

Official Journal of the European Union

L 284/149


of 29 October 2015

amending Decision 2012/642/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against Belarus


Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in particular Article 29 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,



On 15 October 2012, the Council adopted Decision 2012/642/CFSP (1).


On the basis of a review of Decision 2012/642/CFSP, the restrictive measures against Belarus should be extended until 29 February 2016.


The information relating to certain persons and entities on the list of persons and entities subject to restrictive measures as set out in the Annex to Decision 2012/642/CFSP should be updated.


Following the judgment of the General Court of 6 October 2015 in Case T-276/12, Y. Chyzh and others v Council (2), there are no longer grounds for keeping four entities on the list of persons and entities subject to restrictive measures as set out in the Annex to Decision 2012/642/CFSP.


Furthermore, the Council considers that the restrictive measures imposed on certain persons and entities designated under Decision 2012/642/CFSP should be suspended until 29 February 2016.


Decision 2012/642/CFSP should therefore be amended accordingly,


Article 1

Council Decision 2012/642/CFSP is hereby amended as follows:


Article 8 is replaced by the following:

‘Article 8

1.   This Decision shall apply until 29 February 2016.

2.   The measures referred to in Article 3(1) and Article 4, in so far as they apply to persons or entities listed in Annex II, shall be suspended until 29 February 2016.

3.   This Decision shall be kept under constant review and shall be renewed, or amended as appropriate, if the Council deems that its objectives have not been met.’;


the Annex is hereby amended as set out in Annex I to this Decision and the term ‘Annex’ shall be replaced by ‘Annex I’ throughout Decision 2012/642/CFSP, except for Article 6(1), in which the term ‘the Annex’ shall be replaced by the term ‘Annexes I and II’;


the text of Annex II to this Decision shall be added as Annex II to Decision 2012/642/CFSP.

Article 2

This Decision shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Done at Brussels, 29 October 2015.

For the Council

The President


(1)  Council Decision 2012/642/CFSP of 15 October 2012 concerning restrictive measures against Belarus (OJ L 285, 17.10.2012, p. 1).

(2)  Judgment of the General Court (First Chamber) of 6 October 2015. Yury Aleksandrovich Chyzh v Council, T-276/12, ECLI:EU:T:2015:748 (not yet published in the Reports of Cases).



The following entities are deleted from the list set out in Part B (Entities) of the Annex to Decision 2012/642/CFSP:


LLC Triple Metal Trade


JV LLC Triple-Techno


MSSFC Logoysk


Triple-Agro ACC


The entries for the following persons set out in Part A of the Annex to Decision 2012/642/CFSP are replaced by the following:



Transcription of Belarusian spelling

Transcription of Russian spelling


(Belarusian spelling)


(Russian spelling)

Identifying Information

Reasons for listing


Alinikau Siarhei Aliaksandravich (Alinikau Siarhey Alyaksandravich) Aleinikov Sergei Aleksandrovich

АЛИНИКАЎ, Сяргей Аляксандравич

АЛEЙНИКOВ, Сергей Aлександрович


Исправительное учреждение ‘Исправительная колония № 17’ управления Департамента исполнения наказаний МВД Республики Беларусь по Могилевской области, г. Шклов, Могилевская область

Major, head of operative unit of penal colony IK-17 in Shklov. Exerted pressure on political prisoners by denying their right to correspondence and meetings, issued orders to subject them to a stricter criminal regime, searches, and made threats in order to extort confessions. He was directly responsible for violating the human rights of political prisoners and opposition activists in 2011-2012 by using excessive force against them. His actions constituted a direct violation of the international commitments of Belarus in the field of human rights.


Ananich, Liliia Stanislavauna

(Ananich, Lilia Stanislavauna; Ananich, Liliya Stanislavauna)

Ananich, Liliia Stanislavovna

(Ananich, Lilia Stanislavovna; Ananich, Liliya Stanislavovna)

АНАНIЧ, Лiлiя Станiславаўна

АНАНИЧ, Лилия Станиславовна

DOB: 1960

Place of birth: Leonovo, district of Borisov, region of Minsk

ID: 4020160A013PB7


220004, г. Минск, пр. Победителей, 11 Министерствo информации Belarus

Minister of Information since 30.6.2014, former First Deputy Minister of Information. She has played a major role since 2003 in promoting state propaganda, which provokes, supports and justifies the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society, and by suppressing the freedom of the media. Democratic opposition and civil society are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information.


Atabekau, Khazalbek Bakhtibekavich

Atabekov, Khazalbek Bakhtibekovich

АТАБЕКАЎ, Хазалбек Бактiбекавiч

АТАБЕКОВ, Хазалбек Баxтибекович (АТАБЕКОВ, Кхазалбек Баxтибекович)


Главное Управление Командующего Внутренними Войсками

220028 г. Минск, ул.Маяковского, 97

Colonel, Deputy Head of Department of fight training of the Ministry of Interior's troops, former commander of a special brigade of Interior Troops in the Uruchie suburb of Minsk. He commanded his unit during the crackdown on the post-election protest demonstration in Minsk on 19 December 2010 where an excessive use of force was applied. His actions constituted a direct violation of the international commitments of Belarus in the field of human rights.


Badak Ala Mikalaeuna

Bodak Alla Nikolaevna

БАДАК, Ала Мiкалаеўна

БОДАК, Алла Николаевна

DOB: 30.8.1967

Passport Number: SP0013023


220004, г.Минск, ул. Коллекторная, 10 Министерство юстиции

(10 Kollektornaya str.)


Deputy Minister of Justice, in charge of the supervision of, and control over, the Legal Bar, formerly in charge of legal support to the institutions that draft legislative and regulatory acts.

She was responsible for the role and the action of the Ministry of Justice and the judiciary of Belarus, which are major instruments of repression of the population, by elaborating laws that are repressive towards civil society and the democratic opposition.


Bakhmatau, Ihar Andreevich

Bakhmatov, Igor Andreevich

БАХМАТАЎ, Irap Андрэевiч

БАХМАТОВ, Игорь Андреевич


Has been actively involved in the repression of civil society in Belarus. As a former Deputy Head of the KGB, in charge of the staff and the organisation of their tasks, he was responsible for the repressive activity of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition. Reassigned to the reserve forces in May 2012.


Barouski Aliaksandr Genadzevich

Borovski Aleksandr Gennadievich

БАРОЎСКI, Аляксандр Генадзевiч

БОРОВСКИЙ, Александр Геннадиевич


Прокуратура Октябрьского района 220039 г.Минск, ул.Авакяна, 32

Deputy Prosecutor of the Oktiabrski (Kastrichnitski) District of Minsk. He dealt with the case of Pavel Vinogradov, Dmitri Drozd, Ales Kirkevich and Vladimir Homichenko. The accusation presented by him had a clear and imminent political motivation and was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. It was based on an incorrect classification of the events of 19 December 2010, not sustained by evidence, proof or testimonies of witnesses.


Barsukou, Aliaksandr Piatrovich

Barsukov, Aleksandr Petrovich

БАРСУКОЎ, Аляксандр Пятровiч

БАРСУКОВ, Александр Петрович

DOB: 29.4.1965


Беларусь, 220007 г. Минск, переулок Добромысленский, 5

ГУВД Минского Горисполкома

General, Chief of Minsk police. Since his appointment as Chief of Minsk police on 21 October 2011, he has been responsible, as commander, for the repression of approximately a dozen peaceful protesters in Minsk, who were later convicted for breaking the law on mass events. For several years he commanded police action against street protests of the opposition.


Bileichyk, Aliaksandr Uladzimiravich Bileichik, Aleksandr Vladimirovich (Bileychik, Aleksandr Vladimirovich)

БIЛЕЙЧЫК, Аляксандр Уладзiмiравiч

БИЛЕЙЧИК, Александр Владимирович

DOB: 1964

Former first Deputy Minister of Justice (until December 2014), in charge of the judicial services, the civil status and the notaries' services. His functions include the supervision of, and control over, the Legal Bar. He has played a major role in almost systematically debarring lawyers who defended political prisoners.


Bulash, Ala Biukbalauna

Bulash, Alla Biukbalovna

БУЛАШ, Ала Бюкбалаўнa

БУЛАШ, Алла Бюкбаловнa


Former Deputy President of the Kastrichnitski District Court of Minsk in charge of criminal matters and former judge of the Oktiabrski (Kastrichnitski) District Court of Minsk. She dealt with the case of Pavel Vinogradov, Dmitri Drozd, Ales Kirkevich, Andrei Protasenia and Vladimir Homichenko. Her way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Busko, Ihar Iauhenavich (Busko, Ihar Yauhenavich) Busko, Igor Evgenievich (Busko, Igor Yevgenyevich)

БУСЬКО, Irap Яўгенавiч

БУСЬКО, Игорь Евгеньевич


КГБ 210623, г. Минск, проспект Независимости, 17

Deputy Head of the KGB, former Head of the KGB of the Region of Brest. Responsible for the repressive activity of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition in the region of Brest and in Belarus.


Charkas, Tatsiana Stanislavauna

(Cherkas, Tatsiana Stanislavauna)

Cherkas, Tatiana Stanislavovna

ЧАРКАС, (ЧЭРКАС) Таццяна Станiславаўна

ЧЕРКАС, Татьяна Станиславовна


Суд Партизанского района г. Минска

220027, г. Минск, ул. Семашко, 33

President of the Partizanski District court of Minsk, former Deputy President of the Frunzenski District court of Minsk, former judge of the Frunzenski District court of Minsk, dealing with the cases of protestors Aleksandr Otroshchenkov (sentenced to 4 years of restricted imprisonment), Aleksandr Molchanov (3 years) and Dmitri Novik (3,5 years of restricted imprisonment). Responsible for implementing the politically-motivated administrative and criminal sanctions against representatives of civil society.


Davydzka, Henadz Branislavavich

Davydko, Gennadi Bronislavovich

ДАВИДЗЬКА, Генадзь Бранiслававiч

ДАВЫДЬКО, Геннадий Брониславович

DOB: 29.9.1955, Senno, Vitebsk region



ул. Макаенка, 9, Минск, 220807, Беларусь

President of the State Radio-TV company since 28 December 2010. Describing himself as an authoritarian democrat, he was responsible for promoting state propaganda on TV, propaganda which supported and justified the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society after the elections in December 2010. Democratic opposition and civil society are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information.


Dysko, Henadz Iosifavich

Dysko, Gennadi Iosifovich

ДЫСКО, Генадзь Iосiфавiч

ДЫСКО, Генадий Иосифович

DOB: 22.3.1964

POB: Oshmiany, Hrodna region


210601 г.Витебск, ул. Жесткова, 14а

(ul. Zhestkova, 14a Vitebsk)

Head prosecutor of the Region of Vitebsk since October 2006. Responsible for the repression of civil society following the December 2010 elections. This includes responsibility for cases against Siarhei Kavalenka and Andrei Haidukow.


Dzemiantsei, Vasil Ivanavich (Dzemyantsey, Vasil Ivanovich)

Dementei, Vasili Ivanovich

(Dementey, Vasili Ivanovich)

ДЗЕМЯНЦЕЙ, Васiль Iванавiч

ДЕМЕНТЕЙ, Василий Иванович

DOB: 20.9.1954

POB: Chashniki district, Vitebsk region

ID: 3200954E045PB4


Гродненская региональная таможня

230003, г. Гродно, ул. Карского, 53

Head of the Hrodna regional Customs committee (since 22 April 2011), former First deputy Chairman of the KGB (2005-2007), former Deputy Head of the State Customs Committee (2007-2011).

Responsible for the repressive activity of the KGB against civil society and the democratic opposition, in particular in 2006-2007.


Dziadkou, Leanid Mikalaevich

Dedkov, Leonid Nikolaevich

ДЗЯДКОЎ, Леанiд Мiкалаевiч

ДЕДКОВ, Леонид Николаевич

DOB: 10.1964

ID: 3271064M000PB3

Former Deputy Head of the KGB (2010-July 2013), in charge of foreign intelligence. He shared responsibility for the repressive activity of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition.


Halavanau, Viktar Ryhoravich

Golovanov, Viktor Grigorievich

ГАЛАВАНАЎ, Biктap Pыгopaвiч

ГОЛОВАНОВ, Виктор Григорьевич

DOB: 15.12.1952, Borisov


ul. Oktyabrskaya, 5


Rector of the private ‘Belarus Institute of Law’. As former Minister of Justice, his services elaborated laws that are repressive towards civil society and the democratic opposition. He also denied or deprived registration for NGOs and political parties and he ignored unlawful acts undertaken by the security services against the population.


Herasimenka, Henadz Anatolievich Gerasimenko, Gennadi Anatolievich

ГЕРАСIМЕНКА, Генадзь Анатольевiч

ГЕРАСИМЕНКО, Геннадий Анатольевич


‘Институт национальной безопасности Республики Беларусь’

220034, г.Минск, ул.З.Бядули, 2

Deputy Head of the Institute of National Security (KGB school) and former Head of the KGB of the District of Vitebsk.

Responsible for the repressive activity of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition in the region of Vitebsk.


Hrachova, Liudmila Andreeuna

(Hrachova, Lyudmila Andreyeuna)

Gracheva, Liudmila Andreevna

(Grachova, Lyudmila Andreyevna;

Grachiova, Ludmila Andreevna)

ГРАЧОВА, Людмiла Андрэеўна

ГРАЧЕВА, Людмила Андреевна


Суд Ленинского района города Минска

ул. Семашко, 33

220027, г. Минск

Former judge and Deputy President of the Leninski District Court of Minsk. She dealt with the case of ex-presidential candidates Nikolai Statkevich and Dmitri Uss, as well as political and civil society activists Andrei Pozniak, Aleksandr Klaskovski, Aleksandr Kvetkevich, Artiom Gribkov and Dmitri Bulanov. Her way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Hureeu Siarhei Viktaravich

(Hureyeu Siarhey Viktaravich)

Gureev Sergei Viktorovich,

(Gureyev Sergey Viktorovich)

ГУРЭЕЎ, Сяргей Biктapaвiч

ГУРЕЕВ, Сергей Викторович


Has been actively involved in the repression of civil society in Belarus. As a former Deputy Minister of Interior and Head of Preliminary Investigation, he was responsible for the violent suppression of protests and violations of human rights during investigation proceedings in relation to the December 2010 elections. Joined the reserve forces in February 2012. Currently a General in the reserve forces .


Iaruta, Viktar Heorhevich

(Yaruta, Viktar Heorhevich) Iaruta, Viktor Gueorguievich (Yaruta, Viktor Gueorguievich)

ЯРУТА, Вiктар Георгіевіч

ЯРУТА, Виктор Георгиевич


Head of the KGB Board on State Communications. Responsible for the repressive activity of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition.


Iasianovich, Leanid Stanislavavich (Yasianovich, Leanid Stanislavavich)

Iasenovich, Leonid Stanislavovich (Yasenovich, Leonid Stanislavovich)

ЯСЯНОВIЧ, Леанiд Станiслававiч

ЯСЕНОВИЧ, Леонид Станиславович

DOB: 26.11.1961

POB: Buchani, Vitebsk district


Glavnoye Upravlenie Yustitsy Mingorispolkoma

220030 Minsk

Prospekt Nezavisimosti 8

Passport Number: MP0515811

First Deputy Head of the Main Justice Department at the Minsk City Administration. Former Deputy President of the Minsk Central District Court, former Judge of the Minsk Central District Court. On 6 August 2006, he sentenced the civil society activists of the Civic Initiative ‘Partnership’ to jail for having monitored the presidential elections in 2006. Nikolai Astreiko was sentenced to 2 years in jail, Timofei Dranchuk to 1 year, Aleksandr Shalaiko and Enira Bronitskaya to 6 months. In 2007, 2010, 2011 and 2012, he sentenced several activists to days in jail; particularly on 20 December 2010, he sentenced Andrei Luhin, Serhey Krauchanka and Stanislau Fedorau to 10 days in jail, and Volha Chernykh to 12 days in jail. On 21 December 2010, he sentenced Mykalai Dzemidenka to 15 days in jail. On 20 December 2011, he sentenced two activists who participated in an action on the anniversary of the events of 19 December 2010, Vassil Parfenkau and Siarhey Pavel respectively to 15 and 12 days in jail.

On 6 September 2012, he sentenced Aliaksey Tseply to 5 days in jail for alleged resistance to policeman, whereas he was distributing an opposition newspaper in central Minsk.

His way of conducting the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.


Iauseev, Ihar Uladzimiravich

(Yauseev, Ihar Uladzimiravich; Yauseyev, Ihar Uladzimiravich)

Evseev, Igor Vladimirovich (Yevseev, Igor Vladimirovich; Yevseyev, Igor Vladimirovich)

ЯЎСЕЕЎ, Irap Уладзiмiравiч

ЕВСЕЕВ, Игорь Владимирович

DOB: 1968


Minsk 220073 Kalvariiskaya 29

Head of the regional Minsk police (since March or April 2015), former Head of the regional Vitebsk police, police general (since 2013). Former Deputy Head of Minsk Police and Head of the Minsk anti-riot (OMON) operation team. He commanded the troops that put down the peaceful demonstrations on 19 December 2010 and personally took part in the brutality, for which he received an award and an acknowledgement letter from President Lukashenka in February 2011. In 2011, he also commanded the troops that repressed several other protests by political activists and peaceful citizens in Minsk.


Ihnatovich-Mishneva, Liudmila

Ignatovich-Mishneva, Liudmila




Prosecutor in Minsk dealing in 2011 with the dismissal of the appeal against the sentence of Dmitri Dashkevich and Eduard Lobov, activists of the Molodoi Front (Young Front). The trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.


Kachanau Uladzimir Uladzimiravich Kachanov Vladimir Vladimirovich

КАЧАНАУ, Уладзiмiр Уладзiмiравiч

КАЧАНОВ, Владимир Владимирович


220004, г.Минск, ул. Коллекторная, 10 Министерство юстиции

(10 Kollektornaya str.)


Aide/Advisor to the Minister of Justice. As the aide to the Minister of Justice, he was responsible for the role and the action of the Ministry of Justice and the judiciary of Belarus, by elaborating laws that are repressive towards civil society and the democratic opposition, supervising the work of the judges and prosecutors, denying or depriving registration for NGOs and political parties, taking decisions against lawyers who defended political prisoners, as well as deliberately ignoring the unlawful acts undertaken by the security services against the population.


Kadzin, Raman Viktaravich

Kadin, Roman Viktorovich

КАДЗIН, Раман Вiктаравiч

КАДИН, Роман Викторович

DOB: 17.7.1977

Present passport: MP3260350

Commanding officer of Weaponry and Technical Supply of the Motorised Patrol Service.

In February 2011, he received an award and an acknowledgement letter from President Lukashenka for his active participation and implementation of orders during the repression of the 19 December 2010 demonstrations.


Kakunin, Aliaksandr Aliaksandravich

(Kakunin, Aliaxandr Aliaxandravich)

Kakunin, Aleksandr Aleksandravich

(Kakunin, Alexandr Alexandrovich)

Alexander Aleksandrovich Kakunin

Alexander Aleksandrovich Kakunin

(Александр Александрович Какунин, Аляксандр, Аляксандровіч Какунін)

КАКУНИН Александр Александрович

КАКУНІН Аляксандр, Аляксандровіч


Исправительная колония № 2

213800, г. Бобруйск, ул. Сикорского, 1

Head of penal colony IK-2 in Bobruisk, responsible for inhumane treatment of political prisoners A. Sannikau and A. Beliatski in penal colony IK-2 in Bobruisk. Opposition activists were tortured, denied access to lawyers and placed in the solitary confinement in the penal colony under his supervision. Kakunin put pressure on A. Beliatski and A. Sannikau in order to force them to sign an appeal for pardon.


Kalach, Uladzimir Viktaravich

Kalach, Vladimir Viktorovich

КАЛАЧ, Уладзiмiр Вiктаравiч

КАЛАЧ, Владимир Викторович


Head of the KGB of the region and city of Minsk and former Deputy Head of the KGB for Minsk. Responsible for the repressive activity of the KGB civil society and the democratic opposition in Minsk.


Kanapliou, Uladzimir Mikalaevich

Konoplev, Vladimir Nikolaevich

КАНАПЛЕЎ, Уладзiмiр Мiкалаевiч

КОНОПЛЕВ, Владимир Николаевич

DOB: 3.1.1954

POB: Akulintsi, Mohilev region

ID: 3030154A124PB9


220114, Filimonova Str., 55/2, Minsk, Belarus

Has close ties with President Lukashenka with whom he worked closely during the 1980s and mainly in 1990s. Deputy Head of the National Olympic Committee (Head is Alexandr Lukashenka). Head of the Handball federation, re-elected in 2014. Former Chairman of the Lower House of the Parliament. He was one of the main actors in the fraudulent presidential election in 2006.


Kazheunikau Andrey Kozhevnikov Andrey




Head of the Investigative Committee of the Minsk Oktiabrsky district, former public prosecutor of the case against ex-presidential candidates Vladimir Neklyaev, Vitaly Rimashevsky, members of Neklyaev's campaign team Andrei Dmitriev, Aleksandr Feduta and Sergei Vozniak, as well as Young Front deputy chairperson Anastasia Polozhanka. The accusation presented by him had a clear and imminent political motivation and it was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. It was based on an incorrect classification of the events of 19 December 2010, and not sustained by evidence, proof or testimonies of witnesses.


Kharyton, Aliaksandr Khariton, Aleksandr

ХАРЫТОН, Аляксандр

ХАРИТОН, Александр


220004, г.Минск, ул. Коллекторная, 10 Министерство юстиции

(10 Kollektornaya str.)


Senior Consultant of the Division of Social Organisations, Parties and NGOs of the Ministry of Justice. He has taken an active part in the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition since 2001, by personally refusing to register NGOs and political parties, which in many cases has lead to their abolition.


Kisialiou, Anatol Siamionavich

Kiselev, Anatoli Semenovich

(Kiselyov, Anatoli Semyonovich)

КИСЯЛЕЎ, Анатоль Сяменавiч

КИСЕЛЕВ, Анатолий Семенович


Брестский областной комитет профсоюза работников государственных учреждений

224005, г. Брест,

ул. К. Маркса, 19

Former Head of the Regional Election Commission of the Brest region for the presidential election of 2010. Head of the Regional Election Commission of the Brest region for the local elections in March 2014. Head of the pro-regime regional trade union organisation. As Chairman of a Regional Electoral Commission, he was responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the presidential elections on 19 December 2010 and for falsifications in the local elections of March 2014 in the Brest region.


Kornau, Uladzimir Uladzimiravich

Kornov, Vladimir Vladimirovich

КОРНАЎ, Уладзiмiр Уладзiмiравiч

КОРНОВ, Владимир Владимирович


Суд Советского района г. Минска

220113, г. Минск, Логойский тракт, 3

Head of the Sovetski District Court of Minsk, former judge at the City Court of Minsk who authorised the rejection of Byalyatski's appeal. Byalyatski was active in defending and providing assistance to those who suffered from repression in relation to the 19 December 2010 elections and the crackdown on civil society and on the democratic opposition.


Korzh, Ivan Aliakseevich

Korzh, Ivan Alekseevich

КОРЖ, Iван Аляксеевiч

КОРЖ, Иван Алексеевич


KGB Training Centre Бядули 2, 220034, Минск

Major General, appointed as the Head of the KGB Training Center, former Head of the KGB of the Region of Hrodna. Responsible for the repressive activity of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition in the region of Hrodna.


Kryshtapovich, Leu Eustafievich

(Kryshtapovich, Leu Yeustafievich)

Krishtapovich, Lev Evstafievich

(Krishtapovich, Lev Yevstafievich)

КРЫШТАПОВIЧ, Леў Еўстафьевiч

КРИШТАПОВИЧ, Лев Евстафьевич

DOB: 1949

POB: Pekalin, Smolevichi district, Minsk region


Научно-исследовательский отдел Белорусского государственного университета культуры


Head of the Scientific Research Department of the State Culture and Arts University (since September 2014). Former Deputy Director of the Information and Analytical Centre of the President's Administration which acts as one of the main sources of state propaganda, supporting and justifying the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society.


Kuliashou, Anatol Nilavich

Kuleshov, Anatoli Nilovich

КУЛЯШОЎ, Анатоль Нiлавiч

КУЛЕШОВ, Анатолий Нилович

DOB: 25.7.1959

POB: Ali-Bairamly, Azerbaijan

ID: 3250759A066PB3


220030 Minsk, K. Marx st. 3

Advisor in the Department for the fight against organised crime, terrorism and drugs, cooperation in the area of safety and new challenges and threats of the CIS Executive Committee. Has been actively involved in the repression of civil society in Belarus. In his former role as Minister of Interior he commanded the troops of the Ministry of Interior that brutally repressed the peaceful demonstrations on 19 December 2010 and showed some pride for this responsibility. Assigned to the army reserve forces in January 2012.


Kuzniatsou, Ihar Nikonavich

Kuznetsov, Igor Nikonovich

КУЗНЯЦОЎ, Irap Нiконaвiч

КУЗНЕЦОВ, Игорь Никонович


Major General, former Head of KGB Training Centre, former Head of the KGB in the Minsk region and in Minsk city, sent to the reserve forces. As the person responsible for preparing and training KGB staff, he was responsible for the repressive activity of the KGB against civil society and the democratic opposition. In relation to his previous functions, he was responsible for the same repressive activity of the KGB in Minsk city and in the region of Minsk.


Laptsionak, Ihar Mikalaevich

Laptionok, Igor Nikolaevich

ЛАПЦЕНАК, Irap Мiкалаевiч

ЛАПТЕНОК, Игорь Николаевич

DOB: 31.8.1947,

POB: Minsk


220034, г. Минск, ул. Фрунзе, 5

Member of the Board of the pro-regime Union of Writers. Responsible for organising and implementing the dissemination of falsified information through the state-controlled media. As former Deputy Minister of Information, he played a major role in promoting state propaganda which supports and justifies the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society. Democratic opposition and civil society have been systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified and untrue information.


Lazavik, Mikalai Ivanavich Lozovik, Nikolai Ivanovich

ЛАЗАВIК, Мiкалай Iванавiч

ЛОЗОВИК, Николай Иванович

DOB: 18.1.1951

Nevinyany, Minsk region (Невинянн Вилейского р-на Минской обл)

ID: 3180151H004PB2


220010, г.Минск, ул.Советская, 11

Secretary of the Central Election Commission of Belarus.

Since 2000 he has been one of the main actors involved in the falsifications in fraudulent elections and referenda, in particular in 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014.


Lemiashonak, Anatol Ivanavich

Lemeshenok, Anatoli Ivanovich

ЛЕМЯШОНАК, Анатоль Iванавiч

ЛЕМЕШЕНОК, Анатолий Иванович

DOB: 14.5.1947


220013, г. Минск, ул. Б. Хмельницкого 10а

President of the pro-regime Belarusian Union of Journalists. Editor-in-Chief of ‘Respublika’, newspaper of the Council of Ministers. In his position he is one of the most vocal and influential members of the state propaganda machine in the printed press. He has supported and justified the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society, which are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information, particularly after the presidential elections in 2010.


Liushtyk, Siarhei Anatolievich

(Lyushtyk, Siarhey Anatolyevich)

Liushtyk, Sergei Anatolievich

(Lyushtyk, Sergey Anatolyevich)

ЛЮШТЫК, Сяргей Анатольевiч

ЛЮШТЫК, Сергей Анатольевич


Суд Первомайского района г. Минска

220012, г. Минск, ул. Толбухина, 9

Judge at Pervomaiski District Court of Minsk. In 2010-2011 he fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2011.7.14, Struy Vitali, 10 daily base units (35 000  BLR); b) 2011.7.4, Shalamitski Paval, 10 days in prison; c) 2010.12.20, Sikirytskaya Tatsyana, 10 days in prison; d) 2010.12.20, Dranchuk Yuliya, 13 days in prison; e) 2010.12.20, Lapko Mikalay, 12 days in prison; f) 2010.12.20, Pramatoraw Vadzim,12 days in prison.

Repeatedly imposed prison terms and large fines against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, he was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus. On 24 July 2012, even after his inclusion in the sanction list, he fined for malicious hooliganism opposition activist, Andrej Molchan, who had been severely beaten by two policemen.


Lomats, Zianon Kuzmich

Lomat, Zenon Kuzmich

ЛОМАЦЬ, Зянон Кузьмiч

ЛОМАТЬ, Зенон Кузьмич

DOB: 27.1.1944, Karabani, Minsk region

Has actively undermined democracy in Belarus. In his former role as President of the State Control Committee (until 28 December 2010) he was one of the main persons involved in the case of Ales Byalyatski, one of the most prominent human rights defenders, Chief of the Belarusian Human Rights Centre ‘Vyasna’, Vice President of FIDH. A. Byalyatski was active in defending and providing assistance to those who suffered from repression in relation to the 19 December 2010 elections and the crackdown on civil society and on the democratic opposition.


Lapatka, Aliaksandr Aliaksandravich

(Lapatka, Aliaxandr Aliaxandravich)

Lopatko, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich

(Lopatko, Alexandr Alexandrovich)

ЛОПАТКО Александр Александрович

ЛАПАТКА Аляксандр Аляксандровіч


Исправительная колония № 9

213410, г. Горки, ул. Добролюбова, 16

Head of penal colony IK-9 in Horki, responsible for inhumane treatment of D. Dashkevich, including tortures and denial of access to legal representatives. Lopatko had a key position in the penal colony where Dashekevich was held and where psychological pressure, including denial of sleep and isolation, was applied to political prisoners including Mr Dashekevich.


Lukashenka, Aliaksandr Ryhoravich Lukashenko, Aleksandr Grigorievich

ЛУКАШЭНКА, Аляксандр Pыгopaвiч

ЛУКАШЕНКО, Александр Григорьевич

DOB: 30.8.1954

POB: Kopys, Vitebsk district


Резиденция Президента Республики Беларусь

г. Минск, ул.Кирова, д. 43

President of the Republic of Belarus.


Lukashenka, Viktar Aliaksandravich

Lukashenko, Viktor Aleksandrovich

ЛУКАШЭНКА, Biктap Аляксандравiч

ЛУКАШЕНКО, Виктор Александрович

DOB: 28.11.1975


Администрация президента Республики Беларусь

220016, Минск, Маркса 38

Assistant/Aid to the President in National Security Affairs. In May 2013, appointed co-supervisor of the Belarusian-Russian Commission on Potash Exports by his father. As one of his closest collaborators, he has played a key role in the repressive measures implemented against the democratic opposition and civil society. As a key member of the State Security Council, he was responsible for the coordination of repressive measures against the democratic opposition and civil society, in particular in the crackdown of the demonstration on 19 December 2010.


Lukomski, Aliaksandr Valiantsinavich Lukomski, Aleksandr Valentinovich

ЛУКОМСКI, Аляксандр Валянцiнавiч

ЛУКОМСКИЙ, Александр Валентинович

DOB: 12.8.1971

ID: 3120871A074PB7

Commander of the Special Regiment of the Ministry of Interior of the City of Minsk.

He commanded the troops that repressed a peaceful demonstration on 19 December 2010, for which he received an award and an acknowledgement letter from President Lukashenka in February 2011. In June 2011, he also commanded troops that repressed peaceful citizens in Minsk. On 7 May 2014, the regiment under his command received a special recognition flag from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Makei, Uladzimir Uladzimiravich

(Makey, Uladzimir Uladzimiravich)

Makei, Vladimir Vladimirovich

(Makey, Vladimir Vladimirovich)

МАКЕЙ, Уладзiмiр Уладзiмiравiч

МАКЕЙ, Владимир Владимирович

DOB: 5.8.1958,

Hrodna region

ID: 3050858A060PB5


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

ул.Ленина, 19, Минск 220030

Minister for Foreign Affairs, former Head of the President's Administration.

As Head of the President's Administration, he was considered to be the second most powerful person in the regime and, as such, was responsible for organising fraudulent elections in 2008 and 2010 and for the subsequent repression of peaceful demonstrators.


Maslakou, Valery Anatolievich

Maslakov, Valeri Anatolievich

МАСЛАКОЎ, Валерый Анатольевiч

МАСЛАКОВ, Валерий Анатольевич


КГБ 210623, г. Минск, проспект Независимости, 17

Head of the KGB Board of military counter-intelligence. Responsible for the repressive activity of the KGB against civil society and the democratic opposition.


Miklashevich, Piotr Piatrovich Miklashevich, Petr Petrovich

МIКЛАШЭВIЧ, Пётр Пятровiч

МИКЛАШЕВИЧ, Петр Петрович

DOB: 18.10.1954

POB: Kosuta, Minsk region


ul. Gvardeiskaya, 16-17

Head of the Constitutional Court and former Prosecutor General who has been active in the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition. In his previous capacity, he was one of the main persons involved in the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society from 2004 to 2008. Since his appointment to the Constitutional Court in 2008, he has faithfully implemented the repressive policies of the regime and has validated repressive laws even when they violated the constitution.


Morozau, Viktar Mikalaevich

Morozov, Viktor Nikolaevich

МАРОЗАЎ, Biктap Мiкалаевiч

МОРОЗОВ, Виктор Николаевич


Прокуратурa Гродненской области

г.Гродно, 230012, ул.Доватора, 2а

Prosecutor of the region of Hrodna. Responsible for the repression of civil society following the December 2010 elections.


Motyl, Tatsiana Iaraslavauna

(Motyl, Tatsiana Yaraslavauna)

Motyl, Tatiana Iaroslavovna (Motyl, Tatyana Yaroslavovna)

МОТЫЛЬ, Таццяна Яраславаўна

МОТЫЛЬ, Татьяна Ярославовна


Суд Московского района г. Минска

220042, г. Минск, Проспект газеты ‘Правда’, 27

Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

She was directly involved in the judicial repression of peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 10 January 2011, she sentenced Young Front activist, Yulian Misiukevich, to 12 days in jail and, on 21 January 2011 and 31 January 2011 respectively, she sentenced political activist, Usevalad Shasharin, and civil society activist, Tsimafei Atranschankau, each to 9 days in jail.

She also sentenced on 27 December 2010 and 20 January 2011 respectively human rights defender, Mikhail Matskevich, to 10 days in jail and civil society activist, Valer Siadou, to 12 days in jail for their participation in an action in support of political prisoners. She was also directly involved in the judicial repression of civil society activists in 2011. On 4 and 7 July 2011, she sentenced Anton Glinisty and Andrei Ignatchyk to 10 days in jail. She has also been directly involved in the judicial repression of political activists in 2012.

On 22 February 2012, she sentenced the prominent political activist, Pavel Vinagradau, to 10 days in jail, on whom she also imposed, on 10 April 2012, a preventive police supervision for two years. On 23 March 2012, she sentenced political activists Mikhas Kostka and Anastasia Shuleika of ‘Revolution through social networks’ to 5 days in jail.

On 21 April 2012, she sentenced the latter again to 10 days in jail.

On 24, 25 and 26 May 2012, she sentenced Young Front activists, Uladzimir Yaromenak, Zmitser Kremenetski and Raman Vasiliev to 10, 10 and 12 days in jail respectively.

On 22 June 2012, she sentenced the Euroradio journalist, Paval Sverdlou, to 15 days in jail. On 18 July 2012, she sentenced the activist Katsiarina Halitskaya to 10 days in jail. On 8 and 9 November 2012, she sentenced again Young Front activists, Uladzimir Yaromenak and Raman Vasiliev to 15 days in jail. On 7 May 2013, she sentenced the acitivst Aliaksandr Yarashevich to 12 days in jail. Her way of conducting the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused. On 6 August 2014 she sentenced activist Oleg Korol to 10 days of administrative detention without giving him a chance to speak in court; instead she stated: ‘I know that you admit your guilt’.


Navumau, Uladzimir Uladzimiravich

Naumov, Vladimir Vladimirovich

НАВУМАЎ, Уладзiмiр Уладзiмiравiч

НАУМОВ, Владимир Владимирович

DOB: 7.2.1956,

POB: Smolensk (Russia)

Failed to take action to investigate the case of the unresolved disappearances of Yuri Zakharenko, Viktor Gonchar, Anatoly Krasovski and Dmitri Zavadski in Belarus in 1999-2000. Former Minister of Interior and also former Head of the President's Security Service. As a Minister of Interior he was responsible for the repression over the peaceful demonstrations until his retirement on 6 April 2009 for health reasons.

Received a residence in the Drozdy nomenklatura district in Minsk from the Presidential Administration. In October 2014, was awarded ithe Order ‘For Merit’ III degree by President Lukashenka.


Padabed, Iury Mikalaevich

(Padabed, Yury Mikalaevich)

Podobed, Iuri Nikolaevich

(Podobed, Yuri Nikolaevich)

ПАДАБЕД, Юрый Мiкалаевiч

ПОДОБЕД, Юрий Николаевич

DOB: 5.3.1962,

POB: Slutsk (Minsk Region)


ul. Beruta, 15-62 (2 korp)

ID: 3050362A050PB2

Passport: MP2272582

Head of the security service of the holding company Triple of Yuri Chizh, former Head of the Unit for Special Purposes, Ministry of Interior. As a commander of internal anti-riot troops he was directly responsible for and was directly involved in the violent repression of peaceful demonstrations, notably in 2004 and 2008.


Piakarski, Aleh Anatolievich

Pekarski, Oleg Anatolievich

ПЯКАРСКI, Алег Анатольевiч

ПЕКАРСКИЙ, Олег Анатольевич

ID: 3130564A041PB9

Has been actively involved in the repression of civil society in Belarus. As former first Deputy Minister of Interior (until December 2012), he was responsible for the repression of civil society following the December 2010 elections. Colonel in the reserve forces.


Praliaskouski, Aleh Vitoldavich Proleskovski, Oleg Vitoldovich (Proleskovsky, Oleg Vitoldovich)

ПРАЛЯСКОЎСКI, Алег Вiтольдавiч

ПРОЛЕСКОВСКИЙ, Олег Витольдович

DOB: 1.10.1963

POB: Zagorsk

(Sergijev Posad/ Russia)

Former Minister of Information (left office in June 2014), former Deputy Head of the President's Administration, former Head of the General Directorate for Ideology in the President's Administration, former Director of the Centre of Analysis and Information of the President's Administration.

He has been one of the main sources and voices of state propaganda and ideological support for the regime. He has been promoted to the position of Minister, and has since continued to be a vocal propagandist and supporter of the acts of the regime towards the democratic opposition and civil society.


Radzkou, Aliaksandr Mikhailavich

Radkov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich

РАДЗЬКОЎ, Аляксандр Мiхайлавiч

РАДЬКОВ, Александр Михайлович

DOB: 1.7.1951

POB: Votnia, Mohilev region

ID: 3010751M102PB0

Former Adviser to President Lukashenka (since 18 May 2015), former First Deputy Head of the President's Administration, former Minister of Education.

He closed down the European Humanity University, ordered the repression of opposition students, and organised students in order to force them to vote for the regime. He played an active role in organising fraudulent elections in 2008, 2010 and 2012, and in the subsequent repression of peaceful demonstrators in 2008 and 2010. He is very close to President Lukashenka. He is the Head of Belaya Rus, the main ideological and political organisation of the regime.


Rusak, Viktar Uladzimiravich

Rusak, Viktor Vladimirovich

РУСАК, Вiктар Уладзiмiравiч

РУСАК, Виктор Владимирович

DOB: 4.5.1955

POB: Minsk


Палата представителей Национального собрания Республики Беларусь

220010, Республика Беларусь, г. Минск, ул. Советская, 11

Member of the Lower Chamber of the Parliament, Deputy Chairman of Standing Committee on National security, Deputy Head of the Committee on National Security. Former Head of the KGB Board on Economic Security.

He was responsible for the repressive activity of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition.


Saikouski Valeri Yosifavich

Saikovski Valeri Yosifovich

САЙКОЎСКI, Валерый Iосiфавiч

САЙКОВСКИЙ, Валерий Иосифович

DOB: 1977


220035 Minsk, ul. Saperov. 7

Appointed Deputy Head of Minsk Division of the Investigation Committee in January 2012. As Public Prosecutor of the Pervomaiski District of Minsk, he dealt with the trial of Ales Byalyatski, one of the most prominent human rights defenders, Chief of the Belarusian HR Centre ‘Vyasna’, Vice President of FIDH. The accusation presented by the prosecutor in the trial had a clear and imminent political motivation and was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Byalyatski was active in defending and providing assistance to those who suffered from repression in relation to the 19 December 2010 elections and the crackdown on civil society and on the democratic opposition.


Sauko, Valery Iosifavich

Savko, Valeri Iosifovich

САЎКО, Валерый Iосiфавiч

САВКО, Валерий Иосифович


230023 Hrodna,

vul. Ozheshko, 1

Head of the Hrodna branch of the pro-regime trade union. Former Head of Regional Election Commission (REC) of Hrodna Region for the presidential election of 2010 and the local elections of March 2014. As Chairman of a Regional Electoral Commission, he was responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the residential elections on 19 December 2010, and for the falsifications in the local elections of March 2014 in the Hrodna region.


Shaeu, Valiantsin Piatrovich

(Shayeu, Valyantsin Piatrovich)

Shaev, Valentin Petrovich (Shayev, Valentin Petrovich)

ШАЕЎ Валянцiн Пятровiч

ШАЕВ, Валентин Петрович


220034 Minsk, vul. Frunze, 19

Member of the Security Council, Head of the Investigation Committee, former Deputy Head of the Investigation Committee, former Prosecutor of the region of Homel. Responsible for the repression of civil society following the December 2010 elections.


Shahrai, Ryta Piatrouna

Shagrai, Rita Petrovna

ШАГРАЙ, Рнта Пятроўна

ШАГРАЙ, Рита Петровна


Суд Заводского района г. Минска

220107, г. Минск, пр. Партизанский, 75А

President of the Zavodskoy District court of the city of Minsk (since 2014), former Deputy President at the Partizanski District court of the city of Minsk, former judge at the Oktiabrski District Court of the city of Minsk.

She was directly involved in the judicial repression of peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activists, Ales Sobal, Maksim Hrishel and Kastantsin Chufistau, to 10 days in jail, and Siarhei Kardymon to 15 days in jail. On 7 July 2011, she sentenced the activist Artur Zauharodny to 13 days in jail. On 12 October 2012 she sentenced the activists Aleh Korban and Uladzimir Siarheeu to 5 days in jail. Her way of conducting the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Shamionau Vadzim Iharavich Shamenov Vadim Igorevich (Shamyonov Vadim Igorevich)

ШАМЁНАЎ, Вадзiм Iгаравiч

ШАМЁНОВ, Вадим Игоревич


Исправительная колония № 17

213004, г. Шклов, ул. 1-я Заводская д. 8

Captain, head of operative unit of penal colony IK-17 in Shklov. Exerted pressure on political prisoners, denying their right to correspondence, and made threats in order to extort confessions. Directly responsible for violating the human rights of political prisoners and opposition activists by the use of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment. His actions constituted a direct violation of the international commitments of Belarus in the field of human rights.


Sheiman, Viktar Uladzimiravich (Sheyman, Viktar Uladzimiravich) Sheiman, Viktor Vladimirovich (Sheyman, Viktor Vladimirovich)

ШЭЙМАН, Biктap Уладзiмiравiч

ШЕЙМАН, Виктор Владимирович

DOB: 26.5.1958,

POB: Hrodna region


Управлениe Делами Президента

ул. К.Маркса, 38

220016, г. Минск

Head of the Management Department of the President's Administration. Responsible for the unresolved disappearances of Yuri Zakharenko, Viktor Gonchar, Anatoly Krasovski and Dmitri Zavadski in Belarus in 1999-2000. Former Secretary of the Security Council. Sheiman remains a Special Assistant/Aid to the President.


Shastakou, Iury Valerievich

(Shastakou, Yury Valerievich)

Shestakov, Iuri Valerievich

(Shestakov, Yuri Valerievich)

ШАСТАКОЎ, Юрый Валер'евiч

ШЕСТАКОВ, Юрий Валерьевич


Суд Московского района г. Минска

220042, г. Минск, Проспект газеты ‘Правда’, 27

Judge and Deputy President at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

He was directly involved in the judicial repression of peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 and 27 December 2010, he sentenced civil society activists Illya Vasilievich, Nadzeya Chayukhova, Tatsiana Radzetskaya, Siarhei Kanapatski and Volha Damarad to 10 days in jail. On 20 December 2011 he sentenced the activist Siarhei Kanapatski for the commemoration of the repression on 19 December 2010. His way of conducting the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. He sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Shuhaeu, Siarhei Mikhailavich

(Shuhayeu, Siarhei Mikhailavich)

Shugaev, Sergei Mikhailovich

(Shugayev, Sergey Mikhailovich)

ШУГАЕЎ, Сяргей Михайлaвiч

ШУГАЕВ, Сергей Михайлович


КГБ 210623, г. Минск, проспект Независимости, 17

Head of the KGB Counter-Intelligence Division and former Deputy Head of the KGB Counter-Intelligence Board. Responsible for the repressive activity of the KGB against civil society and the democratic opposition.


Shykarou, Uladzislau Aleksandravich

Shikarov, Vladislav Aleksandrovich

ШЫКАРОЎ, Уладiзлаў Александравiч

ШИКАРОВ, Владислав Александрович


Суд Железнодорожного района города Витебска

210001, г. Витебск, ул. Кирова,16

Judge of the Zheleznodorozhny District Court of Vitebsk. He sentenced several protesters during the appeal trial, despite the fact that they were not found guilty by the Court of First Instance. Responsible for implementing the politically-motivated administrative and criminal sanctions against representatives of civil society, including the political activist Siarhei Kavalenka.


Siankevich, Eduard Aliaksandravich

Senkevich, Eduard Aleksandrovich

СЯНЬКЕВIЧ, Эдуард Аляксандравiч

СЕНЬКЕВИЧ, Эдуард Александрович

DOB: 15.4.1952

POB: Slonim, Hrodna region


Палата представителей Национального собрания Республики Беларусь

220010, Республика Беларусь, г. Минск, ул. Советская, 11

Member of the Lower Chamber of the Parliament, Deputy Head of the Permanent Comittee on Law, former Prosecutor of the region of Mohilev. Responsible for the repression of civil society following the December 2010 elections.


Siarheenka, Ihar Piatrovich

Sergeenko, Igor Petrovich

(Sergeyenko, Igor Petrovich)

СЯРГЕЕНКА, Iгар Пятровiч

СЕРГЕЕНКО, Игорь Петрович

DOB: 14.1.1963

POB: Stolitsa, Vitebsk region


КГБ 210623, г. Минск, проспект Независимости, 17

First Deputy Head of the KGB, former Head of the KGB of the Mohilev region. Responsible for the repressive activity of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition in the region of Mohilev and in Belarus.


Sirenka, Viktar Ivanavich

Sirenko, Viktor Ivanovich

CIРЭНКА, Biктap Iванавiч

СИРЕНКО, Виктор Иванович

DOB: 4.3.1962

POB: Borisov, Minsk region

ID: 3040362B062PB7

Passport number: MP2249974 (issued on 30.3.2007)


ул. Лобанка, 81, кв. 19, 220000, г. Минск

Deputy Governor of the Minsk region (since January 2015), former Head of the Committee for Health Care of Minsk City and former Chief Surgeon of the Minsk Emergency Hospital. He did not oppose the kidnapping of the presidential candidate, Nekliayev, who was transported to his hospital after being severely beaten on 19 December 2010 and, by failing to call the police, cooperated with the unknown perpetrators. Such inaction led him to be promoted. As Head of the Committee for Health Care of Minsk City he was responsible for supervising use of labour-sanitory institutions in the suppression of human rights.


Slizheuski, Aleh Leanidavich

Slizhevski, Oleg Leonidovich

СЛIЖЭЎСКI, Алег Леанідавіч

СЛИЖЕВСКИЙ, Олег Леонидович

DOB: 16.8.1972

POB: Hrodna


220004, г.Минск, ул. Коллекторная, 10 Министерство юстиции

(10 Kollektornaya str.) 220004 Minsk


Minister of Justice, Member of the Central Election Commission (CEC) and former Head of Division of Social organisations and political parties in the Ministry of Justice. As a Member of the CEC, he was responsible for the violations of international electoral standards which have occurred in elections since 2007. With his positions in the Ministry of Justice and the control he exercises over the judiciary, he has taken an active part in the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition, by refusing registration of NGOs and political parties, which in many cases has lead to their abolition.


Smalenski, Mikalai Zinouevich

Smolenski, Nikolai Zinovievich

СМАЛЕНСКI, Мiкалай 3iноўeвiч

СМОЛЕНСКИЙ, Николай Зиновьевич


Deputy Head of CIS Anti-terrorism Centre and former Deputy Head of the KGB, in charge of staff and the organisation of their tasks. Responsible for the repressive activity of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition.


Talstashou, Aliaksandr Alehavich

Tolstashov, Aleksandr Olegovich

ТАЛСТАШОЎ, Аляксандр Алегавiч

ТОЛСТАШОВ, Александр Олегович


КГБ 210623, г. Минск, проспект Независимости, 17

Head of the KGB Board on Protection of the Constitutional Order and Fight Against Terrorism.

Responsible for the repressive activity of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition.


Traulka Pavel

Traulko Pavel




220034, г. Минск, ул. Фрунзе, 5

Lieutenant Colonel, former operative of the military counter-intelligence of the KGB (currently head of the press service of the Investigative Committee of Belarus). He falsified evidence and used threats in order to extort confessions from opposition activists in the KGB detention centre in Minsk after the crackdown on the post-election protest demonstration in Minsk on 19 December 2010. He was directly responsible for the use of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment and for denying the right to a fair trial. His actions constituted a direct violation of the international commitments of Belarus in the field of human rights.


Trutka, Iury Igorevich

(Trutka, Yury Igorevich)

Trutko, Iury (Yurij, Yuri) Igorevich

ТРУТКA, Юрый Iгаравич

ТРУТКО, Юрий Игоревич


Исправительная колония № 2

213800, г. Бобруйск, ул. Сикорского, 1

Ul. Sikorskogo 1

213800 Bobruisk

Deputy Head of penal colony IK-2 in Bobruisk, responsible for inhumane and cruel treatment of political prisoners A. Sannikau and A. Beliatski in penal colony IK-2 in Bobruisk. Opposition activists were tortured, denied access to legal representation and placed in the solitary confinement in the penal colony under his supervision. Trutko put pressure on A. Beliatski and A. Sannikau in order to force them to sign an appeal for pardon.


Tsertsel, Ivan Stanislavavich

Tertel, Ivan Stanislavovich

ЦЕРЦЕЛЬ, Iван Станiслававiч

ТЕРТЕЛЬ, Иван Станиславович


КГБ 210623, г. Минск, проспект Независимости, 17

Deputy Head of the KGB, in charge of economic crime and the fight against corruption.

Responsible for the repressive activity of the KGB against civil society and the democratic opposition.


Tushynski Ihar Heraninavich

Tushinski Igor Geroninovich

ТУШЫНСКИЙ, Irap Геранiнавiч

ТУШИНСКИЙ, Игорь Геронинович


220004, г. Минск, ул. Коллекторная, 10 Министерство юстиции

(10 Kollektornaya str.) 220004 Minsk


Deputy Minister of Justice in charge of legal support to the institutions that draft legislative and regulatory acts on economic issues and in charge of the registration of legal entities.

Responsible for the role and the action of the Belarusian Ministry of Justice and of the judiciary, which are major instruments of repression of the population, by imposing state propaganda in the judiciary, which provokes, and justifies the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society, by denying or depriving registration for NGOs and political parties.


Utsiuryn, Andrei Aliaksandravich

(Utsiuryn, Andrey Aliaksandravich; Utsyuryn, Andrei Aliaksandravich) Vtiurin, Andrei Aleksandrovich

(Vtiurin, Andrey Aleksandrovich; Vtyurin, Andrei Aleksandrovich)

УЦЮРЫН, Андрэй Аляксандравiч

ВТЮРИН, Андрей Александрович

DOB: 1971,

Penza (Russia)

Deputy Head of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus (since 2014).

Former Head of the Security Service of the President.

Under his supervision, several members of his service took part in interrogations of political activists after the demonstrations on 19 December 2010.


Vakulchyk, Valery Paulavich

Vakulchik, Valeri Pavlovich

ВАКУЛЬЧЫК, Валерый Паўлавiч

ВАКУЛЬЧИК, Валерий Павлович

DOB: 19.6.1964,

Brest region


КГБ 210623, г. Минск, проспект Независимости, 17

Head of the KGB, former Head of the Investigation Committee, former Chief of the Operational and Analytical Centre of the President's Administration, responsible for telecommunications, including monitoring, filtering, controlling and intervening different communication channels, for example the internet. As Head of the KGB, he is responsible for the repressive activity of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition.


Vehera, Viktar Paulavich

Vegera, Viktor Pavlovich

BEГEPA, Biктap Паўлавiч

ВЕГЕРА, Виктор Павлович


Former First Deputy Head of the KGB, in charge of counter-intelligence. Retired since 1 April 2013 and sent to reserve forces.

Responsible for the repressive activity of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition. He was the initiator of the case of the political prisoner Ales Byaliatski, one of the most prominent human rights defenders, Chief of the Belarusian Human Rights Centre ‘Vyasna’, Vice President of FIDH. A. Byalyatski was active in defending and providing assistance to those who suffered from repression in relation to the 19 December 2010 elections and the crackdown on civil society and on the democratic opposition.


Persons and entities referred to in Article 8(2)

A.   Persons


Alinikau Siarhei Aliaksandravich


Ananich, Liliia Stanislavauna


Arlau Aliaksey


Atabekau, Khazalbek Bakhtibekavich


Badak Ala Mikalaeuna


Bakhmatau, Ihar Andreevich


Bandarenka Siarhei Uladzimiravich


Barouski Aliaksandr Genadzevich


Barsukou, Aliaksandr Piatrovich


Barysionak, Anatol Uladzimiravich


Bazanau, Aliaksandr Viktaravich


Bileichyk, Aliaksandr Uladzimiravich


Bortnik, Siarhei Aliaksandrovich


Brysina, Zhanna Leanidauna


Bulash, Ala Biukbalauna


Bushchyk, Vasil Vasilievich


Busko, Ihar Iauhenavich


Bychko, Aliaksei Viktaravich


Charhinets, Mikalai Ivanavich


Charkas, Tatsiana Stanislavauna


Charnyshou, Aleh Anatolievich


Chatviartkova, Natallia Alexeeuna


Chubkavets Kiryl Chubkovets Kirill


Davydzka, Henadz Branislavavich


Dysko, Henadz Iosifavich


Dzemiantsei, Vasil Ivanavich


Dziadkou, Leanid Mikalaevich


Esman, Valery Aliaksandravich


Farmahei, Leanid Kanstantsinavich


Haidukevich Valery Uladzimiravich


Halavanau, Viktar Ryhoravich


Harbatouski, Yury Aliaksandravich


Herasimenka, Henadz Anatolievich


Herasimovich, Volha Ivanauna


Hermanovich, Siarhei Mikhailavich


Hihin, Vadzim Frantsavich


Hrachova, Liudmila Andreeuna


Hureeu Siarhei Viktaravich


Iakubovich, Pavel Izotavich


Iancheuski, Usevalad Viachaslavavich


Iarmoshyna, Lidziia Mikhailauna


Iaruta, Viktar Heorhevich


Iasianovich, Leanid Stanislavavich


Iauseev, Ihar Uladzimiravich


Ihnatovich-Mishneva, Liudmila


Ipatau, Vadzim Dzmitryevich


Ivanou, Siarhei


Kachanau Uladzimir Uladzimiravich


Kadzin, Raman Viktaravich


Kakunin, Aliaksandr Aliaksandravich


Kalach, Uladzimir Viktaravich


Kamarouskaya, Volha Paulauna


Kamisarau, Valery Mikalayevich


Kanapliou, Uladzimir Mikalaevich


Karovina, Natallia Uladzimirauna


Karpenka, Ihar Vasilievich


Katsuba, Sviatlana Piatrouna


Kavaliou, Aliaksandr Mikhailavich


Kazak, Viktar Uladzimiravich


Kazheunikau Andrey


Kaziiatka, Iury Vasilievich


Kharyton, Aliaksandr


Khatkevich, Iauhen Viktaravich


Khmaruk, Siargei Konstantinovich


Khrobastau, Uladzimir Ivanavich


Khrypach, Siarhei Fiodaravich


Khvainitskaya, Zhanna Anatolyeuna


Kisialiou, Anatol Siamionavich


Kochyk, Aliaksandr Vasilyevich


Kolas, Alena Piatrovna


Konan, Viktar Aliaksandravich


Kornau, Uladzimir Uladzimiravich


Korzh, Ivan Aliakseevich


Krasheuski, Viktar


Krasouskaya, Zinaida Uladzimirauna


Kryshtapovich, Leu Eustafievich


Kuklis, Mikalai Ivanovich


Kuliashou, Anatol Nilavich


Kuzniatsou, Ihar Nikonavich


Lapko, Maksim Fiodaravich


Lapo, Liudmila Ivanauna


Laptsionak, Ihar Mikalaevich


Lashyn, Aliaksandr Mikhailavich


Lazavik, Mikalai Ivanavich


Lemiashonak, Anatol Ivanavich


Liabedzik, Mikhail Piatrovich


Liaskouski, Ivan Anatolievich


Liushtyk, Siarhei Anatolievich


Lomats, Zianon Kuzmich


Lapatka, Aliaksandr Aliaksandravich


Lukashenka, Aliaksandr Ryhoravich


Lukashenka, Dzmitry Aliaksandravich


Lukashenka, Viktar Aliaksandravich


Lukomski, Aliaksandr Valiantsinavich


Lutau Dzmitry Mikhailavich


Makei, Uladzimir Uladzimiravich


Maladtsova, Tatsiana


Maslakou, Valery Anatolievich


Mazouka Anzhalika Mikhailauna


Mazouka, Kiryl Viktaravich


Miklashevich, Piotr Piatrovich


Mitrakhovich, Iryna Aliakseeuna


Morozau, Viktar Mikalaevich


Motyl, Tatsiana Iaraslavauna


Nazaranka, Vasil Andreyevich


Niakrasava, Alena Tsimafeeuna


Padabed, Iury Mikalaevich


Piakarski, Aleh Anatolievich


Praliaskouski, Aleh Vitoldavich


Pratasavitskaia, Natallia Uladzimirauna


Putsyla, Uladzimir Ryhoravich


Pykina, Natallia Mikhailauna


Radzkou, Aliaksandr Mikhailavich


Rakhmanava, Maryna Iurievna


Ravinskaia, Tatsiana Uladzimirauna


Rusak, Viktar Uladzimiravich


Rybakou, Aliaksei Vasilievich


Saikouski Valeri Yosifavich


Sanko Ivan Ivanavich


Sauko, Valery Iosifavich


Shaeu, Valiantsin Piatrovich


Shahrai, Ryta Piatrouna


Shamionau Vadzim Iharavich


Shastakou Maksim Aliaksandravich


Shchurok, Ivan Antonavich


Shastakou, Iury Valerievich


Shuhaeu, Siarhei Mikhailavich


Shved, Andrei Ivanavich


Shykarou, Uladzislau Aleksandravich


Shylko, Alena Mikalaeuna


Siankevich, Eduard Aliaksandravich


Siarheenka, Ihar Piatrovich


Simakhina, Liubou Siarheeuna


Simanau Aliaksandr Anatolievich


Simanouski Dmitri Valerevich


Sirenka, Viktar Ivanavich


Slizheuski, Aleh Leanidavich


Smalenski, Mikalai Zinouevich


Stsiapurka, Uladzimir Mikhailavich


Stuk, Aliaksei Kanstantsinavich


Sukharenka, Stsiapan Mikalaevich


Sukhau Dzmitri Viachaslavavich


Svistunova, Valiantsina Mikalaeuna


Talstashou, Aliaksandr Alehavich


Traulka Pavel


Trutka, Iury Igorevich


Tsertsel, Ivan Stanislavavich


Tupik, Vera Mikhailauna


Tushynski Ihar Heraninavich


Unukevich, Tamara Vasileuna


Utsiuryn, Andrei Aliaksandravich


Vakulchyk, Valery Paulavich


Valchkova, Maryiana Leanidauna


Vasilevich, Ryhor Aliakseevich


Vehera, Viktar Paulavich


Volkau, Siarhei Mikhailavich


Yakunchykhin, Aliaksandr Anatolyevich


Yarmalitski, Siarhei Uladzimiravich


Zaharouski, Anton Uladzimiravich


Zaitsau, Vadzim Iurievich


Zaitsava, Viktoryia Henadzeuna


Zakharau, Aliaksei Ivanavich


Zapasnik, Maryna Sviataslavauna


Zhadobin, Iury Viktaravich


Zhuk, Alena Siamionauna


Zhuk, Dzmitry Aliaksandravich


Zhukouskaia, Zhanna Aliakseeuna


Zhukouski, Siarhei Kanstantsinavich


Zimouski Aliaksandr Leanidavich


Volkau, Vitaliy Mikalaevic

B.   Entities




Beltech Holding

