (Bordeaux, 5-6 May 2022)


The European Year of Youth (EYY)

The mobility and the recognition of skills of youth workers

Synergies and complementarities between national and transnational volunteering activities

Connecting EU with Youth



2022 (1st half)

Seminar on the participation of young people in the European project: ‘Bringing Europe to Life: For and together with young people’ (Strasbourg, 9-10 June 2022)

Exchanges of best practices between experts on youth participation

Follow up on the 8th cycle and on the Conference on the future of Europe

Space and participation for all

Connecting EU with Youth



2022 (2nd half)

Council conclusions on promoting the intergenerational dimension in the youth field to foster dialogue and social cohesion (28 November 2022)

Approval by the Council

Integrate the concerns of today’s youth and future generations more systematically into policymaking

Facilitate recognition of the importance of promoting intergenerational dialogue for fostering intergenerational solidarity and justice for a strong, resilient, green and inclusive Europe

Inclusive societies



2022 (2nd half)

EU Youth Conference (Prague, 11-13 July 2022)

EU Youth Conference

Inclusive societies

Sustainable green Europe



2022 2nd half

Informal meeting of DG for Youth: Links between non-formal learning and formal education in the youth field: youth work responses to Covid-19 learning losses and to Ukrainian refugees’ education needs (Prague, 19-20 September 2022)

Exchanges of best practices

Inclusive societies



2022 2nd half

Claim the Future (Closing Conference of the EYY, Brussels, 6 December 2022)

Discussion on the legacy of the EYY

Mental Health & Wellbeing

Quality Learning



2023 (1st half)

EU Youth Conference (Växjö, 20-22 March 2023)

Summary and conclusion of the 9th Cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue

Reflections on the EU Youth Dialogue as a process

Inclusive societies

Space and participation for all

Sustainable green Europe



2023 (1st half)

Informal meeting of DG for Youth (Växjö, 22-23 March 2023)

Reflections on the EU Youth Dialogue as a process

Discussion on governance and implementation of youth policy and the outcomes of the EU Youth Conference

Exchange of best practices

Inclusive societies

Space and participation for all



2023 (1st half)

Council conclusions on the social dimension of a sustainable Europe for Youth (May 2023)

Approval by the Council

Policy recommendations on the social dimension of a sustainable green Europe, promoting the inclusion of all young people’s voices and ideas on sustainable development

Sustainable green Europe

Inclusive societies




2023 (1st half)

Council Resolution on the outcomes of the 9th cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue (May 2023)

Approval by the Council

Summary, reflection and evaluation of the 9th EUYD cycle. Strengthen the outreach of information to marginalised young people, further develop process/governance of EUYC and EUYD to enhance inclusion and feedback

Sustainable green Europe

Inclusive societies

Information and constructive dialogue

Space and participation for all



2023 (1st half)

Revision of the Resolution of the Council on the EU Youth Strategy Work Plan 2022-2024 (May 2023)

Approval by the Council

Revision of the Resolution of the Council on the EU Youth Strategy Work Plan 2022-2024

Inclusive societies



2023 (1st half)

Conference on mainstreaming of youth policy into other policy areas (Brussels, 19 June 2023)

Presidency conference on the legacy of the European Year of Youth, objective 4: mainstreaming of youth policy

Information and constructive dialogue

Space and participation for all

Connecting EU with youth




Overall topic: ‘WE NEED YOUTH’

European Youth goal #3 INCLUSIVE SOCIETIES (3)


Working method/Instrument

Indicative target and output

Related youth goals

Relation to the European Youth Work Agenda

Proposed by

2023 (2nd half)

Council conclusions to promote a European Youth Agenda, ensuring the full enjoyment of young people’s rights and placing them at the heart of European engagement

Approval by the Council

Contribute to the definition of a European Youth Rights Agenda

Strengthen the rights of young people

Contribute to defining the challenges of young people

Contribute to the development of policies aimed at expanding rights and guaranteeing a full life free of violence

Inclusive societies



2023 (2nd half)

Informal meeting of ministers for youth, universities and education

Exchanges of best practices

Develop a European agenda that places youth at the centre

Inclusive societies



2023 (2nd half)

(poss.) Council resolution on the review aim of Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps Programmes to foster the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy

Approval by the Council

Reflection and evaluation of the Youth programmes, aims, objectives and actions. Opportunity for solidarity. Reflexion on the Multiannual Framework

Inclusive societies



2023 (2nd half)

EU Youth Conference (Alicante, 2-4 October 2023)

Topic to be determined among those identified by the conferences/seminars

Inclusive societies



2023 (2nd half)

Informal meeting of DG for youth (Alicante, 4-5 October 2023)





2024 (1st half)

(poss.) Directors-General meeting on Youth and High-Level exchange with NA directors

Mid-term evaluation of the EU-Youth Strategy 2019-2027; reflections on Erasmus+ 2021-2027 – Youth Chapter and the European Solidarity Corps 2021-2027

All youth goals

§13 (a) Empower/quality, innovation, recognition


COM and BE

2024 (1st half)

(poss.) Council conclusions on ‘leaving no one behind’ (preliminary title)

Approval by the Council

Council conclusions ‘on leaving no one behind: paving the way towards the social inclusion of all young people’ (4)

Inclusive Societies

§3, §4, §5, §6, §10 (d), §13 (b), §16, §19, §20, §21, §22, §33, §34


2024 (1st half)

(poss.) Conference on inclusive societies for young people

EU Youth Conference

Inclusive Societies

§3, §4, §5, §6, §10 (d), §13 (b), §16, §19, §20, §21, §22, §33, §34


2024 (1st half)

(poss.) Conference on youth work (5) (with a focus on the local level and democracy: It is where young people’s experience of youth work usually starts, and the local level is where most youth work usually happens.)

Policy recommendations

Compendium of best practices

Aligning with the European Youth Work Agenda/Bonn Process

In cooperation with ‘Europe goes local’ and ‘Democracy reloading’

Signposts for the Future where the ‘local youth work offer’ is delineated as the first item of three under the heading ‘Youth work provision’. Point 7 of the Final Declaration of the 3rd European Youth Work Convention says that ‘a basic youth work offer should therefore include a clear strategy to enhance social inclusion and diversity among participating young people’ (6)

Youth Organisations and European Programmes

Inclusive Societies

§3, §8, §10 (a), §10 (c), §10 (e), §13 (b), §13 (c) §14, §16, §17, §18, §19, §20, §21, §22, §23, §24, §25, §27, §34, §38, §39


2024 (1st half)

(poss.) Council Resolution on youth work policy in a new Europe

Approval by the Council

(poss.) Policy recommendations on the role of youth work in children and youth-friendly cities and the role of public space (e.g., local youth work and youth-friendly cities)

Exchanges of best practices with the youth friendly cities label and European Youth Capitals sharing their work on ‘public spaces for young people’, ‘the right to play’ and the link with learning (formal, non-formal and informal learning) towards a ‘European Learning Area’

All youth goals

§3, §8, §10 (a), §10 (c), §10 (e), §13 (b), §13 (c), §14,§16, §17, §18, §19, §20, §21, §22, §23, §24, §25, §27, §34, §38, §39


2024 (1st half)

(poss.) Seminar on the evaluation and update of European and international agenda’s on children, youth and children’s rights

Evaluation and recommendations

Update of the Council conclusions

Explore the topic of ‘the right to play’ and the link with formal, non-formal and informal learning

Information and constructive dialogue


BE (and poss. COM)

2024 (1st half)

European Youth Capital

The BE Presidency will emphasize the role of Ghent as the European Youth Capital in 2024


§10 (c), §39


2024 (2nd half)

(poss.) Council Resolution on the 10th cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue

Approval by the Council

Space and participation for all

§1, §2, §6, §21, §22


2024 (2nd half)

(poss.) Council conclusions on the creation of conditions which enable young people to fulfil their potential in rural areas

Approval by the Council

Moving rural youth forward

§1, §2, §5,

§13 (d), §21, §26


2024 (2nd half)

Conference on the presidency trio’s priorities/open method of coordination

EU Youth Conference and DG meeting

Final outcome of the EU Youth Dialogue cycle under the ES-BE-HU trio presidencies

Inclusive societies

Space and participation for all

Moving rural youth forward

§1, §2, §6, §13(b)

§19, §21


2024 (2nd half)

(poss.) Informal meeting of ministers for youth

Exchanges of best practices

Inclusive societies

Moving rural youth forward



2024 (2nd half)

(Conference) Summarising, reviewing and evaluating event for the first 10 cycles of the EU Youth (Structured) Dialogue

Overview of the 10 cycles of the EU Youth (Structured) Dialogue

Space and participation for all

Information and constructive dialogue

§1, §2, §6, §26

HU, ES, BE, (poss. COM)

2024 (2nd half)

(Seminar) Tools to create conditions which enable young people to fulfil their potential in rural areas

Exchanges of best practices at inter-sectoral and inter-institutional levels

Forming recommendations.

Moving rural youth forward

Space and participation for all

Youth organisations and European youth programmes

Quality learning.

§1, §5, § 11,

§13 (a), §24, §33, §37.

HU (and poss. COM)

(1)  Compiled by the SI Presidency based on the Commission’s ‘Possible actions for a future EU Work Plan for Youth for 2019-2021’ (ST-9264/18-ADD-1) and the information updated in 2023 by the trio presidencies FR-CZ-SE and ES-BE-HU.

(2)  See the Resolution of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on the Framework establishing a European Youth Work Agenda (2020/C 415/01).

(3)  Resolution of the Council of the European Union and the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on a framework for European cooperation in the youth field: The European Union Youth Strategy 2019-2027 (2018/C 456/01).

(4)  Possible step forward in cross-sectoral cooperation with the social, employment, education health, etc. sectors. Support-background documents requested from the Pool of European Youth Researchers (PEYR).

(5)  The European conference will also explore the topic of ‘the right to play’ and the link with formal, non-formal and informal learning.

(6)  In close cooperation with the partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth and the Community of practice on the European Youth Work Agenda (EYWA). Support also requested from the PEYR.