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Official Journal
of the European Union


L series




of 27 May 2024

amending Decision 2013/255/CFSP concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Syria


Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in particular Article 29 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,



On 31 May 2013, the Council adopted Decision 2013/255/CFSP (1).


On 25 May 2023, the Council adopted Decision (CFSP) 2023/1035 (2) extending the restrictive measures set out in Decision 2013/255/CFSP until 1 June 2024.


On the basis of a review of Decision 2013/255/CFSP, the restrictive measures set out therein should be extended until 1 June 2025.


The entries for five deceased persons, as well as the entry for one additional individual, should be deleted from the list of natural and legal persons, entities or bodies set out in Annex I to Decision 2013/255/CFSP. Additionally, the entries for 96 natural persons and 1 entity in that list should be updated and amended.


Decision 2013/255/CFSP should therefore be amended accordingly,


Article 1

Decision 2013/255/CFSP is amended as follows:


Article 34 is replaced by the following:

‘Article 34

This Decision shall apply until 1 June 2025. It shall be kept under constant review. It may be renewed, or amended as appropriate, if the Council deems that its objectives have not been met.’;


Annex I is amended in accordance with the Annex to this Decision.

Article 2

This Decision shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Done at Brussels, 27 May 2024.

For the Council

The President


(1)  Council Decision 2013/255/CFSP of 31 May 2013 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Syria (OJ L 147, 1.6.2013, p. 14).

(2)  Council Decision (CFSP) 2023/1035 of 25 May 2023 amending Decision 2013/255/CFSP concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Syria (OJ L 139, 26.5.2023, p. 49).


Annex I to Decision 2013/255/CFSP is amended as follows:


in Section A ‘(Persons)’:


the following six entries are deleted:


Zoulhima CHALICHE;






Ahmad AL-HAMU;


Mahir Burhan Eddine AL-IMAM;


Mustafa AL-MASALMAH; and


the following 96 entries are replaced by the following:



Identifying information


Date of listing



(a.k.a. Ali Mamlouk; Ali Al-Mamlouk; Abu Ayham)

(علي المملوك; أبو أيهم; علي مملوك)

Date of birth: 19.2.1946;

Place of birth: Damascus, Syria;

Diplomatic passport No 983;

Gender: male

Presidential advisor for security affairs since January 2024. Former Vice President of the Syrian Arab Republic for Security Affairs. Former Director of the National Security Bureau. Former Head of Syrian Intelligence Directorate involved in violence against demonstrators.



Abd al-Fatah (

Image 1


Image 2


Date of birth: 4.2.1953;

Place of birth: Hama, Syria;

Diplomatic passport No D0005788;

Gender: male

Officer of the rank of Major General in the Syrian Armed Forces in post after May 2011.

Deputy Director of the National Security Bureau of the Ba’ath Party. Former Head of the Syrian Military Intelligence Directorate. Involved in violent repression of the civilian population in Syria.



Brigadier General Mohammed BILAL

(a.k.a. Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Bilal)

Date of birth: 25.5.1971;

Gender: male

As a senior officer in the Syrian Air Force Intelligence Service, he supports the Syrian regime and is responsible for the violent repression of the civilian population. He is also associated with the listed Scientific Studies Research Centre (SSRC).



Faruq (

Image 3

) (a.k.a. Farouq, Farouk) AL SHAR’ (

Image 4

) (a.k.a. Al Char’, Al Shara’, Al Shara)

Date of birth: 1.1.1938;

Gender: male

Former Vice-President of Syria; involved in violence against the civilian population.



Bassam (

Image 5


Image 6

) (a.k.a. Al Hasan)

Date of birth: 6.3.1962;

Place of birth: Sheen, Homs, Syria;

Rank: Major General;

Gender: male

Presidential Advisor for Strategic Affairs; head of the General Secretariat of the National Defence. Involved in violence against the civilian population.



Major General Tawfiq (

Image 7

) (a.k.a. Tawfik) YOUNES (

Image 8

) (a.k.a. Yunes)

Date of birth: 5.1.1956;

Gender: male

Former head of the Department for Internal Security of the General Intelligence Directorate; involved in violence against the civilian population.




(a.k.a. Aiman Jaber)

(أيمن جابر)

Date of birth: 17.1.1967;

Place of birth: Latakia, Syria;

Gender: male

Leading businessperson operating in Syria, involved in the steel, media, consumable goods and oil sectors, including in trading those goods. He has financial interests and/or holds senior executive positions in a number of companies and entities in Syria, in particular Al Jazira (a.k.a. Al Jazerra, El Jazireh), Dunia TV and Sama Satellite Channel.

Through his company Al Jazira, Ayman Jabir has facilitated the importation of oil from Overseas Petroleum Trading to Syria.

Ayman Jabir benefits from and provides support to the Syrian regime, through his business interests. Provides direct support for and plays a leading role in activities of regime-affiliated militias known as Shabiha and/or Suqur as-Sahraa. He is an honorary president of “Wafa lil-Watan” (loyalty to homeland), which is an association providing aid to families of Syrian soldiers and militias.

Associate of Rami Makhlouf through his business activities, and an associate of Maher al-Assad through his role in regime-affiliated militias.



Hayel (

Image 9
Image 10

(a.k.a. Hael al-Asad (هاىلالأسد))

Date of birth: 8.9.1968;

Gender: male

Assistant to Maher al-Assad; Head of the military police unit of the army’s 4th Division, involved in repression.



Major General Rafiq (

Image 11

) (a.k.a. Rafeeq) SHAHADAH (

Image 12

) (a.k.a. Shahada, Shahade, Shahadeh, Chahada, Chahade, Chahadeh, Chahada)

Date of birth: 5.1.1956;

Place of birth: Jablah, Latakia Province, Syria;

Gender: male

Member of the Syrian Armed Forces of the rank of Major General in post after May 2011. Former Head of Syrian Military Intelligence (SMI) Branch 293 (Internal Affairs) in Damascus. Directly involved in repression and violence against the civilian population in Damascus. Advisor to President Bashar al-Assad for strategic questions and military intelligence.



Brigadier-General Ghassan (

Image 13


Image 14

) (a.k.a. Khaleel)

Date of birth: 3.5.1957;

Gender: male

Head of General Intelligence Directorate’s Information Branch. Directly involved in repression of and violence against the civilian population in Syria.




(سمير حسن)

Date of birth: 10.8.1953;

Gender: male

Leading businessperson operating in Syria, with interests and/or activities in multiple sectors of Syria’s economy. He holds interests in and/or has significant influence in the Amir Group and Cham Holding, two conglomerates with interests in the real estate, tourism, transport and finance sectors. President of the Syria-Russia Business Council and plays a significant role in the economic relations with the Russian Federation through the Syria-Russia Business Council.

Samir Hassan supports the Syrian regime’s war effort with cash donations.

Samir Hassan is associated with persons benefitting from or supporting the regime. In particular, he is associated with Rami Makhlouf and Issam Anbouba, who have been designated by the Council and benefit from the Syrian regime.



Fares (

Image 15
Image 16

(a.k.a. Fares Shihabi; Fares Chihabi)

Son of Ahmad Chehabi;

Date of birth: 7.9.1972;

Gender: male

President of the Aleppo Chamber of Industry; Chairman of the Federation of Chambers of Industry since 16.12.2018. Vice-Chairman of Cham Holding. Provides economic support to the Syrian regime. Member of Syrian Parliament since 2016.



Issam (

Image 17


Image 18


President of Anbouba for Agricultural Industries Co.;

Date of birth: 18.3.1952;

Place of birth: Homs, Syria;

Gender: male

Leading businessperson active in different sectors of the Syrian economy, such as agriculture, real estate and banking. Financial relations with high-ranking Syrian officials. Co-founder of Cham Holding.



Ali (

Image 19

) Abdullah (

Image 20

) (a.k.a. Abdallah) AYYUB (

Image 21

) (a.k.a. Ayyoub, Ayub, Ayoub, Ayob)

Date of birth: 28.4.1952;

Place of birth: Lattakia, Syria;

Gender: male

Former Vice President of the Council of Ministers and former Minister of Defence.

Officer of the rank of General in the Syrian Army, in post after May 2011. Former Chief of General Staff of the Syrian Armed Forces. Person supporting the Syrian regime and responsible for repression of and violence against the civilian population in Syria.



Major General Aous (

Image 22

) (a.k.a. Aws, Aus) “Ali” ASLAN (

Image 23


Date of birth: 9.12.1958;

Gender: male

High-ranking officer. Close to Maher al-Assad and President Bashar al-Assad. Former positions: Commander of the 40th Brigade (4th Division) between 2011 and 2014; deputy Commander of the 4th Division in 2015; Commander of the 2nd Corps in 2016. Involved in the crackdown on the civilian population across Syria, including arbitrary arrests, mass killings and forced displacements of civilian population.



General Ghassan (

Image 24


Image 25

) (a.k.a. Bilal)

Date of birth: 19.9.1966;

Gender: male

Head of the 4th Division security bureau, head of the 555th paratrooper regiment. Adviser to Maher al-Assad and coordinator of security operations. Responsible for the crackdown on the civilian population across Syria and involved in several breaches of cessation of hostilities in the Ghouta.



Mujahed (

Image 26


Image 27

) (a.k.a. Ismael)

Date of birth: 1.1.1977;

Gender: male

Member of the Syrian electronic army (territorial army intelligence service). Involved in the violent crackdown and call for violence against the civilian population across Syria.



Major General Kifah (

Image 28


Image 29

) (a.k.a. Moulhim, Mulhem, Mulhim, Milhem)

Date of birth: 28.11.1961;

Place of birth: Junaynat Ruslan, Tartous province, Syria;

Gender: male

Head of the National Security office since January 2024. Former Head of the Military Intelligence Directorate appointed in March 2019. Former Head of the Security Committee in the Southern region and former deputy head of the Military Intelligence directorate, leading the regime’s operation in Homs and Aleppo regions. Responsible for the crackdown on the civilian population in Deir ez-Zor and the main individual responsible for the violent repression committed by the Military Intelligence Directorate (Branch 248) throughout 2011 and 2012 as well as torture and severe violations on detainees.



Brigadier Khalil (

Image 30

) (a.k.a. Khaleel) ZGHRAYBIH (

Image 31


Image 32

) (a.k.a. Zghraybeh, Zghraybe, Zghrayba, Zghraybah, Zaghraybeh, Zaghraybe, Zaghrayba, Zaghraybah, Zeghraybeh, Zeghraybe, Zeghrayba, Zeghraybah, Zughraybeh, Zughraybe, Zughrayba, Zughraybah, Zighraybeh, Zighraybe, Zighrayba, Zighraybah)

Date of birth: 4.2.1955;

Gender: male

14th Division. Military official involved in the violence in Homs.



Mohammad (

Image 33

) (a.k.a. Mohamed, Muhammad, Mohammed) AL-SHAAR (

Image 34

) (a.k.a. al-Chaar, al-Sha’ar, al-Cha’ar)

Date of birth: 1.10.1950;

Gender: male

Political Security Division. Military official involved in the violence in Homs.



Major General Ramadan (

Image 35

) Mahmoud (

Image 36


Image 37


Date of birth: 10.3.1962;

Position: Commander of the 35th Special Forces Regiment;

Gender: male

Ordered troops to shoot protestors in Baniyas and Deraa.



Major General Naim (

Image 38

) (a.k.a. Naaeem, Naeem, Na’eem, Naaim, Na’im) Jasem (

Image 39


Image 40


Date of birth: 16.2.1954;

Position: Commander of the 3rd Division;

Gender: male

Gave orders to troops to shoot protestors in Douma.



Major General Fo’ad (

Image 41

) (a.k.a. Fouad, Fu’ad) HAMOUDEH (

Image 42

) (a.k.a. Hammoudeh, Hammoude, Hammouda, Hammoudah)

Date of birth: 3.10.1955;

Position: Commander of the military operations in Idlib;

Gender: male

Gave orders to troops to shoot protestors in Idlib at the beginning of September 2011.



Brigadier General Ghassan (

Image 43

) AFIF (

Image 44

) (a.k.a. Afeef)

Date of birth: 10.2.1958;

Position: Commander of the 45th Regiment;

Gender: male

Commander of military operations in Homs, Baniyas and Idlib.



Major General Mohamed (

Image 45

) (a.k.a. Mohammad, Muhammad, Mohammed) KHADDOR (

Image 46

) (a.k.a. Khaddour, Khaddur, Khadour, Khudour)

Date of birth: 13.1.1976;

Position: Commander of the 106th Brigade, Presidential Guard;

Gender: male

Gave orders to troops to beat protesters with sticks and then arrest them. Responsible for repression of peaceful protestors in Douma.



Ahmed (

Image 47

) (a.k.a. Ahmad) DIBE (

Image 48

) (a.k.a. Dib, Deeb)

Head of Deraa Regional Branch (General Security Directorate);

Date of birth: 15.11.1961;

Gender: male

As Head of the Deraa Regional Branch of the General Security Directorate, responsible for arbitrary detention and torture of detainees in Deraa.



Mohammad (

Image 49

) (a.k.a. Mohamed, Muhammad, Mohammed) AL-JLEILATI (

Image 50


Date of birth: 13.6.1945;

Place of birth: Damascus, Syria;

Gender: male

Former Minister of Finance, in office until 9.2.2013. As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.



Hussein (

Image 51
) (a.k.a. Hussain) Mahmoud (
Image 52
Image 53

(a.k.a. Hussein Mahmud Farzat)

Date of birth: 6.9.1957;

Place of birth: Hama, Syria;

Gender: male

Former Minister of State, in office until at least 2014. As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.



Mansour (

Image 54
) Fadlallah (
Image 55
Image 56

(a.k.a. Mansur Fadl Allah Azzam)

Date of birth: 15.3.1960;

Place of birth: Sweida Province, Syria;

Gender: male

Minister for Presidency Affairs. As a Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.



Bouthaina (

Image 57
Image 58

(a.k.a. Buthaina Shaaban)

Date of birth: 1.4.1953;

Place of birth: Homs, Syria;

Gender: female

Political and Media Advisor to the President since July 2008 and as such associated with the violent crackdown on the civilian population.



Brigadier General Sha’afiq (

Image 59

) (a.k.a. Shafiq, Shafik) MASA (

Image 60

) (a.k.a. Massa)

Date of birth: 5.7.1956;

Place of birth: Al-Zara (Hama), Syria;

Gender: male

Head of Branch 215 (Damascus) of the army’s intelligence service. Responsible for the torture of detained opponents. Involved in repressive actions against civilians.



Brigadier General Muhammad (

Image 61

) (a.k.a. Mohammed) KHALLOUF (

Image 62

) (a.k.a. Abou Ezzat)

Date of birth: 2.11.1946;

Gender: male

Former (2009-2014) Head of Branch 235 a.k.a. “Palestine” (Damascus) of the army’s intelligence service, which is at the centre of the army’s apparatus of repression. Directly involved in repression of opponents. Responsible for the torture of opponents in custody.



Brigadier General Jawdat (

Image 63


Image 64

) (a.k.a. al-Ahmad)

Date of birth: 8.2.1958;

Place of birth: Qardaha, Lattakia province, Syria;

Gender: male

Head of the Homs Branch of the Syrian Air Force Intelligence Service. Responsible for the torture of opponents in custody as well as killings of peaceful protesters.



Colonel Qusay Ibrahim MIHOUB

(قصي إبراهيم ميهوب)

Date of birth: 15.4.1961;

Place of birth: Derghamo, Jableh, Lattakia, Syria;

Gender: male

High-ranking officer at the Syrian Air Force Intelligence Service. Former Head of the Deraa branch of the air force’s intelligence service (sent from Damascus to Deraa at the start of demonstrations there). Responsible for the torture of opponents in custody as well as the violent repression of peaceful protests in the southern region.



Major General Hussam LUQA

(a.k.a. Husam, Housam, Houssam; Louqa, Louca, Louka, Luka)

(حسام لوقا)

Date of birth: 20.9.1960;

Place of birth: Damascus, Syria;

Gender: male

Former Head of the Security Committee of the Southern Region from 2018 to 2020. Former Head of the General Security Directorate. Major General. From April 2012 to 2 December 2018, was head of the Homs branch of the Political Security Directorate (succeeded Brigadier General Nasr al-Ali). Since 3 December 2018, head of the Political Security Directorate. Director of the General Intelligence Department since 2019. Responsible for the torture of opponents in custody.



General Ghassan Jaoudat ISMAIL

(a.k.a. Ismael)

(غسان جودت اسماعيل)

Date of birth: 3.1.1959;

Place of birth: Junaynat Ruslan — Darkoush, Tartous region, Syria;

Gender: male

Former Head of the Syrian Air Force Intelligence Service. Former deputy director of the Air Force Intelligence Service and previously in charge of the missions branch of the Air Force Intelligence Service which, in cooperation with the special operations branch, manages the elite troops of the Air Force Intelligence Service, who play an important role in the repression conducted by the Syrian regime. As such, Ghassan Jaoudat Ismail is one of the top military leaders directly implementing the violent repression of opponents conducted by the Syrian regime as well as practices of disappearance of civilians.



General Mohammed (

Image 65

) (a.k.a. Muhammad, Mohamed, Mohammad) Ali (

Image 66

) NASR (

Image 67

) (a.k.a. Mohammed Ali Naser)

Date of birth: 8.10.1964;

Gender: male

Close to Maher al-Assad, younger brother of President Bashar al-Assad. Most of his career has been spent in the Republican Guard. In 2010 he joined the internal branch (Branch 251) of the General Intelligence Directorate which is responsible for combatting the political opposition. As one of its senior officers, General Mohammed Ali Nasr is directly involved in the repression of opponents.



Samir (

Image 68
) (a.k.a. Sameer) JOUMAA (
Image 69
) (a.k.a. Jumaa, Jum’a, Joum’a)

(a.k.a. Abou Sami)

Date of birth: 8.3.1962;

Gender: male

For almost 20 years he has been head of the office of Mohammad Nassif Kheir Bek, one of the main security advisers of President Bashar al-Assad (and officially deputy to the Vice President, Farouk al-Sharaa). Samir Joumaa’s closeness to President Bashar al-Assad and Mohammed Nassif Kheir Bek means that he is implicated in the policy of repression conducted by the Syrian regime against its opponents.



Dr. Mohammad (

Image 70

) (a.k.a. Mohamed, Muhammad, Mohammed) Abdul-Sattar (

Image 71

) (a.k.a. Abd al-Sattar) AL SAYED (

Image 72

) (a.k.a. Al Sayyed)

Date of birth: 23.12.1958;

Place of birth: Tartous, Syria;

Gender: male

Minister of Religious Endowments. As a Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.



Subhi (

Image 73

) Ahmad (

Image 74


Image 75

) (a.k.a. al-Abdullah)

Date of birth: 17.8.1951;

Gender: male

Former Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform. As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.



Dr. Hazwan (

Image 76

) AL WEZ (

Image 77

) (a.k.a. Al Wazz)

Date of birth: 7.3.1962;

Gender: male

Former Minister of Education, appointed in July 2016.

As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.



Dr. Mahmoud (

Image 78

) Ibraheem (

Image 79

) (a.k.a. Ibrahim) SA’IID (

Image 80

) (a.k.a. Said, Sa'eed, Saeed)

Date of birth: 30.5.1953;

Place of birth: Lattakia, Syria;

Gender: male

Former Minister of Transport in power after May 2011. As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.



Dr. Safwan (

Image 81


Image 82


Date of birth: 13.3.1959;

Gender: male

Former Minister of Housing and Urban Development. As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.



Yasser (

Image 83

) (a.k.a. Yaser) AL SIBA’II (

Image 84

) (a.k.a. al-Sibai, al-Siba’i, al Sibaei)

Date of birth: 26.3.1951;

Gender: male

Former Minister of Public Works. As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.



Sa’iid (

Image 85

) (a.k.a. Sa’id, Sa’eed, Saeed) MA’THI (

Image 86

) (a.k.a. Mu’zi, Mu’dhi, Ma’dhi, Ma’zi, Maazi) Hneidi (

Image 87


Date of birth: 5.9.1954;

Gender: male

Former Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources. As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.



Ali HADAR (a.k.a. HAIDAR)

Date of birth: 21.7.1962;

Gender: male

Head of the National Reconciliation Agency and former State Minister for National Reconciliation Affairs. Chair of the Intifada wing of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party. As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.



Bishr Riyad YAZIGI

Date of birth: 13.11.1972;

Gender: male

Advisor to President Bashar al-Assad. Former Minister of Tourism. As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.



Hussein ARNOUS (a.k.a. Arnus) (حسين عرنوس)

Date of birth: 1.1.1953;

Place of birth: Idleb, Syria;

Gender: male

Prime Minister. Appointed in August 2020.

As a Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.



Suhayl (a.k.a. Sohail, Suhail, Suheil) HASSAN (a.k.a. Hasan, al-Hasan, al-Hassan) known as “The Tiger” (a.k.a. al-Nimr)

Date of birth: 10.6.1970;

Place of birth: Jableh, Latakia Province, Syria;

Rank: Major-General;

Position: Commander of Qawat al-Nimr (Division 25 Special Mission Forces, formerly known as Tiger Forces);

Gender: male

Officer of the rank of Major-General in the Syrian Army after May 2011. Commander of army division known as “Tiger Forces”. Since August 2019, “Tiger Forces” has been renamed “Division 25 Special Mission Forces” and placed under the army’s central command. Responsible for the violent repression of the civilian population in Syria.




(a.k.a. Imad Hmisho; Hamchu; Hamcho; Hamisho; Hmeisho; Hemasho, حميشو)

(حمشو عماد)

Date of birth: 10.8. 1960;

Address: Hamsho Building 31 Baghdad Street, Damascus, Syria;

Gender: male

Occupies a senior management position in Hamsho Trading. As a result of his senior position in Hamsho Trading, a subsidiary of Hamsho International, which has been designated by the Council, he provides support to the Syrian regime and is associated with that entity.

He is vice-president of the Syrian Council of Iron and Steel alongside designated regime businessmen such as Ayman Jabir. Hamsho’s assets include Syrian Metal Industries, a steel plant outside Damascus, which Hamsho has supplied with scrap metal looted by pro-government militias over the course of the war. He is also an associate of President Bashar al-Assad.



Major General Muhamad (

Image 88

) (a.k.a. Mohamed, Muhammad) MAHALLA (

Image 89

) (a.k.a. Mahla, Mualla, Maalla, Muhalla)

Date of birth: 4.6.1959;

Place of birth: Jableh, Syria;

Gender: male

Member of the Syria Armed Forces of the rank of Major General in post after May 2011. Former head of the Syrian Military Intelligence (SMI), Branch 293 (Internal Affairs), since April 2015. Responsible for repression of and violence against the civilian population in Damascus/Damascus Countryside. Former Deputy Head of Political Security (2012), Officer of the Syrian Republican Guard and Vice-Director of the Political Security Directorate. Former head of Military Police, Member of the National Security Bureau.




(a.k.a. Adib Salamah; Adib Salama; Adib Salame; Mohammed Adib Salameh; Adib Nimr Salameh)


Image 90

Position: Major General, Deputy Director of Air Force Intelligence Directorate in Damascus;

Date of birth: 26.11.1953;

Gender: male

Member of the Syrian security and intelligence services in post after May 2011; Deputy Director of the Air Force Intelligence Directorate in Damascus; previously Head of Air Force Intelligence in Aleppo.

Member of the Syrian Armed Forces of the rank of Colonel and the equivalent or higher in post after May 2011; holds the rank of Major General.

Responsible for the violent repression of the civilian population in Syria, through the planning of and involvement in military assaults in Aleppo and authority over the arrest and detention of civilians.



Jawdat Salbi MAWAS

(a.k.a. Jawdat Salibi Mawwas; Jawdat Salibi Mawwaz)


Image 91

Position: Major General;

Date of birth: 4.6.1954;

Gender: male

Holds the rank of Major General, a senior officer in the Syrian Artillery and Missile Directorate of the Syrian Armed Forces, in post after May 2011.

As a senior ranking officer of the Syrian Artillery and Missile Directorate, he is responsible for violent repression of the civilian population, including the use of missiles and chemical weapons by Brigades under his command in highly populated civilian areas in Ghouta in 2013.



Tahir (

Image 92

) Hamid (

Image 93


Image 94

) (a.k.a. Tahir Hamid Khali; Khalil Tahir Hamid)

Position: Major General;

Date of birth: 3.7.1955;

Gender: male

Holds the ranks of Major General, Head of the Syrian Artillery and Missiles Directorate of the Syrian Armed Forces, in post after May 2011. As a senior ranking officer of the Syrian Artillery and Missile Directorate, he is responsible for the violent repression of the civilian population, including the deployment of missiles and chemical weapons by Brigades under his command in highly populated civilian areas in Ghouta in 2013.



Hilal HILAL (a.k.a. Hilal al-Hilal) (

Image 95


Date of birth: 30.6.1966;

Gender: male

Member of the regime-affiliated militias known as “Kataeb al-Baath” (the Baath Party militia). Vice-Chairman of the Baath Party. Supports the Syrian regime through his role in the recruitment and organisation of the Baath Party militia.




(a.k.a. Mohammed Bishr al-Sabban; Bishr Mazin al-Sabban)

Date of birth: 18.3.1966;

Place of birth: Damascus, Syria;

Gender: male

Former Governor of Damascus, who was appointed by, and is associated with, President Bashar al-Assad. Supports the Syrian regime and is responsible for the violent repression of the civilian population in Syria, including engaging in discriminatory practices against Sunni communities within the capital.




(a.k.a. Makhluf)


Image 96

Date of birth: 1964;

Place of birth: Lattakia, Syria;

Gender: male

Minister of Water Resources since December 2023. Former Minister of local Administration and environment.

Former Governor of Damascus Governorate.

As a Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.

Cousin of Rami Makhlouf.





Image 97

Date of birth: 15.5.1962;

Place of birth: Tartus, Syria;

Gender: male

Former Minister of Communications and Technology. As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.



Mohammed (a.k.a. Mohamed, Muhammad, Mohammad) Ramez TOURJMAN (a.k.a. Tourjuman)


Image 98

Date of birth: 19.4.1966;

Place of birth: Damascus, Syria;

Gender: male

Former Minister of Information. As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.




(a.k.a. Hammoud)


Image 99

Date of birth: 15.9.1964;

Place of birth: Tartus, Syria;

Gender: male

Former Transport Minister.

As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.



Maamoun (a.k.a. Ma’moun) HAMDAN


Image 100

Date of birth: 27.7.1958;

Place of birth: Damascus, Syria;

Gender: male

Former Finance Minister.

As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.





Image 101

Date of birth: 1953;

Place of birth: Quneitra, Syria;

Gender: female

Former Minister of social affairs and labour.

Former State Minister.

As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.




Date of birth: 27.12.1964;

Gender: male

Former Governor of the Central Bank of Syria.

Was responsible for providing economic and financial support to the Syrian regime through his functions as the Governor of the Central Bank of Syria, which is also listed.




Image 102

Date of birth: 5.4.1961;

Place of birth: Bistuwir, Jablah, Syria;

Rank: Brigadier General; Commander of Syrian Arab Air Force 63rd Brigade;

Gender: male

Holds the rank of Brigadier General, a senior officer and Commander of 63rd Brigade of the Syrian Arab Air Force, in post after May 2011.

Operates in the chemical weapons proliferation sector and, as Commander of the 63rd Brigade during the period investigated by the Joint Investigative Mechanism, is responsible for the violent repression of the civilian population through the use of chemical weapons by the 63rd Brigade in Talmenes (21.4.2014), Qmenas (16.3.2015) and Sarmin (16.3.2015).



Mohammad Samer Abdelrahman AL-KHALIL

Date of birth: 31.12.1977;

Gender: male

Economy and Foreign Trade Minister. Appointed in March 2017.




(a.k.a. Malek Hassan)


Image 103

Rank: Major General;

Date of birth: 1.1.1959;

Gender: male

Holds the rank of Major General, a senior officer and Commander of the 22nd Division of the Syrian Air Force, in post after May 2011.

As a senior officer of the Syrian Air Force and in the chain of command of the 22nd Division, he is responsible for the violent repression of the civilian population in Syria, including the use of chemical weapons by aircraft operating from airbases under the control of the 22nd Division, such as the attack on Talmenas that the Joint Investigative Mechanism established by the United Nations reported was conducted by Hama airfield-based regime helicopters.



Ghassan Ahmed GHANNAM

(a.k.a. Major General Ghassan Ghannan, Brigadier General Ghassan Ahmad Ghanem)

Date of birth: 2.2.1957;

Rank: Major General;

Position: Commander of the 155th Missile Brigade;

Gender: male

Member of the Syrian Armed Forces of the rank of Colonel and the equivalent or higher in post after May 2011. Major General and Commander of the 155th Missile Brigade. Associated with Maher al-Assad through his role in the 155th Missile Brigade. As Commander of the 155th Missile Brigade, he is supporting the Syrian regime and he is responsible for the violent repression of the civilian population. Responsible for firing scud missiles at various civilian sites between January and March 2013.




(a.k.a. (Mohammed) Khaled/Khalid (Bassam) (al-) Zubaidi/Zubedi)

(خالد الزبيدي)

Nationality: Syrian;

Position: Co-owner of Zubaidi and Qalei LLC; Director of Agar Investment Company; General Manager of Al Zubaidi company and Al Zubaidi & Al Taweet Contracting Company; Director and Owner of Zubaidi Development Company; co-owner of Enjaz Investment Company;

Date of birth: 10.4.1976;

Gender: male

Leading businessperson operating in Syria, with significant investments in the construction industry, including a 50 % stake in Zubaidi and Qalei LLC, which is constructing the luxury tourist city Grand Town and to which the regime has granted a 45-year agreement in return for 19-21 % of its revenue. Khaled al-Zubaidi benefits from and/or supports the Syrian regime through his business activities, in particular through this stake in the Grand Town development.

Khaled al-Zubaidi signed a (350 000 USD worth) sponsorship with a Syrian football club “Wihda FC” through one of his companies “Hijaz Company”. Member of the Federation of Syrian Chambers of Tourism since 2019. President of the Syrian-Algerian Business Council.



Major General Mohammad Khaled AL-RAHMOUN

Date of birth: 1.4.1957;

Place of birth: Idleb, Syria;

Gender: male

Minister of the Interior.

Appointed in November 2018.

As a Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.



Mohammad Rami Radwan MARTINI

Date of birth: 31.8.1970;

Place of birth: Aleppo, Syria;

Gender: male

Minister of Tourism.

Appointed in November 2018.

As a Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.





Image 104
; Anas Talous/Tals/Tuls/Tlass)

Date of birth: 25.3.1975;

Nationality: Syrian;

Position: Chairperson of the Talas Group;

Gender: male

Leading businessperson operating in Syria, with interests and activities in multiple sectors of Syria’s economy. Through his business activities and investments, Anas Talas also benefits from and/or supports the Syrian regime. In 2018 the Talas Group, chaired by Anas Talas, entered into a SYP 23 billion joint venture with Damascus Cham Holding for the construction of Marota City, a regime-backed luxury residential and commercial development.





Image 105
; Mazen al-Tarazi)

(مازن الترزي)

Date of birth: 1.9.1962;

Nationality: Syrian;

Position: Businessperson;

Gender: male

Leading businessperson operating in Syria, with significant investments in the construction and aviation sectors. Through his investments and activities, Mazin al-Tarazi benefits from and/or supports the Syrian regime. In particular, Mazin al-Tarazi has concluded a deal with Damascus Cham Holding for a USD 320 million investment in the construction of Marota City, a regime-backed luxury residential and commercial development. He has also been granted a licence for a private airline in Syria. In September 2019, he created “al-Dana Group Investments LLC”, a 25 million SYP company involved in export-import and investing in tourism facilities and commercial complexes. Mazin Al-Tarazi is a member of the Syrian-Iranian Business Council (SIBC) and served as an intermediary for the Iranian regime to purchase real estate in Syria.




(a.k.a. Hussam/Hossam Ahmed/Mohammed/Muhammad al-Katerji)

(حسام القطرجي)

Date of birth: 1.1.1982;

Place of birth: Raqqa, Syria;

Nationality: Syrian;

Position: CEO of Katerji Group (a.k.a. Al Qatarji, Al Qatarji Company/Qatirji Company/ Khatirji Group/Katerji International Group);

Gender: male

Leading businessperson operating in Syria, who is also a Member of the Syrian Parliament. Al Qatarji supports and benefits from the Syrian regime through enabling, and profiting from, trade deals with the regime in relation to oil and wheat.

Hussam Al Qatarji, with his family, has secured a license to create a new bank, the National Islamic Bank. They have also acquired a new cement plant from the government, through one of their companies, Nabd Contracting and Construction. They also expanded in the tourism sector creating Arman Hotel and Tourist Management LLC. They also entered into a joint venture with the ministry of tourism “Bere Aleppo Private JSC”. Hussam Al Qatarji and his family also run a militia in Aleppo. In October 2021, Qaterji’s BS Company for Oil Services signed a deal with the regime to supply gas stations with fuel in regime held areas.




(وسيم القطان)

(a.k.a. Waseem, Wasseem, Wassim, Wasim; Anouar; al-Kattan, al-Katan, al-Qattan, al-Qatan; وسيم قطان, وسيم أنوار القطان)

Date of birth: 20.6.1976;

Nationality: Syrian;

Syrian National ID Number: 10090110187

Position: President of Damascus Countryside (Rural) Province Chamber of Commerce;

Relatives/business associates/entities or partners/links:

Larosa Furniture/Furnishing; Jasmine Fields Company Ltd.; Muruj Cham (Murooj al-Cham) Investment and Tourism Group; Adam and Investment LLC; Universal Market Company LLC; Treasurer of the Federation of Syrian Chambers of Commerce;

Gender: male

Leading businessperson operating in Syria benefitting from and supporting the regime. Owner of multiple businesses and holding companies with interests and activities in various economic sectors such as real estate, the luxury hotel industry and commercial centres. Waseem al-Kattan rose rapidly as a leading businessperson by imposing taxes on goods smuggled into Eastern Ghouta under siege, and is now involved in aggressive forms of clientelism to the benefit of the regime. Waseem al-Kattan benefits financially from favoured access to public tenders as well as to licences and contracts awarded by government agencies as a result of his close ties to the regime.

In 2020, Al-Kattan was elected member of the Damascus Chamber of Commerce. In November 2021, Al-Kattan was appointed secretary of the Federation of Syrian chambers of commerce by the Syrian Government, despite having lost elections. In 2022, Al-Kattan was appointed Chairman of the Syrian-Omani Business Council.




(a.k.a. Saqr, Saqer; As’ad, Asaad, Asad; al-Rustom, al-Rostom; صقررستم, صقرأسعدالرستم)

Nationality: Syrian;

Position: Head of National Defence Force in Homs;

Relatives/business associates/entities or partners/links: Damas Real Estate Development and Investment LLC;

Date of birth: 4.12.1947;

Gender: male

Head of the local branch of the National Defence Force in Homs (a regime militia — Shabiha). Responsible for its participation in the brutal repression of the civilian population in Syria. Through his militia, Saqr Rustom is responsible for multiple war profiteering schemes and is therefore benefitting from and supporting the Syrian regime. Associated with designated person Bassam Hassan, his uncle, with whom he established the Damas Real Estate Development and Investment LLC in order to invest in real estate projects.



Khodr Ali TAHER

(a.k.a. خضر علي طاهر)

Date of birth: 15.5.1976;

Nationality: Syrian;

Position: Director and owner of Ella Media Services; founding partner of Castle Security and Protection and of Jasmine Contracting Company; Chairperson and founding partner of the Syrian Hotel Management Company; Manager and owner of Ematel;

Relatives/business associates/entities or partners/links:

Citadel for Protection; Guard and Security Services (Castle Security and protection); Ematel LLC (Ematel Communications); Syrian Hotel Management Company; Jasmine Contracting Company;

Gender: male

Leading businessperson operating across multiple sectors of the Syrian economy, including private security, mobile phone retail, hotel management, advertising services, domestic money transfer, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

Supports and benefits from the Syrian regime through cooperation in his business activities and his involvement in smuggling and profiteering activities. Khodr Ali Taher owns a number of companies and has co-founded others. His involvement in business dealings with the regime includes entering into a joint venture with the Syrian Transport and Tourism Company, of which the Ministry of Tourism owns a two-thirds stake.



Adel Anwar AL-OLABI

(a.k.a. Adel Anouar el-Oulabi, Adil Anwar al-Olabi)

(عادل أنور العلبي)

Date of birth: 10.1.1976;

Nationality: Syrian;

Position: Chairman of Damascus Cham Holding Company (DCHC); Governor of Damascus;

Gender: male

Leading businessperson benefitting from and supporting the Syrian regime. Chairperson of Damascus Cham Holding Company (DCHC), the investment arm of the Governorate of Damascus managing the properties of the Governorate of Damascus and implementing the Marota City project.

Adel Anwar al-Olabi is also the Governor of Damascus, appointed by President Bashar al-Assad in November 2018. As Governor of Damascus and Chair of DCHC, he is responsible for efforts to implement regime policies of developing expropriated land in Damascus (including Decree No 66 and Law No 10), most notably through the Marota City project.



Darem TABA’A

(دارم طباع)

Date of birth: 7.4.1958;

Place of birth: Damascus, Syria;

Gender: male

Former Minister of Education. Appointed in August 2020.

As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.



Tammam RA’AD (a.k.a. Tamam, Raad)

(تمام رعد)

Date of birth: 1965;

Place of birth: Al-Qusayr, Syria; or Homs, Syria;

Gender: male

Former Minister of Hydraulic/Water Resources.

As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.



Bassam TOU’MA (a.k.a. TU’MA)

(بسام طعمة)

Date of birth: 1969;

Place of birth: Safita, Syria;

Gender: male

Former Minister of oil and mineral resources.

As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression against the civilian population.




(زياد صباغ)

Date of birth: 1960;

Place of birth: Aleppo, Syria;

Gender: male

Former Minister of Industry.

As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression against the civilian population.



Mohamad (a.k.a. Mohammad) Fayez BARCHA (a.k.a. AL-BARSHA, AL-BARASHA)

(محمد فايز برشة)

Date of birth: 1955;

Place of birth: Damascus, Syria;

Gender: male

Former Minister of State.

As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression against the civilian population.



Mohammad Samir HADDAD

(محمد سمير حداد)

Date of birth: 1956;

Place of birth: Tartous, Syria;

Gender: male

Former Minister of State.

As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression against the civilian population.




(عمرو سالم)

Date of birth: January 1958;

Place of birth: Damascus, Syria;

Gender: male

Former Minister of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection.

As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the Syrian regime’s violent repression of the civilian population.




هلا طريف الماغوط

Date of birth: 30.6.1980;

Gender: female

Widow of Mohammed Makhlouf. Member of the Makhlouf family.



Sara Mohammed MAKHLOUF

ساره محمد مخلوف

Date of birth: 2.9.1980;

Gender: female

Daughter of Mohammed Makhlouf. Member of the Makhlouf family.



Mudar Rifaat AL-ASSAD

a.k.a. “Rifa’at”

مضر رفعت الأسد

Date of birth: 12.2.1964;

Place of birth: Syria;

Nationality: Syrian;

Gender: male

Mudar Rifaat al-Assad is Bashar al-Assad’s cousin; he is therefore a member of the Assad family.




طاهر الكيالي

Date of birth: 11.7.1960;

Nationality: Syrian;

Gender: male

Taher Al-Kayali is a Syrian businessperson who owns several companies including Neptunus LLC.

Through his companies, he is involved in the production and trafficking of Captagon, especially in terms of transportation from the port of Latakia. The Captagon trade has become a regime-led business model, enriching the inner circle of the regime and forming its lifeline. He therefore benefits from and supports the regime.





Imad Abu ZREIK

عماد أبو زريق

Date of birth: 9.2.1979;

Place of birth: Nasib, Daraa (Syria);

Nationality: Syrian;

Suspected location: Daraa, Syria;

Gender: male

Imad Abu Zureiq is a leading member of a regime-affiliated militia in Southwest Syria that reports directly to the Syrian regime’s Military Security branch.

Currently his militia profits from the war economy, including the trafficking in Captagon. The Captagon trade has become a regime-led business model, enriching the inner circle of the regime and forming its lifeline. He therefore benefits from and supports the regime.



Hassan Muhammad DAQQOU

حسن محمد دقو

Date of birth: 17.1.1978;

Place of birth: Tfail, Lebanon;

Nationality: Syrian/Lebanese;

Gender: male

Hassan Muhammad Daqqou has close ties with the Fourth Division of the Syrian Army. Daqqou has established a wide drug trafficking network in Lebanon and Syria and built Captagon manufacturing plants close to the Syrian-Lebanese border. The Captagon trade has become a regime-led business model, enriching the inner circle of the regime and forming its lifeline. He therefore benefits from and supports the regime.




جهاد بركات

Date of birth: 4.3.1964;

Place of birth: Qardahah/Syria;

Nationality: Syrian;

Gender: male

Jihad Barakat is, through marriage, associated with the Assad family.

He is also leader of a regime-affiliated militia and continues to hold different military and intelligence functions for the regime.




a.k.a. Usama

أسامة المالكي

Date of birth: 10.2.1963;

Place of birth: Damascus, Syria;

Nationality: Syrian;

Address: Villa 98, Sharqiyyat, Jazira al-Khamisa, Qura al-Assad, Damascus Coutryside, Syria;

Other identifying information: Father: Mohammad al-Maliki — محمد المالكي

Gender: male

Osama al-Maliki is majority owner of Al-Jabal Security and Protection LLC. Al-Jabal Security and Protection LLC acts as a shell company to allow for the continuation of activities of the Saraya al-Areen 313 militia, a regime-affiliated militia. Osama al-Maliki therefore benefits from and supports the regime.



Ahmad Ali TAHER

احمد علي طاهر

Date of birth: 1.1.1982;

Nationality: Syrian;

Address: Damascus, Mazze, Western Villas, Saraya 36 Building, 3rd Floor;

Associated individuals: Brother: Khodr Taher;

Associated entities: Castle Security and Protection LLC;

Other identifying information: Father: Ali Taher;

Gender: male

Ahmad Ali Taher owns shares in Castle Security and Protection LLC, which operates as a shell company for the Fourth Division of the Syrian Arab Army, led by Maher al-Assad. He therefore benefits from and supports the regime.




a.k.a. Usama

أسامة رمضان

Date of birth: 19.12.1973;

Nationality: Syrian;

Address: Damascus, Mazze, Western Villas, Saraya 36 Building, 3rd Floor;

Business Associate: Ahmad Ali Taher;

Associated entities: Castle Security and Protection LLC;

Other identifying information: Father: Hassan Ramadan;

Gender: male

Osama Ramadan owns shares in Castle Security and Protection LLC, which operates as a shell company for the Fourth Division of the Syrian Arab Army, led by the Maher al-Assad. He therefore benefits from and supports the regime.




علي مهنا سليمان

Date of birth: 2.3.1987;

Place of birth: Al-Raml, Kherbet Maaza, Tartus, Syria;

Nationality: Syrian;

Address: Tartus, Khirbit Maaza, 36th Estate, Ghaya Estate Area;

National ID Number: 10040018920;

Father’s Name: Mhanna;

Mother’s Name: Insaf;

Gender: male

Ali Suleiman was the leader of the Sahab Regiment of a Syrian Arab Army division known as “Tiger Forces”. He is a close associate of Suhayl Hassan. He has been involved in financing the regime, including through the smuggling of fuel. He also benefits from his association with the regime, such as from opportunities in real estate development. He therefore benefits from and supports the regime.



Yasser Hussein Ibrahim

a.k.a. Yassar Hussein Ibrahim

يسار حسين إبراهيم

Date of birth: 9.4.1983;

Place of birth: Damascus, Syria;

Nationality: Syrian;

Gender: male

Yasser Ibrahim is an economic advisor to Bashar al-Assad and acts in the economic council run by Asma al-Assad. Together with Ali Najib Ibrahim he operates a number of shell companies, and acts as a front for business activities of Bashar Al-Assad and Asma Al-Assad. Therefore, Yasser Ibrahim is benefitting from and supporting the Syrian regime.



in Section B ‘(Entities)’, entry 95 is replaced by the following:



Identifying information


Date of listing


Al-Aqila Company

(a.k.a. al-Akila/Al-Aqeela Insurance Company)

Place of registration: Damascus, Syria;

Date of registration: 2007;

Principal place of business: Syria

Al-Aqila is an insurance company in Syria. The company is owned and operated by businesspersons associated with the Syrian regime, such as Aji Najib Ibrahim.

Therefore, the Al-Aqila Company is supporting and benefitting from the Syrian regime.



ISSN 1977-0677 (electronic edition)