

Official Journal of the European Union

CI 444/1

Joint declaration by the European Parliament, Council and Commission on the reinforcement of specific programmes and adaptation of basic acts

(2020/C 444 I/01)

Without prejudice to the powers of the legislative and budgetary authority, the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission agree to increase by 2,5 billion Euros in 2018 prices the financial envelopes in the basic acts or the financial programming, as appropriate, of those programmes that are identified by the European Parliament. This will be achieved through a corresponding reduction of the margins available under the MFF ceilings, without prejudice to the possible use of the Flexibility instrument in 2021.

Without prejudice to the legislative powers of the institutions, the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission agree to insert in the basic acts of programmes listed in Annex II of the MFF Regulation a provision on the increase of the financial envelopes by the amounts specified therein. For programmes establishing budgetary guarantees, the additional amount will be reflected in the additional level of the guarantees provided.